Add comment about @SensitiveData and backwards compatibility

Test: m
Bug: none
Change-Id: I867cafd9738715e2be6c08b7859aa36797aee7de
diff --git a/aidl_checkapi.cpp b/aidl_checkapi.cpp
index 584e5a6..039c01b 100644
--- a/aidl_checkapi.cpp
+++ b/aidl_checkapi.cpp
@@ -74,6 +74,12 @@
   // - a new implementation might change so that it no longer returns null
   // values (remove @nullable)
   // - a new implementation might start accepting null values (add @nullable)
+  //
+  // AidlAnnotation::Type::SENSITIVE_DATA could be ignored for backwards
+  // compatibility, but is not. It should retroactively be applied to the
+  // older versions of the interface. When doing that, we need
+  // to add the new hash to the older versions after the change using
+  // tools/aidl/build/
   static const set<AidlAnnotation::Type> kIgnoreAnnotations{
       // @JavaDerive doesn't affect read/write