blob: 97eb3d95a9a09cf2a7bd85f7106fea9e3b005540 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package aidl
import (
var (
aidlInterfaceSuffix = "_interface"
aidlMetadataSingletonName = "aidl_metadata_json"
aidlApiDir = "aidl_api"
aidlApiSuffix = "-api"
langCpp = "cpp"
langJava = "java"
langNdk = "ndk"
langNdkPlatform = "ndk_platform"
pctx = android.NewPackageContext("android/aidl")
aidlDirPrepareRule = pctx.StaticRule("aidlDirPrepareRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
Command: `rm -rf "${outDir}" && mkdir -p "${outDir}" && ` +
`touch ${out} # ${in}`,
Description: "create ${out}",
}, "outDir")
aidlCppRule = pctx.StaticRule("aidlCppRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
Command: `mkdir -p "${headerDir}" && ` +
`${aidlCmd} --lang=${lang} ${optionalFlags} --structured --ninja -d ${out}.d ` +
`-h ${headerDir} -o ${outDir} ${imports} ${in}`,
Depfile: "${out}.d",
Deps: blueprint.DepsGCC,
CommandDeps: []string{"${aidlCmd}"},
Description: "AIDL ${lang} ${in}",
}, "imports", "lang", "headerDir", "outDir", "optionalFlags")
aidlJavaRule = pctx.StaticRule("aidlJavaRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
Command: `${aidlCmd} --lang=java ${optionalFlags} --structured --ninja -d ${out}.d ` +
`-o ${outDir} ${imports} ${in}`,
Depfile: "${out}.d",
Deps: blueprint.DepsGCC,
CommandDeps: []string{"${aidlCmd}"},
Description: "AIDL Java ${in}",
}, "imports", "outDir", "optionalFlags")
aidlDumpApiRule = pctx.StaticRule("aidlDumpApiRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
Command: `rm -rf "${outDir}" && mkdir -p "${outDir}" && ` +
`${aidlCmd} --dumpapi --structured ${imports} --out ${outDir} ${in} && ` +
`(cd ${outDir} && find ./ -name "*.aidl" -print0 | LC_ALL=C sort -z | xargs -0 sha1sum && echo ${latestVersion}) | sha1sum > ${hashFile} `,
CommandDeps: []string{"${aidlCmd}"},
}, "imports", "outDir", "hashFile", "latestVersion")
aidlMetadataRule = pctx.StaticRule("aidlMetadataRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
Command: `rm -f ${out} && { ` +
`echo '{' && ` +
`echo "\"name\": \"${name}\"," && ` +
`echo "\"stability\": \"${stability}\"," && ` +
`echo "\"types\": [${types}]" && ` +
`echo '}' ` +
`;} >> ${out}`,
Description: "AIDL metadata: ${out}",
}, "name", "stability", "types")
aidlDumpMappingsRule = pctx.StaticRule("aidlDumpMappingsRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
Command: `rm -rf "${outDir}" && mkdir -p "${outDir}" && ` +
`${aidlCmd} --apimapping ${outDir}/intermediate.txt ${in} ${imports} && ` +
`${aidlToJniCmd} ${outDir}/intermediate.txt ${out}`,
CommandDeps: []string{"${aidlCmd}"},
}, "imports", "outDir")
aidlFreezeApiRule = pctx.AndroidStaticRule("aidlFreezeApiRule",
Command: `mkdir -p ${to} && rm -rf ${to}/* && ` +
`${bpmodifyCmd} -w -m ${name} -parameter versions -a ${version} ${bp} && ` +
`cp -rf ${apiDir}/. ${to} && ` +
`find ${to} -type f -name "*.aidl" | xargs -n 1 bash -c ` +
`'cat ${apiPreamble} $$0 > $$0.temp && mv $$0.temp $$0' && ` +
`touch ${out}`,
CommandDeps: []string{"${bpmodifyCmd}"},
}, "to", "name", "version", "bp", "apiDir", "apiPreamble")
aidlCheckApiRule = pctx.StaticRule("aidlCheckApiRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
Command: `(${aidlCmd} --checkapi ${old} ${new} && touch ${out}) || ` +
`(cat ${messageFile} && exit 1)`,
CommandDeps: []string{"${aidlCmd}"},
Description: "AIDL CHECK API: ${new} against ${old}",
}, "old", "new", "messageFile")
aidlDiffApiRule = pctx.StaticRule("aidlDiffApiRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
Command: `(diff -N --line-format="" ${oldHashFile} ${newHashFile} && diff -r -B -I '//.*' ${old} ${new} && touch ${out}) || ` +
`(cat ${messageFile} && exit 1)`,
Description: "Check equality of ${new} and ${old}",
}, "old", "new", "messageFile", "oldHashFile", "newHashFile")
joinJsonObjectsToArrayRule = pctx.StaticRule("joinJsonObjectsToArrayRule", blueprint.RuleParams{
Rspfile: "$out.rsp",
RspfileContent: "$files",
Command: "rm -rf ${out} && " +
// Start the output array with an opening bracket.
