blob: a17ec4dc5129b80a65cd0ed0970143509a9d7bf4 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto2";
package dittosuiteproto;
enum Order {
enum Reseeding {
ONCE = 0;
enum AccessMode {
message MemoryAllocate {
optional uint64 size = 1;
message CpuWork {
oneof type {
uint64 cycles = 1;
double utilization = 2;
message BinderService {
optional string name = 1;
optional uint32 threads = 2;
message BinderRequest {
enum RunningService {
message GenericService {
message ParcelInput {
message NestedParcel {
repeated ParcelInput parcel_inputs = 1;
enum Type {
// Write the 32-bit integer into the send parcel.
I32 = 0;
// Write the 64-bit integer into the send parcel.
I64 = 1;
// Write the UTF-16 string STR into the send parcel.
STRING_16 = 2;
// Write the 32-bit single-precision number into the send parcel.
F = 3;
// Write the 64-bit double-precision number into the send parcel.
D = 4;
// Write a null binder into the send parcel.
NULL = 5;
// Data: File name
// Write a file descriptor for the file with given path into the send
// parcel.
FD_PATH = 6;
// Data: File name
// Write an ashmem file descriptor for a region containing the data
// from file the given path into the send parcel.
// Data: FD number
// Write the file descriptor into the send parcel.
FD = 8;
// Parcel input that is nested inside.
optional Type type = 1;
oneof data_oneof {
string data = 2;
NestedParcel nested_parcel = 3;
optional string name = 1;
optional int32 code = 2;
repeated ParcelInput parcel_input = 3;
oneof service_oneof {
string service_name = 1;
RunningService running_service = 2;
GenericService generic_service = 3;
message OpenFile {
oneof file {
string path_name = 1;
string input = 2;
optional string output_fd = 3;
optional bool create = 4 [default = true];
optional bool direct_io = 5 [default = false];
optional AccessMode access_mode = 6 [default = READ_WRITE];
message DeleteFile {
oneof file {
string path_name = 1;
string input = 2;
message CloseFile {
required string input_fd = 1;
message ResizeFile {
required string input_fd = 1;
required int64 size = 2;
message ResizeFileRandom {
required string input_fd = 1;
required int64 min = 2;
required int64 max = 3;
optional uint32 seed = 4;
optional Reseeding reseeding = 5 [default = ONCE];
message WriteFile {
required string input_fd = 1;
optional int64 size = 2 [default = -1];
optional int64 block_size = 3 [default = 4096];
optional int64 starting_offset = 4 [default = 0];
optional Order access_order = 5 [default = SEQUENTIAL];
optional uint32 seed = 6;
optional bool fsync = 7 [default = false];
optional Reseeding reseeding = 8 [default = ONCE];
message ReadFile {
enum ReadFAdvise {
required string input_fd = 1;
optional int64 size = 2 [default = -1];
optional int64 block_size = 3 [default = 4096];
optional int64 starting_offset = 4 [default = 0];
optional Order access_order = 5 [default = SEQUENTIAL];
optional uint32 seed = 6;
optional ReadFAdvise fadvise = 7 [default = AUTOMATIC];
optional Reseeding reseeding = 8 [default = ONCE];
message ReadDirectory {
required string directory_name = 1;
required string output = 2;
message Thread {
required Instruction instruction = 1;
optional int32 spawn = 2 [default = 1];
optional string name = 3;
optional SchedAttr sched_attr = 4;
optional int64 sched_affinity = 5 [default = -1];
message SchedAttr {
message SchedOther {
enum SchedPolicy {
OTHER = 1;
BATCH = 2;
required SchedPolicy policy = 1;
optional int32 nice = 2 [default = 10];
message SchedRt {
enum SchedPolicy {
FIFO = 1;
RR = 2;
required SchedPolicy policy = 1;
required uint32 priority = 2;
message SchedDeadline {
enum SchedPolicy {
required SchedPolicy policy = 1;
required uint64 runtime = 2;
required uint64 deadline = 3;
required uint64 period = 4;
optional uint64 flags = 1 [default = 0];
oneof attributes {
SchedOther other = 2;
SchedRt rt = 3;
SchedDeadline deadline = 4;
message Multithreading {
repeated Thread threads = 1;
optional bool fork = 2 [default = false];
message InvalidateCache {}
message Instruction {
optional int32 repeat = 1 [default = 1];
oneof instruction_oneof {
InstructionSet instruction_set = 2;
OpenFile open_file = 3;
DeleteFile delete_file = 4;
CloseFile close_file = 5;
ResizeFile resize_file = 6;
WriteFile write_file = 7;
ReadFile read_file = 8;
ReadDirectory read_directory = 9;
ResizeFileRandom resize_file_random = 10;
Multithreading multithreading = 11;
InvalidateCache invalidate_cache = 12;
BinderRequest binder_request = 13;
BinderService binder_service = 14;
CpuWork cpu_work = 16;
MemoryAllocate mem_alloc = 17;
optional uint64 period_us = 15 [default = 0];
message InstructionSet {
repeated Instruction instructions = 1;
optional InstructionSetIterate iterate_options = 2;
message InstructionSetIterate {
required string list_name = 1;
required string item_name = 2;
optional Order access_order = 3 [default = SEQUENTIAL];
optional Reseeding reseeding = 4 [default = ONCE];
optional uint32 seed = 5;
message Global {
optional string absolute_path = 1 [default = ""];
message Benchmark {
optional Instruction init = 1;
required Instruction main = 2;
optional Instruction clean_up = 3;
required Global global = 4;