blob: 9b7bff45ed7f620611103b482181fe6d78aeeb9b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <android/hidl/manager/1.0/IServiceManager.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <hidl-hash/Hash.h>
#include <hidl-util/FQName.h>
#include <hidl/ServiceManagement.h>
#include <vintf/HalManifest.h>
#include <vintf/VintfObject.h>
#include <vintf/parse_string.h>
using android::FQName;
using android::Hash;
using android::sp;
using android::base::GetUintProperty;
using android::hardware::hidl_array;
using android::hardware::hidl_string;
using android::hardware::hidl_vec;
using android::hidl::manager::V1_0::IServiceManager;
using android::vintf::HalManifest;
using android::vintf::Level;
using android::vintf::ManifestHal;
using android::vintf::Transport;
using android::vintf::Version;
using android::vintf::VintfObject;
using android::vintf::operator<<;
using android::vintf::to_string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::map;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using HalVerifyFn = std::function<void(const FQName &fq_name,
const string &instance_name, Transport)>;
using HashCharArray = hidl_array<unsigned char, 32>;
using HalManifestPtr = std::shared_ptr<const HalManifest>;
// Path to directory on target containing test data.
static const string kDataDir = "/data/local/tmp/";
// Name of file containing HAL hashes.
static const string kHashFileName = "current.txt";
// Map from package name to package root.
static const map<string, string> kPackageRoot = {
{"android.frameworks", "frameworks/hardware/interfaces/"},
{"android.hardware", "hardware/interfaces/"},
{"android.hidl", "system/libhidl/transport/"},
{"android.system", "system/hardware/interfaces/"},
// HALs that are allowed to be passthrough under Treble rules.
static const set<string> kPassthroughHals = {
"", "android.hardware.renderscript",
// kFcm2ApiLevelMap is associated with API level. There can be multiple
// Framework Compatibility Matrix Version (FCM Version) per API level, or
// multiple API levels per FCM version.
// kFcm2ApiLevelMap is defined apart from android::vintf::Level. Level is an
// integer designed to be irrelevant with API level; the O / O_MR1 values are
// historic values for convenience, and should be removed (b/70628538). Hence
// these values are not used here.
// For example:
// ...
// // Assume devices launch with Android X must implement FCM version >= 9
// X = 9,
// // Assume devices launch with Android Y and Android Z must implement
// // FCM version >= 11
// Y = 11,
// Z = 11
static const map<size_t /* Shipping API Level */, Level /* FCM Version */>
kFcm2ApiLevelMap{{// N. The test runs on devices that launch with N and
// become a Treble device when upgrading to O.
{25, static_cast<Level>(1)},
// O
{26, static_cast<Level>(1)},
// O MR-1
{27, static_cast<Level>(2)},
// P
{28, static_cast<Level>(3)}}};
static const string kShippingApiLevelProp = "ro.product.first_api_level";
// For a given interface returns package root if known. Returns empty string
// otherwise.
static const string PackageRoot(const FQName &fq_iface_name) {
for (const auto &package_root : kPackageRoot) {
if (fq_iface_name.inPackage(package_root.first)) {
return package_root.second;
return "";
// Returns true iff HAL interface is Google-defined.
static bool IsGoogleDefinedIface(const FQName &fq_iface_name) {
// Package roots are only known for Google-defined packages.
return !PackageRoot(fq_iface_name).empty();
// Returns the set of released hashes for a given HAL interface.
static set<string> ReleasedHashes(const FQName &fq_iface_name) {
set<string> released_hashes{};
string err = "";
string file_path = kDataDir + PackageRoot(fq_iface_name) + kHashFileName;
auto hashes = Hash::lookupHash(file_path, fq_iface_name.string(), &err);
released_hashes.insert(hashes.begin(), hashes.end());
return released_hashes;
// Returns the partition that a HAL is associated with.
