blob: 561d3f594d4dc7a006750051af1ad282fbb89f3e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
public class CppCodeGenerator {
public static final int GENERATE_ENUMS = 1 << 0;
public static final int GENERATE_PARSER = 1 << 1;
private XmlSchema xmlSchema;
private String pkgName;
private Map<String, CppSimpleType> cppSimpleTypeMap;
private CodeWriter enumsCppFile;
private CodeWriter enumsHeaderFile;
private CodeWriter parserCppFile;
private CodeWriter parserHeaderFile;
private boolean hasAttr;
private boolean writer;
private int generators;
private static final String UNKNOWN_ENUM = "UNKNOWN";
public CppCodeGenerator(XmlSchema xmlSchema, String pkgName, boolean writer, int generators)
throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
this.xmlSchema = xmlSchema;
this.pkgName = pkgName;
this.writer = writer;
this.generators = generators;
// class naming validation
Set<String> nameSet = new HashSet<>();
for (XsdType type : xmlSchema.getTypeMap().values()) {
if ((type instanceof XsdComplexType) || (type instanceof XsdRestriction &&
((XsdRestriction)type).getEnums() != null)) {
String name = Utils.toClassName(type.getName());
if (nameSet.contains(name)) {
throw new CppCodeGeneratorException(
String.format("duplicate class name : %s", name));
if (type instanceof XsdComplexType && !hasAttr) {
hasAttr = hasAttribute((XsdComplexType)type);
for (XsdElement element : xmlSchema.getElementMap().values()) {
XsdType type = element.getType();
if (type.getRef() == null && type instanceof XsdComplexType) {
String name = Utils.toClassName(element.getName());
if (nameSet.contains(name)) {
throw new CppCodeGeneratorException(
String.format("duplicate class name : %s", name));
if (!hasAttr) {
hasAttr = hasAttribute((XsdComplexType)type);
cppSimpleTypeMap = new HashMap<>();
for (XsdType type : xmlSchema.getTypeMap().values()) {
if (type instanceof XsdSimpleType) {
XsdType refType = new XsdType(null, new QName(type.getName()));
parseSimpleType(refType, true);
public void print(FileSystem fs)
throws CppCodeGeneratorException, IOException {
// cpp file, header file init
String fileNameStem = pkgName.replace('.', '_');
String enumsCppFileName = fileNameStem + "_enums.cpp";
String enumsHeaderFileName = fileNameStem + "_enums.h";
String parserCppFileName = fileNameStem + ".cpp";
String parserHeaderFileName = fileNameStem + ".h";
if ((this.generators & GENERATE_ENUMS) == GENERATE_ENUMS) {
enumsCppFile = new CodeWriter(fs.getPrintWriter(enumsCppFileName));
enumsHeaderFile = new CodeWriter(fs.getPrintWriter("include/" + enumsHeaderFileName));
} else {
enumsCppFile = new CodeWriter();
enumsHeaderFile = new CodeWriter();
if ((this.generators & GENERATE_PARSER) == GENERATE_PARSER) {
parserCppFile = new CodeWriter(fs.getPrintWriter(parserCppFileName));
parserHeaderFile = new CodeWriter(fs.getPrintWriter("include/" + parserHeaderFileName));
} else {
parserCppFile = new CodeWriter();
parserHeaderFile = new CodeWriter();
boolean hasEnums = false;
for (XsdType type : xmlSchema.getTypeMap().values()) {
if (type instanceof XsdRestriction &&
((XsdRestriction)type).getEnums() != null) {
hasEnums = true;
String enumsHeaderMacro = enumsHeaderFileName.toUpperCase().replace('.', '_');
String parserHeaderMacro = parserHeaderFileName.toUpperCase().replace('.', '_');
enumsHeaderFile.printf("#ifndef %s\n", enumsHeaderMacro);
enumsHeaderFile.printf("#define %s\n", enumsHeaderMacro);
enumsHeaderFile.printf("#include <array>\n");
enumsHeaderFile.printf("#include <string>\n");
parserHeaderFile.printf("#ifndef %s\n", parserHeaderMacro);
parserHeaderFile.printf("#define %s\n", parserHeaderMacro);
parserHeaderFile.printf("#include <array>\n");
parserHeaderFile.printf("#include <map>\n");
parserHeaderFile.printf("#include <optional>\n");
parserHeaderFile.printf("#include <string>\n");
parserHeaderFile.printf("#include <vector>\n");
if (writer) {
parserHeaderFile.printf("#include <iostream>\n");
parserHeaderFile.printf("#if __has_include(<libxml/parser.h>)\n");
parserHeaderFile.printf("#include <libxml/parser.h>\n");
parserHeaderFile.printf("#include <libxml/xinclude.h>\n");
parserHeaderFile.printf("#error Require libxml2 library. ");
parserHeaderFile.printf("Please add libxml2 to shared_libs or static_libs\n");
if (hasEnums) {
enumsHeaderFile.printf("#include <xsdc/XsdcSupport.h>\n");
parserHeaderFile.printf("#include \"%s\"\n", enumsHeaderFileName);
enumsCppFile.printf("#include <map>\n");
enumsCppFile.printf("#include \"%s\"\n\n", enumsHeaderFileName);
parserCppFile.printf("#define LOG_TAG \"%s\"\n", pkgName);
parserCppFile.printf("#include \"%s\"\n\n", parserHeaderFileName);
List<String> namespace = new java.util.ArrayList<>();
