Merge "Remove utils/native/testability_checker"
diff --git a/utils/native/testability_checker/Android.bp b/utils/native/testability_checker/Android.bp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a721ff..0000000
--- a/utils/native/testability_checker/Android.bp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package {
-    default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"],
-cc_defaults {
-    name: "VtsTestabilityCheckerDefaults",
-    shared_libs: [
-        "libbase",
-        "libcutils",
-        "libhidlbase",
-        "liblog",
-        "libselinux",
-        "libtinyxml2",
-        "libutils",
-        "libz",
-    ],
-    static_libs: [
-        "libvintf",
-        "libhidl-gen-utils",
-    ],
-    cflags: [
-        "-Wall",
-        "-Werror",
-    ],
-cc_library {
-    name: "libvts_testability_checker",
-    defaults : ["VtsTestabilityCheckerDefaults"],
-    srcs: ["VtsTestabilityChecker.cpp"],
-cc_test {
-    name: "libvts_testability_checker_test",
-    defaults : ["VtsTestabilityCheckerDefaults"],
-    srcs: ["VtsTestabilityCheckerTest.cpp"],
-    static_libs: [
-        "libgmock",
-        "libvts_testability_checker",
-    ],
-cc_binary {
-    name: "vts_testability_checker",
-    defaults : ["VtsTestabilityCheckerDefaults"],
-    srcs: ["VtsTestabilityCheckerMain.cpp"],
-    multilib: {
-        lib64: {
-            suffix: "64",
-        },
-        lib32: {
-            suffix: "32",
-        },
-    },
-    compile_multilib: "both",
-    static_libs: [
-        "libhidl-gen-utils",
-        "libjsoncpp",
-        "libvts_testability_checker",
-    ],
diff --git a/utils/native/testability_checker/VtsTestabilityChecker.cpp b/utils/native/testability_checker/VtsTestabilityChecker.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b667c5f..0000000
--- a/utils/native/testability_checker/VtsTestabilityChecker.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#define LOG_TAG "VtsTestabilityChecker"
-#include "VtsTestabilityChecker.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <set>
-#include <android-base/strings.h>
-#include <vintf/parse_string.h>
-using android::base::Join;
-using android::vintf::Arch;
-using android::vintf::CompatibilityMatrix;
-using android::vintf::gArchStrings;
-using android::vintf::HalManifest;
-using android::vintf::ManifestHal;
-using android::vintf::ManifestInstance;
-using android::vintf::MatrixHal;
-using android::vintf::MatrixInstance;
-using android::vintf::toFQNameString;
-using android::vintf::Transport;
-using android::vintf::Version;
-using android::vintf::operator<<;
-using std::set;
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-namespace android {
-namespace vts {
-bool VtsTestabilityChecker::CheckHalForComplianceTest(
-    const string& hal_package_name, const Version& hal_version,
-    const string& hal_interface_name, const Arch& arch,
-    set<string>* instances) {
-  CHECK(instances) << "instances set should not be NULL.";
-  set<string> famework_hal_instances;
-  set<string> vendor_hal_instances;
-  bool check_framework_hal = CheckFrameworkManifestHal(
-      hal_package_name, hal_version, hal_interface_name, arch,
-      &famework_hal_instances);
-  bool check_vendor_hal =
-      CheckVendorManifestHal(hal_package_name, hal_version, hal_interface_name,
-                             arch, &vendor_hal_instances);
-  set_union(famework_hal_instances.begin(), famework_hal_instances.end(),
-            vendor_hal_instances.begin(), vendor_hal_instances.end(),
-            std::inserter(*instances, instances->begin()));
-  return check_framework_hal || check_vendor_hal;
-bool VtsTestabilityChecker::CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-    const string& hal_package_name, const Version& hal_version,
-    const string& hal_interface_name, const Arch& arch,
-    set<string>* instances) {
-  CHECK(instances) << "instances set should not be NULL.";
-  set<string> vendor_hal_instances;
-  set<string> test_hal_instances;
-  bool check_vendor_hal =
-      CheckVendorManifestHal(hal_package_name, hal_version, hal_interface_name,
-                             arch, &vendor_hal_instances);
-  bool check_test_hal = CheckTestHalWithHwManager(
-      hal_package_name, hal_version, hal_interface_name, &test_hal_instances);
-  set_union(vendor_hal_instances.begin(), vendor_hal_instances.end(),
-            test_hal_instances.begin(), test_hal_instances.end(),
-            std::inserter(*instances, instances->begin()));
-  return check_vendor_hal || check_test_hal;
-vector<const ManifestInstance*> VtsTestabilityChecker::FindInstance(
-    const vector<ManifestInstance>& manifest_instances,
-    const MatrixInstance& matrix_instance) {
-  vector<const ManifestInstance*> ret;
-  for (const auto& e : manifest_instances) {
-    if (matrix_instance.matchInstance(e.instance())) {
-      ret.push_back(&e);
-    }
-  }
-  return ret;
-vector<const ManifestInstance*> VtsTestabilityChecker::FindInterface(
-    const vector<ManifestInstance>& manifest_instances,
-    const MatrixInstance& matrix_instance) {
-  vector<const ManifestInstance*> ret;
-  for (const auto& e : manifest_instances) {
-    if (e.interface() == matrix_instance.interface()) {
-      ret.push_back(&e);
-    }
-  }
-  return ret;
-bool VtsTestabilityChecker::CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-    const string& hal_package_name, const Version& hal_version,
-    const string& hal_interface_name, const Arch& arch,
-    set<string>* instances) {
-  CHECK(instances) << "instances set should not be NULL.";
-  auto matrix_instances = framework_comp_matrix_->getHidlFqInstances(
-      hal_package_name, hal_version, hal_interface_name);
-  auto manifest_instances = device_hal_manifest_->getHidlFqInstances(
-      hal_package_name, hal_version, hal_interface_name);
-  bool testable = false;
-  for (const auto& matrix_instance : matrix_instances) {
-    const auto& matched_instances =
-        FindInstance(manifest_instances, matrix_instance);
-    if (!matrix_instance.optional() && matched_instances.empty()) {
-      // In matrix but not in manifest.