static std::string PartitionOfProcess(int32_t pid) {
const std::string path = "/proc/" + std::to_string(pid) + "/exe";
char buff[PATH_MAX];
ssize_t len = readlink(path.c_str(), buff, sizeof(buff) - 1);
if (len < 0) {
return "(unknown)";
buff[len] = '\0';
std::string partition = buff;
if (partition == "/system/bin/app_process64" ||
partition == "/system/bin/app_process32") {
return ""; // cannot determine
while (!partition.empty() && partition.front() == '/') {
partition = partition.substr(1);
size_t backslash = partition.find_first_of('/');
partition = partition.substr(0, backslash);
// TODO(b/70033981): remove once ODM and Vendor manifests are distinguished
if (partition == "odm") {
partition = "vendor";
return partition;
class VtsTrebleVintfTest : public ::testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() override {
default_manager_ = ::android::hardware::defaultServiceManager();
ASSERT_NE(default_manager_, nullptr)
<< "Failed to get default service manager." << endl;
passthrough_manager_ = ::android::hardware::getPassthroughServiceManager();
ASSERT_NE(passthrough_manager_, nullptr)
<< "Failed to get passthrough service manager." << endl;
vendor_manifest_ = VintfObject::GetDeviceHalManifest();
ASSERT_NE(vendor_manifest_, nullptr)
<< "Failed to get vendor HAL manifest." << endl;
fwk_manifest_ = VintfObject::GetFrameworkHalManifest();
ASSERT_NE(fwk_manifest_, nullptr)
<< "Failed to get framework HAL manifest." << endl;
// Applies given function to each HAL instance in VINTF.
void ForEachHalInstance(const HalManifestPtr &, HalVerifyFn);
// Retrieves an existing HAL service.
sp<android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase> GetHalService(
const FQName &fq_name, const string &instance_name, Transport,
bool log = true);
static vector<string> GetInterfaceChain(
const sp<android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase> &service);
// Default service manager.
sp<IServiceManager> default_manager_;
// Passthrough service manager.
sp<IServiceManager> passthrough_manager_;
// Vendor hal manifest.
HalManifestPtr vendor_manifest_;
// Framework hal manifest.
HalManifestPtr fwk_manifest_;
void VtsTrebleVintfTest::ForEachHalInstance(const HalManifestPtr &manifest,
HalVerifyFn fn) {
auto hal_names = manifest->getHalNames();
for (const string &hal_name : hal_names) {
for (const ManifestHal *hal : manifest->getHals(hal_name)) {
for (const Version &version : hal->versions) {
for (const auto &it : hal->interfaces) {
string iface_name = it.first;
set<string> instances = it.second.instances;
for (const string &instance_name : instances) {
string major_ver = std::to_string(version.majorVer);
string minor_ver = std::to_string(version.minorVer);
string full_ver = major_ver + "." + minor_ver;
FQName fq_name{hal_name, full_ver, iface_name};
Transport transport = hal->transport();
auto future_result =
std::async([&]() { fn(fq_name, instance_name, transport); });
auto timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(500);
std::future_status status = future_result.wait_for(timeout);
if (status != std::future_status::ready) {
cout << "Timed out on: " << fq_name.string() << " "
<< instance_name << endl;
sp<android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase> VtsTrebleVintfTest::GetHalService(
const FQName &fq_name, const string &instance_name, Transport transport,
bool log) {
string hal_name = fq_name.package();
Version version{fq_name.getPackageMajorVersion(),
string iface_name =;
string fq_iface_name = fq_name.string();
if (log) {
cout << "Getting service of: " << fq_iface_name << " " << instance_name
<< endl;
android::sp<android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase> hal_service = nullptr;
if (transport == Transport::HWBINDER) {
hal_service = default_manager_->get(fq_iface_name, instance_name);
} else if (transport == Transport::PASSTHROUGH) {
hal_service = passthrough_manager_->get(fq_iface_name, instance_name);
return hal_service;
vector<string> VtsTrebleVintfTest::GetInterfaceChain(
const sp<android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase> &service) {
vector<string> iface_chain{};
service->interfaceChain([&iface_chain](const hidl_vec<hidl_string> &chain) {
for (const auto &iface_name : chain) {
return iface_chain;
// Tests that all HAL entries in VINTF has all required fields filled out.
