blob: e1e8e8b0221a3743d6b84d89c8b774ba704e69b9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.aidl.tests;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.core.IsNull.notNullValue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
import android.aidl.tests.ByteEnum;
import android.aidl.tests.GenericStructuredParcelable;
import android.aidl.tests.INamedCallback;
import android.aidl.tests.ITestService;
import android.aidl.tests.IntEnum;
import android.aidl.tests.LongEnum;
import android.aidl.tests.SimpleParcelable;
import android.aidl.tests.StructuredParcelable;
import android.aidl.tests.Union;
import android.aidl.versioned.tests.IFooInterface;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.os.PersistableBundle;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.ServiceManager;
import android.os.ServiceSpecificException;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
public class TestServiceClient {
private ITestService service;
private ICppJavaTests cpp_java_tests;
public void setUp() throws RemoteException {
IBinder binder = ServiceManager.waitForService(ITestService.class.getName());
service = ITestService.Stub.asInterface(binder);
IBinder binder2 = service.GetCppJavaTests();
if (binder2 != null) {
cpp_java_tests = ICppJavaTests.Stub.asInterface(binder2);
public void testOneway() throws RemoteException {
public void testBooleanRepeat() throws RemoteException {
boolean query = true;
assertThat(service.RepeatBoolean(query), is(query));
public void testCharRepeat() throws RemoteException {
char query = 'A';
assertThat(service.RepeatChar(query), is(query));
public void testByteRepeat() throws RemoteException {
byte query = -128;
assertThat(service.RepeatByte(query), is(query));
public void testIntRepeat() throws RemoteException {
int query = 1 << 30;
assertThat(service.RepeatInt(query), is(query));
public void testConstRepeat() throws RemoteException {
int query[] = {ITestService.TEST_CONSTANT,
for (int i = 0; i < query.length; i++) {
assertThat(service.RepeatInt(query[i]), is(query[i]));
public void testLongRepeat() throws RemoteException {
long query = 1L << 60;
assertThat(service.RepeatLong(query), is(query));
public void testFloatRepeat() throws RemoteException {
float query = 1.0f/3.0f;
assertThat(service.RepeatFloat(query), is(query));
public void testDoubleRepeat() throws RemoteException {
double query = 1.0/3.0;
assertThat(service.RepeatDouble(query), is(query));
public void testByteEnumRepeat() throws RemoteException {
byte query = ByteEnum.FOO;
assertThat(service.RepeatByteEnum(query), is(query));
public void testIntEnumRepeat() throws RemoteException {
int query = IntEnum.FOO;
assertThat(service.RepeatIntEnum(query), is(query));
public void testLongEnumRepeat() throws RemoteException {
long query = LongEnum.FOO;
assertThat(service.RepeatLongEnum(query), is(query));
public void testStringListRepeat() throws RemoteException {
List<String> queries = Arrays.asList(
"not empty", "", "\0",
for (String query : queries) {
assertThat(service.RepeatString(query), is(query));
public void testBooleanArrayReversal() throws RemoteException {
boolean[] input = {true, false, false, false};
boolean echoed[] = new boolean[input.length];
boolean[] reversed = service.ReverseBoolean(input, echoed);
assertThat(echoed, is(input));
assertThat(reversed.length, is(input.length));
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
int j = reversed.length - (1 + i);
assertThat(reversed[j], is(input[i]));
public void testByteArrayReversal() throws RemoteException {
byte[] input = {0, 1, 2};
byte echoed[] = new byte[input.length];
byte[] reversed = service.ReverseByte(input, echoed);
assertThat(echoed, is(input));
assertThat(reversed.length, is(input.length));
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
int j = reversed.length - (1 + i);
assertThat(reversed[j], is(input[i]));
public void testCharArrayReversal() throws RemoteException {
