blob: 0bb2f830d11c0d19523b2d000b90ff729668da6b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
public class XsdHandler extends DefaultHandler {
private static class State {
final String name;
final Map<String, String> attributeMap;
final List<XsdTag> tags;
boolean deprecated;
State(String name, Map<String, String> attributeMap) { = name;
this.attributeMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(attributeMap);
tags = new ArrayList<>();
deprecated = false;
private XmlSchema schema;
private final Stack<State> stateStack;
private final Map<String, String> namespaces;
private Locator locator;
private boolean documentationFlag;
private boolean enumerationFlag;
private List<XsdTag> enumTags;
public XsdHandler() {
stateStack = new Stack<>();
namespaces = new HashMap<>();
documentationFlag = false;
enumerationFlag = false;
enumTags = new ArrayList<>();
public XmlSchema getSchema() {
return schema;
public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) {
this.locator = locator;
public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) {
namespaces.put(prefix, uri);
public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) {
private QName parseQName(String str) throws XsdParserException {
if (str == null) return null;
String[] parsed = str.split(":");
if (parsed.length == 2) {
return new QName(namespaces.get(parsed[0]), parsed[1]);
} else if (parsed.length == 1) {
return new QName(null, str);
throw new XsdParserException(String.format("QName parse error : %s", str));
private List<QName> parseQNames(String str) throws XsdParserException {
List<QName> qNames = new ArrayList<>();
if (str == null) return qNames;
String[] parsed = str.split("\\s+");
for (String s : parsed) {
return qNames;
public void startElement(
String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) {
// we need to copy attributes because it is mutable..
Map<String, String> attributeMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); ++i) {
attributeMap.put(attributes.getLocalName(i), attributes.getValue(i));
if (!documentationFlag) {
stateStack.push(new State(localName, attributeMap));
if (localName == "documentation") {
documentationFlag = true;
public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
if (documentationFlag && localName != "documentation") {
try {
State state = stateStack.pop();
switch ( {
case "schema":
schema = makeSchema(state);
case "element":
case "attribute":
case "attributeGroup":
case "complexType":
case "complexContent":
case "simpleContent":
case "restriction":
if (enumerationFlag) {
enumerationFlag = false;
} else {
case "extension":
case "simpleType":
case "list":
case "union":
case "sequence":
case "choice":
case "all":
case "enumeration":
enumerationFlag = true;
case "group":
case "fractionDigits":
case "length":
case "maxExclusive":
case "maxInclusive":
case "maxLength":
case "minExclusive":
case "minInclusive":
case "minLength":
case "pattern":
case "totalDigits":
case "whiteSpace":
// Tags under simpleType <restriction>. They are ignored.
case "annotation":
stateStack.peek().deprecated = isDeprecated(state.attributeMap, state.tags);
case "appinfo":
// They function like comments, so are ignored.
case "documentation":
documentationFlag = false;
case "key":
case "keyref":
case "selector":
case "field":
case "unique":
// These tags are not related to xml parsing.
// They are using when validating xml files via xsd file.
// So they are ignored.