"echo '[' >> ${out} && " +
// Append each input file and a comma to the output.
"for file in $$(cat ${out}.rsp); do " +
"cat $$file >> ${out}; echo ',' >> ${out}; " +
"done && " +
// Remove the last comma, replacing it with the closing bracket.
"sed -i '$$d' ${out} && echo ']' >> ${out}",
Description: "Joining JSON objects into array ${out}",
}, "files")
func init() {
pctx.HostBinToolVariable("aidlCmd", "aidl")
pctx.HostBinToolVariable("bpmodifyCmd", "bpmodify")
pctx.SourcePathVariable("aidlToJniCmd", "system/tools/aidl/build/")
android.RegisterModuleType("aidl_interface", aidlInterfaceFactory)
android.RegisterModuleType("aidl_mapping", aidlMappingFactory)
android.RegisterMakeVarsProvider(pctx, allAidlInterfacesMakeVars)
android.RegisterModuleType("aidl_interfaces_metadata", aidlInterfacesMetadataSingletonFactory)
// wrap(p, a, s) = [p + v + s for v in a]
func wrap(prefix string, strs []string, suffix string) []string {
ret := make([]string, len(strs))
for i, v := range strs {
ret[i] = prefix + v + suffix
return ret
// concat(a...) = sum((i for i in a), [])
func concat(sstrs ...[]string) []string {
var ret []string
for _, v := range sstrs {
ret = append(ret, v...)
return ret
func getPaths(ctx android.ModuleContext, rawSrcs []string) (paths android.Paths, imports []string) {
srcs := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, rawSrcs)
if len(srcs) == 0 {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("srcs", "No sources provided.")
for _, src := range srcs {
if src.Ext() != ".aidl" {
// Silently ignore non-aidl files as some filegroups have both java and aidl files together
baseDir := strings.TrimSuffix(src.String(), src.Rel())
if baseDir != "" && !android.InList(baseDir, imports) {
imports = append(imports, baseDir)
return srcs, imports
func isRelativePath(path string) bool {
if path == "" {
return true
return filepath.Clean(path) == path && path != ".." &&
!strings.HasPrefix(path, "../") && !strings.HasPrefix(path, "/")
type aidlGenProperties struct {
Srcs []string `android:"path"`
AidlRoot string // base directory for the input aidl file
Imports []string
Stability *string
Lang string // target language [java|cpp|ndk]
BaseName string
GenLog bool
Version string
type aidlGenRule struct {
properties aidlGenProperties
implicitInputs android.Paths
importFlags string
genOutDir android.ModuleGenPath
genHeaderDir android.ModuleGenPath
genHeaderDeps android.Paths
genOutputs android.WritablePaths
var _ android.SourceFileProducer = (*aidlGenRule)(nil)
var _ genrule.SourceFileGenerator = (*aidlGenRule)(nil)
func (g *aidlGenRule) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
srcs, imports := getPaths(ctx,
if ctx.Failed() {
genDirTimestamp := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "timestamp")
g.implicitInputs = append(g.implicitInputs, genDirTimestamp)
var importPaths []string
importPaths = append(importPaths, imports...)
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(dep android.Module) {
if importedAidl, ok := dep.(*aidlInterface); ok {
importPaths = append(importPaths,
} else if api, ok := dep.(*aidlApi); ok {
// When compiling an AIDL interface, also make sure that each
// version of the interface is compatible with its previous version
for _, path := range api.checkApiTimestamps {
g.implicitInputs = append(g.implicitInputs, path)
g.importFlags = strings.Join(wrap("-I", importPaths, ""), " ")
g.genOutDir = android.PathForModuleGen(ctx)
g.genHeaderDir = android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, "include")
for _, src := range srcs {
outFile, headers := g.generateBuildActionsForSingleAidl(ctx, src)
g.genOutputs = append(g.genOutputs, outFile)
g.genHeaderDeps = append(g.genHeaderDeps, headers...)
// This is to clean genOutDir before generating any file
ctx.ModuleBuild(pctx, android.ModuleBuildParams{
Rule: aidlDirPrepareRule,
Inputs: srcs,
Output: genDirTimestamp,
Args: map[string]string{
"outDir": g.genOutDir.String(),
// baseDir is the directory where the package name starts. e.g. For an AIDL fil
// mymodule/aidl_src/com/android/IFoo.aidl, baseDir is mymodule/aidl_src given that the package name is
// The build system however don't know the package name without actually reading the AIDL file.
