blob: af97b0e7e03c8dbc190f6a95f0942c32cb9522f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "specification_parser/SpecificationBuilder.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cutils/properties.h>
#include "fuzz_tester/FuzzerBase.h"
#include "fuzz_tester/FuzzerWrapper.h"
#include "specification_parser/InterfaceSpecificationParser.h"
#include "utils/InterfaceSpecUtil.h"
#include "utils/StringUtil.h"
#include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
#include "test/vts/proto/ComponentSpecificationMessage.pb.h"
namespace android {
namespace vts {
SpecificationBuilder::SpecificationBuilder(const string dir_path,
int epoch_count,
const string& callback_socket_name)
: dir_path_(dir_path),
callback_socket_name_(callback_socket_name) {}
SpecificationBuilder::FindComponentSpecification(const int target_class,
const int target_type,
const float target_version,
const string submodule_name,
const string package,
const string component_name) {
DIR* dir;
struct dirent* ent;
cerr << __func__ << ": component " << component_name << endl;
// Derive the package-specific dir which contains .vts files
string target_dir_path = dir_path_;
if (!endsWith(target_dir_path, "/")) {
target_dir_path += "/";
string target_subdir_path = package;
ReplaceSubString(target_subdir_path, ".", "/");
target_dir_path += target_subdir_path + "/";
stringstream stream;
stream << fixed << setprecision(1) << target_version;
target_dir_path += stream.str();
if (!(dir = opendir(target_dir_path.c_str()))) {
cerr << __func__ << ": Can't opendir " << target_dir_path << endl;
target_dir_path = "";
return NULL;
while ((ent = readdir(dir))) {
if (ent->d_type == DT_REG) {
if (string(ent->d_name).find(SPEC_FILE_EXT) != std::string::npos) {
cout << __func__ << ": Checking a file " << ent->d_name << endl;
const string file_path = target_dir_path + "/" + string(ent->d_name);
vts::ComponentSpecificationMessage* message =
new vts::ComponentSpecificationMessage();
if (InterfaceSpecificationParser::parse(file_path.c_str(), message)) {
if (message->component_class() != target_class) continue;
if (message->component_class() != HAL_HIDL) {
if (message->component_type() == target_type &&
message->component_type_version() == target_version) {
if (submodule_name.length() > 0) {
if (message->component_class() != HAL_CONVENTIONAL_SUBMODULE ||
message->original_data_structure_name() != submodule_name) {
return message;
} else {
if (message->package() == package &&
message->component_type_version() == target_version) {
if (component_name.length() > 0) {
if (message->component_name() != component_name) {
return message;
delete message;
return NULL;
FuzzerBase* SpecificationBuilder::GetFuzzerBase(
const vts::ComponentSpecificationMessage& iface_spec_msg,
const char* dll_file_name, const char* /*target_func_name*/) {
cout << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " " << "entry" << endl;
FuzzerBase* fuzzer = wrapper_.GetFuzzer(iface_spec_msg);
if (!fuzzer) {
cerr << __func__ << ": couldn't get a fuzzer base class" << endl;
return NULL;
// TODO: don't load multiple times. reuse FuzzerBase*.
cout << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " " << "got fuzzer" << endl;
if (iface_spec_msg.component_class() == HAL_HIDL) {
char get_sub_property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
bool get_stub = false; /* default is binderized */
if (property_get("vts.hidl.get_stub", get_sub_property, "") > 0) {
if (!strcmp(get_sub_property, "true") ||
!strcmp(get_sub_property, "True") ||
!strcmp(get_sub_property, "1")) {
get_stub = true;
const char* service_name;
if (hw_binder_service_name_ && strlen(hw_binder_service_name_) > 0) {
service_name = hw_binder_service_name_;
} else {
service_name = iface_spec_msg.package().substr(
iface_spec_msg.package().find_last_of(".") + 1).c_str();
if (!fuzzer->GetService(get_stub, service_name)) {
cerr << __FUNCTION__ << ": couldn't get service" << endl;
return NULL;
} else {
if (!fuzzer->LoadTargetComponent(dll_file_name)) {
cerr << __FUNCTION__ << ": couldn't load target component file, "
<< dll_file_name << endl;
return NULL;
cout << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " "
<< "loaded target comp" << endl;
return fuzzer;
* TODO: now always return the fuzzer. this change is due to the difficulty
* in checking nested apis although that's possible. need to check whether
* Fuzz() found the function, while still distinguishing the difference
* between that and defined but non-set api.