for (String token : pkgName.split("\\.")) {
if (token.isEmpty()) {
if (Character.isDigit(token.charAt(0))) {
token = "_" + token;
enumsHeaderFile.printf("namespace %s {\n", token);
enumsCppFile.printf("namespace %s {\n", token);
parserHeaderFile.printf("namespace %s {\n", token);
parserCppFile.printf("namespace %s {\n", token);
if (writer) {
for (XsdType type : xmlSchema.getTypeMap().values()) {
if (type instanceof XsdRestriction &&
((XsdRestriction)type).getEnums() != null) {
String name = Utils.toClassName(type.getName());
XsdRestriction restrictionType = (XsdRestriction) type;
printEnum(name, restrictionType);
for (XsdType type : xmlSchema.getTypeMap().values()) {
if (type instanceof XsdComplexType) {
String name = Utils.toClassName(type.getName());
XsdComplexType complexType = (XsdComplexType) type;
printClass(name, "", complexType);
for (XsdElement element : xmlSchema.getElementMap().values()) {
XsdType type = element.getType();
if (type.getRef() == null && type instanceof XsdComplexType) {
String name = Utils.toClassName(element.getName());
XsdComplexType complexType = (XsdComplexType) type;
printClass(name, "", complexType);
for (String token : namespace) {
enumsHeaderFile.printf("} // %s\n", token);
enumsCppFile.printf("} // %s\n", token);
parserHeaderFile.printf("} // %s\n", token);
parserCppFile.printf("} // %s\n", token);
if (hasEnums) {
enumsHeaderFile.printf("\n//\n// global type declarations for package\n//\n\n");
enumsHeaderFile.printf("namespace android {\nnamespace details {\n");
for (XsdType type : xmlSchema.getTypeMap().values()) {
if (type instanceof XsdRestriction &&
((XsdRestriction)type).getEnums() != null) {
String name = Utils.toClassName(type.getName());
XsdRestriction restrictionType = (XsdRestriction) type;
printEnumValues(namespace, name, restrictionType);
enumsHeaderFile.printf("} // namespace details\n} // namespace android\n\n");
parserHeaderFile.printf("#endif // %s\n", parserHeaderMacro);
enumsHeaderFile.printf("#endif // %s\n", enumsHeaderMacro);
private void printEnum(String name, XsdRestriction restrictionType)
throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
enumsHeaderFile.printf("enum class %s {\n", name);
enumsCppFile.printf("const std::map<std::string, %s> %sString {\n", name, name);
List<XsdEnumeration> enums = restrictionType.getEnums();
enumsHeaderFile.printf("%s = %d,\n", UNKNOWN_ENUM, -1);
for (XsdEnumeration tag : enums) {
String value = tag.getValue();
enumsHeaderFile.printf("%s,\n", Utils.toEnumName(value));
enumsCppFile.printf("{ \"%s\", %s::%s },\n", tag.getValue(), name,
enumsHeaderFile.printf("%s stringTo%s(const std::string& value);\n",
name, name);
enumsCppFile.printf("%s stringTo%s(const std::string& value) {\n"
+ "auto enumValue = %sString.find(value);\n"
+ "return enumValue != %sString.end() ? enumValue->second : %s::%s;\n"
+ "}\n\n", name, name, name, name, name, UNKNOWN_ENUM);
enumsHeaderFile.printf("std::string toString(%s o);\n\n", name);
enumsCppFile.printf("std::string toString(%s o) {\n", name);
enumsCppFile.printf("switch (o) {\n");
for (XsdEnumeration tag : enums) {
String value = tag.getValue();
enumsCppFile.printf("case %s::%s: return \"%s\";\n",
name, Utils.toEnumName(value), tag.getValue());
enumsCppFile.printf("default: return std::to_string(static_cast<int>(o));\n}\n");
private void printEnumValues(List<String> namespace, String name,
XsdRestriction restrictionType) throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
List<XsdEnumeration> enums = restrictionType.getEnums();
String absoluteNamespace = "::" + String.join("::", namespace);
enumsHeaderFile.printf("template<> inline constexpr std::array<%s::%s, %d> "
+ "xsdc_enum_values<%s::%s> = {\n",
absoluteNamespace, name, enums.size(), absoluteNamespace, name);
for (XsdEnumeration tag : enums) {
String value = tag.getValue();
absoluteNamespace, name, Utils.toEnumName(value));
private void printPrototype() throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
for (XsdType type : xmlSchema.getTypeMap().values()) {
if (type instanceof XsdComplexType) {
String name = Utils.toClassName(type.getName());
parserHeaderFile.printf("class %s;\n", name);
for (XsdElement element : xmlSchema.getElementMap().values()) {
XsdType type = element.getType();
if (type.getRef() == null && type instanceof XsdComplexType) {
String name = Utils.toClassName(element.getName());
parserHeaderFile.printf("class %s;\n", name);
private void printClass(String name, String nameScope, XsdComplexType complexType)
throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
assert name != null;
// need element, attribute name duplicate validation?
