blob: 63c0c6c200c0658b7eccd536bcf6f31eaf705b7a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.aidl.tests;
import android.aidl.tests.BackendType;
import android.aidl.tests.ByteEnum;
import android.aidl.tests.INamedCallback;
import android.aidl.tests.INewName;
import android.aidl.tests.IOldName;
import android.aidl.tests.IntEnum;
import android.aidl.tests.LongEnum;
import android.aidl.tests.RecursiveList;
import android.aidl.tests.StructuredParcelable;
import android.aidl.tests.Union;
import android.aidl.tests.extension.ExtendableParcelable;
* interface comment
@SuppressWarnings(value={"inout-parameter", "mixed-oneway", "out-array"})
interface ITestService {
// Test that constants are accessible
* extra doc comment
// extra line comment
* extra regular comment
* const comment
const int TEST_CONSTANT = 42;
const int TEST_CONSTANT2 = -42;
const int TEST_CONSTANT3 = +42;
const int TEST_CONSTANT4 = +4;
const int TEST_CONSTANT5 = -4;
const int TEST_CONSTANT6 = -0;
const int TEST_CONSTANT7 = +0;
const int TEST_CONSTANT8 = 0;
const int TEST_CONSTANT9 = 0x56;
const int TEST_CONSTANT10 = 0xa5;
const int TEST_CONSTANT11 = 0xFA;
const int TEST_CONSTANT12 = 0xffffffff;
const byte BYTE_TEST_CONSTANT = 17;
const long LONG_TEST_CONSTANT = 1L << 40;
const String STRING_TEST_CONSTANT = "foo";
const String STRING_TEST_CONSTANT2 = "bar";
const @utf8InCpp String STRING_TEST_CONSTANT_UTF8 = "baz";
// This is to emulate a method that is added after the service is implemented.
// So the client cannot assume that a call to this method will be successful
// or not. However, inside the test environment, we can't build client and
// the server with different version of this AIDL file. So, we let the server
// actually implement this and intercept the dispatch to the method
// inside onTransact().
// WARNING: Must be first method.
// This requires hard coding the transaction number. As long as this method is
// the first in this interface, it can keep the
// "::android::IBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 0" value and allow
// methods to be added and removed.
int UnimplementedMethod(int arg);
* @deprecated to make sure we have something in system/tools/aidl which does a compile check
* of deprecated and make sure this is reflected in goldens
void Deprecated();
oneway void TestOneway();
// Test that primitives work as parameters and return types.
boolean RepeatBoolean(boolean token);
byte RepeatByte(byte token);
char RepeatChar(char token);
int RepeatInt(int token);
long RepeatLong(long token);
float RepeatFloat(float token);
double RepeatDouble(double token);
String RepeatString(String token);
ByteEnum RepeatByteEnum(ByteEnum token);
IntEnum RepeatIntEnum(IntEnum token);
LongEnum RepeatLongEnum(LongEnum token);
// Test that arrays work as parameters and return types.
boolean[] ReverseBoolean(in boolean[] input, out boolean[] repeated);
byte[] ReverseByte(in byte[] input, out byte[] repeated);
char[] ReverseChar(in char[] input, out char[] repeated);
int[] ReverseInt(in int[] input, out int[] repeated);
long[] ReverseLong(in long[] input, out long[] repeated);
float[] ReverseFloat(in float[] input, out float[] repeated);
double[] ReverseDouble(in double[] input, out double[] repeated);
String[] ReverseString(in String[] input, out String[] repeated);
ByteEnum[] ReverseByteEnum(in ByteEnum[] input, out ByteEnum[] repeated);
IntEnum[] ReverseIntEnum(in IntEnum[] input, out IntEnum[] repeated);
LongEnum[] ReverseLongEnum(in LongEnum[] input, out LongEnum[] repeated);
// Test that clients can send and receive Binders.
