blob: ce575bceed18870e330fe43596411c4362c02630 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <hidl-util/FQName.h>
#include <hidl-util/Formatter.h>
#include <hidl-util/StringHelper.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "AidlHelper.h"
#include "ArrayType.h"
#include "Coordinator.h"
#include "Interface.h"
#include "Method.h"
#include "NamedType.h"
#include "Reference.h"
#include "Scope.h"
namespace android {
Formatter* AidlHelper::notesFormatter = nullptr;
Formatter& AidlHelper::notes() {
CHECK(notesFormatter != nullptr);
return *notesFormatter;
void AidlHelper::setNotes(Formatter* formatter) {
CHECK(formatter != nullptr);
notesFormatter = formatter;
std::string AidlHelper::getAidlName(const FQName& fqName) {
std::vector<std::string> names;
for (const std::string& name : fqName.names()) {
return StringHelper::JoinStrings(names, "");
std::string AidlHelper::getAidlPackage(const FQName& fqName) {
std::string aidlPackage = fqName.package();
if (fqName.getPackageMajorVersion() != 1) {
aidlPackage += std::to_string(fqName.getPackageMajorVersion());
return aidlPackage;
std::string AidlHelper::getAidlFQName(const FQName& fqName) {
return getAidlPackage(fqName) + "." + getAidlName(fqName);
void AidlHelper::importLocallyReferencedType(const Type& type, std::set<std::string>* imports) {
if (type.isArray()) {
return importLocallyReferencedType(*static_cast<const ArrayType*>(&type)->getElementType(),
if (type.isTemplatedType()) {
return importLocallyReferencedType(
*static_cast<const TemplatedType*>(&type)->getElementType(), imports);
if (!type.isNamedType()) return;
const NamedType& namedType = *static_cast<const NamedType*>(&type);
std::string import = AidlHelper::getAidlFQName(namedType.fqName());
// This tries iterating over the HIDL AST which is a bit messy because
// it has to encode the logic in the rest of hidl2aidl. It would be better
// if we could iterate over the AIDL structure which has already been
// processed.
void AidlHelper::emitFileHeader(Formatter& out, const NamedType& type) {
out << "// FIXME: license file if you have one\n\n";
out << "package " << getAidlPackage(type.fqName()) << ";\n\n";
std::set<std::string> imports;
// Import all the defined types since they will now be in a different file
if (type.isScope()) {
const Scope& scope = static_cast<const Scope&>(type);
for (const NamedType* namedType : scope.getSubTypes()) {
importLocallyReferencedType(*namedType, &imports);
// Import all the referenced types
if (type.isInterface()) {
// This is a separate case because getReferences doesn't traverse all the superTypes and
// sometimes includes references to types that would not exist on AIDL
const std::vector<const Method*>& methods =
getUserDefinedMethods(static_cast<const Interface&>(type));
for (const Method* method : methods) {
for (const Reference<Type>* ref : method->getReferences()) {
importLocallyReferencedType(*ref->get(), &imports);
} else {
for (const Reference<Type>* ref : type.getReferences()) {
if (ref->get()->definedName() == type.fqName().name()) {
// Don't import the referenced type if this is referencing itself
importLocallyReferencedType(*ref->get(), &imports);
for (const std::string& import : imports) {
out << "import " << import << ";\n";
if (imports.size() > 0) {
out << "\n";
Formatter AidlHelper::getFileWithHeader(const NamedType& namedType,
const Coordinator& coordinator) {
std::string aidlPackage = getAidlPackage(namedType.fqName());
Formatter out = coordinator.getFormatter(namedType.fqName(), Coordinator::Location::DIRECT,
base::Join(base::Split(aidlPackage, "."), "/") + "/" +
getAidlName(namedType.fqName()) + ".aidl");
emitFileHeader(out, namedType);
return out;
} // namespace android