blob: 5e316eeca1f76cbaebdd7e220c4d85a38456a8c7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.aidl.tests;
import android.aidl.tests.ByteEnum;
import android.aidl.tests.IntEnum;
import android.aidl.tests.LongEnum;
import android.aidl.tests.ConstantExpressionEnum;
parcelable StructuredParcelable {
int[] shouldContainThreeFs;
int f;
@utf8InCpp String shouldBeJerry;
ByteEnum shouldBeByteBar;
IntEnum shouldBeIntBar;
LongEnum shouldBeLongBar;
ByteEnum[] shouldContainTwoByteFoos;
IntEnum[] shouldContainTwoIntFoos;
LongEnum[] shouldContainTwoLongFoos;
String stringDefaultsToFoo = "foo";
byte byteDefaultsToFour = 4;
int intDefaultsToFive = 5;
long longDefaultsToNegativeSeven = -7;
boolean booleanDefaultsToTrue = true;
char charDefaultsToC = 'C';
float floatDefaultsToPi = 3.14f;
double doubleWithDefault = -3.14e17;
int[] arrayDefaultsTo123 = { 1, 2, 3 };
int[] arrayDefaultsToEmpty = { };
// parse checks only
double checkDoubleFromFloat = 3.14f;
String[] checkStringArray1 = { "a", "b" };
@utf8InCpp String[] checkStringArray2 = { "a", "b" };
// Add test to verify corner cases
int int32_min = -2147483648;
int int32_max = 2147483647;
long int64_max = 9223372036854775807;
int hexInt32_neg_1 = 0xffffffff;
@nullable IBinder ibinder;
// Constant expressions that evaluate to 1
int[] int32_1 = {
(~(-1)) == 0,
-(1 << 31) == (1 << 31),
-0x7fffffff < 0,
-0x80000000 < 0,
// both treated int32_t, sum = (int32_t)0x80000000 = -2147483648
(1 + 0x7fffffff) == -2147483648,
// Shifting for more than 31 bits are undefined. Not tested.
(1 << 31) == 0x80000000,
// Should be all true / ones.
(1 + 2) == 3,
(8 - 9) == -1,
(9 * 9) == 81,
(29 / 3) == 9,
(29 % 3) == 2,
(0xC0010000 | 0xF00D) == (0xC001F00D),
(10 | 6) == 14,
(10 & 6) == 2,
(10 ^ 6) == 12,
6 < 10,
(10 < 10) == 0,
(6 > 10) == 0,
(10 > 10) == 0,
19 >= 10,
10 >= 10,
5 <= 10,
(19 <= 10) == 0,
19 != 10,
(10 != 10) == 0,
(22 << 1) == 44,
(11 >> 1) == 5,
(1 || 0) == 1,
(1 || 1) == 1,
(0 || 0) == 0,
(0 || 1) == 1,
(1 && 0) == 0,
(1 && 1) == 1,
(0 && 0) == 0,
(0 && 1) == 0,
// precedence tests -- all 1s
4 == 4,
-4 < 0,
0xffffffff == -1,
4 + 1 == 5,
2 + 3 - 4,
2 - 3 + 4 == 3,
1 == 4 == 0,
1 && 1,
1 || 1 && 0, // && higher than ||
1 < 2,
!!((3 != 4 || (2 < 3 <= 3 > 4)) >= 0),
!(1 == 7) && ((3 != 4 || (2 < 3 <= 3 > 4)) >= 0),
(1 << 2) >= 0,
(4 >> 1) == 2,
(8 << -1) == 4,
(1 << 31 >> 31) == -1,
(1 | 16 >> 2) == 5,
(0x0f ^ 0x33 & 0x99) == 0x1e, // & higher than ^
(~42 & (1 << 3 | 16 >> 2) ^ 7) == 3,
(2 + 3 - 4 * -7 / (10 % 3)) - 33 == 0,
(2 + (-3&4 / 7)) == 2,
(((((1 + 0)))))
long[] int64_1 = {
(~(-1)) == 0,
(~4294967295) != 0,
(~4294967295) != 0,
-(1 << 63) == (1 << 63),
// both treated int32_t, sum = (int64_t)(int32_t)0x80000000 = (int64_t)(-2147483648)
(1 + 0x7fffffff) == -2147483648,
// 0x80000000 is uint32_t, sum = (int64_t)(uint32_t)0x7fffffff = (int64_t)(2147483647)
(0x80000000 - 1) == 2147483647,
(0x80000000 + 1) == -2147483647,
(1L << 63)+1 == -9223372036854775807,
0xfffffffff == 68719476735
int hexInt32_pos_1 = -0xffffffff;
int hexInt64_pos_1 = -0xfffffffffff < 0;
ConstantExpressionEnum const_exprs_1;
ConstantExpressionEnum const_exprs_2;
ConstantExpressionEnum const_exprs_3;
ConstantExpressionEnum const_exprs_4;
ConstantExpressionEnum const_exprs_5;
ConstantExpressionEnum const_exprs_6;
ConstantExpressionEnum const_exprs_7;
ConstantExpressionEnum const_exprs_8;
ConstantExpressionEnum const_exprs_9;
ConstantExpressionEnum const_exprs_10;
// String expressions
@utf8InCpp String addString1 = "hello" + " world!";
@utf8InCpp String addString2 = "The quick brown fox jumps " + "over the lazy dog.";