blob: 7ef40558093d94aeac64c12f16c51c48e98c83f5 [file] [log] [blame]
This HTML file is the swingp visualizer.
The basic architecture is based on a cooperative multithreading model, with the two functional units as follows:
1) An HTTP long-poller that polls Studio for swingp render stats.
* Each fetch may return one or more swingp frame renders containing multiple threads.
* The data is encoded via a simple bytes_length + content_bytes[bytes_length] encoding.
* Each content_bytes[bytes_length] is a complete JSON tree structure, in the pattern of [ThreadStat+].
* During processing of each ThreadStat, rectangles are generated for rendered components' bounds, and frame bounds are (perhaps) updated.
2) A render loop that takes the rectangles and bounds generated/updated in the poller functional unit, and renders them to the canvas.
* The canvas is hardcoded to render at 1/4 of Swing's resolution.
* The 1/4 resolution might not be suitable for high DPI displays -- one can change the frameScale and reload the page.
* Each rectangle is re-rendered according to a time-based alpha decay.
* Rectangles' alpha are tied to the parent JSON render tree's lifetime (so all rectangles generated by a single JSON tree shares alpha).
* Primary (main window) is rendered in green, and secondary (popups and other heavy weight components on top) are rendered in red.
<script type="text/javascript" src="Visualizer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="SwingPPoller.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="FrameManager.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var poller;
var visualizer;
window.onload = function () {
poller = new SwingPPoller(false);
visualizer = new Visualizer(document.getElementById("canvas"),
frameManager = new FrameManager(document.getElementById("perf_chart"), document.getElementById("frame_tree_canvas"));
setInterval(() => {
}, 17);
function resizeCanvas() {
document.getElementById("canvas").width = window.innerWidth;
document.getElementById("frame_tree_canvas").width = window.innerWidth;
<body onresize="resizeCanvas()">
Filter Root: <input type="text" id="root_filter_element" placeholder="e.g. SomeAwtOrSwingComponentType"><br>
<p id="components_rendered"></p>
<canvas id="canvas" />
Cached Frames: <input type="range" min="10" max="250" value="75" class="slider" id="cahced_frames_element"
oninput="frameManager.setMaxFrames(this.value)" onchange="frameManager.setMaxFrames(this.value)"><br />
Pause: <input type="checkbox" onclick="frameManager.togglePause()" />
<div id="perf_chart"></div>
<canvas id="frame_tree_canvas" />