String baseName = getBaseName(complexType);
CppSimpleType valueType = (complexType instanceof XsdSimpleContent) ?
getValueType((XsdSimpleContent) complexType, false) : null;
parserHeaderFile.printf("class %s ", name);
if (baseName != null) {
parserHeaderFile.printf(": public %s {\n", baseName);
} else {
// parse types for elements and attributes
List<CppType> elementTypes = new ArrayList<>();
List<XsdElement> elements = new ArrayList<>();
for (XsdElement element : elements) {
CppType cppType;
XsdElement elementValue = resolveElement(element);
if (element.getRef() == null && element.getType().getRef() == null
&& element.getType() instanceof XsdComplexType) {
// print inner class for anonymous types
String innerName = Utils.toClassName(getElementName(element));
XsdComplexType innerType = (XsdComplexType) element.getType();
printClass(innerName, nameScope + name + "::", innerType);
cppType = new CppComplexType(nameScope + name + "::"+ innerName);
} else {
cppType = parseType(elementValue.getType(), getElementName(elementValue));
List<CppSimpleType> attributeTypes = new ArrayList<>();
List<XsdAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList();
for (XsdAttributeGroup attributeGroup : complexType.getAttributeGroups()) {
for (XsdAttribute attribute : attributes) {
XsdType type = resolveAttribute(attribute).getType();
attributeTypes.add(parseSimpleType(type, false));
// print member variables
for (int i = 0; i < elementTypes.size(); ++i) {
CppType type = elementTypes.get(i);
XsdElement element = elements.get(i);
XsdElement elementValue = resolveElement(element);
String typeName = Utils.elementTypeName(type.getName(),
element.isMultiple() || type instanceof CppComplexType);
parserHeaderFile.printf("const %s %s_;\n", typeName,
for (int i = 0; i < attributeTypes.size(); ++i) {
CppType type = attributeTypes.get(i);
XsdAttribute attribute = resolveAttribute(attributes.get(i));
String variableName = Utils.toVariableName(attribute.getName());
if (attribute.isRequired()) {
parserHeaderFile.printf("const %s %s_;\n", type.getName(), variableName);
} else {
parserHeaderFile.printf("const std::optional<%s> %s_;\n",
type.getName(), variableName);
if (valueType != null) {
parserHeaderFile.printf("const std::optional<%s> _value;\n", valueType.getName());
String constructorArgs = printConstructor(name, nameScope, complexType, elements,
attributes, baseName);
// print getters and setters
for (int i = 0; i < elementTypes.size(); ++i) {
CppType type = elementTypes.get(i);
XsdElement element = elements.get(i);
XsdElement elementValue = resolveElement(element);
printGetter(nameScope + name, type,
type instanceof CppComplexType ? true : element.isMultiple(),
type instanceof CppComplexType ? false : ((CppSimpleType)type).isList(),
for (int i = 0; i < attributeTypes.size(); ++i) {
CppType type = attributeTypes.get(i);
XsdAttribute attribute = resolveAttribute(attributes.get(i));
printGetter(nameScope + name, type, Utils.toVariableName(attribute.getName()),
false, false, attribute.isRequired());
if (valueType != null) {
printGetter(nameScope + name, valueType, "value", false, false, false);
printParser(name, nameScope, complexType, constructorArgs);
if (writer) {
printWriter(name, nameScope, complexType);
private void printParser(String name, String nameScope, XsdComplexType complexType, String args)
throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
CppSimpleType baseValueType = (complexType instanceof XsdSimpleContent) ?
