Require quotes when searching for blkid keys.

In combination with a blkid change, this prevents the parsing logic
from getting confused by key names appearing inside values.  (The
blkid change suppresses any quotes that appear inside values.)

Bug: 80436257
Test: manual
Change-Id: I9480ef6eb78254b812c671950875d0b8918a27c6
(cherry picked from commit ee5c7318d70f61fc735f64ea28603550af54f8df)
diff --git a/Utils.cpp b/Utils.cpp
index 014055b..43014bd 100644
--- a/Utils.cpp
+++ b/Utils.cpp
@@ -211,17 +211,17 @@
     for (auto line : output) {
         // Extract values from blkid output, if defined
         const char* cline = line.c_str();
-        char* start = strstr(cline, "TYPE=");
+        char* start = strstr(cline, "TYPE=\"");
         if (start != nullptr && sscanf(start + 5, "\"%127[^\"]\"", value) == 1) {
             fsType = value;
-        start = strstr(cline, "UUID=");
+        start = strstr(cline, "UUID=\"");
         if (start != nullptr && sscanf(start + 5, "\"%127[^\"]\"", value) == 1) {
             fsUuid = value;
-        start = strstr(cline, "LABEL=");
+        start = strstr(cline, "LABEL=\"");
         if (start != nullptr && sscanf(start + 6, "\"%127[^\"]\"", value) == 1) {
             fsLabel = value;