-      // The test should still run, but expect the test
-      // to fail (due to incompatible vendor and framework HAL).
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Compatibility error. Hal " << hal_package_name
-                 << " is required by framework but not supported by vendor";
-      if (!hal_interface_name.empty()) {
-        if (!matrix_instance.isRegex()) {
-          instances->insert(matrix_instance.exactInstance());
-        } else {
-          LOG(ERROR) << "Ignore regex-instance '"
-                     << matrix_instance.regexPattern();
-        }
-      }
-      testable |= true;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (hal_interface_name.empty()) {
-      testable |= !matched_instances.empty();
-      continue;
-    }
-    auto get_testable_instances =
-        [&](const vector<const vintf::ManifestInstance*>& manifest_instances) {
-          vector<string> ret;
-          for (const auto& manifest_instance : manifest_instances) {
-            if ((manifest_instance->transport() == Transport::PASSTHROUGH &&
-                 CheckPassthroughManifestArch(manifest_instance->arch(),
-                                              arch)) ||
-                manifest_instance->transport() == Transport::HWBINDER) {
-              ret.push_back(manifest_instance->instance());
-            }
-          }
-          return ret;
-        };
-    auto testable_instances = get_testable_instances(matched_instances);
-    if (!testable_instances.empty()) {
-      instances->insert(testable_instances.begin(), testable_instances.end());
-      testable |= true;
-      continue;
-    }
-    // Special case: if is in matrix but /custom
-    // is in manifest, the interface is still testable, but /default should
-    // not be added to instances.
-    const auto& matched_interface_instances =
-        FindInterface(manifest_instances, matrix_instance);
-    auto testable_interfaces =
-        get_testable_instances(matched_interface_instances);
-    if (!testable_interfaces.empty()) {
-      testable |= true;
-      continue;
-    }
-  }
-  if (instances->empty()) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Hal "
-               << toFQNameString(hal_package_name, hal_version,
-                                 hal_interface_name)
-               << " has no testable instance";
-  }
-  return testable;
-bool VtsTestabilityChecker::CheckPassthroughManifestArch(
-    const Arch& manifest_arch, const Arch& arch) {
-  switch (arch) {
-    case Arch::ARCH_32: {
-      if (android::vintf::has32(manifest_arch)) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case Arch::ARCH_64: {
-      if (android::vintf::has64(manifest_arch)) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    default: {
-      LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected arch to check: " << arch;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-bool VtsTestabilityChecker::CheckFrameworkManifestHal(
-    const string& hal_package_name, const Version& hal_version,
-    const string& hal_interface_name, const Arch& arch,
-    set<string>* instances) {
-  return CheckManifestHal(framework_hal_manifest_, hal_package_name,
-                          hal_version, hal_interface_name, arch, instances);
-bool VtsTestabilityChecker::CheckVendorManifestHal(
-    const string& hal_package_name, const Version& hal_version,
-    const string& hal_interface_name, const Arch& arch,
-    set<string>* instances) {
-  return CheckManifestHal(device_hal_manifest_, hal_package_name, hal_version,
-                          hal_interface_name, arch, instances);
-bool VtsTestabilityChecker::CheckManifestHal(const HalManifest* hal_manifest,
-                                             const string& hal_package_name,
-                                             const Version& hal_version,
-                                             const string& hal_interface_name,
-                                             const Arch& arch,
-                                             set<string>* instances) {
-  CHECK(instances) << "instances set should not be NULL.";
-  const auto& manifest_instances = hal_manifest->getHidlFqInstances(
-      hal_package_name, hal_version, hal_interface_name);
-  const auto& fq_instance_name =
-      toFQNameString(hal_package_name, hal_version, hal_interface_name);
-  if (manifest_instances.empty()) {
-    LOG(DEBUG) << "Does not find instances for " << fq_instance_name
-               << " in manifest file";
-    return false;
-  }
-  bool testable = false;
-  for (const auto& manifest_instance : manifest_instances) {
-    if (manifest_instance.transport() == Transport::PASSTHROUGH &&
-        !CheckPassthroughManifestArch(manifest_instance.arch(), arch)) {
-      LOG(DEBUG) << "Manifest HAL " << fq_instance_name
-                 << " is passthrough and does not support arch " << arch;
-      continue;  // skip this instance
-    }
-    if (!hal_interface_name.empty()) {
-      instances->insert(manifest_instance.instance());
-    }
-    testable = true;
-  }
-  return testable;
-bool VtsTestabilityChecker::CheckTestHalWithHwManager(
-    const string& hal_package_name, const Version& hal_version,
-    const string& hal_interface_name, set<string>* instances) {
-  CHECK(instances) << "instances set should not be NULL.";
-  string fqName =
-      toFQNameString(hal_package_name, hal_version, hal_interface_name);
-  bool registered = false;
-  hardware::Return<void> res;
-  if (!hal_interface_name.empty()) {
-    res = sm_->listByInterface(fqName, [&](const auto& registered_instances) {
-      for (const string& instance : registered_instances) {
-        registered = true;
-        instances->insert(instance);
-      }
-    });
-  } else {  // handle legacy data without interface info.
-    res = sm_->list([&](const auto& services) {
-      for (const string& service : services) {
-        if (service.find(fqName) == 0) {
-          registered = true;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  if (!res.isOk()) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "failed to check services: " << res.description();
-    return false;
-  }
-  return registered;
-}  // namespace vts
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/utils/native/testability_checker/VtsTestabilityChecker.h b/utils/native/testability_checker/VtsTestabilityChecker.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a7ebb83..0000000
--- a/utils/native/testability_checker/VtsTestabilityChecker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <set>
-#include <android-base/logging.h>
-#include <android/hidl/manager/1.0/IServiceManager.h>
-#include <vintf/CompatibilityMatrix.h>
-#include <vintf/HalManifest.h>
-using android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceManager;
-using android::vintf::Arch;
-using android::vintf::CompatibilityMatrix;
-using android::vintf::HalManifest;
-using android::vintf::ManifestHal;
-using android::vintf::MatrixHal;
-using android::vintf::Version;
-using std::set;
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-namespace android {
-namespace vts {
-// Library class to decide whether to run a test against given hal based on
-// the system compatibility matrix and device manifest files. Also collect the
-// instance names for testing if the decision is true.
