blob: ce214d3186ccc1e1e035180c113f1c8f902793e3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/** Lookup from key class names to well known artifacts */
object MavenClassRegistry {
* Given a simple class name, return the likely groupid:artifactid for the
* artifact containing that class.
* This implementation only returns results for a few important classes, not an exhaustive search
* from a full index.
* NOTE: This library should be returning the pre-AndroidX library names when applicable; the caller is
* responsible for mapping this to the corresponding AndroidX library artifact if the project is
* using it. (The reason for this is practical: we have an artifact map to map forwards, not backwards.)
fun findArtifact(className: String): String? {
return findArtifactData(className)?.artifact
fun findImport(className: String): String? {
val data = findArtifactData(className) ?: return null
return "${data.import}.$className"
private data class Library(val artifact: String, val import: String)
private fun findArtifactData(className: String): Library? {
val index = className.lastIndexOf('.')
val symbol = if (index == -1) {
} else {
className.substring(index + 1)
return when (symbol) {
"NonNull" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.annotation
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"LinearLayoutManager" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.recyclerview.widget
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"DiffUtil" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.recyclerview.widget
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"NavController" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "android.arch.navigation:navigation-runtime", import = "androidx.navigation")
"NavHostFragment" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "android.arch.navigation:navigation-fragment", import = "androidx.navigation.fragment")
"TextClassifier" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "androidx.textclassifier")
"PrintHelper" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.print
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"CoordinatorLayout" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"MediaPlayer" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "androidx.media2.player")
"ExoPlayerFactory" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"AsyncTaskLoader" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.loader.content
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"DrawerLayout" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.drawerlayout.widget
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"SupportSQLiteDatabase" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.sqlite.db
Library(artifact = "android.arch.persistence:db", import = "android.arch.persistence.db")
"Palette" ->
// In AndroidX this is
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"WebViewCompat" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "androidx.webkit")
"Transition" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.transition
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"VersionedParcelable" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "androidx.versionedparcelable")
"ViewPager" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.viewpager.widget
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"ViewPager2" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2", import = "androidx.viewpager2.widget")
"SwipeRefreshLayout" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.swiperefreshlayout.widget
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"MediaRouter" ->
// In AndroidX this is "
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"MediaRouteActionProvider" ->
// In AndroidX this is
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"BiometricFragment" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "androidx.biometric:biometric", import = "androidx.biometric")
"HeifEncoder" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "androidx.heifwriter")
"ExifInterface" ->
// In AndroidX this is
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"PagedListAdapter" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.paging
Library(artifact = "android.arch.paging:runtime", import = "android.arch.paging")
"VectorDrawableCompat" ->
// In AndroidX this is
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"PathInterpolatorCompat" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.core.view.animation
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat" ->
// In AndroidX this is
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"StorageStrategy" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "androidx.recyclerview.selection")
"ComputableLiveData" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.lifecycle
Library(artifact = "android.arch.lifecycle:livedata", import = "android.arch.lifecycle")
"ViewModelProviders" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.lifecycle
Library(artifact = "android.arch.lifecycle:extensions", import = "android.arch.lifecycle")
"ViewModelProvider" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.lifecycle
Library(artifact = "android.arch.lifecycle:viewmodel", import = "android.arch.lifecycle")
"Lifecycle" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.lifecycle
Library(artifact = "android.arch.lifecycle:common", import = "android.arch.lifecycle")
"ProcessLifecycleOwner" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.lifecycle
Library(artifact = "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-process", import = "android.arch.lifecycle")
"ConstraintLayout" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.constraintlayout.widget
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"MotionLayout" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "androidx.constraintlayout.motion.widget.MotionLayout")
"LocalBroadcastManager" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.localbroadcastmanager.content
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"ContentRecommendation" ->
// In AndroidX this is
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"PreferenceViewHolder" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.preference
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"AppCompatActivity" ->
// In AndroidX this is
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"Toolbar" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.appcompat.widget
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"WorkRequest" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"RxWorker" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"CoroutineWorker" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"CardView" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.cardview.widget
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"ContentPager" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.contentpager.content
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"CursorFilter" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.cursoradapter.widget
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"TreeDocumentFile" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.documentfile.provider
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FontRequestEmojiCompatConfig" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.emoji.text
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"EmojiTextView" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.emoji.widget
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FragmentTransaction" ->
// In AndroidX this is
Library(artifact = "androidx.fragment:fragment", import = "")