@PropagateAllowBlocking INamedCallback GetOtherTestService(String name);
boolean VerifyName(INamedCallback service, String name);
INamedCallback[] GetInterfaceArray(in String[] names);
boolean VerifyNamesWithInterfaceArray(in INamedCallback[] services, in String[] names);
@nullable INamedCallback[] GetNullableInterfaceArray(
in @nullable String[] names);
boolean VerifyNamesWithNullableInterfaceArray(
in @nullable INamedCallback[] services, in @nullable String[] names);
@nullable List<INamedCallback> GetInterfaceList(in @nullable String[] names);
boolean VerifyNamesWithInterfaceList(in @nullable List<INamedCallback> services,
in @nullable String[] names);
// Test that List<T> types work correctly.
List<String> ReverseStringList(in List<String> input, out List<String> repeated);
ParcelFileDescriptor RepeatParcelFileDescriptor(in ParcelFileDescriptor read);
ParcelFileDescriptor[] ReverseParcelFileDescriptorArray(
in ParcelFileDescriptor[] input, out ParcelFileDescriptor[] repeated);
// Test that service specific exceptions work correctly.
void ThrowServiceException(int code);
// Test nullability
@nullable int[] RepeatNullableIntArray(in @nullable int[] input);
@nullable ByteEnum[] RepeatNullableByteEnumArray(in @nullable ByteEnum[] input);
@nullable IntEnum[] RepeatNullableIntEnumArray(in @nullable IntEnum[] input);
@nullable LongEnum[] RepeatNullableLongEnumArray(in @nullable LongEnum[] input);
@nullable String RepeatNullableString(in @nullable String input);
@nullable List<String> RepeatNullableStringList(
in @nullable List<String> input);
// Small empty parcelable for nullability check
@RustDerive(Clone=true, PartialEq=true)
parcelable Empty {}
@nullable Empty RepeatNullableParcelable(in @nullable Empty input);
@nullable Empty[] RepeatNullableParcelableArray(in @nullable Empty[] input);
@nullable List<Empty> RepeatNullableParcelableList(
in @nullable List<Empty> input);
void TakesAnIBinder(in IBinder input);
void TakesANullableIBinder(in @nullable IBinder input);
void TakesAnIBinderList(in List<IBinder> input);
void TakesANullableIBinderList(in @nullable List<IBinder> input);
// Test utf8 decoding from utf16 wire format
@utf8InCpp String RepeatUtf8CppString(@utf8InCpp String token);
@nullable @utf8InCpp String RepeatNullableUtf8CppString(
@nullable @utf8InCpp String token);
@utf8InCpp String[] ReverseUtf8CppString(
in @utf8InCpp String[] input, out @utf8InCpp String[] repeated);
@nullable @utf8InCpp String[] ReverseNullableUtf8CppString(
in @nullable @utf8InCpp String[] input,
out @nullable @utf8InCpp String[] repeated);
@nullable @utf8InCpp List<String> ReverseUtf8CppStringList(
in @nullable @utf8InCpp List<String> input,
out @nullable @utf8InCpp List<String> repeated);
* comment before annotation
@nullable INamedCallback GetCallback(boolean return_null);
// Since this paracelable has clearly defined default values, it would be
// inefficient to use an IPC to fill it out in practice.