-class VtsTestabilityChecker {
- public:
-  VtsTestabilityChecker(const CompatibilityMatrix* framework_comp_matrix,
-                        const HalManifest* framework_hal_manifest,
-                        const HalManifest* device_hal_manifest,
-                        sp<IServiceManager> sm)
-      : framework_comp_matrix_(framework_comp_matrix),
-        framework_hal_manifest_(framework_hal_manifest),
-        device_hal_manifest_(device_hal_manifest),
-        sm_(sm) {
-    CHECK(framework_comp_matrix_) << "framework_comp_matrix null.";
-    CHECK(framework_hal_manifest_) << "framework_hal_manifest null.";
-    CHECK(device_hal_manifest_) << "device_hal_manifest null.";
-  };
-  // Check whether we should run a compliance test against the given hal with
-  // the package name, version and interface name. Arch (32 or 64) info is
-  // required if the hal is a passthrough hal.
-  // Return true to indicate we should run the test, false otherwise.
-  // Store the instances name to run the test, instance should be empty set if
-  // we determine not to run the test (i,e. return value false).
-  bool CheckHalForComplianceTest(const string& hal_package_name,
-                                 const Version& hal_version,
-                                 const string& hal_interface_name,
-                                 const Arch& arch, set<string>* instances);
-  // Check whether we should run a non-compliance test against the given hal
-  // with the package name, version and interface name. Arch (32 or 64) info is
-  // required if the hal is a passthrough hal.
-  // Return true to indicate we should run the test, false otherwise.
-  // Store the instances name to run the test, instance should be empty set if
-  // we determine not to run the test (i,e. return value false).
-  bool CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(const string& hal_package_name,
-                                    const Version& hal_version,
-                                    const string& hal_interface_name,
-                                    const Arch& arch, set<string>* instances);
- private:
-  // Internal method to check the given hal against the framework compatibility
-  // matrix and device manifest.
-  // If the hal is required by the framework, return true with the corresponding
-  // instance names. If the hal is optional for framework, return true if vendor
-  // supports the hal with the corresponding instance names, false otherwise.
-  bool CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(const string& hal_package_name,
-                                   const Version& hal_version,
-                                   const string& hal_interface_name,
-                                   const Arch& arch, set<string>* instances);
-  // Internal method to check whether the given hal is supported by vendor
-  // (i.e exists in the vendor manifest file). Store the corresponding instance
-  // names if supported..
-  // Arch (32 or 64) info is required if the hal is a passthrough hal.
-  bool CheckVendorManifestHal(const string& hal_package_name,
-                              const Version& hal_version,
-                              const string& hal_interface_name,
-                              const Arch& arch, set<string>* instances);
-  // Internal method to check whether the given hal is supported by framework
-  // (i.e exists in the framework manifest file). Store the corresponding
-  // instance names if supported.
-  // Arch (32 or 64) info is required if the hal is a passthrough hal.
-  bool CheckFrameworkManifestHal(const string& hal_package_name,
-                                 const Version& hal_version,
-                                 const string& hal_interface_name,
-                                 const Arch& arch, set<string>* instances);
-  // Internal method to check whether the given hal is registered with
-  // hwservicemanager. Store the corresponding instance names if registered.
-  // This is used to check test hals that is not listed in manifest files.
-  // Note this could not check for passthrough hals.
-  bool CheckTestHalWithHwManager(const string& hal_package_name,
-                                 const Version& hal_version,
-                                 const string& hal_interface_name,
-                                 set<string>* instances);
-  // Helper method to check whether the hal_manifest support the
-  // package@version::interface and arch (for passthrough hal). Store the
-  // corresponding instance names if supported.
-  bool CheckManifestHal(const HalManifest* hal_manifest,
-                        const string& hal_package_name,
-                        const Version& hal_version,
-                        const string& hal_interface_name, const Arch& arch,
-                        set<string>* instances);
-  // Helper method to check whether a passthrough hal support the given arch
-  // (32 or 64).
-  bool CheckPassthroughManifestArch(const Arch& manifest_arch,
-                                    const Arch& arch);
-  // Helper method to find matching instances from a list of
-  // manifest_instances.
-  vector<const vintf::ManifestInstance*> FindInstance(
-      const vector<vintf::ManifestInstance>& manifest_instances,
-      const vintf::MatrixInstance& matrix_instance);
-  // Helper method to find matching interfaces from a list of
-  // manifest_instances.
-  vector<const vintf::ManifestInstance*> FindInterface(
-      const vector<vintf::ManifestInstance>& manifest_instances,
-      const vintf::MatrixInstance& matrix_instance);
-  const CompatibilityMatrix* framework_comp_matrix_;  // Do not own.
-  const HalManifest* framework_hal_manifest_;         // Do not own.
-  const HalManifest* device_hal_manifest_;            // Do not own.