getValueType((XsdSimpleContent) complexType, true) : null;
List<XsdElement> allElements = new ArrayList<>();
List<XsdAttribute> allAttributes = new ArrayList<>();
stackComponents(complexType, allElements, allAttributes);
// parse types for elements and attributes
List<CppType> allElementTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (XsdElement element : allElements) {
XsdElement elementValue = resolveElement(element);
CppType cppType = parseType(elementValue.getType(), elementValue.getName());
List<CppSimpleType> allAttributeTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (XsdAttribute attribute : allAttributes) {
XsdType type = resolveAttribute(attribute).getType();
allAttributeTypes.add(parseSimpleType(type, false));
String fullName = nameScope + name;
parserHeaderFile.printf("static %s read(xmlNode *root);\n", fullName, Utils.lowerize(name));
parserCppFile.printf("\n%s %s::read(xmlNode *root) {\n", fullName, fullName);
parserCppFile.print("std::string raw;\n");
for (int i = 0; i < allAttributes.size(); ++i) {
CppSimpleType type = allAttributeTypes.get(i);
XsdAttribute attribute = resolveAttribute(allAttributes.get(i));
String variableName = Utils.toVariableName(attribute.getName());
parserCppFile.printf("raw = getXmlAttribute(root, \"%s\");\n", attribute.getName());
if (attribute.isRequired()) {
if (type.isEnum()) {
parserCppFile.printf("%s %s = %s::%s;\n",
type.getName(), variableName, type.getName(), UNKNOWN_ENUM);
} else {
parserCppFile.printf("%s %s{};\n", type.getName(), variableName);
} else {
parserCppFile.printf("std::optional<%s> %s = std::nullopt;\n", type.getName(),
parserCppFile.printf("if (raw != \"\") {\n");
parserCppFile.printf("%s = value;\n}\n", variableName);
if (baseValueType != null) {
parserCppFile.printf("auto xmlValue = make_xmlUnique(xmlNodeListGetString("
+ "root->doc, root->xmlChildrenNode, 1));\n"
+ "if (xmlValue != nullptr) {\n"
+ "raw = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(xmlValue.get());\n");
} else if (!allElements.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < allElements.size(); ++i) {
CppType type = allElementTypes.get(i);
XsdElement element = allElements.get(i);
XsdElement elementValue = resolveElement(element);
String variableName = Utils.toVariableName(getElementName(elementValue));
parserCppFile.printf("%s %s;\n", Utils.elementTypeName(type.getName(),
element.isMultiple() || type instanceof CppComplexType), variableName);
parserCppFile.print("for (xmlNode *child = root->xmlChildrenNode; child != nullptr;"
+ " child = child->next) {\n");
for (int i = 0; i < allElements.size(); ++i) {
CppType type = allElementTypes.get(i);
XsdElement element = allElements.get(i);
XsdElement elementValue = resolveElement(element);
String variableName = Utils.toVariableName(getElementName(elementValue));
if (i != 0) parserCppFile.printf("} else ");
parserCppFile.print("if (!xmlStrcmp(child->name, reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>");
parserCppFile.printf("(\"%s\"))) {\n", elementValue.getName());
if (type instanceof CppSimpleType) {
parserCppFile.print("auto xmlValue = make_xmlUnique(xmlNodeListGetString(");
parserCppFile.print("child->doc, child->xmlChildrenNode, 1));\n");
parserCppFile.print("if (xmlValue == nullptr) {\nraw = \"\";\n} else {\n");
parserCppFile.print("raw = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(xmlValue.get());\n}");
if (element.isMultiple() || type instanceof CppComplexType) {
parserCppFile.printf("%s.push_back(std::move(value));\n", variableName);
} else {
parserCppFile.printf("%s = std::move(value);\n", variableName);
parserCppFile.printf("%s instance%s;\n",
fullName, args.length() > 0 ? "(" + args + ")" : "");
parserCppFile.print("return instance;\n}\n");
private void printWriter(String name, String nameScope, XsdComplexType complexType)
throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
CppSimpleType baseValueType = (complexType instanceof XsdSimpleContent) ?
getValueType((XsdSimpleContent) complexType, true) : null;
List<XsdElement> allElements = new ArrayList<>();
List<XsdAttribute> allAttributes = new ArrayList<>();
stackComponents(complexType, allElements, allAttributes);
// parse types for elements and attributes
List<CppType> allElementTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (XsdElement element : allElements) {
XsdElement elementValue = resolveElement(element);
CppType cppType = parseType(elementValue.getType(), elementValue.getName());
List<CppSimpleType> allAttributeTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (XsdAttribute attribute : allAttributes) {
XsdType type = resolveAttribute(attribute).getType();
allAttributeTypes.add(parseSimpleType(type, false));
String fullName = nameScope + name;
parserHeaderFile.printf("void write(std::ostream& out, const std::string& name) const;\n");
"\nvoid %s::write(std::ostream& out, const std::string& name) const {\n",
parserCppFile.printf("out << printIndent() << \"<\" << name;\n");
for (int i = 0; i < allAttributes.size(); ++i) {
CppType type = allAttributeTypes.get(i);
XsdAttribute attribute = resolveAttribute(allAttributes.get(i));
String variableName = Utils.toVariableName(attribute.getName());
parserCppFile.printf("if (has%s()) {\n", Utils.capitalize(variableName));
parserCppFile.printf("out << \" %s=\\\"\";\n", attribute.getName());
Utils.capitalize(variableName)), attribute.getName()));
parserCppFile.printf("out << \"\\\"\";\n}\n");
parserCppFile.print("out << \">\" << std::endl;\n");
if (!allElements.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < allElements.size(); ++i) {
CppType type = allElementTypes.get(i);
XsdElement element = allElements.get(i);
XsdElement elementValue = resolveElement(element);
String elementName = getElementName(elementValue);
String variableName = Utils.toVariableName(elementName);
if (type instanceof CppComplexType || element.isMultiple()) {
parserCppFile.printf("for (auto& value : get%s()) {\n",
if (type instanceof CppSimpleType) {
parserCppFile.printf("out << printIndent() << \"<%s>\";\n",
type.getWritingExpression("value", elementValue.getName()));
if (type instanceof CppSimpleType) {
parserCppFile.printf("out << \"</%s>\" << std::endl;\n",
} else {
parserCppFile.printf("if (has%s()) {\n", Utils.capitalize(variableName));
if (type instanceof CppSimpleType) {
parserCppFile.printf("out << printIndent() << \"<%s>\";\n",
Utils.capitalize(variableName)), elementValue.getName()));
if (type instanceof CppSimpleType) {
parserCppFile.printf("out << \"</%s>\" << std::endl;\n",
parserCppFile.printf("out << printIndent() << \"</\" << name << \">\" << std::endl;\n");
private void printGetter(String name, CppType type, String variableName,
boolean isMultiple, boolean isMultipleType, boolean isRequired) {
String typeName = isMultiple ? String.format("std::vector<%s>",
type.getName()) : type.getName();
parserHeaderFile.printf("const %s& get%s() const;\n", typeName,
parserCppFile.printf("const %s& %s::get%s() const {\n"
+ "return %s;\n}\n\n",
typeName, name, Utils.capitalize(variableName), isMultiple || isRequired ?