// Therefore, we rely on the user to correctly set the base directory via following two methods:
// 1) via the 'path' property of filegroup or
// 2) via `local_include_dir' of the aidl_interface module.
func getBaseDir(ctx android.ModuleContext, src android.Path, aidlRoot android.Path) string {
// By default, we try to get 1) by reading Rel() of the input path.
baseDir := strings.TrimSuffix(src.String(), src.Rel())
// However, if 2) is set and it's more specific (i.e. deeper) than 1), we use 2).
if strings.HasPrefix(aidlRoot.String(), baseDir) {
baseDir = aidlRoot.String()
return baseDir
func (g *aidlGenRule) generateBuildActionsForSingleAidl(ctx android.ModuleContext, src android.Path) (android.WritablePath, android.Paths) {
baseDir := getBaseDir(ctx, src, android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx,
var ext string
if == langJava {
ext = "java"
} else {
ext = "cpp"
relPath, _ := filepath.Rel(baseDir, src.String())
outFile := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, pathtools.ReplaceExtension(relPath, ext))
implicits := g.implicitInputs
var optionalFlags []string
if != "" {
optionalFlags = append(optionalFlags, "--version "
hash := "notfrozen"
if !strings.HasPrefix(baseDir, ctx.Config().BuildDir()) {
hashFile := android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, baseDir, ".hash")
if hashFile.Valid() {
hash = "$$(read -r <" + hashFile.Path().String() + " hash extra; printf '%s' \"$$hash\")"
implicits = append(implicits, hashFile.Path())
optionalFlags = append(optionalFlags, "--hash "+hash)
if != nil {
optionalFlags = append(optionalFlags, "--stability", *
var headers android.WritablePaths
if == langJava {
ctx.ModuleBuild(pctx, android.ModuleBuildParams{
Rule: aidlJavaRule,
Input: src,
Implicits: implicits,
Output: outFile,
Args: map[string]string{
"imports": g.importFlags,
"outDir": g.genOutDir.String(),
"optionalFlags": strings.Join(optionalFlags, " "),
} else {
typeName := strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(relPath), ".aidl")
packagePath := filepath.Dir(relPath)
baseName := typeName
// TODO(b/111362593): aidl_to_cpp_common.cpp uses heuristics to figure out if
// an interface name has a leading I. Those same heuristics have been
// moved here.
if len(baseName) >= 2 && baseName[0] == 'I' &&
strings.ToUpper(baseName)[1] == baseName[1] {
baseName = strings.TrimPrefix(typeName, "I")
prefix := ""
if == langNdk || == langNdkPlatform {
prefix = "aidl"
headers = append(headers, g.genHeaderDir.Join(ctx, prefix, packagePath,
headers = append(headers, g.genHeaderDir.Join(ctx, prefix, packagePath,
headers = append(headers, g.genHeaderDir.Join(ctx, prefix, packagePath,
if {
optionalFlags = append(optionalFlags, "--log")
aidlLang :=
if aidlLang == langNdkPlatform {
aidlLang = "ndk"
ctx.ModuleBuild(pctx, android.ModuleBuildParams{
Rule: aidlCppRule,
Input: src,
Implicits: implicits,
Output: outFile,
ImplicitOutputs: headers,
Args: map[string]string{
"imports": g.importFlags,
"lang": aidlLang,
"headerDir": g.genHeaderDir.String(),
"outDir": g.genOutDir.String(),
"optionalFlags": strings.Join(optionalFlags, " "),
return outFile, headers.Paths()
func (g *aidlGenRule) GeneratedSourceFiles() android.Paths {
return g.genOutputs.Paths()
func (g *aidlGenRule) Srcs() android.Paths {
return g.genOutputs.Paths()
func (g *aidlGenRule) GeneratedDeps() android.Paths {
return g.genHeaderDeps
func (g *aidlGenRule) GeneratedHeaderDirs() android.Paths {
return android.Paths{g.genHeaderDir}
func (g *aidlGenRule) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), nil, wrap("",, aidlInterfaceSuffix)...)
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), nil,
func aidlGenFactory() android.Module {
g := &aidlGenRule{}
return g
type aidlApiProperties struct {
BaseName string
Srcs []string `android:"path"`
AidlRoot string // base directory for the input aidl file
Imports []string
Versions []string
type aidlApi struct {
properties aidlApiProperties
// for triggering api check for version X against version X-1
checkApiTimestamps android.WritablePaths
// for triggering freezing API as the new version
freezeApiTimestamp android.WritablePath
func (m *aidlApi) apiDir() string {
return filepath.Join(aidlApiDir,
// Version of the interface at ToT if it is frozen
func (m *aidlApi) validateCurrentVersion(ctx android.ModuleContext) string {
if len( == 0 {
return "1"
} else {
latestVersion :=[len(]
i, err := strconv.Atoi(latestVersion)
if err != nil {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("versions", "must be integers")
return ""
return strconv.Itoa(i + 1)
func (m *aidlApi) createApiDumpFromSource(ctx android.ModuleContext) (apiDir android.WritablePath, apiFiles android.WritablePaths, hashFile android.WritablePath) {
srcs, imports := getPaths(ctx,
if ctx.Failed() {
var importPaths []string
importPaths = append(importPaths, imports...)
