blob: d5159c0a8ffdb1b17b0687f182c9c1d280e627a0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "DeviceManifestTest.h"
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/result.h>
#include <libvts_vintf_test_common/common.h>
#include <vintf/VintfObject.h>
#include "SingleManifestTest.h"
using testing::Combine;
using testing::Values;
using testing::ValuesIn;
namespace android {
namespace vintf {
namespace testing {
void DeviceManifestTest::SetUp() {
vendor_manifest_ = VintfObject::GetDeviceHalManifest();
ASSERT_NE(vendor_manifest_, nullptr)
<< "Failed to get vendor HAL manifest." << endl;
// Tests that Shipping FCM Version in the device manifest is at least the
// minimum Shipping FCM Version as required by Board API level.
// @VsrTest = VSR-3.2-014
TEST_F(DeviceManifestTest, ShippingFcmVersion) {
uint64_t board_api_level = GetBoardApiLevel();
Level shipping_fcm_version = VintfObject::GetDeviceHalManifest()->level();
auto res = TestTargetFcmVersion(shipping_fcm_version, board_api_level);
// Tests that deprecated HALs are not in the manifest, unless a higher,
// non-deprecated minor version is in the manifest.
// @VsrTest = VSR-3.2-014
TEST_F(DeviceManifestTest, NoDeprecatedHalsOnManifest) {
string error;
HidlInterfaceMetadata::all(), &error))
<< error;
// Tests that devices launching R support mapper@4.0. Go devices are exempt
// from this requirement, so we use this test to enforce instead of the
// compatibility matrix.
// @VsrTest = VSR-3.2-014
TEST_F(DeviceManifestTest, GraphicsMapperHalVersionCompatibility) {
Level shipping_fcm_version = VintfObject::GetDeviceHalManifest()->level();
bool is_go_device =
android::base::GetBoolProperty("ro.config.low_ram", false);
if (shipping_fcm_version == Level::UNSPECIFIED ||
shipping_fcm_version < Level::R ||
(is_go_device && shipping_fcm_version < Level::V)) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "Graphics mapper 4 is only required on launching R devices";
"", {4, 0}, "IMapper", "default"));
"", {2, 0}, "IMapper", "default"));
"", {2, 1}, "IMapper", "default"));
// Devices with Shipping FCM version 3~6 must have either the HIDL or the
// AIDL health HAL. Because compatibility matrices cannot express OR condition
// between <hal>'s, add a test here.
// There's no need to enforce minimum HAL versions because
// NoDeprecatedHalsOnManifest already checks it.
// @VsrTest = VSR-3.2-014
TEST_F(DeviceManifestTest, HealthHal) {
bool has_hidl = vendor_manifest_->hasHidlInstance(
"", {2, 0}, "IHealth", "default");
bool has_aidl = vendor_manifest_->hasAidlInstance("",
1, "IHealth", "default");
ASSERT_TRUE(has_hidl || has_aidl)
<< "Device must have either health HIDL HAL or AIDL HAL";
// Devices with Shipping FCM version 5+ must have the
// AIDL power HAL.
// The specific versions are handled by the framework compatibility matrix.
// @VsrTest = VSR-3.2-014
TEST_F(DeviceManifestTest, PowerHal) {
Level fcm_version = VintfObject::GetDeviceHalManifest()->level();
if (fcm_version == Level::UNSPECIFIED || fcm_version < Level::R) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "Power HAL is only required on launching R+ devices";
"IPower", "default"))
<< "Device must have the android.hardware.power.IPower/default HAL";
// Devices must have either the HIDL or the AIDL gatekeeper HAL.
// Because compatibility matrices cannot express OR condition
// between <hal>'s, add a test here.
// There's no need to enforce minimum HAL versions because
// NoDeprecatedHalsOnManifest already checks it.
// @VsrTest = VSR-3.2-014
TEST_F(DeviceManifestTest, GatekeeperHal) {
bool has_hidl = vendor_manifest_->hasHidlInstance(
"android.hardware.gatekeeper", {1, 0}, "IGatekeeper", "default");
bool has_aidl = vendor_manifest_->hasAidlInstance(
"android.hardware.gatekeeper", "IGatekeeper", "default");
ASSERT_TRUE(has_hidl || has_aidl)
<< "Device must have either gatekeeper HIDL HAL or AIDL HAL";
// Devices with Shipping FCM version 7 must have either the HIDL or the
// AIDL composer HAL. Because compatibility matrices cannot express OR condition
// between <hal>'s, add a test here.
// There's no need to enforce minimum HAL versions because
// NoDeprecatedHalsOnManifest already checks it.
// @VsrTest = VSR-3.2-014
TEST_F(DeviceManifestTest, ComposerHal) {
bool has_hidl = vendor_manifest_->hasHidlInstance(
"", {2, 1}, "IComposer", "default");
bool has_aidl = vendor_manifest_->hasAidlInstance(
"", 1, "IComposer", "default");
ASSERT_TRUE(has_hidl || has_aidl)
<< "Device must have either composer HIDL HAL or AIDL HAL";
// Devices with Shipping FCM version 7 must have either the HIDL or the
// AIDL gralloc HAL. Because compatibility matrices cannot express OR condition
// between <hal>'s, add a test here.
