blob: 75f128ca9b8bf8b6f0b123c9bad83d7f2de42ee4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "include/instruction_test.h"
#include <set>
#include <ditto/instruction_set.h>
#include <ditto/read_write_file.h>
using ::dittosuite::Instruction;
using ::dittosuite::SharedVariables;
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::InSequence;
using ::testing::Invoke;
using ::testing::Return;
class ReadFileTest : public InstructionTest {
int fd_ = MockSyscall::kDefaultFileDescriptor;
int input_key_;
// Set input fd
void SetUp() override {
input_key_ = SharedVariables::GetKey(thread_ids, "test_input");
SharedVariables::Set(input_key_, fd_);
using ReadFileDeathTest = ReadFileTest;
TEST_F(ReadFileTest, SetFAdvise) {
int fadvise = 2;
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, FAdvise(fd_, 0, MockSyscall::kDefaultFileSize, fadvise));
auto read_file = dittosuite::ReadFile(
(Instruction::Params){syscall_, 1}, -1, MockSyscall::kDefaultFileSize, 0,
dittosuite::Order::kSequential, 0, dittosuite::Reseeding::kOnce, fadvise, input_key_);
TEST_F(ReadFileTest, ReadSingleBlockSequential) {
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, MockSyscall::kDefaultFileSize, 0));
auto read_file = dittosuite::ReadFile(
(Instruction::Params){syscall_, 1}, -1, MockSyscall::kDefaultFileSize, 0,
dittosuite::Order::kSequential, 0, dittosuite::Reseeding::kOnce, 0, input_key_);
TEST_F(ReadFileTest, ReadSingleBlockSequentialRepeated) {
int repeat = 2;
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, MockSyscall::kDefaultFileSize, 0)).Times(repeat);
auto read_file = dittosuite::ReadFile(
(Instruction::Params){syscall_, repeat}, -1, MockSyscall::kDefaultFileSize, 0,
dittosuite::Order::kSequential, 0, dittosuite::Reseeding::kOnce, 0, input_key_);
TEST_F(ReadFileTest, ReadSingleBlockRandom) {
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, MockSyscall::kDefaultFileSize, 0));
auto read_file = dittosuite::ReadFile(
(Instruction::Params){syscall_, 1}, -1, MockSyscall::kDefaultFileSize, 0,
dittosuite::Order::kRandom, 0, dittosuite::Reseeding::kOnce, 0, input_key_);
TEST_F(ReadFileTest, ReadSingleBlockRandomRepeated) {
int repeat = 2;
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, MockSyscall::kDefaultFileSize, 0)).Times(repeat);
auto read_file = dittosuite::ReadFile(
(Instruction::Params){syscall_, repeat}, -1, MockSyscall::kDefaultFileSize, 0,
dittosuite::Order::kRandom, 0, dittosuite::Reseeding::kOnce, 0, input_key_);
TEST_F(ReadFileTest, ReadMultipleBlocksSequential) {
int64_t block_size = 4096;
int64_t size = block_size * 4;
// Check that file size is requested two times in each SetUpSingle() and
// pass needed file size for this test
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, FStat(fd_, _)).Times(2).WillRepeatedly(Invoke([&](int, struct stat64* buf) {
buf->st_size = size;
return 0;
InSequence sq;
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, block_size, 0));
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, block_size, block_size));
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, block_size, block_size * 2));
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, block_size, block_size * 3));
auto read_file = dittosuite::ReadFile((Instruction::Params){syscall_, 1}, size, block_size, 0,
dittosuite::Order::kSequential, 0,
dittosuite::Reseeding::kOnce, 0, input_key_);
TEST_F(ReadFileTest, ReadMultipleBlocksSequentialRepeated) {
int repeat = 2;
int64_t block_size = 4096;
int64_t size = block_size * 4;
// Check that file size is requested two times in each SetUpSingle() and
// pass needed file size for this test
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, FStat(fd_, _))
.Times(repeat * 2)
.WillRepeatedly(Invoke([&](int, struct stat64* buf) {
buf->st_size = size;
return 0;
InSequence sq;
for (int i = 0; i < repeat; ++i) {
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, block_size, 0));
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, block_size, block_size));
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, block_size, block_size * 2));
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, block_size, block_size * 3));
auto read_file = dittosuite::ReadFile((Instruction::Params){syscall_, repeat}, size, block_size,
0, dittosuite::Order::kSequential, 0,
dittosuite::Reseeding::kOnce, 0, input_key_);
TEST_F(ReadFileTest, ReadMultipleBlocksRandomRepeatedReseededOnce) {
int repeat = 2;
int64_t block_size = 4096;
int64_t size = block_size * repeat;
int64_t file_size = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 1GB
std::set<int64_t> blocks;
int number_of_blocks = repeat * repeat * repeat;
int number_of_unique_blocks = number_of_blocks;
// Check that file size is requested two times in each SetUpSingle() and
// pass needed file size for this test
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, FStat(fd_, _))
.Times(repeat * repeat * 2)
.WillRepeatedly(Invoke([&](int, struct stat64* buf) {
buf->st_size = file_size;
return 0;
// Collect the blocks