void FillOutStructuredParcelable(inout StructuredParcelable parcel);
void RepeatExtendableParcelable(in ExtendableParcelable ep, out ExtendableParcelable ep2);
RecursiveList ReverseList(in RecursiveList list);
IBinder[] ReverseIBinderArray(in IBinder[] input, out IBinder[] repeated);
@nullable IBinder[] ReverseNullableIBinderArray(
in @nullable IBinder[] input, out @nullable IBinder[] repeated);
// All these constant expressions should be equal to 1
const int A1 = (~(-1)) == 0;
const int A2 = ~~(1 << 31) == (1 << 31);
const int A3 = -0x7fffffff < 0;
const int A4 = 0x80000000 < 0;
const int A5 = 0x7fffffff == 2147483647;
const int A6 = (1 << 31) == 0x80000000;
const int A7 = (1 + 2) == 3;
const int A8 = (8 - 9) == -1;
const int A9 = (9 * 9) == 81;
const int A10 = (29 / 3) == 9;
const int A11 = (29 % 3) == 2;
const int A12 = (0xC0010000 | 0xF00D) == (0xC001F00D);
const int A13 = (10 | 6) == 14;
const int A14 = (10 & 6) == 2;
const int A15 = (10 ^ 6) == 12;
const int A16 = 6 < 10;
const int A17 = (10 < 10) == 0;
const int A18 = (6 > 10) == 0;
const int A19 = (10 > 10) == 0;
const int A20 = 19 >= 10;
const int A21 = 10 >= 10;
const int A22 = 5 <= 10;
const int A23 = (19 <= 10) == 0;
const int A24 = 19 != 10;
const int A25 = (10 != 10) == 0;
const int A26 = (22 << 1) == 44;
const int A27 = (11 >> 1) == 5;
const int A28 = (1 || 0) == 1;
const int A29 = (1 || 1) == 1;
const int A30 = (0 || 0) == 0;
const int A31 = (0 || 1) == 1;
const int A32 = (1 && 0) == 0;
const int A33 = (1 && 1) == 1;
const int A34 = (0 && 0) == 0;
const int A35 = (0 && 1) == 0;
const int A36 = 4 == 4;
const int A37 = -4 < 0;
const int A38 = 0xffffffff == -1;
const int A39 = 4 + 1 == 5;
const int A40 = 2 + 3 - 4;
const int A41 = 2 - 3 + 4 == 3;
const int A42 = 1 == 4 == 0;
const int A43 = 1 && 1;
const int A44 = 1 || 1 && 0; // && higher than ||
const int A45 = 1 < 2;
const int A46 = !!((3 != 4 || (2 < 3 <= 3 > 4)) >= 0);
const int A47 = !(1 == 7) && ((3 != 4 || (2 < 3 <= 3 > 4)) >= 0);
const int A48 = (1 << 2) >= 0;
const int A49 = (4 >> 1) == 2;
const int A50 = (8 << -1) == 4;
const int A51 = (1 << 30 >> 30) == 1;
const int A52 = (1 | 16 >> 2) == 5;
const int A53 = (0x0f ^ 0x33 & 0x99) == 0x1e; // & higher than ^
const int A54 = (~42 & (1 << 3 | 16 >> 2) ^ 7) == 3;
const int A55 = (2 + 3 - 4 * -7 / (10 % 3)) - 33 == 0;
const int A56 = (2 + (-3 & 4 / 7)) == 2;
const int A57 = (((((1 + 0)))));
IOldName GetOldNameInterface();
INewName GetNewNameInterface();
Union.Tag[] GetUnionTags(in Union[] input);
// Retrieve the ICppJavaTests if the server supports it
@nullable IBinder GetCppJavaTests();
BackendType getBackendType();
parcelable CompilerChecks {
// IBinder
IBinder binder;
@nullable IBinder nullable_binder;
IBinder[] binder_array;
@nullable IBinder[] nullable_binder_array;
List<IBinder> binder_list;
@nullable List<IBinder> nullable_binder_list;
// ParcelFileDescriptor
ParcelFileDescriptor pfd;
@nullable ParcelFileDescriptor nullable_pfd;
ParcelFileDescriptor[] pfd_array;
@nullable ParcelFileDescriptor[] nullable_pfd_array;
List<ParcelFileDescriptor> pfd_list;
@nullable List<ParcelFileDescriptor> nullable_pfd_list;
// parcelable
Empty parcel;
@nullable Empty nullable_parcel;
Empty[] parcel_array;
@nullable Empty[] nullable_parcel_array;
List<Empty> parcel_list;
@nullable List<Empty> nullable_parcel_list;