char[] input = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'};
char echoed[] = new char[input.length];
char[] reversed = service.ReverseChar(input, echoed);
assertThat(echoed, is(input));
assertThat(reversed.length, is(input.length));
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
int j = reversed.length - (1 + i);
assertThat(reversed[j], is(input[i]));
public void testIntArrayReversal() throws RemoteException {
int[] input = {-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
int echoed[] = new int[input.length];
int[] reversed = service.ReverseInt(input, echoed);
assertThat(echoed, is(input));
assertThat(reversed.length, is(input.length));
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
int j = reversed.length - (1 + i);
assertThat(reversed[j], is(input[i]));
public void testLongArrayReversal() throws RemoteException {
long[] input = {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
long echoed[] = new long[input.length];
long[] reversed = service.ReverseLong(input, echoed);
assertThat(echoed, is(input));
assertThat(reversed.length, is(input.length));
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
int j = reversed.length - (1 + i);
assertThat(reversed[j], is(input[i]));
public void testFloatArrayReversal() throws RemoteException {
float[] input = {0.0f, 1.0f, -0.3f};
float echoed[] = new float[input.length];
float[] reversed = service.ReverseFloat(input, echoed);
assertThat(echoed, is(input));
assertThat(reversed.length, is(input.length));
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
int j = reversed.length - (1 + i);
assertThat(reversed[j], is(input[i]));
public void testDoubleArrayReversal() throws RemoteException {
double[] input = {-1.0, -4.0, -2.0};
double echoed[] = new double[input.length];
double[] reversed = service.ReverseDouble(input, echoed);
assertThat(echoed, is(input));
assertThat(reversed.length, is(input.length));
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
int j = reversed.length - (1 + i);
assertThat(reversed[j], is(input[i]));
public void testStringArrayReversal() throws RemoteException {
String[] input = {"For", "relaxing", "times"};
String echoed[] = new String[input.length];
String[] reversed = service.ReverseString(input, echoed);
assertThat(echoed, is(input));
assertThat(reversed.length, is(input.length));
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
int j = reversed.length - (1 + i);
assertThat(reversed[j], is(input[i]));
public void testBinderExchange() throws RemoteException {
INamedCallback got = service.GetOtherTestService("Smythe");
assertThat(got.GetName(), is("Smythe"));
assertThat(service.VerifyName(got, "Smythe"), is(true));
public void testListReversal() throws RemoteException {
List<String> input = Arrays.asList("Walk", "into", "Córdoba");
List<String> echoed = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> reversed = service.ReverseStringList(input, echoed);
assertThat(echoed, is(input));
assertThat(reversed, is(input));
public void testRepeatGenericParcelable() throws RemoteException {
assumeTrue(cpp_java_tests != null);
GenericStructuredParcelable<Integer, StructuredParcelable, Integer> input =
new GenericStructuredParcelable<Integer, StructuredParcelable, Integer>();
GenericStructuredParcelable<Integer, StructuredParcelable, Integer> out_param =
new GenericStructuredParcelable<Integer, StructuredParcelable, Integer>();
input.a = 41;
input.b = 42;
GenericStructuredParcelable<Integer, StructuredParcelable, Integer> testing = input;
assertThat(testing, is(input));
GenericStructuredParcelable<Integer, StructuredParcelable, Integer> returned =
cpp_java_tests.RepeatGenericParcelable(input, out_param);
assertThat(out_param.a, is(input.a));
assertThat(out_param.b, is(input.b));
assertThat(returned.a, is(input.a));
assertThat(returned.b, is(input.b));
public void testRepeatParcelable() throws RemoteException {
assumeTrue(cpp_java_tests != null);
SimpleParcelable input = new SimpleParcelable("foo", 42);