variableName + "_" : String.format("%s_.value()", variableName));
parserHeaderFile.printf("bool has%s() const;\n", Utils.capitalize(variableName));
parserCppFile.printf("bool %s::has%s() const {\n", name, Utils.capitalize(variableName));
if (isMultiple) {
parserCppFile.printf("return !(%s_.empty());\n}\n", variableName);
} else if (isRequired){
parserCppFile.print("return true;\n}\n");
} else {
parserCppFile.printf("return %s_.has_value();\n}\n", variableName);
if (isMultiple || isMultipleType) {
String elementTypeName = type instanceof CppComplexType ? type.getName() :
if (elementTypeName.equals("bool")) {
parserHeaderFile.printf("%s getFirst%s() const;\n",
elementTypeName, Utils.capitalize(variableName));
parserCppFile.printf("%s %s::getFirst%s() const {\n"
+ "if (%s_%sempty()) {\n"
+ "return false;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "return %s;\n"
+ "}\n",
elementTypeName, name, Utils.capitalize(variableName), variableName,
isMultiple ? "." : "->",
isMultiple ? String.format("%s_[0]", variableName) :
String.format("%s_.value()[0]", variableName));
} else {
parserHeaderFile.printf("const %s* getFirst%s() const;\n",
elementTypeName, Utils.capitalize(variableName));
parserCppFile.printf("const %s* %s::getFirst%s() const {\n"
+ "if (%s_%sempty()) {\n"
+ "return nullptr;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "return &%s;\n"
+ "}\n",
elementTypeName, name, Utils.capitalize(variableName), variableName,
isMultiple ? "." : "->",
isMultiple ? String.format("%s_[0]", variableName) :
String.format("%s_.value()[0]", variableName));
private String printConstructor(String name, String nameScope, XsdComplexType complexType,
List<XsdElement> elements, List<XsdAttribute> attributes, String baseName)
throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
String fullName = nameScope + name;
StringBuilder constructorArgs = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder parentArgs = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder constructor = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder();
List<XsdElement> allElements = new ArrayList<>();
List<XsdAttribute> allAttributes = new ArrayList<>();
stackComponents(complexType, allElements, allAttributes);
List<CppType> allElementTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (XsdElement element : allElements) {
XsdElement elementValue = resolveElement(element);
CppType type = parseType(elementValue.getType(), elementValue.getName());
String variableName = Utils.toVariableName(getElementName(elementValue));
constructorArgs.append(String.format(", %s %s", Utils.elementTypeName(type.getName(),
element.isMultiple() || type instanceof CppComplexType), variableName));
args.append(String.format(", %s", variableName));
boolean isMultipleType;
if (type instanceof CppComplexType) {
isMultipleType = true;
} else if (((CppSimpleType)type).isList()) {
isMultipleType = true;
} else {
isMultipleType = false;
if (elements.contains(element)) {
constructor.append(String.format(", %s_(%s)", variableName,
Utils.toAssignmentName(type.getName(), variableName, isMultipleType)));
} else {
parentArgs.append(String.format(", %s", variableName));
List<CppSimpleType> allAttributeTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (XsdAttribute attribute : allAttributes) {
CppType type = parseSimpleType(resolveAttribute(attribute).getType(), false);
String variableName = Utils.toVariableName(resolveAttribute(attribute).getName());
if (attribute.isRequired()) {
constructorArgs.append(String.format(", %s %s", type.getName(), variableName));
} else {
constructorArgs.append(String.format(", std::optional<%s> %s", type.getName(),
args.append(String.format(", %s", variableName));
boolean isMultipleType = ((CppSimpleType)type).isList() ? true : false;
if (attributes.contains(attribute)) {
constructor.append(String.format(", %s_(%s)", variableName,
Utils.toAssignmentName(type.getName(), variableName, isMultipleType)));
} else {
parentArgs.append(String.format(", %s", variableName));
String constructorArgsString = constructorArgs.toString();
String constructorString = constructor.toString();
if (constructorArgsString.length() > 0) {
constructorArgsString = constructorArgsString.substring(2);
parserHeaderFile.printf("%s(%s);\n", name, constructorArgsString);