-  sp<IServiceManager> sm_;
-  friend class
-      VtsTestabilityCheckerTest_CheckFrameworkCompatibleHalOptional_Test;
-  friend class
-      VtsTestabilityCheckerTest_CheckFrameworkCompatibleHalRequired_Test;
-}  // namespace vts
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/utils/native/testability_checker/VtsTestabilityCheckerMain.cpp b/utils/native/testability_checker/VtsTestabilityCheckerMain.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c96f009..0000000
--- a/utils/native/testability_checker/VtsTestabilityCheckerMain.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <json/json.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <hidl-util/FQName.h>
-#include <hidl/ServiceManagement.h>
-#include <vintf/VintfObject.h>
-#include "VtsTestabilityChecker.h"
-using android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceManager;
-using android::vintf::VintfObject;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-// Example:
-// vts_testability_checker --compliance
-// vts_testability_checker -c -b 32
-// vts_testability_checker
-void ShowUsage() {
-  cout << "Usage: vts_hal_testability_checker [options] <hal name>\n"
-          "--compliance:     Whether to check for compliance test.\n"
-          "--bitness:        Test bitness.\n"
-          "--help:           Show help\n";
-  exit(1);
-const option long_opts[] = {{"help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'},
-                            {"compliance", no_argument, nullptr, 'c'},
-                            {"bitness", required_argument, nullptr, 'b'},
-                            {nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0}};
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-  string bitness = "32";
-  bool is_compliance_test = false;
-  while (true) {
-    int opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hcb:", long_opts, nullptr);
-    if (opt == -1) {
-      break;
-    }
-    switch (opt) {
-      case 'h':
-      case '?':
-        ShowUsage();
-        return 0;
-      case 'c': {
-        is_compliance_test = true;
-        break;
-      }
-      case 'b': {
-        bitness = string(optarg);
-        if (bitness != "32" && bitness != "64") {
-          cerr << "Invalid bitness " << bitness << endl;
-          return -1;
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-      default:
-        cerr << "getopt_long returned unexpected value " << opt << endl;
-        return -1;
-    }
-  }
-  if (optind != argc - 1) {
-    cerr << "Must specify the hal name (see --help)." << endl;
-    return -1;
-  }
-  android::FQName hal_fq_name;
-  if (!android::FQName::parse(argv[optind], &hal_fq_name)) {
-    cerr << "Invalid hal name: " << argv[optind] << endl;
-    return -1;
-  }
-  string hal_package_name = hal_fq_name.package();
-  size_t hal_major_version = hal_fq_name.getPackageMajorVersion();
-  size_t hal_minor_version = hal_fq_name.getPackageMinorVersion();
-  string hal_interface_name =;
-  Version hal_version(hal_major_version, hal_minor_version);
-  Arch arch;
-  if (bitness == "32") {
-    arch = Arch::ARCH_32;
-  } else if (bitness == "64") {
-    arch = Arch::ARCH_64;
-  }
-  auto framework_comp_matrix = VintfObject::GetFrameworkCompatibilityMatrix();
-  if (!framework_comp_matrix) {
-    cerr << "Failed to get framework compatibility matrix." << endl;
-    return -1;
-  }
-  auto device_hal_manifest = VintfObject::GetDeviceHalManifest();
-  if (!device_hal_manifest) {
-    cerr << "Failed to get device manifest." << endl;
-    return -1;
-  }
-  auto framework_hal_manifest = VintfObject::GetFrameworkHalManifest();
-  if (!framework_hal_manifest) {
-    cerr << "Failed to get framework manifest." << endl;
-    return -1;
-  }
-  android::sp<IServiceManager> sm =
-      ::android::hardware::defaultServiceManager();
-  if (sm == nullptr) {
-    cerr << "failed to get IServiceManager" << endl;
-    return -1;
-  }
-  android::vts::VtsTestabilityChecker checker(framework_comp_matrix.get(),
-                                              framework_hal_manifest.get(),
-                                              device_hal_manifest.get(), sm);
-  set<string> instances;
-  bool result = false;
-  if (is_compliance_test) {
-    result = checker.CheckHalForComplianceTest(
-        hal_package_name, hal_version, hal_interface_name, arch, &instances);
-  } else {
-    result = checker.CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-        hal_package_name, hal_version, hal_interface_name, arch, &instances);
-  }
-  // Create json output.
-  Json::Value root(Json::objectValue);
-  root["Testable"] = Json::Value(result);
-  root["instances"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
-  for (const string& instance : instances) {
-    root["instances"].append(instance);
-  }
-  Json::StreamWriterBuilder factory;
-  std::string json_output = Json::writeString(factory, root);
-  cout << json_output;
-  return 0;
diff --git a/utils/native/testability_checker/VtsTestabilityCheckerTest.cpp b/utils/native/testability_checker/VtsTestabilityCheckerTest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a87a69..0000000
--- a/utils/native/testability_checker/VtsTestabilityCheckerTest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "VtsTestabilityChecker.h"
-#include <gmock/gmock.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <vintf/CompatibilityMatrix.h>
-#include <vintf/HalManifest.h>
-#include <vintf/parse_xml.h>
-using namespace testing;
-using android::hardware::hidl_array;
-using android::hardware::hidl_death_recipient;
-using android::hardware::hidl_handle;
-using android::hardware::hidl_string;
-using android::hardware::hidl_vec;
-using android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase;
-using android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceManager;
-using android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceNotification;
-using android::vintf::Arch;
-using android::vintf::CompatibilityMatrix;
-using android::vintf::fromXml;
-using android::vintf::HalManifest;
-using android::vintf::ManifestHal;
-using android::vintf::MatrixHal;
-using android::vintf::Version;
-using std::set;
-using std::string;
-namespace android {
-namespace vts {
-class MockServiceManager : public IServiceManager {
- public:
-  template <typename T>
-  using R = ::android::hardware::Return<T>;
-  using String = const hidl_string &;
-  ~MockServiceManager() = default;
-#define MOCK_METHOD_CB(name) \
-  MOCK_METHOD1(name, R<void>(IServiceManager::name##_cb))
-  MOCK_METHOD2(get, R<sp<IBase>>(String, String));
-  MOCK_METHOD2(add, R<bool>(String, const sp<IBase> &));
-  MOCK_METHOD2(getTransport, R<IServiceManager::Transport>(String, String));
-  MOCK_METHOD_CB(list);
-  MOCK_METHOD2(listByInterface, R<void>(String, listByInterface_cb));
-  MOCK_METHOD3(registerForNotifications,
-               R<bool>(String, String, const sp<IServiceNotification> &));
-  MOCK_METHOD_CB(debugDump);
-  MOCK_METHOD2(registerPassthroughClient, R<void>(String, String));
-  MOCK_METHOD_CB(interfaceChain);
-  MOCK_METHOD2(debug,
-               R<void>(const hidl_handle &, const hidl_vec<hidl_string> &));
-  MOCK_METHOD_CB(interfaceDescriptor);
-  MOCK_METHOD_CB(getHashChain);
-  MOCK_METHOD0(setHalInstrumentation, R<void>());
-  MOCK_METHOD2(linkToDeath,
-               R<bool>(const sp<hidl_death_recipient> &, uint64_t));
-  MOCK_METHOD0(ping, R<void>());
-  MOCK_METHOD_CB(getDebugInfo);