TEST_F(VtsTrebleVintfTest, HalEntriesAreComplete) {
auto hal_names = vendor_manifest_->getHalNames();
for (const string &hal_name : hal_names) {
for (const ManifestHal *hal : vendor_manifest_->getHals(hal_name)) {
<< hal_name << " has no version specified in VINTF.";
<< hal_name << " has no interface specified in VINTF.";
for (const auto &it : hal->interfaces) {
<< hal_name << " has no instance specified in VINTF.";
// Tests that no HAL outside of the allowed set is specified as passthrough in
TEST_F(VtsTrebleVintfTest, HalsAreBinderized) {
// Verifies that HAL is binderized unless it's allowed to be passthrough.
HalVerifyFn is_binderized = [](const FQName &fq_name,
const string & /* instance_name */,
Transport transport) {
cout << "Verifying transport method of: " << fq_name.string() << endl;
string hal_name = fq_name.package();
Version version{fq_name.getPackageMajorVersion(),
string iface_name =;
EXPECT_NE(transport, Transport::EMPTY)
<< hal_name << " has no transport specified in VINTF.";
if (transport == Transport::PASSTHROUGH) {
EXPECT_NE(kPassthroughHals.find(hal_name), kPassthroughHals.end())
<< hal_name << " can't be passthrough under Treble rules.";
ForEachHalInstance(vendor_manifest_, is_binderized);
ForEachHalInstance(fwk_manifest_, is_binderized);
// Tests that all HALs specified in the VINTF are available through service
// manager.
TEST_F(VtsTrebleVintfTest, HalsAreServed) {
// Returns a function that verifies that HAL is available through service
// manager and is served from a specific set of partitions.
auto is_available_from =
[this](const std::string &expected_partition) -> HalVerifyFn {
return [&](const FQName &fq_name, const string &instance_name,
Transport transport) {
sp<android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase> hal_service =
GetHalService(fq_name, instance_name, transport);
EXPECT_NE(hal_service, nullptr)
<< fq_name.string() << " not available." << endl;
if (hal_service == nullptr || !hal_service->isRemote()) return;
auto ret = hal_service->getDebugInfo([&](const auto &info) {
const std::string &partition = PartitionOfProcess(;
if (partition.empty()) return;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_partition, partition)
<< fq_name.string() << " is in partition " << partition
<< " but is expected to be in " << expected_partition;
ForEachHalInstance(vendor_manifest_, is_available_from("vendor"));
ForEachHalInstance(fwk_manifest_, is_available_from("system"));
// Tests that HAL interfaces are officially released.
TEST_F(VtsTrebleVintfTest, InterfacesAreReleased) {
// Verifies that HAL are released by fetching the hash of the interface and
// comparing it to the set of known hashes of released interfaces.
HalVerifyFn is_released = [this](const FQName &fq_name,
const string &instance_name,
Transport transport) {
sp<android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase> hal_service =
GetHalService(fq_name, instance_name, transport);
if (hal_service == nullptr) {
ADD_FAILURE() << fq_name.string() << " not available." << endl;
vector<string> iface_chain = GetInterfaceChain(hal_service);
vector<string> hash_chain{};
[&hash_chain](const hidl_vec<HashCharArray> &chain) {
for (const HashCharArray &hash_array : chain) {
vector<uint8_t> hash{, + hash_array.size()};
ASSERT_EQ(iface_chain.size(), hash_chain.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < iface_chain.size(); ++i) {
FQName fq_iface_name{iface_chain[i]};
string hash = hash_chain[i];
// No interface is allowed to have an empty hash.
EXPECT_NE(hash, Hash::hexString(Hash::kEmptyHash))
<< fq_iface_name.string()
<< " has an empty hash. This is because it was compiled without"
" being frozen in a corresponding current.txt file.";
if (IsGoogleDefinedIface(fq_iface_name)) {
set<string> released_hashes = ReleasedHashes(fq_iface_name);
EXPECT_NE(released_hashes.find(hash), released_hashes.end())
<< "Hash not found. This interface was not released." << endl
<< "Interface name: " << fq_iface_name.string() << endl
<< "Hash: " << hash << endl;
ForEachHalInstance(vendor_manifest_, is_released);
ForEachHalInstance(fwk_manifest_, is_released);
// Tests that vendor and framework are compatible.