"GridLayout" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.gridlayout.widget
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"LookupTableInterpolator" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.interpolator.view.animation
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"RoomDatabase" ->
// In AndroidX this is
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"GridRowBuilder" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"SliceManager" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "androidx.slice")
"SliceView" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "androidx.slice.widget")
"SliceUtils" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "androidx.slice")
"SlidingPaneLayout" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.slidingpanelayout.widget
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"CustomTabsIntent" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.browser.customtabs
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
// Most compat classes are here
"GravityCompat" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.core.view
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"JobIntentService" ->
// In AndroidX this is
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"ContextCompat" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.core.content
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"DrawableCompat" ->
// In AndroidX this is
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"BitmapCompat" ->
// In AndroidX this is
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"AdvertisingIdInfo" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"AsyncLayoutInflater" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.asynclayoutinflater.view
Library(artifact = "androidx.asynclayoutinflater:asynclayoutinflater", import = "")
"HintConstants" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "androidx.autofill:autofill", import = "androidx.autofill")
"BenchmarkRule" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "androidx.benchmark:benchmark-junit4", import = "androidx.benchmark.junit4")
"ImageCaptureConfig" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"ViewDragHelper" ->
// In AndroidX this is androidx.customview.widget
Library(artifact = "androidx.customview:customview", import = "")
"ReceivedKeyedAppState" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "androidx.enterprise:enterprise-feedback", import = "")
"ExternalInput" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "androidx.remotecallback:remotecallback", import = "androidx.remotecallback")
"SavedStateRegistryController" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "androidx.savedstate:savedstate", import = "androidx.savedstate")
"MasterKeys" ->
// Not available prior to AndroidX
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"CallbackToFutureAdapter" ->
Library(artifact = "androidx.concurrent:concurrent-listenablefuture-callback", import = "androidx.concurrent.futures")
"Composable" ->
Library(artifact = "androidx.compose:compose-runtime", import = "androidx.compose")
// Material Design library
"CheckableImageButton" ->
// In AndroidX this has a number of different package names based on each widget
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
// Firebase Libraries
"AppInviteInvitation" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"AdRequest" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FirebaseAnalytics" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FirebaseMessagingService" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FirebaseAuth" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FirebaseDatabase" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"StorageReference" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FirebaseRemoteConfig" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FirebaseCrash" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FirebaseDynamicLinks" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FirebaseFirestore" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
// ML
"FirebaseVisionFaceDetectorOptions" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FirebaseVisionLabelDetector" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FirebaseVisionImage" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FirebaseVisionText" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FirebaseVisionBarcode" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FirebaseVision" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FirebaseVisionCloudDetectorOptions" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
// Play Services Libraries
"SignInButton" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"GoogleSignInOptions" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"Awareness" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"CastContext" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"FitnessOptions" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"LocationServices" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"SupportMapFragment" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"MarkerOptions" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"Nearby" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"Games" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"Wallet" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"BillingClient" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
"AppUpdateManagerFactory" ->
Library(artifact = "", import = "")
else -> null
// For the given runtime artifact, if it also requires an annotation processor, provide it
fun findAnnotationProcessor(artifact: String): String? {
return when (artifact) {
"" -> ""
"androidx.remotecallback:remotecallback" -> "androidx.remotecallback:remotecallback-processor"
else -> null
fun findKtxLibrary(artifact: String): String? {
return when (artifact) {
"" -> ""
"android.arch.navigation:navigation-runtime" -> "android.arch.navigation:navigation-runtime-ktx"
"android.arch.navigation:navigation-fragment" -> "android.arch.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx"
"android.arch.navigation:navigation-common" -> "android.arch.navigation:navigation-common-ktx"
"android.arch.navigation:navigation-ui" -> "android.arch.navigation:;navigation-ui-ktx"
"androidx.fragment:fragment" -> "androidx.fragment:fragment-ktx"
"androidx.collection:collection" -> "androidx.collection:collection-ktx"
"androidx.sqlite:sqlite" -> "androidx.sqlite:sqlite-ktx"
"androidx.palette:palette" -> "androidx.palette:palette-ktx"
"androidx.dynamicanimation:dynamicanimation" -> "androidx.dynamicanimation:dynamicanimation-ktx"
"androidx.activity:activity" -> "androidx.activity:activity-ktx"
"androidx.paging:paging-runtime" -> "androidx.paging:paging-runtime-ktx"
"androidx.paging:paging-common" -> "androidx.paging:paging-common-ktx"
"androidx.paging:paging-rxjava2" -> "androidx.paging:paging-rxjava2-ktx"
"androidx.core:core" -> "androidx.core:core-ktx"
"androidx.preference:preference" -> "androidx.preference:preference-ktx"
"androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel" -> "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx"
"androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-reactivestreams" -> "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-reactivestreams-ktx"
"androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata" -> "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx"
"androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-core" -> "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-core-ktx"
"androidx.slice:slice-builders" -> "androidx.slice:slice-builders-ktx"
"" -> ""
"" -> ""
"" -> ""
"" -> ""
"" -> ""
"" -> ""
"" -> ""
else -> null