parserCppFile.printf("\n%s::%s(%s) : ", fullName, name, constructorArgsString);
String parentArgsString = parentArgs.toString();
if (parentArgsString.length() > 0) {
parentArgsString = parentArgsString.substring(2);
parserCppFile.printf("%s(%s)", baseName, parentArgsString);
} else {
constructorString = constructorString.substring(2);
parserCppFile.printf("%s {\n}\n", constructorString);
String argsString = args.toString();
if (argsString.length() > 0) {
argsString = argsString.substring(2);
return argsString;
private void printXmlParser() throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
parserCppFile.printf("template <class T>\n"
+ "constexpr void (*xmlDeleter)(T* t);\n"
+ "template <>\nconstexpr auto xmlDeleter<xmlDoc> = xmlFreeDoc;\n"
+ "template <>\nauto xmlDeleter<xmlChar> = [](xmlChar *s) { xmlFree(s); };\n\n"
+ "template <class T>\n"
+ "constexpr auto make_xmlUnique(T *t) {\n"
+ "auto deleter = [](T *t) { xmlDeleter<T>(t); };\n"
+ "return std::unique_ptr<T, decltype(deleter)>{t, deleter};\n"
+ "}\n\n");
if (hasAttr) {
parserCppFile.printf("static std::string getXmlAttribute"
+ "(const xmlNode *cur, const char *attribute) {\n"
+ "auto xmlValue = make_xmlUnique(xmlGetProp(cur, "
+ "reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>(attribute)));\n"
+ "if (xmlValue == nullptr) {\n"
+ "return \"\";\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "std::string value(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(xmlValue.get()));\n"
+ "return value;\n"
+ "}\n\n");
String className = Utils.toClassName(pkgName);
boolean isMultiRootElement = xmlSchema.getElementMap().values().size() > 1;
for (XsdElement element : xmlSchema.getElementMap().values()) {
CppType cppType = parseType(element.getType(), element.getName());
String elementName = element.getName();
String VariableName = Utils.toVariableName(elementName);
String typeName = cppType instanceof CppSimpleType ? cppType.getName() :
parserHeaderFile.printf("std::optional<%s> read%s(const char* configFile);\n\n",
typeName, isMultiRootElement ? Utils.capitalize(typeName) : "");
parserCppFile.printf("std::optional<%s> read%s(const char* configFile) {\n",
typeName, isMultiRootElement ? Utils.capitalize(typeName) : "");
parserCppFile.printf("auto doc = make_xmlUnique(xmlParseFile(configFile));\n"
+ "if (doc == nullptr) {\n"
+ "return std::nullopt;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "xmlNodePtr child = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc.get());\n"
+ "if (child == nullptr) {\n"
+ "return std::nullopt;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "if (xmlXIncludeProcess(doc.get()) < 0) {\n"
+ "return std::nullopt;\n"
+ "}\n\n"
+ "if (!xmlStrcmp(child->name, reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>"
+ "(\"%s\"))) {\n",
if (cppType instanceof CppSimpleType) {
parserCppFile.printf("%s value = getXmlAttribute(child, \"%s\");\n",
elementName, elementName);
} else {
parserCppFile.printf("return value;\n}\n");
parserCppFile.printf("return std::nullopt;\n");
private void printXmlWriter() throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
for (XsdElement element : xmlSchema.getElementMap().values()) {
CppType cppType = parseType(element.getType(), element.getName());
String elementName = element.getName();
String VariableName = Utils.toVariableName(elementName);
String typeName = cppType instanceof CppSimpleType ? cppType.getName() :
parserHeaderFile.printf("void write(std::ostream& out, %s& %s);\n\n",
typeName, VariableName);
parserCppFile.printf("void write(std::ostream& out, %s& %s) {\n",
typeName, VariableName);
"out << \"<?xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"utf-8\\\"?>\\n\";\n");
parserCppFile.printf("%s.write(out, \"%s\");\n", VariableName, elementName);
parserCppFile.print("static int indentIndex = 0;\n"
+ "std::string printIndent() {\n"
+ "std::string s = \"\";\n"
+ "for (int index = 0; index < indentIndex; ++index) {\n"
+ "s += \" \";\n"
+ "}\nreturn s;\n}\n\n");
private String getElementName(XsdElement element) {
if (element instanceof XsdChoice) {
return element.getName() + "_optional";
} else if (element instanceof XsdAll) {
return element.getName() + "_all";
return element.getName();
private void stackComponents(XsdComplexType complexType, List<XsdElement> elements,