SimpleParcelable out_param = new SimpleParcelable();
SimpleParcelable returned = cpp_java_tests.RepeatSimpleParcelable(input, out_param);
assertThat(out_param, is(input));
assertThat(returned, is(input));
public void testReverseParcelable() throws RemoteException {
assumeTrue(cpp_java_tests != null);
SimpleParcelable[] input = new SimpleParcelable[3];
input[0] = new SimpleParcelable("a", 1);
input[1] = new SimpleParcelable("b", 2);
input[2] = new SimpleParcelable("c", 3);
SimpleParcelable[] repeated = new SimpleParcelable[3];
SimpleParcelable[] reversed = cpp_java_tests.ReverseSimpleParcelables(input, repeated);
assertThat(repeated, is(input));
assertThat(reversed.length, is(input.length));
for (int i = 0, k = input.length - 1; i < input.length; ++i, --k) {
assertThat(reversed[k], is(input[i]));
public void testRepeatEmptyPersistableBundle() throws RemoteException {
assumeTrue(cpp_java_tests != null);
PersistableBundle emptyBundle = new PersistableBundle();
PersistableBundle returned = cpp_java_tests.RepeatPersistableBundle(emptyBundle);
assertThat(returned.size(), is(emptyBundle.size()));
assertThat(returned.toString(), is(emptyBundle.toString()));
public void testRepeatNonEmptyPersistableBundle() throws RemoteException {
assumeTrue(cpp_java_tests != null);
PersistableBundle pb = new PersistableBundle();
final String testBoolKey = "testBool";
final String testIntKey = "testInt";
final String testNestedIntKey = "testNestedInt";
final String testLongKey = "testLong";
final String testDoubleKey = "testDouble";
final String testStringKey = "testString";
final String testBoolArrayKey = "testBoolArray";
final String testIntArrayKey = "testIntArray";
final String testLongArrayKey = "testLongArray";
final String testDoubleArrayKey = "testDoubleArray";
final String testStringArrayKey = "testStringArray";
final String testPersistableBundleKey = "testPersistableBundle";
pb.putBoolean(testBoolKey, false);
pb.putInt(testIntKey, 33);
pb.putLong(testLongKey, 34359738368L);
pb.putDouble(testDoubleKey, 1.1);
pb.putString(testStringKey, new String("Woot!"));
pb.putBooleanArray(testBoolArrayKey, new boolean[] {true, false, true});
pb.putIntArray(testIntArrayKey, new int[] {33, 44, 55, 142});
pb.putLongArray(testLongArrayKey, new long[] {34L, 8371L, 34359738375L});
pb.putDoubleArray(testDoubleArrayKey, new double[] {2.2, 5.4});
pb.putStringArray(testStringArrayKey, new String[] {"hello", "world!"});
PersistableBundle testNestedPersistableBundle = new PersistableBundle();
testNestedPersistableBundle.putInt(testNestedIntKey, 345);
pb.putPersistableBundle(testPersistableBundleKey, testNestedPersistableBundle);
PersistableBundle ret = cpp_java_tests.RepeatPersistableBundle(pb);
assertThat(ret.size(), is(pb.size()));
assertThat(ret.getBoolean(testBoolKey), is(pb.getBoolean(testBoolKey)));
assertThat(ret.getInt(testIntKey), is(pb.getInt(testIntKey)));
assertThat(ret.getLong(testLongKey), is(pb.getLong(testLongKey)));
assertThat(ret.getDouble(testDoubleKey), is(pb.getDouble(testDoubleKey)));
assertThat(ret.getString(testStringKey), is(pb.getString(testStringKey)));
assertThat(ret.getBooleanArray(testBoolArrayKey), is(pb.getBooleanArray(testBoolArrayKey)));
assertThat(ret.getIntArray(testIntArrayKey), is(pb.getIntArray(testIntArrayKey)));
assertThat(ret.getLongArray(testLongArrayKey), is(pb.getLongArray(testLongArrayKey)));
assertThat(ret.getDoubleArray(testDoubleArrayKey), is(pb.getDoubleArray(testDoubleArrayKey)));
assertThat(ret.getStringArray(testStringArrayKey), is(pb.getStringArray(testStringArrayKey)));
PersistableBundle nested = ret.getPersistableBundle(testPersistableBundleKey);
assertThat(nested, is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(nested.getInt(testNestedIntKey), is(testNestedPersistableBundle.getInt(testNestedIntKey)));
public void testReversePersistableBundleArray() throws RemoteException {
assumeTrue(cpp_java_tests != null);