throw new XsdParserException(String.format("unsupported tag : %s",;
} catch (XsdParserException e) {
throw new SAXException(
String.format("Line %d, Column %d - %s",
locator.getLineNumber(), locator.getColumnNumber(), e.getMessage()));
private XmlSchema makeSchema(State state) {
Map<String, XsdElement> elementMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, XsdType> typeMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, XsdAttribute> attrMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, XsdAttributeGroup> attrGroupMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, XsdGroup> groupMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdElement) {
elementMap.put(tag.getName(), (XsdElement) tag);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdAttribute) {
attrMap.put(tag.getName(), (XsdAttribute) tag);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdAttributeGroup) {
attrGroupMap.put(tag.getName(), (XsdAttributeGroup) tag);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdType) {
typeMap.put(tag.getName(), (XsdType) tag);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdGroup) {
groupMap.put(tag.getName(), (XsdGroup) tag);
return new XmlSchema(elementMap, typeMap, attrMap, attrGroupMap, groupMap);
private XsdElement makeElement(State state) throws XsdParserException {
String name = state.attributeMap.get("name");
QName typename = parseQName(state.attributeMap.get("type"));
QName ref = parseQName(state.attributeMap.get("ref"));
String isAbstract = state.attributeMap.get("abstract");
String defVal = state.attributeMap.get("default");
String substitutionGroup = state.attributeMap.get("substitutionGroup");
String maxOccurs = state.attributeMap.get("maxOccurs");
if ("true".equals(isAbstract)) {
throw new XsdParserException("abstract element is not supported.");
if (defVal != null) {
throw new XsdParserException("default value of an element is not supported.");
if (substitutionGroup != null) {
throw new XsdParserException("substitution group of an element is not supported.");
boolean multiple = false;
if (maxOccurs != null) {
if (maxOccurs.equals("0")) return null;
if (maxOccurs.equals("unbounded") || Integer.parseInt(maxOccurs) > 1) multiple = true;
XsdType type = null;
if (typename != null) {
type = new XsdType(null, typename);
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdType) {
type = (XsdType) tag;
return setDeprecated(new XsdElement(name, ref, type, multiple), state.deprecated);
private XsdAttribute makeAttribute(State state) throws XsdParserException {
String name = state.attributeMap.get("name");
QName typename = parseQName(state.attributeMap.get("type"));
QName ref = parseQName(state.attributeMap.get("ref"));
String defVal = state.attributeMap.get("default");
String use = state.attributeMap.get("use");
if (use != null && use.equals("prohibited")) return null;
XsdType type = null;
if (typename != null) {
type = new XsdType(null, typename);
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdType) {
type = (XsdType) tag;
return setDeprecated(new XsdAttribute(name, ref, type), state.deprecated);
private XsdAttributeGroup makeAttributeGroup(State state) throws XsdParserException {
String name = state.attributeMap.get("name");
QName ref = parseQName(state.attributeMap.get("ref"));
List<XsdAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
List<XsdAttributeGroup> attributeGroups = new ArrayList<>();
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdAttribute) {
attributes.add((XsdAttribute) tag);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdAttributeGroup) {
attributeGroups.add((XsdAttributeGroup) tag);
return setDeprecated(new XsdAttributeGroup(name, ref, attributes, attributeGroups),
private XsdGroup makeGroup(State state) throws XsdParserException {
String name = state.attributeMap.get("name");
QName ref = parseQName(state.attributeMap.get("ref"));
List<XsdElement> elements = new ArrayList<>();
for (XsdTag tag: state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdElement) {
elements.add((XsdElement) tag);
return setDeprecated(new XsdGroup(name, ref, elements), state.deprecated);
private XsdComplexType makeComplexType(State state) throws XsdParserException {
String name = state.attributeMap.get("name");
String isAbstract = state.attributeMap.get("abstract");
String mixed = state.attributeMap.get("mixed");
if ("true".equals(isAbstract)) {
throw new XsdParserException("abstract complex type is not supported.");
if ("true".equals(mixed)) {