-  MOCK_METHOD0(notifySyspropsChanged, R<void>());
-  MOCK_METHOD1(unlinkToDeath, R<bool>(const sp<hidl_death_recipient> &));
-class VtsTestabilityCheckerTest : public ::testing::Test {
- public:
-  virtual void SetUp() override {
-    test_cm_ = testFrameworkCompMatrix();
-    test_fm_ = testFrameworkManfiest();
-    test_vm_ = testDeviceManifest();
-    sm_ = new NiceMock<MockServiceManager>();
-    checker_.reset(
-        new VtsTestabilityChecker(&test_cm_, &test_fm_, &test_vm_, sm_));
-  }
-  virtual void TearDown() override {}
-  HalManifest testDeviceManifest() {
-    HalManifest vm;
-    string xml =
-        "<manifest version=\"1.0\" type=\"framework\">\n"
-        "    <hal format=\"hidl\">\n"
-        "        <name></name>\n"
-        "        <transport arch=\"32\">passthrough</transport>\n"
-        "        <version>2.0</version>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>IAudio</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "    </hal>\n"
-        "    <hal format=\"hidl\">\n"
-        "        <name></name>\n"
-        "        <transport>hwbinder</transport>\n"
-        "        <version>1.2</version>\n"
-        "        <version>2.5</version>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>ICamera</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>legacy/0</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>IBetterCamera</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>camera</instance>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "    </hal>\n"
-        "    <hal format=\"hidl\">\n"
-        "        <name>android.hardware.drm</name>\n"
-        "        <transport>hwbinder</transport>\n"
-        "        <version>2.0</version>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>IDrm</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "    </hal>\n"
-        "    <hal format=\"hidl\">\n"
-        "        <name>android.hardware.nfc</name>\n"
-        "        <transport>hwbinder</transport>\n"
-        "        <version>1.0</version>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>INfc</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "    </hal>\n"
-        "    <hal format=\"hidl\">\n"
-        "        <name>android.hardware.renderscript</name>\n"
-        "        <transport arch=\"32+64\">passthrough</transport>\n"
-        "        <version>1.0</version>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>IRenderscript</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "    </hal>\n"
-        "    <hal format=\"hidl\">\n"
-        "        <name>android.hardware.vibrator</name>\n"
-        "        <transport>hwbinder</transport>\n"
-        "        <version>1.0</version>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>IVibrator</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "    </hal>\n"
-        "</manifest>\n";
-    EXPECT_TRUE(fromXml(&vm, xml));
-    return vm;
-  }
-  HalManifest testFrameworkManfiest() {
-    HalManifest fm;
-    string xml =
-        "<manifest version=\"1.0\" type=\"framework\">\n"
-        "    <hal format=\"hidl\">\n"
-        "        <name>android.hardware.nfc</name>\n"
-        "        <transport>hwbinder</transport>\n"
-        "        <version>1.0</version>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>INfc</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "            <instance>fnfc</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "    </hal>\n"
-        "</manifest>\n";
-    EXPECT_TRUE(fromXml(&fm, xml));
-    return fm;
-  }
-  CompatibilityMatrix testFrameworkCompMatrix() {
-    CompatibilityMatrix cm;
-    string xml =
-        "<compatibility-matrix version=\"1.0\" type=\"framework\">\n"
-        "    <hal format=\"native\" optional=\"true\">\n"
-        "        <name></name>\n"
-        "        <version>2.0-1</version>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>IAudio</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "    </hal>\n"
-        "    <hal format=\"native\" optional=\"true\">\n"
-        "        <name></name>\n"
-        "        <version>2.2-3</version>\n"
-        "        <version>4.5-6</version>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>ICamera</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>IBetterCamera</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>camera</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "    </hal>\n"
-        "    <hal format=\"native\" optional=\"false\">\n"
-        "        <name>android.hardware.drm</name>\n"
-        "        <version>1.0-1</version>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>IDrm</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "            <instance>drm</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>IDrmTest</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "    </hal>\n"
-        "    <hal format=\"native\" optional=\"false\">\n"
-        "        <name>android.hardware.light</name>\n"
-        "        <version>2.0-1</version>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>ILight</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "    </hal>\n"
-        "    <hal format=\"native\" optional=\"true\">\n"
-        "        <name>android.hardware.nfc</name>\n"
-        "        <version>1.0-2</version>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>INfc</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "            <instance>nfc</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>INfcTest</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "    </hal>\n"
-        "    <hal format=\"native\" optional=\"true\">\n"
-        "        <name></name>\n"
-        "        <version>1.0-1</version>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>IRadio</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "    </hal>\n"
-        "    <hal format=\"native\" optional=\"false\">\n"
-        "        <name>android.hardware.vibrator</name>\n"
-        "        <version>2.0</version>\n"
-        "        <interface>\n"
-        "            <name>IVibrator</name>\n"
-        "            <instance>default</instance>\n"
-        "        </interface>\n"
-        "    </hal>\n"
-        "</compatibility-matrix>\n";
-    EXPECT_TRUE(fromXml(&cm, xml));
-    return cm;
-  }
- protected:
-  CompatibilityMatrix test_cm_;
-  HalManifest test_fm_;
-  HalManifest test_vm_;
-  sp<MockServiceManager> sm_;
-  std::unique_ptr<VtsTestabilityChecker> checker_;
-TEST_F(VtsTestabilityCheckerTest, CheckComplianceTest) {
-  set<string> instances;
-  // Check non-existent hal.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckHalForComplianceTest(
-      "nonexistent", {1, 0}, "None", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal with unsupported version by vendor.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckHalForComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.nfc", {2, 0}, "INfc", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal with unsupported interface by vendor.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckHalForComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.nfc", {1, 0}, "INfcTest", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal with unsupported arch by vendor.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckHalForComplianceTest(
-      "", {1, 0}, "IAudio", Arch::ARCH_64, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal claimed by framework but not supported by vendor (error case).