// There's no need to enforce minimum HAL versions because
// NoDeprecatedHalsOnManifest already checks it.
// @VsrTest = VSR-3.2-014
TEST_F(DeviceManifestTest, GrallocHal) {
bool has_hidl = false;
for (size_t hidl_major = 2; hidl_major <= 4; hidl_major++)
has_hidl = has_hidl || vendor_manifest_->hasHidlInstance(
{hidl_major, 0}, "IAllocator", "default");
bool has_aidl = vendor_manifest_->hasAidlInstance(
"", "IAllocator", "default");
ASSERT_TRUE(has_hidl || has_aidl)
<< "Device must have either graphics allocator HIDL HAL or AIDL HAL";
// Devices after Android T must have either the HIDL or the
// AIDL thermal HAL. Because compatibility matrices cannot express OR condition
// between <hal>'s, add a test here.
// @VsrTest = VSR-3.2-014
TEST_F(DeviceManifestTest, ThermalHal) {
Level shipping_fcm_version = VintfObject::GetDeviceHalManifest()->level();
if (shipping_fcm_version == Level::UNSPECIFIED ||
shipping_fcm_version < Level::T) {
<< "Thermal HAL is only required on devices launching in T or later";
bool has_hidl = vendor_manifest_->hasHidlInstance(
"android.hardware.thermal", {2, 0}, "IThermal", "default");
bool has_aidl = vendor_manifest_->hasAidlInstance("android.hardware.thermal",
"IThermal", "default");
ASSERT_TRUE(has_hidl || has_aidl)
<< "Device must have either thermal HIDL HAL or AIDL HAL";
// Tests that devices launching T support allocator@4.0 or AIDL.
// Go devices are exempt
// from this requirement, so we use this test to enforce instead of the
// compatibility matrix.
// @VsrTest = VSR-3.2-014
TEST_F(DeviceManifestTest, GrallocHalVersionCompatibility) {
Level shipping_fcm_version = VintfObject::GetDeviceHalManifest()->level();
bool is_go_device =
android::base::GetBoolProperty("ro.config.low_ram", false);
if (shipping_fcm_version == Level::UNSPECIFIED ||
shipping_fcm_version < Level::T ||
(is_go_device && shipping_fcm_version < Level::V)) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "Gralloc 4.0/AIDL is only required on launching T devices";
bool has_aidl = vendor_manifest_->hasAidlInstance(
"", 1, "IAllocator", "default");
bool has_hidl_4_0 = vendor_manifest_->hasHidlInstance(
"", {4, 0}, "IAllocator", "default");
ASSERT_TRUE(has_aidl || has_hidl_4_0);
"", {2, 0}, "IAllocator", "default"));
"", {3, 0}, "IAllocator", "default"));
// Devices must have either the HIDL or the AIDL audio HAL, both "core" and
// "effect" parts must be of the same type. Checked by a test because
// compatibility matrices cannot express these conditions.
// @VsrTest = VSR-3.2-014
TEST_F(DeviceManifestTest, AudioHal) {
Level shipping_fcm_version = VintfObject::GetDeviceHalManifest()->level();
if (shipping_fcm_version == Level::UNSPECIFIED ||
shipping_fcm_version < Level::U) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "AIDL Audio HAL can only appear on launching U devices";
bool has_hidl_core = false;
for (const auto v :
{Version(5, 0), Version(6, 0), Version(7, 0), Version(7, 1)}) {
has_hidl_core |= vendor_manifest_->hasHidlInstance(
"", v, "IDevicesFactory", "default");
bool has_hidl_effect = false;
for (const auto v : {Version(5, 0), Version(6, 0), Version(7, 0)}) {
has_hidl_effect |= vendor_manifest_->hasHidlInstance(
"", v, "IEffectsFactory", "default");
bool has_aidl_core = vendor_manifest_->hasAidlInstance(
"", "IConfig", "default");
bool has_aidl_effect = vendor_manifest_->hasAidlInstance(
"", "IFactory", "default");
EXPECT_EQ(has_hidl_core, has_hidl_effect)
<< "Device must have both Audio Core and Effect HALs of the same type";
EXPECT_EQ(has_aidl_core, has_aidl_effect)
<< "Device must have both Audio Core and Effect HALs of the same type";
EXPECT_TRUE(has_hidl_core || has_aidl_core)
<< "Device must have either Audio HIDL HAL or AIDL HAL";
DeviceManifest, SingleHidlTest,
DeviceManifest, SingleHwbinderHalTest,
DeviceManifest, SingleAidlTest,
DeviceManifest, SingleNativeTest,
} // namespace testing
} // namespace vintf
} // namespace android