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(dep android.Module) {
if importedAidl, ok := dep.(*aidlInterface); ok {
importPaths = append(importPaths,
apiDir = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dump")
aidlRoot := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx,
for _, src := range srcs {
baseDir := getBaseDir(ctx, src, aidlRoot)
relPath, _ := filepath.Rel(baseDir, src.String())
outFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dump", relPath)
apiFiles = append(apiFiles, outFile)
hashFile = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "dump", ".hash")
latestVersion := "latest-version"
if len( >= 1 {
latestVersion =[len(]
ctx.ModuleBuild(pctx, android.ModuleBuildParams{
Rule: aidlDumpApiRule,
Outputs: append(apiFiles, hashFile),
Inputs: srcs,
Args: map[string]string{
"imports": strings.Join(wrap("-I", importPaths, ""), " "),
"outDir": apiDir.String(),
"hashFile": hashFile.String(),
"latestVersion": latestVersion,
return apiDir, apiFiles, hashFile
func (m *aidlApi) freezeApiDumpAsVersion(ctx android.ModuleContext, apiDumpDir android.Path, apiFiles android.Paths, version string) android.WritablePath {
timestampFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "freezeapi_"+version+".timestamp")
modulePath := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx).String()
var implicits android.Paths
implicits = append(implicits, apiFiles...)
apiPreamble := android.PathForSource(ctx, "system/tools/aidl/build/api_preamble.txt")
implicits = append(implicits, apiPreamble)
ctx.ModuleBuild(pctx, android.ModuleBuildParams{
Rule: aidlFreezeApiRule,
Description: "Freezing AIDL API of " + + " as version " + version,
Implicits: implicits,
Output: timestampFile,
Args: map[string]string{
"to": filepath.Join(modulePath, m.apiDir(), version),
"apiDir": apiDumpDir.String(),
"version": version,
"bp": android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, "Android.bp").String(),
"apiPreamble": apiPreamble.String(),
return timestampFile
func (m *aidlApi) checkCompatibility(ctx android.ModuleContext, oldApiDir android.Path, oldApiFiles android.Paths, newApiDir android.Path, newApiFiles android.Paths) android.WritablePath {
newVersion := newApiDir.Base()
timestampFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "checkapi_"+newVersion+".timestamp")
messageFile := android.PathForSource(ctx, "system/tools/aidl/build/message_check_compatibility.txt")
var implicits android.Paths
implicits = append(implicits, oldApiFiles...)
implicits = append(implicits, newApiFiles...)
implicits = append(implicits, messageFile)
ctx.ModuleBuild(pctx, android.ModuleBuildParams{
Rule: aidlCheckApiRule,
Implicits: implicits,
Output: timestampFile,
Args: map[string]string{
"old": oldApiDir.String(),
"new": newApiDir.String(),
"messageFile": messageFile.String(),
return timestampFile
func (m *aidlApi) checkEquality(ctx android.ModuleContext, oldApiDir android.Path, oldApiFiles android.Paths, oldHashFile android.OptionalPath,
newApiDir android.Path, newApiFiles android.Paths, newHashFile android.Path) android.WritablePath {
newVersion := newApiDir.Base()
timestampFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "checkapi_"+newVersion+".timestamp")
messageFile := android.PathForSource(ctx, "system/tools/aidl/build/message_check_equality.txt")
var implicits android.Paths
implicits = append(implicits, oldApiFiles...)
implicits = append(implicits, newApiFiles...)
implicits = append(implicits, messageFile)
if oldHashFile.Valid() {
implicits = append(implicits, oldHashFile.Path())
implicits = append(implicits, newHashFile)
ctx.ModuleBuild(pctx, android.ModuleBuildParams{
Rule: aidlDiffApiRule,
Implicits: implicits,
Output: timestampFile,
Args: map[string]string{
"old": oldApiDir.String(),
"new": newApiDir.String(),
"messageFile": messageFile.String(),
"oldHashFile": oldHashFile.String(),
"newHashFile": newHashFile.String(),
return timestampFile
func (m *aidlApi) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
currentVersion := m.validateCurrentVersion(ctx)
currentDumpDir, currentApiFiles, currentHashFile := m.createApiDumpFromSource(ctx)
if ctx.Failed() {
m.freezeApiTimestamp = m.freezeApiDumpAsVersion(ctx, currentDumpDir, currentApiFiles.Paths(), currentVersion)
apiDirs := make(map[string]android.Path)
apiFiles := make(map[string]android.Paths)
for _, ver := range {
apiDir := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, m.apiDir(), ver)
apiDirs[ver] = apiDir
apiFiles[ver] = ctx.Glob(filepath.Join(apiDir.String(), "**/*.aidl"), nil)
apiDirs[currentVersion] = currentDumpDir
apiFiles[currentVersion] = currentApiFiles.Paths()
// Check that version X is backward compatible with version X-1
for i, newVersion := range {
if i != 0 {
oldVersion :=[i-1]
checkApiTimestamp := m.checkCompatibility(ctx, apiDirs[oldVersion], apiFiles[oldVersion], apiDirs[newVersion], apiFiles[newVersion])
m.checkApiTimestamps = append(m.checkApiTimestamps, checkApiTimestamp)
// ... and that the currentVersion (ToT) is backwards compatible with or
// equal to the latest frozen version
if len( >= 1 {
latestVersion :=[len(]
var checkApiTimestamp android.WritablePath
if ctx.Config().DefaultAppTargetSdkInt() != android.FutureApiLevel {
// If API is frozen, don't allow any change to the API
latestHashFile := android.OptionalPathForModuleSrc(ctx, proptools.StringPtr(filepath.Join(m.apiDir(), latestVersion, ".hash")))
checkApiTimestamp = m.checkEquality(ctx, apiDirs[latestVersion], apiFiles[latestVersion], latestHashFile,
apiDirs[currentVersion], apiFiles[currentVersion], currentHashFile)
} else {
// If not, allow backwards compatible changes to the API
checkApiTimestamp = m.checkCompatibility(ctx, apiDirs[latestVersion], apiFiles[latestVersion], apiDirs[currentVersion], apiFiles[currentVersion])
m.checkApiTimestamps = append(m.checkApiTimestamps, checkApiTimestamp)
func (m *aidlApi) AndroidMk() android.AndroidMkData {
return android.AndroidMkData{
Custom: func(w io.Writer, name, prefix, moduleDir string, data android.AndroidMkData) {
android.WriteAndroidMkData(w, data)
targetName := + "-freeze-api"
fmt.Fprintln(w, ".PHONY:", targetName)
fmt.Fprintln(w, targetName+":", m.freezeApiTimestamp.String())
func (m *aidlApi) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), nil, wrap("",, aidlInterfaceSuffix)...)