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckHalForComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.light", {2, 0}, "ILight", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal interface claimed by framework but not supported by vendor (error
-  // case).
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckHalForComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.drm", {1, 0}, "IDrmTest", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal claimed by framework and supported by vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForComplianceTest("android.hardware.vibrator",
-                                                  {1, 0}, "IVibrator",
-                                                  Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default"})));
-  // Check hal not claimed by framework but supported by vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.renderscript", {1, 0}, "IRenderscript", Arch::ARCH_32,
-      &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default"})));
-  // Check hal with version not claimed by framework by supported by vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForComplianceTest("android.hardware.vibrator",
-                                                  {1, 0}, "IVibrator",
-                                                  Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default"})));
-  // Check hal with instance not claimed by framework but supported by vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForComplianceTest(
-      "", {2, 2}, "ICamera", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"legacy/0"})));
-  // Check hal with additional vendor instance not claimed by framework.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForComplianceTest("",
-                                                  {1, 2}, "IBetterCamera",
-                                                  Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default", "camera"})));
-  // Check hal supported by both framework and vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.nfc", {1, 0}, "INfc", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default", "fnfc"})));
-  // Check hal instance claimed by framework but not supported by vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.drm", {2, 0}, "IDrm", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default"})));
-  // Check an optional hal with empty interface (legacy input).
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.vibrator", {1, 0}, "" /*interface*/, Arch::ARCH_EMPTY,
-      &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-TEST_F(VtsTestabilityCheckerTest, CheckNonComplianceTest) {
-  set<string> instances;
-  ON_CALL(*sm_, listByInterface(_, _))
-      .WillByDefault(
-          Invoke([](hidl_string str, IServiceManager::listByInterface_cb cb) {
-            if (str == "") {
-              cb({"default", "footest"});
-            } else if (str == "android.hardware.nfc@3.0::INfc") {
-              cb({"default"});
-            } else if (str == "android.hardware.drm@2.0::IDrm") {
-              cb({"drmtest"});
-            }
-            return hardware::Void();
-          }));
-  ON_CALL(*sm_, list(_)).WillByDefault(Invoke([](IServiceManager::list_cb cb) {
-    cb({"",
-        "",
-        "android.hardware.nfc@3.0::INfc/default",
-        "android.hardware.drm@2.0::IDrm/drmtest"});
-    return hardware::Void();
-  }));
-  // Check non-existent hal.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "non-existent", {1, 0}, "None", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal with unsupported version by vendor.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.nfc", {2, 0}, "INfc", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal with unsupported interface by vendor.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.nfc", {1, 0}, "INfcTest", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal with unsupported arch by vendor.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "", {1, 0}, "IAudio", Arch::ARCH_64, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal claimed by framework but not supported by vendor (error case).
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.light", {2, 0}, "ILight", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal interface claimed by framework but not supported by vendor (error
-  // case).
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.drm", {1, 0}, "IDrmTest", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal claimed by framework and supported by vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.vibrator", {1, 0}, "IVibrator", Arch::ARCH_32,
-      &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default"})));
-  // Check hal not claimed by framework but supported by vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.renderscript", {1, 0}, "IRenderscript", Arch::ARCH_32,
-      &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default"})));
-  // Check hal with version not claimed by framework by supported by vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.vibrator", {1, 0}, "IVibrator", Arch::ARCH_32,
-      &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default"})));
-  // Check hal with instance not claimed by framework but supported by vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "", {2, 2}, "ICamera", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"legacy/0"})));
-  // Check hal with additional vendor instance not claimed by framework.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "", {1, 2}, "IBetterCamera", Arch::ARCH_32,
-      &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default", "camera"})));
-  // Check hal supported by both framework and vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.nfc", {1, 0}, "INfc", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default"})));
-  // Check an optional hal with empty interface (legacy input).
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.vibrator", {1, 0}, "" /*interface*/, Arch::ARCH_EMPTY,
-      &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal only registered with hwmanger.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "", {1, 0}, "IFoo", Arch::ARCH_EMPTY, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default", "footest"})));
-  // Check hal with version only registered with hwmanger.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.nfc", {3, 0}, "INfc", Arch::ARCH_EMPTY, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default"})));
-  // Check hal with additional instance registered with hwmanger.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "android.hardware.drm", {2, 0}, "IDrm", Arch::ARCH_EMPTY, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default", "drmtest"})));
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckHalForNonComplianceTest(
-      "", {1, 0}, "", Arch::ARCH_EMPTY, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-TEST_F(VtsTestabilityCheckerTest, CheckFrameworkCompatibleHalOptional) {
-  set<string> instances;
-  // Check non-existent hal.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "nonexistent", {1, 0}, "None", Arch::ARCH_EMPTY, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal not required by framework
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "android.hardware.renderscript", {1, 0}, "IRenderscript",
-      Arch::ARCH_EMPTY, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal with unsupported version.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "", {1, 0}, "ICamera", Arch::ARCH_EMPTY,
-      &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check hal with non-existent interface.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "", {1, 2}, "None", Arch::ARCH_EMPTY, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check an optional hal not supported by vendor.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "", {1, 0}, "IRadio", Arch::ARCH_EMPTY,
-      &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check an optional hal with version not supported by vendor.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "", {4, 5}, "ICamera", Arch::ARCH_EMPTY,
-      &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check an optional hal with interface not supported by vendor.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "android.hardware.nfc", {4, 5}, "INfcTest", Arch::ARCH_EMPTY,
-      &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check an option passthrough hal with unsupported arch.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "", {2, 0}, "IAudio", Arch::ARCH_64, &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check an optional hal supported by vendor but with no compatible
-  // instance.