if (!strcmp(target_func_name, "#Open")) return fuzzer;
for (const vts::FunctionSpecificationMessage& func_msg : iface_spec_msg.api())
cout << "checking " << << endl;
if (!strcmp(target_func_name, {
return fuzzer;
return NULL;
FuzzerBase* SpecificationBuilder::GetFuzzerBaseSubModule(
const vts::ComponentSpecificationMessage& iface_spec_msg,
void* object_pointer) {
cout << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " "
<< "entry object_pointer " << ((uint64_t)object_pointer) << endl;
FuzzerWrapper wrapper;
if (!wrapper.LoadInterfaceSpecificationLibrary(spec_lib_file_path_)) {
cerr << __func__ << " can't load specification lib, "
<< spec_lib_file_path_ << endl;
return NULL;
FuzzerBase* fuzzer = wrapper.GetFuzzer(iface_spec_msg);
if (!fuzzer) {
cerr << __FUNCTION__ << ": couldn't get a fuzzer base class" << endl;
return NULL;
// TODO: don't load multiple times. reuse FuzzerBase*.
cout << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " "
<< "got fuzzer" << endl;
if (iface_spec_msg.component_class() == HAL_HIDL) {
cerr << __func__ << " HIDL not supported" << endl;
return NULL;
} else {
if (!fuzzer->SetTargetObject(object_pointer)) {
cerr << __FUNCTION__ << ": couldn't set target object" << endl;
return NULL;
cout << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " "
<< "loaded target comp" << endl;
return fuzzer;
FuzzerBase* SpecificationBuilder::GetFuzzerBaseAndAddAllFunctionsToQueue(
const vts::ComponentSpecificationMessage& iface_spec_msg,
const char* dll_file_name) {
FuzzerBase* fuzzer = wrapper_.GetFuzzer(iface_spec_msg);
if (!fuzzer) {
cerr << __FUNCTION__ << ": couldn't get a fuzzer base class" << endl;
return NULL;
if (iface_spec_msg.component_class() == HAL_HIDL) {
char get_sub_property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
bool get_stub = false; /* default is binderized */
if (property_get("vts.hidl.get_stub", get_sub_property, "") > 0) {
if (!strcmp(get_sub_property, "true") || !strcmp(get_sub_property, "True")
|| !strcmp(get_sub_property, "1")) {
get_stub = true;
const char* service_name;
if (hw_binder_service_name_ && strlen(hw_binder_service_name_) > 0) {
service_name = hw_binder_service_name_;
} else {
service_name = iface_spec_msg.package().substr(
iface_spec_msg.package().find_last_of(".") + 1).c_str();
if (!fuzzer->GetService(get_stub, service_name)) {
cerr << __FUNCTION__ << ": couldn't get service" << endl;
return NULL;
} else {
if (!fuzzer->LoadTargetComponent(dll_file_name)) {
cerr << __FUNCTION__ << ": couldn't load target component file, "
<< dll_file_name << endl;
return NULL;
for (const vts::FunctionSpecificationMessage& func_msg :
iface_spec_msg.interface().api()) {
cout << "Add a job " << << endl;
FunctionSpecificationMessage* func_msg_copy = func_msg.New();
job_queue_.push(make_pair(func_msg_copy, fuzzer));
return fuzzer;
bool SpecificationBuilder::LoadTargetComponent(
const char* dll_file_name, const char* spec_lib_file_path, int target_class,
int target_type, float target_version, const char* target_package,
const char* target_component_name,
const char* hw_binder_service_name, const char* module_name) {
cout << __func__ << " entry dll_file_name = " << dll_file_name << endl;
if_spec_msg_ =
FindComponentSpecification(target_class, target_type, target_version,
module_name, target_package,
if (!if_spec_msg_) {
cerr << __func__ << ": no interface specification file found for "
<< "class " << target_class << " type " << target_type << " version "
<< target_version << endl;
return false;
if (target_class == HAL_HIDL) {
asprintf(&spec_lib_file_path_, "", target_package,
cout << __func__ << " spec lib path " << spec_lib_file_path_ << endl;
} else {
spec_lib_file_path_ = (char*)malloc(strlen(spec_lib_file_path) + 1);
strcpy(spec_lib_file_path_, spec_lib_file_path);
dll_file_name_ = (char*)malloc(strlen(dll_file_name) + 1);