PersistableBundle[] input = new PersistableBundle[3];
PersistableBundle first = new PersistableBundle();
PersistableBundle second = new PersistableBundle();
PersistableBundle third = new PersistableBundle();
final String testIntKey = new String("testInt");
final String testLongKey = new String("testLong");
final String testDoubleKey = new String("testDouble");
first.putInt(testIntKey, 1231);
second.putLong(testLongKey, 222222L);
third.putDouble(testDoubleKey, 10.8);
input[0] = first;
input[1] = second;
input[2] = third;
final int original_input_size = input.length;
PersistableBundle[] repeated = new PersistableBundle[input.length];
PersistableBundle[] reversed = cpp_java_tests.ReversePersistableBundles(input, repeated);
assertThat(repeated.length, is(input.length));
assertThat(input.length, is(original_input_size));
assertThat(repeated[0].getInt(testIntKey), is(input[0].getInt(testIntKey)));
assertThat(repeated[1].getLong(testLongKey), is(input[1].getLong(testLongKey)));
assertThat(repeated[2].getDouble(testDoubleKey), is(input[2].getDouble(testDoubleKey)));
assertThat(reversed.length, is(input.length));
assertThat(reversed[0].getInt(testIntKey), is(input[2].getInt(testIntKey)));
assertThat(reversed[1].getLong(testLongKey), is(input[1].getLong(testLongKey)));
assertThat(reversed[2].getDouble(testDoubleKey), is(input[0].getDouble(testDoubleKey)));
public void testFileDescriptorPassing() throws RemoteException, IOException {
assumeTrue(cpp_java_tests != null);
String file = "/data/local/tmp/aidl-test-file";
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file, false /*append*/);
FileDescriptor descriptor = fos.getFD();
FileDescriptor journeyed = cpp_java_tests.RepeatFileDescriptor(descriptor);
FileOutputStream journeyedStream = new FileOutputStream(journeyed);
String testData = "FrazzleSnazzleFlimFlamFlibbityGumboChops";
byte[] output = testData.getBytes();
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
byte[] input = new byte[output.length];
assertThat(, is(input.length));
assertThat(input, is(output));
public void testParcelFileDescriptorPassing() throws RemoteException, IOException {
String file = "/data/local/tmp/aidl-test-file";
ParcelFileDescriptor descriptor =
new File(file), ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_CREATE |
ParcelFileDescriptor journeyed = service.RepeatParcelFileDescriptor(descriptor);
FileOutputStream journeyedStream = new ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseOutputStream(journeyed);
String testData = "FrazzleSnazzleFlimFlamFlibbityGumboChops";
byte[] output = testData.getBytes();
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
byte[] input = new byte[output.length];
assertThat(, is(input.length));
assertThat(input, is(output));
public void testServiceSpecificExceptions() throws RemoteException {
for (int i = -1; i < 2; ++i) {
try {
} catch (ServiceSpecificException ex) {
assertThat(ex.errorCode, is(i));
private static final List<String> utf8_queries = Arrays.asList(
"typical string",
// Java doesn't handle unicode code points above U+FFFF well.
new String(Character.toChars(0x1F701)) + "\u03A9");
public void testRepeatUtf8String() throws RemoteException {
for (String query : utf8_queries) {
String response = service.RepeatUtf8CppString(query);
assertThat(response, is(query));
public void testReverseUtf8StringArray() throws RemoteException {
String[] input = (String[])utf8_queries.toArray();
String echoed[] = new String[input.length];
String[] reversed = service.ReverseUtf8CppString(input, echoed);
assertThat(echoed, is(input));
assertThat(reversed.length, is(input.length));
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
int j = reversed.length - (1 + i);
assertThat(reversed[j], is(input[i]));
public void testReverseNullableUtf8StringArray() throws RemoteException {
final List<String> utf8_queries_and_nulls = Arrays.asList(
"typical string",
// Java doesn't handle unicode code points above U+FFFF well.