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "", {2, 2}, "ICamera", Arch::ARCH_EMPTY,
-      &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-  // Check an optional hal supported by vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "", {2, 2}, "IBetterCamera", Arch::ARCH_EMPTY,
-      &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"camera"})));
-  // Check an optional passthrough hal supported by vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "", {2, 0}, "IAudio", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default"})));
-  // Check an optional hal with empty interface (legacy input).
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "", {2, 2}, "" /*interface*/, Arch::ARCH_EMPTY,
-      &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-TEST_F(VtsTestabilityCheckerTest, CheckFrameworkCompatibleHalRequired) {
-  set<string> instances;
-  // Check a required hal not supported by vendor.
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "android.hardware.light", {2, 0}, "ILight", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default"})));
-  // Check a required hal with version not supported by vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal("android.hardware.vibrator",
-                                                    {2, 0}, "IVibrator",
-                                                    Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default"})));
-  // Check a required hal with interface not supported by vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "android.hardware.drm", {1, 0}, "IDrmTest", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default"})));
-  // Check a required hal supported by vendor.
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "android.hardware.drm", {1, 0}, "IDrm", Arch::ARCH_32, &instances));
-  EXPECT_THAT(instances, ContainerEq(set<string>({"default", "drm"})));
-  // Check an optional hal with empty interface (legacy input).
-  instances.clear();
-  EXPECT_TRUE(checker_->CheckFrameworkCompatibleHal(
-      "android.hardware.vibrator", {2, 0}, "" /*interface*/, Arch::ARCH_EMPTY,
-      &instances));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(instances.empty());
-}  // namespace vts
-}  // namespace android
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
-  ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-  return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/utils/python/hal/ b/utils/python/hal/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/utils/python/hal/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/utils/python/hal/ b/utils/python/hal/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cdd473..0000000
--- a/utils/python/hal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import json
-import logging
-from import asserts
-from import const
-VTS_TESTABILITY_CHECKER_32 = "/data/local/tmp/vts_testability_checker32"
-VTS_TESTABILITY_CHECKER_64 = "/data/local/tmp/vts_testability_checker64"
-def GetHalServiceName(shell, hal, bitness="64", run_as_compliance_test=False):
-    """Determine whether to run a VTS test against a HAL and get the service
-    names of the given hal if determine to run.
-    Args:
-        shell: the ShellMirrorObject to execute command on the device.
-        hal: string, the FQName of a HAL service, e.g.,
-        bitness: string, the bitness of the test.
-        run_as_compliance_test: boolean, whether it is a compliance test.
-    Returns:
-        a boolean whether to run the test against the given hal.
-        a set containing all service names for the given HAL.
-    """
-    if bitness == "32":
-        binary = VTS_TESTABILITY_CHECKER_32
-    # Give permission to execute the binary.
-    shell.Execute("chmod 755 %s" % binary)
-    cmd = binary
-    if run_as_compliance_test:
-        cmd += " -c "
-    cmd += " -b " + bitness + " " + hal
-    cmd_results = shell.Execute(str(cmd))
-    asserts.assertFalse(
-        any(cmd_results[const.EXIT_CODE]),
-        "Failed to run vts_testability_checker. ErrorCode: %s\n STDOUT: %s\n STDERR: %s\n"
-        % (cmd_results[const.EXIT_CODE][0], cmd_results[const.STDOUT][0],
-           cmd_results[const.STDERR][0]))
-    result = json.loads(cmd_results[const.STDOUT][0])
-    if str(result['Testable']).lower() == "true":
-        return True, set(result['instances'])
-    else:
-        return False, ()
-class CombMode(object):
-    """Enum for service name combination mode"""
-    NAME_MATCH = 1
-def GetServiceInstancesCombinations(services,
-                                    service_instances,
-                                    mode=CombMode.FULL_PERMUTATION):
-    """Create combinations of instances for all services.
-    Args:
-        services: list, all services used in the test. e.g. [s1, s2]
-        service_instances: dictionary, mapping of each service and the
-                           corresponding service name(s).
-                           e.g. {"s1": ["n1"], "s2": ["n2", "n3"]}
-        mode: CombMode that determines the combination strategy.
-    Returns:
-        A list of service instance combinations.
-    """
-    if mode == CombMode.FULL_PERMUTATION:
-        return GetServiceInstancesFullCombinations(services, service_instances)
-    elif mode == CombMode.NAME_MATCH:
-        return GetServiceInstancesNameMatchCombinations(
-            services, service_instances)
-    else:
-        logging.warning("Unknown comb mode, use default comb mode instead.")
-        return GetServiceInstancesFullCombinations(services, service_instances)
-def GetServiceInstancesFullCombinations(services, service_instances):
-    """Create all combinations of instances for all services.
-    Create full permutation for registered service instances, e.g.
-    s1 have instances (n1, n2) and s2 have instances (n3, n4), return all
-    permutations of s1 and s2, i.e. (s1/n1, s2/n3), (s1/n1, s2/n4),
-    (s1/n2, s2/n3) and (s1/n2, s2/n4)
-    Args:
-        services: list, all services used in the test. e.g. [s1, s2]
-        service_instances: dictionary, mapping of each service and the
-                           corresponding service name(s).
-                           e.g. {"s1": ["n1"], "s2": ["n2", "n3"]}
-    Returns:
-        A list of all service instance combinations.
