Merge changes from topic "am-1b27ce2a609945c2b46aba3bb47fd42c" into rvc-d1-dev-plus-aosp

* changes:
  Add API to obtain certificates in source stamp signer's lineage am: 5983b339ae am: 8a448eaf9d
  Obtain the V1 signing certificate during stamp verification am: 7515f8919e am: 8e1663fe35
  Create lineage for source stamps am: 37ec54b324 am: b43d3d279d
  Verify source stamp lineage am: 211faf0d42 am: 7f649078a5
  Supporting V3 cert rotation logic in V4. am: 6956cda737 am: 5754e8149a
  Ignoring more exceptions in "ignore error" mode. am: 52c11ad593 am: 0ab5f001be
  Add stamp attributes to source stamp signing block am: 75a0246582 am: 2850421bca
  Accept lineage for source stamps in signer am: 271820bebc am: 5a637946aa
  Code cleanup based on static analysis am: 069429b191 am: eb328c92cd
  Create lightweight utils and source stamp verifier am: c088f66022 am: 6310e7e515
  Code cleanup based on latest static analysis report am: e00c1779d4 am: 8330255406
  Add API to ApkUtils to obtain APK's versionCode am: 343ceae3e9 am: 643a98c20e
  Restore internal constants used by clients am: 4430b29acd am: 235ad03cbc
  Add API to verify source stamp signature am: 92825ed1cc am: 012dd6c5d2
  Stamp refactorings am: 9f0e49e0a5 am: 36d1908677