new String(Character.toChars(0x1F701)) + "\u03A9");
String[] input = (String[])utf8_queries_and_nulls.toArray();
String echoed[] = new String[input.length];
String[] reversed = service.ReverseNullableUtf8CppString(input, echoed);
assertThat(echoed, is(input));
assertThat(reversed.length, is(input.length));
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) {
int j = reversed.length - (1 + i);
if (input[i] == null && reversed[j] == null) {
assertThat(reversed[j], is(input[i]));
private void shouldBeTheSame(StructuredParcelable a, StructuredParcelable b) {
assertTrue(a.hashCode() == b.hashCode());
private void shouldBeDifferent(StructuredParcelable a, StructuredParcelable b) {
assertFalse(a.hashCode() == b.hashCode());
public void testStructurecParcelableEquality() {
StructuredParcelable p = new StructuredParcelable();
p.shouldContainThreeFs = new int[] {1, 2, 3};
p.shouldBeJerry = "Jerry";
StructuredParcelable p2 = new StructuredParcelable();
p2.shouldContainThreeFs = new int[] {1, 2, 3};
p2.shouldBeJerry = "Jerry";
shouldBeTheSame(p, p2);
StructuredParcelable p3 = new StructuredParcelable();
p3.shouldContainThreeFs = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4};
p3.shouldBeJerry = "Jerry";
shouldBeDifferent(p, p3);
StructuredParcelable p4 = new StructuredParcelable();
p4.shouldContainThreeFs = new int[] {1, 2, 3};
p4.shouldBeJerry = "Tom";
shouldBeDifferent(p, p4);
public void testStrucuturedParcelable() throws RemoteException {
final int kDesiredFValue = 17;
StructuredParcelable p = new StructuredParcelable();
p.shouldContainThreeFs = new int[0];
p.f = kDesiredFValue;
p.shouldBeJerry = "";
p.shouldContainTwoByteFoos = new byte[2];
p.shouldContainTwoIntFoos = new int[2];
p.shouldContainTwoLongFoos = new long[2];
// Check the default values
assertThat(p.stringDefaultsToFoo, is("foo"));
final byte byteFour = 4;
assertThat(p.byteDefaultsToFour, is(byteFour));
assertThat(p.intDefaultsToFive, is(5));
assertThat(p.longDefaultsToNegativeSeven, is(-7L));
assertThat(p.booleanDefaultsToTrue, is(true));
assertThat(p.charDefaultsToC, is('C'));
assertThat(p.floatDefaultsToPi, is(3.14f));
assertThat(p.doubleWithDefault, is(-3.14e17));
assertThat(p.arrayDefaultsTo123, is(new int[] {1, 2, 3}));
assertThat(p.arrayDefaultsToEmpty.length, is(0));
assertThat(p.defaultWithFoo, is(IntEnum.FOO));
// Check the returned values
assertThat(p.shouldContainThreeFs, is(new int[] {kDesiredFValue, kDesiredFValue, kDesiredFValue}));
assertThat(p.shouldBeJerry, is("Jerry"));
assertThat(p.shouldBeByteBar, is(ByteEnum.BAR));
assertThat(p.shouldBeIntBar, is(IntEnum.BAR));
assertThat(p.shouldBeLongBar, is(LongEnum.BAR));
assertThat(p.shouldContainTwoByteFoos, is(new byte[] {ByteEnum.FOO, ByteEnum.FOO}));
assertThat(p.shouldContainTwoIntFoos, is(new int[] {IntEnum.FOO, IntEnum.FOO}));
assertThat(p.shouldContainTwoLongFoos, is(new long[] {LongEnum.FOO, LongEnum.FOO}));
assertThat(p.int32_min, is(Integer.MIN_VALUE));
assertThat(p.int32_max, is(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
assertThat(p.int64_max, is(Long.MAX_VALUE));
assertThat(p.hexInt32_neg_1, is(-1));
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < p.int32_1.length; ndx++) {
assertThat(p.int32_1[ndx], is(1));