throw new XsdParserException("mixed option of a complex type is not supported.");
List<XsdAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
List<XsdAttributeGroup> attributeGroups = new ArrayList<>();
List<XsdElement> elements = new ArrayList<>();
XsdComplexType type = null;
XsdGroup group = null;
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdAttribute) {
attributes.add((XsdAttribute) tag);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdAttributeGroup) {
attributeGroups.add((XsdAttributeGroup) tag);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdGroup) {
group = (XsdGroup) tag;
} else if (tag instanceof XsdElement) {
elements.add((XsdElement) tag);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdComplexContent) {
XsdComplexContent child = (XsdComplexContent) tag;
type = setDeprecated(new XsdComplexContent(name, child.getBase(),
child.getAttributes(), child.getAttributeGroups(),
child.getElements(), child.getGroup()), state.deprecated);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdSimpleContent) {
XsdSimpleContent child = (XsdSimpleContent) tag;
type = setDeprecated(new XsdSimpleContent(name, child.getBase(),
child.getAttributes()), state.deprecated);
return (type != null) ? type : setDeprecated(new XsdComplexContent(name, null, attributes,
attributeGroups, elements, group), state.deprecated);
private XsdComplexContent makeComplexContent(State state) throws XsdParserException {
String mixed = state.attributeMap.get("mixed");
if ("true".equals(mixed)) {
throw new XsdParserException("mixed option of a complex content is not supported.");
XsdComplexContent content = null;
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdGeneralExtension) {
XsdGeneralExtension extension = (XsdGeneralExtension) tag;
content = new XsdComplexContent(null, extension.getBase(),
extension.getAttributes(), extension.getAttributeGroups(),
extension.getElements(), extension.getGroup());
} else if (tag instanceof XsdGeneralRestriction) {
XsdGeneralRestriction restriction = (XsdGeneralRestriction) tag;
XsdType base = restriction.getBase();
if (base.getRef() != null && base.getRef().getNamespaceURI().equals(
XsdConstants.XSD_NAMESPACE)) {
// restriction of base 'xsd:anyType' is equal to complex content definition
content = new XsdComplexContent(null, null, restriction.getAttributes(),
restriction.getAttributeGroups(), restriction.getElements(),
} else {
// otherwise ignore restrictions
content = new XsdComplexContent(null, base, null, null, null, null);
return setDeprecated(content, state.deprecated);
private XsdSimpleContent makeSimpleContent(State state) {
XsdSimpleContent content = null;
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdGeneralExtension) {
XsdGeneralExtension extension = (XsdGeneralExtension) tag;
content = new XsdSimpleContent(null, extension.getBase(),
} else if (tag instanceof XsdGeneralRestriction) {
XsdGeneralRestriction restriction = (XsdGeneralRestriction) tag;
content = new XsdSimpleContent(null, restriction.getBase(), null);
return setDeprecated(content, state.deprecated);
private XsdGeneralRestriction makeGeneralRestriction(State state) throws XsdParserException {
QName base = parseQName(state.attributeMap.get("base"));
XsdType type = null;
if (base != null) {
type = new XsdType(null, base);
List<XsdAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
List<XsdAttributeGroup> attributeGroups = new ArrayList<>();
List<XsdElement> elements = new ArrayList<>();
XsdGroup group = null;
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdAttribute) {
attributes.add((XsdAttribute) tag);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdAttributeGroup) {
attributeGroups.add((XsdAttributeGroup) tag);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdElement) {
elements.add((XsdElement) tag);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdGroup) {
group = (XsdGroup) tag;
return setDeprecated(new XsdGeneralRestriction(type, attributes, attributeGroups,
elements, group), state.deprecated);
private XsdGeneralExtension makeGeneralExtension(State state) throws XsdParserException {
QName base = parseQName(state.attributeMap.get("base"));
List<XsdAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList<>();
List<XsdAttributeGroup> attributeGroups = new ArrayList<>();
List<XsdElement> elements = new ArrayList<>();
XsdGroup group = null;
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdAttribute) {
attributes.add((XsdAttribute) tag);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdAttributeGroup) {