List<XsdAttribute> attributes) throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
if (complexType.getBase() != null) {
QName baseRef = complexType.getBase().getRef();
if (baseRef != null && !baseRef.getNamespaceURI().equals(XsdConstants.XSD_NAMESPACE)) {
XsdType parent = getType(baseRef.getLocalPart());
if (parent instanceof XsdComplexType) {
stackComponents((XsdComplexType) parent, elements, attributes);
for (XsdAttributeGroup attributeGroup : complexType.getAttributeGroups()) {
private List<XsdAttribute> getAllAttributes(XsdAttributeGroup attributeGroup)
throws CppCodeGeneratorException{
List<XsdAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
for (XsdAttributeGroup attrGroup : attributeGroup.getAttributeGroups()) {
return attributes;
private List<XsdElement> getAllElements(XsdGroup group) throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
List<XsdElement> elements = new ArrayList<>();
if (group == null) {
return elements;
return elements;
private String getBaseName(XsdComplexType complexType) throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
if (complexType.getBase() == null) return null;
if (complexType.getBase().getRef().getNamespaceURI().equals(XsdConstants.XSD_NAMESPACE)) {
return null;
XsdType base = getType(complexType.getBase().getRef().getLocalPart());
if (base instanceof XsdComplexType) {
return Utils.toClassName(base.getName());
return null;
private CppSimpleType getValueType(XsdSimpleContent simpleContent, boolean traverse)
throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
assert simpleContent.getBase() != null;
QName baseRef = simpleContent.getBase().getRef();
assert baseRef != null;
if (baseRef.getNamespaceURI().equals(XsdConstants.XSD_NAMESPACE)) {
return predefinedType(baseRef.getLocalPart());
} else {
XsdType parent = getType(baseRef.getLocalPart());
if (parent instanceof XsdSimpleType) {
return parseSimpleTypeReference(baseRef, false);
if (!traverse) return null;
if (parent instanceof XsdSimpleContent) {
return getValueType((XsdSimpleContent) parent, true);
} else {
throw new CppCodeGeneratorException(
String.format("base not simple : %s", baseRef.getLocalPart()));
private CppType parseType(XsdType type, String defaultName) throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
if (type.getRef() != null) {
String name = type.getRef().getLocalPart();
if (type.getRef().getNamespaceURI().equals(XsdConstants.XSD_NAMESPACE)) {
return predefinedType(name);
} else {
XsdType typeValue = getType(name);
if (typeValue instanceof XsdSimpleType) {
return parseSimpleTypeReference(type.getRef(), false);
return parseType(typeValue, name);
if (type instanceof XsdComplexType) {
return new CppComplexType(Utils.toClassName(defaultName));
} else if (type instanceof XsdSimpleType) {
return parseSimpleTypeValue((XsdSimpleType) type, false);
} else {
throw new CppCodeGeneratorException(
String.format("unknown type name : %s", defaultName));
private CppSimpleType parseSimpleType(XsdType type, boolean traverse)
throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
if (type.getRef() != null) {
return parseSimpleTypeReference(type.getRef(), traverse);
} else {
return parseSimpleTypeValue((XsdSimpleType) type, traverse);
private CppSimpleType parseSimpleTypeReference(QName typeRef, boolean traverse)
throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
assert typeRef != null;
String typeName = typeRef.getLocalPart();
if (typeRef.getNamespaceURI().equals(XsdConstants.XSD_NAMESPACE)) {
return predefinedType(typeName);
if (cppSimpleTypeMap.containsKey(typeName)) {
return cppSimpleTypeMap.get(typeName);
} else if (traverse) {
XsdSimpleType simpleType = getSimpleType(typeName);
CppSimpleType ret = parseSimpleTypeValue(simpleType, true);
cppSimpleTypeMap.put(typeName, ret);
return ret;
} else {
throw new CppCodeGeneratorException(String.format("unknown type name : %s", typeName));
private CppSimpleType parseSimpleTypeValue(XsdSimpleType simpleType, boolean traverse)
throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
if (simpleType instanceof XsdList) {
XsdList list = (XsdList) simpleType;
return parseSimpleType(list.getItemType(), traverse).newListType();
} else if (simpleType instanceof XsdRestriction) {
// we don't consider any restrictions.