TEST(CompatiblityTest, VendorFrameworkCompatibility) {
string error;
*VintfObject::GetFrameworkCompatibilityMatrix(), &error))
<< error;
*VintfObject::GetDeviceCompatibilityMatrix(), &error))
<< error;
// AVB version is not a compliance requirement.
*VintfObject::GetFrameworkCompatibilityMatrix(), &error,
<< error;
{}, &error, ::android::vintf::DISABLE_AVB_CHECK))
<< error;
class DeprecateTest : public VtsTrebleVintfTest {};
// Tests that Shipping FCM Version in the device manifest is at least the
// minimum Shipping FCM Version as required by Shipping API level.
TEST_F(DeprecateTest, ShippingFcmVersion) {
uint64_t shipping_api_level =
GetUintProperty<uint64_t>(kShippingApiLevelProp, 0);
ASSERT_NE(shipping_api_level, 0u) << "sysprop " << kShippingApiLevelProp
<< " is missing or cannot be parsed.";
Level shipping_fcm_version = VintfObject::GetDeviceHalManifest()->level();
if (shipping_fcm_version == Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
// O / O-MR1 vendor image doesn't have shipping FCM version declared and
// shipping FCM version is inferred from Shipping API level, hence it always
// meets the requirement.
ASSERT_GE(shipping_api_level, kFcm2ApiLevelMap.begin()->first /* 25 */)
<< "Pre-N devices should not run this test.";
auto it = kFcm2ApiLevelMap.find(shipping_api_level);
ASSERT_TRUE(it != kFcm2ApiLevelMap.end())
<< "No launch requirement is set yet for Shipping API level "
<< shipping_api_level << ". Please update the test.";
Level required_fcm_version = it->second;
ASSERT_GE(shipping_fcm_version, required_fcm_version)
<< "Shipping API level == " << shipping_api_level
<< " requires Shipping FCM Version >= " << required_fcm_version
<< " (but is " << shipping_fcm_version << ")";
// Tests that deprecated HALs are not served, unless a higher, non-deprecated
// minor version is served.
TEST_F(DeprecateTest, NoDeprcatedHalsOnManager) {
// Predicate for whether an instance is served through service manager.
// Return {is instance in service manager, highest minor version}
// where "highest minor version" is the first element in getInterfaceChain()
// that has the same "package", major version as "version", "interface" and
// "instance", but a higher minor version than "version".
VintfObject::IsInstanceInUse is_instance_served =
[this](const string &package, Version version, const string &interface,
const string &instance) {
FQName fq_name(package, to_string(version), interface);
for (auto transport : {Transport::HWBINDER, Transport::PASSTHROUGH}) {
auto service =
GetHalService(fq_name, instance, transport, false /* log */);
if (service == nullptr) {
continue; // try next transport
vector<string> iface_chain = GetInterfaceChain(service);
for (const auto &fq_interface_str : iface_chain) {
FQName fq_interface{fq_interface_str};
if (!fq_interface.isValid()) {
// Allow CheckDeprecation to proceed with some sensible default
ADD_FAILURE() << "'" << fq_interface_str
<< "' (returned by getInterfaceChain())"
<< "is not a valid fully-qualified name.";
return std::make_pair(true, version);
if (fq_interface.package() == package) {
Version fq_version{fq_interface.getPackageMajorVersion(),
if (fq_version.minorAtLeast(version)) {
return std::make_pair(true, fq_version);
// Allow CheckDeprecation to proceed with some sensible default
ADD_FAILURE() << "getInterfaceChain() does not return interface name "
<< "with at least minor version'" << package << "@"
<< version << "'; returned values are ["
<< android::base::Join(iface_chain, ", ") << "]";
return std::make_pair(true, version);
return std::make_pair(false, Version{});
string error;
VintfObject::CheckDeprecation(is_instance_served, &error))
<< error;
// Tests that deprecated HALs are not in the manifest, unless a higher,
// non-deprecated minor version is in the manifest.
TEST_F(DeprecateTest, NoDeprcatedHalsOnManifest) {
string error;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();