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < p.int64_1.length; ndx++) {
assertThat(p.int64_1[ndx], is(1L));
assertThat(p.hexInt32_pos_1, is(1));
assertThat(p.hexInt64_pos_1, is(1));
assertThat(p.const_exprs_1, is(1));
assertThat(p.const_exprs_2, is(1));
assertThat(p.const_exprs_3, is(1));
assertThat(p.const_exprs_4, is(1));
assertThat(p.const_exprs_5, is(1));
assertThat(p.const_exprs_6, is(1));
assertThat(p.const_exprs_7, is(1));
assertThat(p.const_exprs_8, is(1));
assertThat(p.const_exprs_9, is(1));
assertThat(p.const_exprs_10, is(1));
p.shouldSetBit0AndBit2, is(StructuredParcelable.BIT0 | StructuredParcelable.BIT2));
assertThat(p.u.getNs(), is(new int[] {1, 2, 3}));
assertThat(p.shouldBeConstS1.getS(), is(Union.S1));
final String expected = "android.aidl.tests.StructuredParcelable{"
+ "shouldContainThreeFs: [17, 17, 17], "
+ "f: 17, "
+ "shouldBeJerry: Jerry, "
+ "shouldBeByteBar: 2, "
+ "shouldBeIntBar: 2000, "
+ "shouldBeLongBar: 200000000000, "
+ "shouldContainTwoByteFoos: [1, 1], "
+ "shouldContainTwoIntFoos: [1000, 1000], "
+ "shouldContainTwoLongFoos: [100000000000, 100000000000], "
+ "stringDefaultsToFoo: foo, "
+ "byteDefaultsToFour: 4, "
+ "intDefaultsToFive: 5, "
+ "longDefaultsToNegativeSeven: -7, "
+ "booleanDefaultsToTrue: true, "
+ "charDefaultsToC: C, "
+ "floatDefaultsToPi: 3.14, "
+ "doubleWithDefault: -3.14E17, "
+ "arrayDefaultsTo123: [1, 2, 3], "
+ "arrayDefaultsToEmpty: [], "
+ "boolDefault: false, "
+ "byteDefault: 0, "
+ "intDefault: 0, "
+ "longDefault: 0, "
+ "floatDefault: 0.0, "
+ "doubleDefault: 0.0, "
+ "checkDoubleFromFloat: 3.14, "
+ "checkStringArray1: [a, b], "
+ "checkStringArray2: [a, b], "
+ "int32_min: -2147483648, "
+ "int32_max: 2147483647, "
+ "int64_max: 9223372036854775807, "
+ "hexInt32_neg_1: -1, "
+ "ibinder: null, "
+ "int32_1: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, "
+ "1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, "
+ "1, 1, 1, 1], "
+ "int64_1: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], "
+ "hexInt32_pos_1: 1, "
+ "hexInt64_pos_1: 1, "
+ "const_exprs_1: 1, "
+ "const_exprs_2: 1, "
+ "const_exprs_3: 1, "
+ "const_exprs_4: 1, "
+ "const_exprs_5: 1, "
+ "const_exprs_6: 1, "
+ "const_exprs_7: 1, "
+ "const_exprs_8: 1, "
+ "const_exprs_9: 1, "
+ "const_exprs_10: 1, "
+ "addString1: hello world!, "
+ "addString2: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog., "
+ "shouldSetBit0AndBit2: 5, "
+ "u: android.aidl.tests.Union.ns([1, 2, 3]), "
+ "shouldBeConstS1: android.aidl.tests.Union.s(a string constant in union), "
+ "defaultWithFoo: 1000"
+ "}";
assertThat(p.toString(), is(expected));
public void testDefaultImpl() throws RemoteException {
final int expectedArg = 100;
final int expectedReturnValue = 200;
boolean success = ITestService.Stub.setDefaultImpl(new ITestService.Default() {
public int UnimplementedMethod(int arg) throws RemoteException {
if (arg != expectedArg) {
throw new RemoteException("Argument for UnimplementedMethod is expected "
+ " to be " + expectedArg + ", but got " + arg);
return expectedReturnValue;
assertThat(success, is(true));
int ret = service.UnimplementedMethod(expectedArg);
assertThat(ret, is(expectedReturnValue));
public void testToString() {
