blob: 1f2ae8cdb174ca3f19d9a9da563ae841ad50afd0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.aidl.tests;
import android.aidl.tests.INamedCallback;
import android.aidl.tests.SimpleParcelable;
import android.os.PersistableBundle;
interface ITestService {
// Test that constants are accessible
const int TEST_CONSTANT = 42;
const int TEST_CONSTANT2 = -42;
const int TEST_CONSTANT3 = +42;
const int TEST_CONSTANT4 = +4;
const int TEST_CONSTANT5 = -4;
const int TEST_CONSTANT6 = -0;
const int TEST_CONSTANT7 = +0;
const int TEST_CONSTANT8 = 0;
const int TEST_CONSTANT9 = 0x56;
const int TEST_CONSTANT10 = 0xa5;
const int TEST_CONSTANT11 = 0xFA;
const int TEST_CONSTANT12 = 0xffffffff;
const String STRING_TEST_CONSTANT = "foo";
const String STRING_TEST_CONSTANT2 = "bar";
// Test that primitives work as parameters and return types.
boolean RepeatBoolean(boolean token);
byte RepeatByte(byte token);
char RepeatChar(char token);
int RepeatInt(int token);
long RepeatLong(long token);
float RepeatFloat(float token);
double RepeatDouble(double token);
String RepeatString(String token);
Map RepeatMap(in Map token);
SimpleParcelable RepeatSimpleParcelable(in SimpleParcelable input,
out SimpleParcelable repeat);
PersistableBundle RepeatPersistableBundle(in PersistableBundle input);
// Test that arrays work as parameters and return types.
boolean[] ReverseBoolean(in boolean[] input, out boolean[] repeated);
byte[] ReverseByte (in byte[] input, out byte[] repeated);
char[] ReverseChar (in char[] input, out char[] repeated);
int[] ReverseInt (in int[] input, out int[] repeated);
long[] ReverseLong (in long[] input, out long[] repeated);
float[] ReverseFloat (in float[] input, out float[] repeated);
double[] ReverseDouble (in double[] input, out double[] repeated);
String[] ReverseString (in String[] input, out String[] repeated);
SimpleParcelable[] ReverseSimpleParcelables(in SimpleParcelable[] input,
out SimpleParcelable[] repeated);
PersistableBundle[] ReversePersistableBundles(
in PersistableBundle[] input, out PersistableBundle[] repeated);
// Test that clients can send and receive Binders.
INamedCallback GetOtherTestService(String name);
boolean VerifyName(INamedCallback service, String name);
// Test that List<T> types work correctly.
List<String> ReverseStringList(in List<String> input,
out List<String> repeated);
List<IBinder> ReverseNamedCallbackList(in List<IBinder> input,
out List<IBinder> repeated);
FileDescriptor RepeatFileDescriptor(in FileDescriptor read);
FileDescriptor[] ReverseFileDescriptorArray(in FileDescriptor[] input,
out FileDescriptor[] repeated);
// Test that service specific exceptions work correctly.
void ThrowServiceException(int code);
// Test nullability
@nullable int[] RepeatNullableIntArray(in @nullable int[] input);
@nullable String RepeatNullableString(in @nullable String input);
@nullable List<String> RepeatNullableStringList(in @nullable List<String> input);
@nullable SimpleParcelable RepeatNullableParcelable(in @nullable SimpleParcelable input);
void TakesAnIBinder(in IBinder input);
void TakesAnIBinderList(in List<IBinder> input);
void TakesANullableIBinder(in @nullable IBinder input);
void TakesANullableIBinderList(in @nullable List<IBinder> input);
// Test utf8 decoding from utf16 wire format
@utf8InCpp String RepeatUtf8CppString(@utf8InCpp String token);
@nullable @utf8InCpp String RepeatNullableUtf8CppString(
@nullable @utf8InCpp String token);
@utf8InCpp String[] ReverseUtf8CppString (in @utf8InCpp String[] input,
out @utf8InCpp String[] repeated);
@nullable @utf8InCpp String[] ReverseNullableUtf8CppString (
in @nullable @utf8InCpp String[] input,
out @nullable @utf8InCpp String[] repeated);
@nullable @utf8InCpp List<String> ReverseUtf8CppStringList(
in @nullable @utf8InCpp List<String> input,
out @nullable @utf8InCpp List<String> repeated);
@nullable INamedCallback GetCallback(boolean return_null);