attributeGroups.add((XsdAttributeGroup) tag);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdElement) {
elements.add((XsdElement) tag);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdGroup) {
group = (XsdGroup) tag;
return setDeprecated(new XsdGeneralExtension(new XsdType(null, base), attributes,
attributeGroups, elements, group), state.deprecated);
private XsdSimpleType makeSimpleType(State state) throws XsdParserException {
String name = state.attributeMap.get("name");
XsdSimpleType type = null;
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdList) {
type = new XsdList(name, ((XsdList) tag).getItemType());
} else if (tag instanceof XsdGeneralRestriction) {
type = new XsdRestriction(name, ((XsdGeneralRestriction) tag).getBase(), null);
} else if (tag instanceof XsdEnumRestriction) {
if (name == null) {
throw new XsdParserException(
"The name of simpleType for enumeration must be set.");
type = new XsdRestriction(name, ((XsdEnumRestriction) tag).getBase(),
((XsdEnumRestriction) tag).getEnums());
} else if (tag instanceof XsdUnion) {
type = new XsdUnion(name, ((XsdUnion) tag).getMemberTypes());
return setDeprecated(type, state.deprecated);
private XsdList makeSimpleTypeList(State state) throws XsdParserException {
QName itemTypeName = parseQName(state.attributeMap.get("itemType"));
XsdType itemType = null;
if (itemTypeName != null) {
itemType = new XsdType(null, itemTypeName);
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdType) {
itemType = (XsdType) tag;
return setDeprecated(new XsdList(null, itemType), state.deprecated);
private XsdUnion makeSimpleTypeUnion(State state) throws XsdParserException {
List<QName> memberTypeNames = parseQNames(state.attributeMap.get("memberTypes"));
List<XsdType> memberTypes =
ref -> new XsdType(null, ref)).collect(Collectors.toList());
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdType) {
memberTypes.add((XsdType) tag);
return setDeprecated(new XsdUnion(null, memberTypes), state.deprecated);
private static List<XsdTag> makeSequence(State state) throws XsdParserException {
String minOccurs = state.attributeMap.get("minOccurs");
String maxOccurs = state.attributeMap.get("maxOccurs");
if (minOccurs != null || maxOccurs != null) {
throw new XsdParserException(
"minOccurs, maxOccurs options of a sequence is not supported");
List<XsdTag> elementsAndGroup = new ArrayList<>();
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdElement) {
if (maxOccurs != null && (maxOccurs.equals("unbounded")
|| Integer.parseInt(maxOccurs) > 1)) {
} else if (tag instanceof XsdGroup) {
return elementsAndGroup;
private static List<XsdTag> makeChoice(State state) throws XsdParserException {
String maxOccurs = state.attributeMap.get("maxOccurs");
List<XsdTag> elementsAndGroup = new ArrayList<>();
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdElement) {
if (maxOccurs != null && (maxOccurs.equals("unbounded")
|| Integer.parseInt(maxOccurs) > 1)) {
XsdElement element = (XsdElement)tag;
elementsAndGroup.add((XsdTag) setDeprecated(new XsdChoice(element.getName(),
element.getRef(), element.getType(), element.isMultiple()),
} else if (tag instanceof XsdGroup) {
return elementsAndGroup;
private static List<XsdElement> makeAll(State state) throws XsdParserException {
List<XsdElement> elements = new ArrayList<>();
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdElement) {
XsdElement element = (XsdElement)tag;
elements.add(setDeprecated(new XsdAll(element.getName(), element.getRef(),
element.getType(), element.isMultiple()), element.isDeprecated()));
return elements;
private XsdEnumeration makeEnumeration(State state) throws XsdParserException {
String value = state.attributeMap.get("value");
return setDeprecated(new XsdEnumeration(value), state.deprecated);
private XsdEnumRestriction makeEnumRestriction(State state) throws XsdParserException {
QName base = parseQName(state.attributeMap.get("base"));
XsdType type = null;
if (base != null) {
type = new XsdType(null, base);
List<XsdEnumeration> enums = new ArrayList<>();
for (XsdTag tag : state.tags) {
if (tag == null) continue;
if (tag instanceof XsdEnumeration) {
enums.add((XsdEnumeration) tag);
return setDeprecated(new XsdEnumRestriction(type, enums), state.deprecated);
private boolean isDeprecated(Map<String, String> attributeMap,List<XsdTag> tags)
throws XsdParserException {
String name = attributeMap.get("name");
if ("Deprecated".equals(name)) {
return true;
return false;
private static <T extends XsdTag> T setDeprecated(T tag, boolean deprecated) {
if (tag != null) {
return tag;