ParcelableForToString p = new ParcelableForToString();
p.intValue = 10;
p.intArray = new int[]{20, 30};
p.longValue = 100L;
p.longArray = new long[]{200L, 300L};
p.doubleValue = 3.14d;
p.doubleArray = new double[]{1.1d, 1.2d};
p.floatValue = 3.14f;
p.floatArray = new float[]{1.1f, 1.2f};
p.byteValue = 3;
p.byteArray = new byte[]{5, 6};
p.booleanValue = true;
p.booleanArray = new boolean[]{true, false};
p.stringValue = "this is a string";
p.stringArray = new String[]{"hello", "world"};
p.stringList = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"alice", "bob"});
OtherParcelableForToString op = new OtherParcelableForToString();
op.field = "other";
p.parcelableValue = op;
p.parcelableArray = new OtherParcelableForToString[]{op, op};
p.enumValue = IntEnum.FOO;
p.enumArray = new int[]{IntEnum.FOO, IntEnum.BAR};
p.nullArray = null;
p.nullList = null;
GenericStructuredParcelable<Integer, StructuredParcelable, Integer> gen =
new GenericStructuredParcelable<Integer, StructuredParcelable, Integer>();
gen.a = 1;
gen.b = 2;
p.parcelableGeneric = gen;
p.unionValue = null; // for testing even though it is not @nullable in .aidl
final String expected = "android.aidl.tests.ParcelableForToString{"
+ "intValue: 10, "
+ "intArray: [20, 30], "
+ "longValue: 100, "
+ "longArray: [200, 300], "
+ "doubleValue: 3.14, "
+ "doubleArray: [1.1, 1.2], "
+ "floatValue: 3.14, "
+ "floatArray: [1.1, 1.2], "
+ "byteValue: 3, "
+ "byteArray: [5, 6], "
+ "booleanValue: true, "
+ "booleanArray: [true, false], "
+ "stringValue: this is a string, "
+ "stringArray: [hello, world], "
+ "stringList: [alice, bob], "
+ "parcelableValue: android.aidl.tests.OtherParcelableForToString{field: other}, "
+ "parcelableArray: ["
+ "android.aidl.tests.OtherParcelableForToString{field: other}, "
+ "android.aidl.tests.OtherParcelableForToString{field: other}], "
+ "enumValue: 1000, "
+ "enumArray: [1000, 2000], "
+ "nullArray: null, "
+ "nullList: null, "
+ "parcelableGeneric: android.aidl.tests.GenericStructuredParcelable{a: 1, b: 2}, "
+ "unionValue: null"
+ "}";
assertThat(p.toString(), is(expected));
public void testRenamedInterface() throws RemoteException {
IOldName oldAsOld = service.GetOldNameInterface();
assertThat(oldAsOld.DESCRIPTOR, is("android.aidl.tests.IOldName"));
assertThat(oldAsOld.RealName(), is("OldName"));
INewName newAsNew = service.GetNewNameInterface();
assertThat(newAsNew.DESCRIPTOR, is("android.aidl.tests.IOldName"));
assertThat(oldAsOld.RealName(), is("OldName"));
IOldName newAsOld = IOldName.Stub.asInterface(service.GetNewNameInterface().asBinder());
assertThat(newAsOld.DESCRIPTOR, is("android.aidl.tests.IOldName"));
assertThat(newAsOld.RealName(), is("NewName"));
INewName oldAsNew = INewName.Stub.asInterface(service.GetOldNameInterface().asBinder());
assertThat(oldAsNew.DESCRIPTOR, is("android.aidl.tests.IOldName"));
assertThat(oldAsNew.RealName(), is("OldName"));
public void testReverseUnion() throws RemoteException {
assumeTrue(cpp_java_tests != null);
Union original = Union.ns(new int[] {1, 2, 3});
Union repeated = new Union();
Union reversed = cpp_java_tests.ReverseUnion(original, repeated);
assertThat(repeated.getNs(), is(new int[] {1, 2, 3}));
assertThat(reversed.getNs(), is(new int[] {3, 2, 1}));