fix: incorrect output path

This change fixes a bug that when -o option is used without explicitly
specifying the output path, the output path is determined by
concatenating the directory specified by the -o option and the input
file path and the replacing the suffix .aidl to .java.

This especially is problematic in Windows, because the output path then
contains drive letter (e.g. "C:") in the middle of the path if the input
path is an absolute path. For example,

aidl -o C:\output C:\input\IFoo.aidl

resulted the incorrect output path of C:\output\C:\input\
It should be C:\input\

This change fixes the problem by not concatenating the output dir with
the input file path.

Bug: 134966834
Test: aidl_unittests

Merged-In: I417623089f7409032483a2f6c79e745c0fc340d3
(cherry picked from commit 56f73d76e064a0bba1a103e5c37bc3d5d57860f9)

Change-Id: I417623089f7409032483a2f6c79e745c0fc340d3
diff --git a/aidl_unittest.cpp b/aidl_unittest.cpp
index 8c4d796..3c5c641 100644
--- a/aidl_unittest.cpp
+++ b/aidl_unittest.cpp
@@ -1323,5 +1323,39 @@
   EXPECT_NE(0, ::android::aidl::compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_));
+class AidlOutputPathTest : public AidlTest {
+ protected:
+  void SetUp() override {
+    AidlTest::SetUp();
+    io_delegate_.SetFileContents("sub/dir/foo/bar/IFoo.aidl", "package; interface IFoo {}");
+  }
+  void Test(const Options& options, const std::string expected_output_path) {
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, ::android::aidl::compile_aidl(options, io_delegate_));
+    // check the existence
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io_delegate_.GetWrittenContents(expected_output_path, nullptr));
+  }
+TEST_F(AidlOutputPathTest, OutDirWithNoOutputFile) {
+  // <out_dir> / <package_name> / <type_name>.java
+  Test(Options::From("aidl -o out sub/dir/foo/bar/IFoo.aidl"), "out/foo/bar/");
+TEST_F(AidlOutputPathTest, OutDirWithOutputFile) {
+  // when output file is explicitly set, it is always respected. -o option is
+  // ignored.
+  Test(Options::From("aidl -o out sub/dir/foo/bar/IFoo.aidl output/"), "output/");
+TEST_F(AidlOutputPathTest, NoOutDirWithOutputFile) {
+  Test(Options::From("aidl -o out sub/dir/foo/bar/IFoo.aidl output/"), "output/");
+TEST_F(AidlOutputPathTest, NoOutDirWithNoOutputFile) {
+  // output is the same as the input file except for the suffix
+  Test(Options::From("aidl sub/dir/foo/bar/IFoo.aidl"), "sub/dir/foo/bar/");
 }  // namespace aidl
 }  // namespace android
diff --git a/options.cpp b/options.cpp
index 351b4f6..ff99dad 100644
--- a/options.cpp
+++ b/options.cpp
@@ -309,18 +309,17 @@
       if (argc - optind >= 1) {
         output_file_ = argv[optind++];
-      } else {
-        // when output is omitted, output is by default set to the input
-        // file path with .aidl is replaced to .java.
+      } else if (output_dir_.empty()) {
+        // when output is omitted and -o option isn't set, the output is by
+        // default set to the input file path with .aidl is replaced to .java.
+        // If -o option is set, the output path is calculated by
+        // generate_outputFileName which returns "<output_dir>/<package/name>/
+        // <typename>.java"
         output_file_ = input_files_.front();
         if (android::base::EndsWith(output_file_, ".aidl")) {
           output_file_ = output_file_.substr(0, output_file_.length() - strlen(".aidl"));
         output_file_ += ".java";
-        if (!output_dir_.empty()) {
-          output_file_ = output_dir_ + output_file_;
-        }
     } else if (IsCppOutput()) {