-        e.g. [[s1/n1, s2/n2], [s1/n1, s2/n3]]
-    """
-    service_instance_combinations = []
-    if not services or (service_instances and type(service_instances) != dict):
-        return service_instance_combinations
-    service = services.pop()
-    pre_instance_combs = GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-        services, service_instances)
-    if service not in service_instances or not service_instances[service]:
-        return pre_instance_combs
-    for name in service_instances[service]:
-        if not pre_instance_combs:
-            new_instance_comb = [service + '/' + name]
-            service_instance_combinations.append(new_instance_comb)
-        else:
-            for instance_comb in pre_instance_combs:
-                new_instance_comb = [service + '/' + name]
-                new_instance_comb.extend(instance_comb)
-                service_instance_combinations.append(new_instance_comb)
-    return service_instance_combinations
-def GetServiceInstancesNameMatchCombinations(services, service_instances):
-    """Create service instance combinations with same name for services.
-    Create combinations for services with the same instance name, e.g.
-    both s1 and s2 have two instances with name n1, and n2, return
-    the service instance combination of s1 and s2 with same instance name,
-    i.e. (s1/n1, s2/n1) and (s1/n2, s2/n2)
-    Args:
-        services: list, all services used in the test. e.g. [s1, s2]
-        service_instances: dictionary, mapping of each service and the
-                           corresponding service name(s).
-                           e.g. {"s1": ["n1", "n2"], "s2": ["n1", "n2"]}
-    Returns:
-        A list of service instance combinations.
-        e.g. [[s1/n1, s2/n1], [s1/n2, s2/n2]]
-    """
-    service_instance_combinations = []
-    instance_names = set()
-    for service in services:
-        if service not in service_instances or not service_instances[service]:
-            logging.error("Does not found instance for service: %s", service)
-            return []
-        if not instance_names:
-            instance_names = set(service_instances[service])
-        else:
-            instance_names.intersection_update(set(service_instances[service]))
-    for name in instance_names:
-        instance_comb = []
-        for service in services:
-            new_instance = [service + '/' + name]
-            instance_comb.extend(new_instance)
-        service_instance_combinations.append(instance_comb)
-    return service_instance_combinations
diff --git a/utils/python/hal/ b/utils/python/hal/
deleted file mode 100644
index 71f017d..0000000
--- a/utils/python/hal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from vts.utils.python.hal import hal_service_name_utils
-class HalServiceNameUtilsUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Tests for hal hidl gtest template"""
-    def testGetServiceInstancesFullCombinations(self):
-        """Test the function to get service instance combinations"""
-        comb1 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations([], {})
-        self.assertEquals(0, len(comb1))
-        comb2 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(["s1"],
-                                                                       {})
-        self.assertEquals(0, len(comb2))
-        comb3 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1"], {"s1": ["n1"]})
-        self.assertEqual([["s1/n1"]], comb3)
-        comb4 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1"], {"s1": ["n1", "n2"]})
-        self.assertEqual([["s1/n1"], ["s1/n2"]], comb4)
-        comb5 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1", "s2"], {"s1": ["n1", "n2"]})
-        self.assertEqual([["s1/n1"], ["s1/n2"]], comb5)
-        comb6 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1", "s2"], {"s1": ["n1", "n2"],
-                           "s2": ["n3"]})
-        self.assertEqual([["s2/n3", "s1/n1"], ["s2/n3", "s1/n2"]], comb6)
-        comb7 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1", "s2"], {"s1": ["n1", "n2"],
-                           "s2": ["n3", "n4"]})
-        self.assertEqual([["s2/n3", "s1/n1"], ["s2/n3", "s1/n2"],
-                          ["s2/n4", "s1/n1"], ["s2/n4", "s1/n2"]], comb7)
-        comb8 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1", "s2"], {"s1": ["n1", "n2"],
-                           "s2": []})
-        self.assertEqual([["s1/n1"], ["s1/n2"]], comb8)
-        comb9 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1", "s2"], {"s1": [],
-                           "s2": ["n1", "n2"]})
-        self.assertEqual([["s2/n1"], ["s2/n2"]], comb9)
-    def testGetServiceInstancesNameMatchCombinations(self):
-        """Test the function to get service instance combinations"""
-        mode = hal_service_name_utils.CombMode.NAME_MATCH
-        comb1 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations([], {},
-                                                                       mode)
-        self.assertEquals(0, len(comb1))
-        comb2 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1"], {}, mode)
-        self.assertEquals(0, len(comb2))
-        comb3 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1"], {"s1": ["n1"]}, mode)
-        #self.assertEqual([["s1/n1"]], comb3)
-        comb4 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1"], {"s1": ["n1", "n2"]}, mode)
-        self.assertEqual([["s1/n1"], ["s1/n2"]], comb4)
-        comb5 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1", "s2"], {"s1": ["n1", "n2"]}, mode)
-        self.assertEqual(0, len(comb5))
-        comb6 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1", "s2"], {"s1": ["n1", "n2"],
-                           "s2": ["n3"]}, mode)
-        self.assertEqual(0, len(comb6))
-        comb7 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1", "s2"], {"s1": ["n1", "n2"],
-                           "s2": ["n3", "n4"]}, mode)
-        self.assertEqual(0, len(comb7))
-        comb8 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1", "s2"], {"s1": ["n1", "n2"],
-                           "s2": []}, mode)
-        self.assertEqual(0, len(comb8))
-        comb9 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1", "s2"], {"s1": [],
-                           "s2": ["n1", "n2"]}, mode)
-        self.assertEqual(0, len(comb9))
-        comb10 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1", "s2"], {"s1": ["n1"],
-                           "s2": ["n1", "n2"]}, mode)
-        self.assertEqual([["s1/n1", "s2/n1"]], comb10)
-        comb11 = hal_service_name_utils.GetServiceInstancesCombinations(
-            ["s1", "s2"], {"s1": ["n1", "n2"],
-                           "s2": ["n1", "n2"]}, mode)
-        self.assertEqual([["s1/n1", "s2/n1"], ["s1/n2", "s2/n2"]], comb11)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()