XsdRestriction restriction = (XsdRestriction) simpleType;
if (restriction.getEnums() != null) {
String name = Utils.toClassName(restriction.getName());
return new CppSimpleType(name, "stringTo" + name + "(%s)", false, true);
return parseSimpleType(restriction.getBase(), traverse);
} else if (simpleType instanceof XsdUnion) {
// unions are almost always interpreted as java.lang.String
// Exceptionally, if any of member types of union are 'list', then we interpret it as
// List<String>
XsdUnion union = (XsdUnion) simpleType;
for (XsdType memberType : union.getMemberTypes()) {
if (parseSimpleType(memberType, traverse).isList()) {
return new CppSimpleType("std::string", "%s", true);
return new CppSimpleType("std::string", "%s", false);
} else {
// unreachable
throw new IllegalStateException("unknown simple type");
private XsdElement resolveElement(XsdElement element) throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
if (element.getRef() == null) return element;
String name = element.getRef().getLocalPart();
XsdElement ret = xmlSchema.getElementMap().get(name);
if (ret != null) return ret;
throw new CppCodeGeneratorException(String.format("no element named : %s", name));
private XsdGroup resolveGroup(XsdGroup group) throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
if (group.getRef() == null) return null;
String name = group.getRef().getLocalPart();
XsdGroup ret = xmlSchema.getGroupMap().get(name);
if (ret != null) return ret;
throw new CppCodeGeneratorException(String.format("no group named : %s", name));
private XsdAttribute resolveAttribute(XsdAttribute attribute)
throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
if (attribute.getRef() == null) return attribute;
String name = attribute.getRef().getLocalPart();
XsdAttribute ret = xmlSchema.getAttributeMap().get(name);
if (ret != null) return ret;
throw new CppCodeGeneratorException(String.format("no attribute named : %s", name));
private XsdAttributeGroup resolveAttributeGroup(XsdAttributeGroup attributeGroup)
throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
if (attributeGroup.getRef() == null) return attributeGroup;
String name = attributeGroup.getRef().getLocalPart();
XsdAttributeGroup ret = xmlSchema.getAttributeGroupMap().get(name);
if (ret != null) return ret;
throw new CppCodeGeneratorException(String.format("no attribute group named : %s", name));
private XsdType getType(String name) throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
XsdType type = xmlSchema.getTypeMap().get(name);
if (type != null) return type;
throw new CppCodeGeneratorException(String.format("no type named : %s", name));
private XsdSimpleType getSimpleType(String name) throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
XsdType type = getType(name);
if (type instanceof XsdSimpleType) return (XsdSimpleType) type;
throw new CppCodeGeneratorException(String.format("not a simple type : %s", name));
private boolean hasAttribute(XsdComplexType complexType) throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
if (complexType.getAttributes().size() > 0 ||
complexType.getAttributeGroups().size() > 0) {
return true;
boolean results = false;
for (XsdElement element : complexType.getElements()) {
XsdElement elementValue = resolveElement(element);
if (element.getRef() == null && element.getType().getRef() == null
&& element.getType() instanceof XsdComplexType) {
results = hasAttribute((XsdComplexType) element.getType());
if (results) {
return results;
return results;
private static CppSimpleType predefinedType(String name) throws CppCodeGeneratorException {
switch (name) {
case "string":
case "token":
case "normalizedString":
case "language":
case "ENTITY":
case "ID":
case "Name":
case "NCName":
case "NMTOKEN":
case "anyURI":
case "anyType":
case "QName":
case "NOTATION":
case "IDREF":
return new CppSimpleType("std::string", "%s", false);
case "ENTITIES":
case "NMTOKENS":
case "IDREFS":
return new CppSimpleType("std::string", "%s", true);
case "date":
case "dateTime":
case "time":
case "gDay":
case "gMonth":
case "gYear":
case "gMonthDay":
case "gYearMonth":
case "duration":
return new CppSimpleType("std::string", "%s", false);
case "decimal":
return new CppSimpleType("double", "std::stod(%s)", false);
case "integer":
case "negativeInteger":
case "nonNegativeInteger":
case "positiveInteger":
case "nonPositiveInteger":
return new CppSimpleType("int64_t", "std::stoll(%s)", false);
case "unsignedLong":
return new CppSimpleType("uint64_t", "std::stoull(%s)", false);
case "long":
return new CppSimpleType("int64_t", "std::stoll(%s)", false);
case "unsignedInt":
return new CppSimpleType("unsigned int",
"static_cast<unsigned int>(stoul(%s))", false);
case "int":
return new CppSimpleType("int", "std::stoi(%s)", false);
case "unsignedShort":
return new CppSimpleType("unsigned short",
"static_cast<unsigned short>(std::stoi(%s))", false);
case "short":
return new CppSimpleType("short", "static_cast<short>(std::stoi(%s))", false);
case "unsignedByte":
return new CppSimpleType("unsigned char",
"static_cast<unsigned char>(std::stoi(%s))", false);
case "byte":
return new CppSimpleType("char", "static_cast<char>(std::stoi(%s))", false);
case "boolean":
return new CppSimpleType("bool", "%s == \"true\"", false);
case "double":
return new CppSimpleType("double", "std::stod(%s)", false);
case "float":
return new CppSimpleType("float", "std::stof(%s)", false);
case "base64Binary":
case "hexBinary":
return new CppSimpleType("std::string", "%s", false);
throw new CppCodeGeneratorException("unknown xsd predefined type : " + name);