func aidlApiFactory() android.Module {
m := &aidlApi{}
return m
type CommonBackendProperties struct {
// Whether to generate code in the corresponding backend.
// Default: true
Enabled *bool
Apex_available []string
type CommonNativeBackendProperties struct {
// Whether to generate additional code for gathering information
// about the transactions.
// Default: false
Gen_log *bool
// VNDK properties for correspdoning backend.
type aidlInterfaceProperties struct {
// Vndk properties for C++/NDK libraries only (preferred to use backend-specific settings)
// Whether the library can be installed on the vendor image.
Vendor_available *bool
// Whether the library can be used on host
Host_supported *bool
// Top level directories for includes.
// TODO(b/128940869): remove it if aidl_interface can depend on framework.aidl
Include_dirs []string
// Relative path for includes. By default assumes AIDL path is relative to current directory.
Local_include_dir string
// List of .aidl files which compose this interface.
Srcs []string `android:"path"`
// List of aidl_interface modules that this uses. If one of your AIDL interfaces uses an
// interface or parcelable from another aidl_interface, you should put its name here.
Imports []string
// Used by gen dependency to fill out aidl include path
Full_import_paths []string `blueprint:"mutated"`
// Stability promise. Currently only supports "vintf".
// If this is unset, this corresponds to an interface with stability within
// this compilation context (so an interface loaded here can only be used
// with things compiled together, e.g. on the system.img).
// If this is set to "vintf", this corresponds to a stability promise: the
// interface must be kept stable as long as it is used.
Stability *string
// Previous API versions that are now frozen. The version that is last in
// the list is considered as the most recent version.
Versions []string
Backend struct {
// Backend of the compiler generating code for Java clients.
Java struct {
// Set to the version of the sdk to compile against
// Default: system_current
Sdk_version *string
// Whether to compile against platform APIs instead of
// an SDK.
Platform_apis *bool
// Backend of the compiler generating code for C++ clients using
// libbinder (unstable C++ interface)
Cpp struct {
// Backend of the compiler generating code for C++ clients using
// libbinder_ndk (stable C interface to system's libbinder)
Ndk struct {
type aidlInterface struct {
properties aidlInterfaceProperties
computedTypes []string
func (i *aidlInterface) shouldGenerateJavaBackend() bool {
// explicitly true if not specified to give early warning to devs
return == nil || *
func (i *aidlInterface) shouldGenerateCppBackend() bool {
// explicitly true if not specified to give early warning to devs
return == nil || *
func (i *aidlInterface) shouldGenerateNdkBackend() bool {
// explicitly true if not specified to give early warning to devs
return == nil || *
func (i *aidlInterface) gatherInterface(mctx android.LoadHookContext) {
aidlInterfaces := aidlInterfaces(mctx.Config())
defer aidlInterfaceMutex.Unlock()
*aidlInterfaces = append(*aidlInterfaces, i)
func (i *aidlInterface) checkImports(mctx android.BaseModuleContext) {
for _, anImport := range {
other := lookupInterface(anImport, mctx.Config())
if other == nil {
mctx.PropertyErrorf("imports", "Import does not exist: "+anImport)
if i.shouldGenerateJavaBackend() && !other.shouldGenerateJavaBackend() {
"Java backend not enabled in the imported AIDL interface %q", anImport)
if i.shouldGenerateCppBackend() && !other.shouldGenerateCppBackend() {
"C++ backend not enabled in the imported AIDL interface %q", anImport)
if i.shouldGenerateNdkBackend() && !other.shouldGenerateNdkBackend() {
"NDK backend not enabled in the imported AIDL interface %q", anImport)
func (i *aidlInterface) checkStability(mctx android.LoadHookContext) {
if == nil {
// TODO(b/136027762): should we allow more types of stability (e.g. for APEX) or
// should we switch this flag to be something like "vintf { enabled: true }"
if * != "vintf" {
mctx.PropertyErrorf("stability", "must be empty or \"vintf\"")
func (i *aidlInterface) currentVersion(ctx android.LoadHookContext) string {
if !i.hasVersion() {
return ""
} else {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(i.latestVersion())
if err != nil {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("versions", "must be integers")