strcpy(dll_file_name_, dll_file_name);
string output;
cout << "loaded ifspec length " << output.length() << endl;
module_name_ = (char*)malloc(strlen(module_name) + 1);
strcpy(module_name_, module_name);
cout << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " module_name " << module_name_
<< endl;
if (hw_binder_service_name) {
hw_binder_service_name_ = (char*)malloc(strlen(hw_binder_service_name) + 1);
strcpy(hw_binder_service_name_, hw_binder_service_name);
cout << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " hw_binder_service_name "
<< hw_binder_service_name_ << endl;
return true;
const string empty_string = string();
FuzzerBase* SpecificationBuilder::GetFuzzerBase(
const string& name, const uint64_t interface_pt) const {
return wrapper_.GetFuzzer(name, interface_pt);
int32_t SpecificationBuilder::RegisterHidlInterface(
const string& name, const uint64_t interface_pt) {
FuzzerBase* fuzz_base_pt;
int32_t max_id = 0;
for (auto it : interface_map_) {
if (get<0>(it.second) == name && get<2>(it.second) == interface_pt) {
return it.first;
if (it.first > max_id) {
max_id = it.first;
fuzz_base_pt = GetFuzzerBase(name, interface_pt);
make_pair(max_id, make_tuple(name, fuzz_base_pt, interface_pt)));
return max_id;
uint64_t SpecificationBuilder::GetHidlInterfacePointer(const int32_t id) const {
cout << __func__ << " *** id " << id << endl;
auto res = interface_map_.find(id);
if (res == interface_map_.end()) return 0;
return reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(get<2>(res->second));
FuzzerBase* SpecificationBuilder::GetHidlInterfaceFuzzerBase(
const int32_t id) const {
cout << __func__ << " *** id " << id << endl;
auto res = interface_map_.find(id);
if (res == interface_map_.end()) return nullptr;
cout << __func__ << " *** id " << id << " found" << endl;
return reinterpret_cast<FuzzerBase*>(get<1>(res->second));
const string& SpecificationBuilder::CallFunction(
FunctionSpecificationMessage* func_msg) {
cout << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " entry" << endl;
if (!wrapper_.LoadInterfaceSpecificationLibrary(spec_lib_file_path_)) {
cerr << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " lib loading failed" << endl;
return empty_string;
cout << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " "
<< "loaded if_spec lib " << func_msg << endl;
cout << __func__ << " " << dll_file_name_ << " " << func_msg->name() << endl;
FuzzerBase* func_fuzzer;
if (func_msg->submodule_name().size() > 0) {
string submodule_name = func_msg->submodule_name();
cout << __func__ << " submodule name " << submodule_name << endl;
if (submodule_fuzzerbase_map_.find(submodule_name)
!= submodule_fuzzerbase_map_.end()) {
cout << __func__ << " call is for a submodule" << endl;
func_fuzzer = submodule_fuzzerbase_map_[submodule_name];
} else {
cerr << __func__ << " called an API of a non-loaded submodule." << endl;
return empty_string;
} else {
if (func_msg->hidl_interface_id() == 0 ||
(if_spec_msg_ && if_spec_msg_->component_class() != HAL_HIDL)) {
func_fuzzer = GetFuzzerBase(*if_spec_msg_, dll_file_name_,
} else {
func_fuzzer = GetHidlInterfaceFuzzerBase(func_msg->hidl_interface_id());
cout << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl;
if (!func_fuzzer) {
cerr << "can't find FuzzerBase for '" << func_msg->name() << "' using '"
<< dll_file_name_ << "'" << endl;
return empty_string;
if (func_msg->name() == "#Open") {
cout << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " #Open" << endl;
if (func_msg->arg().size() > 0) {
cout << __func__ << " " << func_msg->arg(0).string_value().message()
<< endl;
} else {
cout << __func__ << " no arg" << endl;
cout << __func__ << " opened" << endl;
// return the return value from open;
if (func_msg->return_type().has_type()) {
cout << __func__ << " return_type exists" << endl;
// TODO handle when the size > 1.
