Operate the csuite unit tests in standalone/local mode

Otherwise starting multiple servers might lead to errors

Test: presubmit
Bug: 315379693
(cherry picked from https://googleplex-android-review.googlesource.com/q/commit:b359f96f49e8d66eb2c613894c6a79f52430c6d3)
Merged-In: I20f2a42f386b9ea64b4c0c4baff8ff508f7a7df0
Change-Id: I20f2a42f386b9ea64b4c0c4baff8ff508f7a7df0
diff --git a/integration_tests/csuite_test_utils.py b/integration_tests/csuite_test_utils.py
index 489f348..39d5ba4 100644
--- a/integration_tests/csuite_test_utils.py
+++ b/integration_tests/csuite_test_utils.py
@@ -93,7 +93,8 @@
     # Unset environment variables that might cause the TradeFed to load classes
     # that weren't included in the standalone suite zip.
     env.pop('TF_GLOBAL_CONFIG', None)
+    # Ensure the process operates in standalone mode
+    env['LOCAL_MODE'] = "1"
     # Set the environment variable that TradeFed requires to find test modules.
     env['ANDROID_TARGET_OUT_TESTCASES'] = self._testcases_dir
     jdk17_path = '/jdk/jdk17/linux-x86'