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, block_size, _))
.WillRepeatedly(Invoke([&](int, char*, int64_t size, int64_t offset) {
return size;
auto read_file = std::make_unique<dittosuite::ReadFile>(
(Instruction::Params){syscall_, repeat}, size, block_size, 0, dittosuite::Order::kRandom, 0,
dittosuite::Reseeding::kOnce, 0, input_key_);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<dittosuite::Instruction>> instructions;
auto instruction_set =
dittosuite::InstructionSet((Instruction::Params){syscall_, repeat}, std::move(instructions));
// Check that the number of unique blocks, that were collected, matches the expected number
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<int>(blocks.size()), number_of_unique_blocks);
TEST_F(ReadFileTest, ReadMultipleBlocksRandomRepeatedReseededEachRoundOfCycles) {
int repeat = 2;
int64_t block_size = 4096;
int64_t size = block_size * repeat;
int64_t file_size = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 1GB
std::set<int64_t> blocks;
int number_of_blocks = repeat * repeat * repeat;
int number_of_unique_blocks = repeat * repeat;
// Check that file size is requested two times in each SetUpSingle() and
// pass needed file size for this test
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, FStat(fd_, _))
.Times(repeat * repeat * 2)
.WillRepeatedly(Invoke([&](int, struct stat64* buf) {
buf->st_size = file_size;
return 0;
// Collect the blocks
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, block_size, _))
.WillRepeatedly(Invoke([&](int, char*, int64_t size, int64_t offset) {
return size;
auto read_file = std::make_unique<dittosuite::ReadFile>(
(Instruction::Params){syscall_, repeat}, size, block_size, 0, dittosuite::Order::kRandom, 0,
dittosuite::Reseeding::kEachRoundOfCycles, 0, input_key_);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<dittosuite::Instruction>> instructions;
auto instruction_set =
dittosuite::InstructionSet((Instruction::Params){syscall_, repeat}, std::move(instructions));
// Check that the number of unique blocks, that were collected, matches the expected number
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<int>(blocks.size()), number_of_unique_blocks);
TEST_F(ReadFileTest, ReadMultipleBlocksRandomRepeatedReseededEachCycle) {
int repeat = 2;
int64_t block_size = 4096;
int64_t size = block_size * repeat;
int64_t file_size = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 1GB
std::set<int64_t> blocks;
int number_of_blocks = repeat * repeat * repeat;
int number_of_unique_blocks = repeat;
// Check that file size is requested two times in each SetUpSingle() and
// pass needed file size for this test
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, FStat(fd_, _))
.Times(repeat * repeat * 2)
.WillRepeatedly(Invoke([&](int, struct stat64* buf) {
buf->st_size = file_size;
return 0;
// Collect the blocks
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, block_size, _))
.WillRepeatedly(Invoke([&](int, char*, int64_t size, int64_t offset) {
return size;
auto read_file = std::make_unique<dittosuite::ReadFile>(
(Instruction::Params){syscall_, repeat}, size, block_size, 0, dittosuite::Order::kRandom, 0,
dittosuite::Reseeding::kEachCycle, 0, input_key_);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<dittosuite::Instruction>> instructions;
auto instruction_set =
dittosuite::InstructionSet((Instruction::Params){syscall_, repeat}, std::move(instructions));
// Check that the number of unique blocks, that were collected, matches the expected number
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<int>(blocks.size()), number_of_unique_blocks);
TEST_F(ReadFileTest, UsedFileSize) {
// Expect a single Read() with the correct block_size (equal to file size)
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, MockSyscall::kDefaultFileSize, _));
auto read_file = dittosuite::ReadFile((Instruction::Params){syscall_, 1}, -1, -1, 0,
dittosuite::Order::kSequential, 0,
dittosuite::Reseeding::kOnce, 0, input_key_);
TEST_F(ReadFileTest, UsedFileSizeRepeated) {
std::vector<int64_t> sizes = {1024, 2048};
InSequence sq;
for (const auto& size : sizes) {
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, FStat(fd_, _))
.WillRepeatedly(Invoke([&](int, struct stat64* buf) {
buf->st_size = size;
return 0;
// Expect a single Read() with the correct block_size (equal to file size)
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, Read(fd_, _, size, _));
auto read_file = dittosuite::ReadFile(
(Instruction::Params){syscall_, static_cast<int>(sizes.size())}, -1, -1, 0,
dittosuite::Order::kSequential, 0, dittosuite::Reseeding::kOnce, 0, input_key_);
TEST_F(ReadFileDeathTest, DiedDueToInvalidFd) {
SharedVariables::Set(input_key_, -1);
auto read_file = dittosuite::ReadFile(
(Instruction::Params){syscall_, 1}, -1, MockSyscall::kDefaultFileSize, 0,
dittosuite::Order::kRandom, 0, dittosuite::Reseeding::kOnce, 0, input_key_);
// Will fail when GetFileSize() is called for an invalid fd during setup
EXPECT_CALL(syscall_, FStat(-1, _)).WillRepeatedly(Return(-1));
EXPECT_DEATH(read_file.Run(), _);