if (!strcmp(func_msg->return_type().scalar_type().c_str(), "int32_t")) {
cout << __func__ << " return_type is int32_t" << endl;
cout << "result " << endl;
// todo handle more types;
string* output = new string();
google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(*func_msg, output);
return *output;
cerr << __func__ << " return_type unknown" << endl;
string* output = new string();
google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(*func_msg, output);
return *output;
cout << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl;
void* result;
FunctionSpecificationMessage result_msg;
cout << __func__ << " Call Function " << func_msg->name() << " parent_path("
<< func_msg->parent_path() << ")" << endl;
// For Hidl HAL, use CallFunction method.
if (if_spec_msg_ && if_spec_msg_->component_class() == HAL_HIDL) {
if (!func_fuzzer->CallFunction(*func_msg, callback_socket_name_,
&result_msg)) {
cerr << __func__ << " function not found - todo handle more explicitly"
<< endl;
return *(new string("error"));
for (int index = 0; index < result_msg.return_type_hidl_size(); index++) {
VariableSpecificationMessage* return_val =
if (return_val->hidl_interface_pointer() != 0) {
} else {
if (!func_fuzzer->Fuzz(func_msg, &result, callback_socket_name_)) {
cerr << __func__ << " function not found - todo handle more explicitly"
<< endl;
return *(new string("error"));
cout << __func__ << ": called" << endl;
// set coverage data.
if (if_spec_msg_ && if_spec_msg_->component_class() == HAL_HIDL) {
string* output = new string();
google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(result_msg, output);
return *output;
} else {
if (func_msg->return_type().type() == TYPE_PREDEFINED) {
// TODO: actually handle this case.
if (result != NULL) {
// loads that interface spec and enqueues all functions.
cout << __func__ << " return type: " << func_msg->return_type().type()
<< endl;
} else {
cout << __func__ << " return value = NULL" << endl;
cerr << __func__ << " todo: support aggregate" << endl;
string* output = new string();
google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(*func_msg, output);
return *output;
} else if (func_msg->return_type().type() == TYPE_SCALAR) {
// TODO handle when the size > 1.
if (!strcmp(func_msg->return_type().scalar_type().c_str(), "int32_t")) {
cout << "result " << endl;
// todo handle more types;
string* output = new string();
google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(*func_msg, output);
return *output;
} else if (func_msg->return_type().type() == TYPE_SUBMODULE) {
cerr << __func__ << "[driver:hal] return type TYPE_SUBMODULE" << endl;
if (result != NULL) {
// loads that interface spec and enqueues all functions.