return ""
return strconv.Itoa(i + 1)
func (i *aidlInterface) latestVersion() string {
if !i.hasVersion() {
return "0"
func (i *aidlInterface) isLatestVersion(version string) bool {
if !i.hasVersion() {
return true
return version == i.latestVersion()
func (i *aidlInterface) hasVersion() bool {
return len( > 0
func (i *aidlInterface) isCurrentVersion(ctx android.LoadHookContext, version string) bool {
return version == i.currentVersion(ctx)
// This function returns module name with version. Assume that there is foo of which latest version is 2
// Version -> Module name
// "1"->foo-V1
// "2"->foo-V2
// "3"(unfrozen)->foo-unstable
// ""-> foo
func (i *aidlInterface) versionedName(ctx android.LoadHookContext, version string) string {
name := i.ModuleBase.Name()
if version == "" {
return name
if i.isCurrentVersion(ctx, version) {
return name + "-unstable"
return name + "-V" + version
// This function returns C++ artifact's name. Mostly, it returns same as versionedName(),
// But, it returns different value only if it is the case below.
// Assume that there is foo of which latest version is 2
// foo-unstable -> foo-V3
// foo -> foo-V2 (latest frozen version)
// Assume that there is bar of which version hasn't been defined yet.
// bar -> bar-V1
func (i *aidlInterface) cppOutputName(version string) string {
name := i.ModuleBase.Name()
// Even if the module doesn't have version, it returns with version(-V1)
if !i.hasVersion() {
// latestVersion() always returns "0"
i, err := strconv.Atoi(i.latestVersion())
if err != nil {
return name + "-V" + strconv.Itoa(i+1)
if version == "" {
version = i.latestVersion()
return name + "-V" + version
func (i *aidlInterface) srcsForVersion(mctx android.LoadHookContext, version string) (srcs []string, aidlRoot string) {
if i.isCurrentVersion(mctx, version) {
} else {
aidlRoot = filepath.Join(aidlApiDir, i.ModuleBase.Name(), version)
full_paths, err := mctx.GlobWithDeps(filepath.Join(mctx.ModuleDir(), aidlRoot, "**/*.aidl"), nil)
if err != nil {
for _, path := range full_paths {
// Here, we need path local to the module
srcs = append(srcs, strings.TrimPrefix(path, mctx.ModuleDir()+"/"))
return srcs, aidlRoot
func aidlInterfaceHook(mctx android.LoadHookContext, i *aidlInterface) {
if !isRelativePath( {
mctx.PropertyErrorf("local_include_dir", "must be relative path: "
var importPaths []string
importPaths = append(importPaths, filepath.Join(mctx.ModuleDir(),
importPaths = append(importPaths, = importPaths
if mctx.Failed() {
var libs []string
currentVersion := i.currentVersion(mctx)
versionsForCpp := make([]string, len(
if i.hasVersion() {
// In C++ library, AIDL doesn't create the module of which name is with latest version,
// instead of it, there is a module without version.
versionsForCpp[len(] = ""
if i.shouldGenerateCppBackend() {
libs = append(libs, addCppLibrary(mctx, i, currentVersion, langCpp))
for _, version := range versionsForCpp {
addCppLibrary(mctx, i, version, langCpp)
if i.shouldGenerateNdkBackend() {
if !proptools.Bool( {
libs = append(libs, addCppLibrary(mctx, i, currentVersion, langNdk))
for _, version := range versionsForCpp {
addCppLibrary(mctx, i, version, langNdk)
// TODO(b/121157555): combine with '-ndk' variant
libs = append(libs, addCppLibrary(mctx, i, currentVersion, langNdkPlatform))
for _, version := range versionsForCpp {
addCppLibrary(mctx, i, version, langNdkPlatform)
versionsForJava :=
if i.hasVersion() {
versionsForJava = append(, "")
if i.shouldGenerateJavaBackend() {
libs = append(libs, addJavaLibrary(mctx, i, currentVersion))
for _, version := range versionsForJava {
addJavaLibrary(mctx, i, version)
addApiModule(mctx, i)
// Reserve this module name for future use
mctx.CreateModule(phony.PhonyFactory, &phonyProperties{
Name: proptools.StringPtr(i.ModuleBase.Name()),
Required: libs,
func addCppLibrary(mctx android.LoadHookContext, i *aidlInterface, version string, lang string) string {
cppSourceGen := i.versionedName(mctx, version) + "-" + lang + "-source"
cppModuleGen := i.versionedName(mctx, version) + "-" + lang
cppOutputGen := i.cppOutputName(version) + "-" + lang
if i.hasVersion() && version == "" {
version = i.latestVersion()
srcs, aidlRoot := i.srcsForVersion(mctx, version)
if len(srcs) == 0 {
// This can happen when the version is about to be frozen; the version
// directory is created but API dump hasn't been copied there.
