Exclude static library symbols from dump

The shared libraries link to static libraries which export symbols.
This patch finds the symbols in common static libraries and excludes
them from dump.

Bug: 66936299
Bug: 37488823
Test: ./dump_abi.py --output current vndk-sp/libc++.so
Change-Id: I1c78c558ac6f564b4d0d37d39a3320a1cd7da42e
diff --git a/golden/dump_abi.py b/golden/dump_abi.py
index a6fb4bf..1afeda0 100755
--- a/golden/dump_abi.py
+++ b/golden/dump_abi.py
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
     are outside the search path and thus have to be imported dynamically.
+        ar_parser: The ar_parser module.
         elf_parser: The elf_parser module.
         vtable_parser: The vtable_parser module.
@@ -40,6 +41,8 @@
             import_dir: The directory containing vts.utils.python.library.*.
+        cls.ar_parser = importlib.import_module(
+            "vts.utils.python.library.ar_parser")
         cls.elf_parser = importlib.import_module(
         cls.vtable_parser = importlib.import_module(
@@ -107,7 +110,7 @@
     return _ExecuteCommand(["which", file_name])
-def DumpSymbols(lib_path, dump_path):
+def DumpSymbols(lib_path, dump_path, exclude_symbols):
     """Dump symbols from a library to a dump file.
     The dump file is a sorted list of symbols. Each line contains one symbol.
@@ -115,6 +118,8 @@
         lib_path: The path to the library.
         dump_path: The path to the dump file.
+        exclude_symbols: A set of strings, the symbols that should not be
+                         written to the dump file.
         A list of strings which are the symbols written to the dump file.
@@ -127,7 +132,8 @@
     parser = None
         parser = elf_parser.ElfParser(lib_path)
-        symbols = parser.ListGlobalDynamicSymbols()
+        symbols = [x for x in parser.ListGlobalDynamicSymbols()
+                   if x not in exclude_symbols]
         if parser:
@@ -202,49 +208,69 @@
     return src_dir
-def DumpAbi(output_dir, input_files, product_dir, archs, dumper_dir):
+def _LoadLibraryNames(file_names):
+    """Loads library names from files.
+    Each element in the input list can be a .so file or a text file which
+    contains list of library names. The returned list consists of the .so file
+    names in the input list, and the non-empty lines in the text files.
+    Args:
+        file_names: A list of strings, the library or text file names.
+    Returns:
+        A list of strings, the library names.
+    """
+    lib_names = []
+    for file_name in file_names:
+        if file_name.endswith(".so"):
+            lib_names.append(file_name)
+        else:
+            with open(file_name, "r") as lib_list:
+                lib_names.extend(line.strip() for line in lib_list
+                                 if line.strip())
+    return lib_names
+def DumpAbi(output_dir, lib_names, product_dir, object_dir, arch, dumper_dir):
     """Generates dump from libraries.
         output_dir: The output directory of dump files.
-        input_files: A list of strings. Each element can be .so file or a text
-                     file which contains list of libraries.
+        lib_names: The names of the libraries to dump.
         product_dir: The path to the product output directory in Android source.
-        archs: A list of strings which are the CPU architectures of the
-               libraries.
+        object_dir: The path to directory containing intermediate objects.
+        arch: A string representing the CPU architecture of the libraries.
         dumper_dir: The path to the directory containing the vtable dumper
                     executable and library.
-    # Get names of the libraries to dump
-    lib_names = []
-    for input_file in input_files:
-        if input_file.endswith(".so"):
-            lib_names.append(input_file)
+    ar_parser = ExternalModules.ar_parser
+    static_symbols = set()
+    for ar_name in ("libgcc", "libatomic", "libcompiler_rt-extras"):
+        ar_path = os.path.join(
+            object_dir, "STATIC_LIBRARIES", ar_name + "_intermediates",
+            ar_name + ".a")
+        static_symbols.update(ar_parser.ListGlobalSymbols(ar_path))
+    lib_dir = GetSystemLibDirByArch(product_dir, arch)
+    dump_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, arch)
+    for lib_name in lib_names:
+        lib_path = os.path.join(lib_dir, lib_name)
+        symbol_dump_path = os.path.join(dump_dir, lib_name + "_symbol.dump")
+        vtable_dump_path = os.path.join(dump_dir, lib_name + "_vtable.dump")
+        print(lib_path)
+        symbols = DumpSymbols(lib_path, symbol_dump_path, static_symbols)
+        if symbols:
+            print("Output: " + symbol_dump_path)
-            with open(input_file, "r") as lib_list:
-                lib_names.extend(line.strip() for line in lib_list
-                                 if line.strip())
-    # Create the dumps
-    for arch in archs:
-        lib_dir = GetSystemLibDirByArch(product_dir, arch)
-        dump_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, arch)
-        for lib_name in lib_names:
-            lib_path = os.path.join(lib_dir, lib_name)
-            symbol_dump_path = os.path.join(dump_dir, lib_name + "_symbol.dump")
-            vtable_dump_path = os.path.join(dump_dir, lib_name + "_vtable.dump")
-            print(lib_path)
-            symbols = DumpSymbols(lib_path, symbol_dump_path)
-            if symbols:
-                print("Output: " + symbol_dump_path)
-            else:
-                print("No symbols")
-            vtables = DumpVtables(
-                lib_path, vtable_dump_path, dumper_dir, set(symbols))
-            if vtables:
-                print("Output: " + vtable_dump_path)
-            else:
-                print("No vtables")
-            print("")
+            print("No symbols")
+        vtables = DumpVtables(
+            lib_path, vtable_dump_path, dumper_dir, set(symbols))
+        if vtables:
+            print("Output: " + vtable_dump_path)
+        else:
+            print("No vtables")
+        print("")
 def main():
@@ -274,12 +300,16 @@
     if not build_top_dir:
         sys.exit("env var ANDROID_BUILD_TOP is not set")
     target_arch = GetBuildVariable(build_top_dir, "TARGET_ARCH")
+    target_obj_dir = GetBuildVariable(build_top_dir, "TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES")
     target_2nd_arch = GetBuildVariable(build_top_dir, "TARGET_2ND_ARCH")
+    target_2nd_obj_dir = GetBuildVariable(build_top_dir,
+                                          "2ND_TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES")
     print("TARGET_ARCH=" + target_arch)
+    print("TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES=" + target_obj_dir)
     print("TARGET_2ND_ARCH=" + target_2nd_arch)
-    archs = [target_arch]
-    if target_2nd_arch:
-        archs.append(target_2nd_arch)
+    print("2ND_TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES=" + target_2nd_obj_dir)
+    target_obj_dir = os.path.join(build_top_dir, target_obj_dir)
+    target_2nd_obj_dir = os.path.join(build_top_dir, target_2nd_obj_dir)
     # Import elf_parser and vtable_parser
     ExternalModules.ImportParsers(args.import_path if args.import_path else
@@ -294,7 +324,12 @@
         dumper_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(dumper_path))
     print("DUMPER_DIR=" + dumper_dir)
-    DumpAbi(args.output, args.file, product_dir, archs, dumper_dir)
+    lib_names = _LoadLibraryNames(args.file)
+    DumpAbi(args.output, lib_names, product_dir, target_obj_dir, target_arch,
+            dumper_dir)
+    if target_2nd_arch:
+        DumpAbi(args.output, lib_names, product_dir, target_2nd_obj_dir,
+                target_2nd_arch, dumper_dir)
 if __name__ == "__main__":