cout << __func__ << " return type: " << func_msg->return_type().type()
<< endl;
} else {
cout << __func__ << " return value = NULL" << endl;
// find a VTS spec for that module
string submodule_name = func_msg->return_type().predefined_type().substr(
0, func_msg->return_type().predefined_type().size() - 1);
vts::ComponentSpecificationMessage* submodule_iface_spec_msg;
if (submodule_if_spec_map_.find(submodule_name)
!= submodule_if_spec_map_.end()) {
cout << __func__ << " submodule InterfaceSpecification already loaded"
<< endl;
submodule_iface_spec_msg = submodule_if_spec_map_[submodule_name];
} else {
submodule_iface_spec_msg =
if_spec_msg_->component_class(), if_spec_msg_->component_type(),
if_spec_msg_->component_type_version(), submodule_name,
if_spec_msg_->package(), if_spec_msg_->component_name());
if (!submodule_iface_spec_msg) {
cerr << __func__ << " submodule InterfaceSpecification not found" << endl;
} else {
cout << __func__ << " submodule InterfaceSpecification found" << endl;
FuzzerBase* func_fuzzer = GetFuzzerBaseSubModule(
*submodule_iface_spec_msg, result);
submodule_if_spec_map_[submodule_name] = submodule_iface_spec_msg;
submodule_fuzzerbase_map_[submodule_name] = func_fuzzer;
string* output = new string();
google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(*func_msg, output);
return *output;
return *(new string("void"));
const string& SpecificationBuilder::GetAttribute(
FunctionSpecificationMessage* func_msg) {
if (!wrapper_.LoadInterfaceSpecificationLibrary(spec_lib_file_path_)) {
return empty_string;
cout << __func__ << " "
<< "loaded if_spec lib" << endl;
cout << __func__ << " " << dll_file_name_ << " " << func_msg->name() << endl;
FuzzerBase* func_fuzzer;
if (func_msg->submodule_name().size() > 0) {
string submodule_name = func_msg->submodule_name();
cout << __func__ << " submodule name " << submodule_name << endl;
if (submodule_fuzzerbase_map_.find(submodule_name)
!= submodule_fuzzerbase_map_.end()) {
cout << __func__ << " call is for a submodule" << endl;
func_fuzzer = submodule_fuzzerbase_map_[submodule_name];
} else {
cerr << __func__ << " called an API of a non-loaded submodule." << endl;
return empty_string;
} else {
func_fuzzer = GetFuzzerBase(*if_spec_msg_, dll_file_name_,
cout << __func__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl;
if (!func_fuzzer) {
cerr << "can't find FuzzerBase for " << func_msg->name() << " using "
<< dll_file_name_ << endl;
return empty_string;
void* result;
cout << __func__ << " Get Atrribute " << func_msg->name() << " parent_path("
<< func_msg->parent_path() << ")" << endl;
if (!func_fuzzer->GetAttribute(func_msg, &result)) {
cerr << __func__ << " attribute not found - todo handle more explicitly"
<< endl;
return *(new string("error"));
cout << __func__ << ": called" << endl;
if (if_spec_msg_ && if_spec_msg_->component_class() == HAL_HIDL) {
cout << __func__ << ": for a HIDL HAL" << endl;
string* output = new string();
google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(*func_msg, output);
return *output;
} else {
cout << __func__ << ": for a non-HIDL HAL" << endl;
if (func_msg->return_type().type() == TYPE_PREDEFINED) {
// TODO: actually handle this case.
if (result != NULL) {
// loads that interface spec and enqueues all functions.
cout << __func__ << " return type: " << func_msg->return_type().type()
<< endl;
} else {
cout << __func__ << " return value = NULL" << endl;
cerr << __func__ << " todo: support aggregate" << endl;
string* output = new string();
google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(*func_msg, output);
return *output;
} else if (func_msg->return_type().type() == TYPE_SCALAR) {
// TODO handle when the size > 1.
if (!strcmp(func_msg->return_type().scalar_type().c_str(), "int32_t")) {
cout << "result " << endl;
// todo handle more types;
string* output = new string();
google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(*func_msg, output);
return *output;
} else if (!strcmp(func_msg->return_type().scalar_type().c_str(), "uint32_t")) {
cout << "result " << endl;
// todo handle more types;
string* output = new string();
google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(*func_msg, output);
return *output;
} else if (!strcmp(func_msg->return_type().scalar_type().c_str(), "int16_t")) {
cout << "result " << endl;
// todo handle more types;
string* output = new string();
google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(*func_msg, output);
return *output;
} else if (!strcmp(func_msg->return_type().scalar_type().c_str(), "uint16_t")) {
cout << "result " << endl;
// todo handle more types;
string* output = new string();
google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(*func_msg, output);
return *output;
} else if (func_msg->return_type().type() == TYPE_SUBMODULE) {
cerr << __func__ << "[driver:hal] return type TYPE_SUBMODULE" << endl;
if (result != NULL) {
// loads that interface spec and enqueues all functions.