// Don't create a library for the yet-to-be-frozen version.
return ""
var commonProperties *CommonNativeBackendProperties
if lang == langCpp {
commonProperties = &
} else if lang == langNdk || lang == langNdkPlatform {
commonProperties = &
genLog := proptools.Bool(commonProperties.Gen_log)
mctx.CreateModule(aidlGenFactory, &nameProperties{
Name: proptools.StringPtr(cppSourceGen),
}, &aidlGenProperties{
Srcs: srcs,
AidlRoot: aidlRoot,
Imports: concat(, []string{i.ModuleBase.Name()}),
Lang: lang,
BaseName: i.ModuleBase.Name(),
GenLog: genLog,
Version: version,
importExportDependencies := wrap("",, "-"+lang)
var libJSONCppDependency []string
var staticLibDependency []string
var sdkVersion *string
var stl *string
var cpp_std *string
var host_supported *bool
var addCflags []string
if lang == langCpp {
importExportDependencies = append(importExportDependencies, "libbinder", "libutils")
if genLog {
libJSONCppDependency = []string{"libjsoncpp"}
host_supported =
} else if lang == langNdk {
importExportDependencies = append(importExportDependencies, "libbinder_ndk")
if genLog {
staticLibDependency = []string{"libjsoncpp_ndk"}
sdkVersion = proptools.StringPtr("current")
stl = proptools.StringPtr("c++_shared")
} else if lang == langNdkPlatform {
importExportDependencies = append(importExportDependencies, "libbinder_ndk")
if genLog {
libJSONCppDependency = []string{"libjsoncpp"}
host_supported =
addCflags = append(addCflags, "-DBINDER_STABILITY_SUPPORT")
} else {
panic("Unrecognized language: " + lang)
vendorAvailable :=
if lang == langCpp && "vintf" == proptools.String( {
// Vendors cannot use the libbinder (cpp) backend of AIDL in a way that is stable.
// So, in order to prevent accidental usage of these library by vendor, forcibly
// disabling this version of the library.
// It may be the case in the future that we will want to enable this (if some generic
// helper should be used by both libbinder vendor things using /dev/vndbinder as well
// as those things using /dev/binder + libbinder_ndk to talk to stable interfaces).
vendorAvailable = proptools.BoolPtr(false)
mctx.CreateModule(cc.LibraryFactory, &ccProperties{
Name: proptools.StringPtr(cppModuleGen),
Vendor_available: vendorAvailable,
Host_supported: host_supported,
Defaults: []string{"aidl-cpp-module-defaults"},
Generated_sources: []string{cppSourceGen},
Generated_headers: []string{cppSourceGen},
Export_generated_headers: []string{cppSourceGen},
Static: staticLib{Whole_static_libs: libJSONCppDependency},
Shared: sharedLib{Shared_libs: libJSONCppDependency, Export_shared_lib_headers: libJSONCppDependency},
Static_libs: staticLibDependency,
Shared_libs: importExportDependencies,
Export_shared_lib_headers: importExportDependencies,
Sdk_version: sdkVersion,
Stl: stl,
Cpp_std: cpp_std,
Cflags: append(addCflags, "-Wextra", "-Wall", "-Werror"),
Stem: proptools.StringPtr(cppOutputGen),
Apex_available: commonProperties.Apex_available,
}, &, &commonProperties.VndkProperties)
return cppModuleGen
func addJavaLibrary(mctx android.LoadHookContext, i *aidlInterface, version string) string {
javaSourceGen := i.versionedName(mctx, version) + "-java-source"
javaModuleGen := i.versionedName(mctx, version) + "-java"
if i.hasVersion() && version == "" {
version = i.latestVersion()
srcs, aidlRoot := i.srcsForVersion(mctx, version)
if len(srcs) == 0 {
// This can happen when the version is about to be frozen; the version
// directory is created but API dump hasn't been copied there.
// Don't create a library for the yet-to-be-frozen version.