cout << __func__ << " return type: " << func_msg->return_type().type()
<< endl;
} else {
cout << __func__ << " return value = NULL" << endl;
// find a VTS spec for that module
string submodule_name = func_msg->return_type().predefined_type().substr(
0, func_msg->return_type().predefined_type().size() - 1);
vts::ComponentSpecificationMessage* submodule_iface_spec_msg;
if (submodule_if_spec_map_.find(submodule_name)
!= submodule_if_spec_map_.end()) {
cout << __func__ << " submodule InterfaceSpecification already loaded"
<< endl;
submodule_iface_spec_msg = submodule_if_spec_map_[submodule_name];
} else {
submodule_iface_spec_msg =
if_spec_msg_->component_class(), if_spec_msg_->component_type(),
if_spec_msg_->component_type_version(), submodule_name,
if_spec_msg_->package(), if_spec_msg_->component_name());
if (!submodule_iface_spec_msg) {
cerr << __func__ << " submodule InterfaceSpecification not found" << endl;
} else {
cout << __func__ << " submodule InterfaceSpecification found" << endl;
FuzzerBase* func_fuzzer = GetFuzzerBaseSubModule(
*submodule_iface_spec_msg, result);
submodule_if_spec_map_[submodule_name] = submodule_iface_spec_msg;
submodule_fuzzerbase_map_[submodule_name] = func_fuzzer;
string* output = new string();
google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(*func_msg, output);
return *output;
return *(new string("void"));
bool SpecificationBuilder::Process(const char* dll_file_name,
const char* spec_lib_file_path,
int target_class, int target_type,
float target_version,
const char* target_package,
const char* target_component_name) {
vts::ComponentSpecificationMessage* interface_specification_message =
FindComponentSpecification(target_class, target_type, target_version,
"", target_package, target_component_name);
cout << "ifspec addr " << interface_specification_message << endl;
if (!interface_specification_message) {
cerr << __func__ << ": no interface specification file found for class "
<< target_class << " type " << target_type << " version "
<< target_version << endl;
return false;
if (!wrapper_.LoadInterfaceSpecificationLibrary(spec_lib_file_path)) {
return false;
if (!GetFuzzerBaseAndAddAllFunctionsToQueue(*interface_specification_message,
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < epoch_count_; i++) {
// by default, breath-first-searching is used.
if (job_queue_.empty()) {
cout << "no more job to process; stopping after epoch " << i << endl;
pair<vts::FunctionSpecificationMessage*, FuzzerBase*> curr_job =
vts::FunctionSpecificationMessage* func_msg = curr_job.first;
FuzzerBase* func_fuzzer = curr_job.second;
void* result;
FunctionSpecificationMessage result_msg;
cout << "Iteration " << (i + 1) << " Function " << func_msg->name() << endl;
// For Hidl HAL, use CallFunction method.
if (interface_specification_message->component_class() == HAL_HIDL) {
func_fuzzer->CallFunction(*func_msg, callback_socket_name_, &result_msg);
} else {
func_fuzzer->Fuzz(func_msg, &result, callback_socket_name_);
if (func_msg->return_type().type() == TYPE_PREDEFINED) {
if (result != NULL) {
// loads that interface spec and enqueues all functions.
cout << __FUNCTION__
<< " return type: " << func_msg->return_type().predefined_type()
<< endl;
// TODO: handle the case when size > 1
string submodule_name = func_msg->return_type().predefined_type();
while (!submodule_name.empty() &&
(std::isspace(submodule_name.back()) ||
submodule_name.back() == '*')) {
vts::ComponentSpecificationMessage* iface_spec_msg =
FindComponentSpecification(target_class, target_type,
target_version, submodule_name);
if (iface_spec_msg) {
cout << __FUNCTION__ << " submodule found - " << submodule_name
<< endl;
if (!GetFuzzerBaseAndAddAllFunctionsToQueue(*iface_spec_msg,
dll_file_name)) {
return false;
} else {
cout << __FUNCTION__ << " submodule not found - " << submodule_name
<< endl;
} else {
cout << __FUNCTION__ << " return value = NULL" << endl;
return true;
SpecificationBuilder::GetComponentSpecification() const {
cout << "ifspec addr get " << if_spec_msg_ << endl;
return if_spec_msg_;
} // namespace vts
} // namespace android