return ""
sdkVersion :=
if !proptools.Bool( && sdkVersion == nil {
// platform apis requires no default
sdkVersion = proptools.StringPtr("system_current")
mctx.CreateModule(aidlGenFactory, &nameProperties{
Name: proptools.StringPtr(javaSourceGen),
}, &aidlGenProperties{
Srcs: srcs,
AidlRoot: aidlRoot,
Imports: concat(, []string{i.ModuleBase.Name()}),
Lang: langJava,
BaseName: i.ModuleBase.Name(),
Version: version,
mctx.CreateModule(java.LibraryFactory, &javaProperties{
Name: proptools.StringPtr(javaModuleGen),
Installable: proptools.BoolPtr(true),
Defaults: []string{"aidl-java-module-defaults"},
Sdk_version: sdkVersion,
Static_libs: wrap("",, "-java"),
Srcs: []string{":" + javaSourceGen},
return javaModuleGen
func addApiModule(mctx android.LoadHookContext, i *aidlInterface) string {
apiModule := i.ModuleBase.Name() + aidlApiSuffix
srcs, aidlRoot := i.srcsForVersion(mctx, i.currentVersion(mctx))
mctx.CreateModule(aidlApiFactory, &nameProperties{
Name: proptools.StringPtr(apiModule),
}, &aidlApiProperties{
BaseName: i.ModuleBase.Name(),
Srcs: srcs,
AidlRoot: aidlRoot,
Imports: concat(, []string{i.ModuleBase.Name()}),
return apiModule
func (i *aidlInterface) Name() string {
return i.ModuleBase.Name() + aidlInterfaceSuffix
func (i *aidlInterface) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
aidlRoot := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx,
for _, src := range android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, {
baseDir := getBaseDir(ctx, src, aidlRoot)
relPath, _ := filepath.Rel(baseDir, src.String())
computedType := strings.TrimSuffix(strings.ReplaceAll(relPath, "/", "."), ".aidl")
i.computedTypes = append(i.computedTypes, computedType)
func (i *aidlInterface) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
ctx.AddReverseDependency(ctx.Module(), nil, aidlMetadataSingletonName)
var (
aidlInterfacesKey = android.NewOnceKey("aidlInterfaces")
aidlInterfaceMutex sync.Mutex
func aidlInterfaces(config android.Config) *[]*aidlInterface {
return config.Once(aidlInterfacesKey, func() interface{} {
return &[]*aidlInterface{}
func aidlInterfaceFactory() android.Module {
i := &aidlInterface{}
android.AddLoadHook(i, func(ctx android.LoadHookContext) { aidlInterfaceHook(ctx, i) })
return i
func lookupInterface(name string, config android.Config) *aidlInterface {
for _, i := range *aidlInterfaces(config) {
if i.ModuleBase.Name() == name {
return i
return nil
func aidlInterfacesMetadataSingletonFactory() android.Module {
i := &aidlInterfacesMetadataSingleton{}
return i
type aidlInterfacesMetadataSingleton struct {
metadataPath android.OutputPath
var _ android.OutputFileProducer = (*aidlInterfacesMetadataSingleton)(nil)
func (m *aidlInterfacesMetadataSingleton) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
if m.Name() != aidlMetadataSingletonName {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("name", "must be %s", aidlMetadataSingletonName)
var metadataOutputs android.Paths
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(m android.Module) {
if !m.ExportedToMake() {
if t, ok := m.(*aidlInterface); ok {
metadataPath := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "metadata_"+m.Name())
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: aidlMetadataRule,
Output: metadataPath,
Args: map[string]string{
"name": t.Name(),
"stability": proptools.StringDefault(, ""),
"types": strings.Join(wrap(`\"`, t.computedTypes, `\"`), ", "),
metadataOutputs = append(metadataOutputs, metadataPath)
m.metadataPath = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "aidl_metadata.json").OutputPath
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: joinJsonObjectsToArrayRule,
Inputs: metadataOutputs,
Output: m.metadataPath,
Args: map[string]string{
"files": strings.Join(metadataOutputs.Strings(), " "),
func (m *aidlInterfacesMetadataSingleton) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) {
if tag != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported tag %q", tag)
return android.Paths{m.metadataPath}, nil
type aidlMappingProperties struct {
// Source file of this prebuilt.
Srcs []string `android:"path"`
Output string
type aidlMapping struct {
properties aidlMappingProperties
outputFilePath android.WritablePath
func (s *aidlMapping) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
func (s *aidlMapping) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
srcs, imports := getPaths(ctx,
s.outputFilePath = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx,
outDir := android.PathForModuleGen(ctx)
ctx.Build(pctx, android.BuildParams{
Rule: aidlDumpMappingsRule,
Inputs: srcs,
Output: s.outputFilePath,
Args: map[string]string{
"imports": android.JoinWithPrefix(imports, " -I"),
"outDir": outDir.String(),
func InitAidlMappingModule(s *aidlMapping) {
func aidlMappingFactory() android.Module {
module := &aidlMapping{}
return module
func (m *aidlMapping) AndroidMk() android.AndroidMkData {
return android.AndroidMkData{
Custom: func(w io.Writer, name, prefix, moduleDir string, data android.AndroidMkData) {
android.WriteAndroidMkData(w, data)
targetName := m.Name()
fmt.Fprintln(w, ".PHONY:", targetName)
fmt.Fprintln(w, targetName+":", m.outputFilePath.String())
func allAidlInterfacesMakeVars(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) {
names := []string{}
ctx.VisitAllModules(func(module android.Module) {
if ai, ok := module.(*aidlInterface); ok {
names = append(names, ai.Name())
ctx.Strict("ALL_AIDL_INTERFACES", strings.Join(names, " "))