blob: b5592d773009f6482d9e29f0e7e0a42bbb6cadd2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* limitations under the License.
#include "aidl_to_ndk.h"
#include "aidl_language.h"
#include "aidl_to_cpp_common.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "os.h"
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <functional>
using ::android::base::Join;
using ::android::base::Split;
namespace android {
namespace aidl {
namespace ndk {
static const AidlTypeSpecifier kIntType{AIDL_LOCATION_HERE, "int", /*array=*/std::nullopt, nullptr,
std::string NdkHeaderFile(const AidlDefinedType& defined_type, cpp::ClassNames name,
bool use_os_sep) {
char seperator = (use_os_sep) ? OS_PATH_SEPARATOR : '/';
return std::string("aidl") + seperator + cpp::HeaderFile(defined_type, name, use_os_sep);
// This represents a type in AIDL (e.g. 'String' which can be referenced in multiple ways)
struct TypeInfo {
// name of the type in C++ output
std::string cpp_name;
// whether to prefer 'value type' over 'const&'
bool value_is_cheap = false;
std::string ConstantValueDecorator(
const AidlTypeSpecifier& type,
const std::variant<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>& raw_value) {
return cpp::CppConstantValueDecorator(type, raw_value, /*is_ndk=*/true);
// map from AIDL built-in type name to the corresponding Ndk type info
static map<std::string, TypeInfo> kNdkTypeInfoMap = {
{"void", {"void", true}},
{"boolean", {"bool", true}},
{"byte", {"int8_t", true}},
{"char", {"char16_t", true}},
{"int", {"int32_t", true}},
{"long", {"int64_t", true}},
{"float", {"float", true}},
{"double", {"double", true}},
{"String", {"std::string"}},
// TODO(b/136048684) {"Map", ""},
{"IBinder", {"::ndk::SpAIBinder"}},
{"ParcelFileDescriptor", {"::ndk::ScopedFileDescriptor"}},
{"ParcelableHolder", {"::ndk::AParcelableHolder"}},
static TypeInfo GetBaseTypeInfo(const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlTypeSpecifier& aidl) {
auto& aidl_name = aidl.GetName();
if (AidlTypenames::IsBuiltinTypename(aidl_name)) {
auto it = kNdkTypeInfoMap.find(aidl_name);
AIDL_FATAL_IF(it == kNdkTypeInfoMap.end(), aidl_name);
return it->second;
const AidlDefinedType* type = types.TryGetDefinedType(aidl_name);
AIDL_FATAL_IF(type == nullptr, aidl_name) << "Unrecognized type.";
if (const AidlInterface* intf = type->AsInterface(); intf != nullptr) {
const std::string clazz = NdkFullClassName(*intf, cpp::ClassNames::INTERFACE);
return TypeInfo{"std::shared_ptr<" + clazz + ">"};
} else if (const AidlParcelable* parcelable = type->AsParcelable(); parcelable != nullptr) {
std::string clazz = NdkFullClassName(*parcelable, cpp::ClassNames::RAW);
std::string template_params = "";
if (aidl.IsGeneric()) {
std::vector<std::string> type_params;
for (const auto& parameter : aidl.GetTypeParameters()) {
type_params.push_back(NdkNameOf(types, *parameter, StorageMode::STACK));
clazz += base::StringPrintf("<%s>", base::Join(type_params, ", ").c_str());
return TypeInfo{clazz};
} else if (const AidlEnumDeclaration* enum_decl = type->AsEnumDeclaration();
enum_decl != nullptr) {
const std::string clazz = NdkFullClassName(*enum_decl, cpp::ClassNames::RAW);
return TypeInfo{clazz, true};
} else {
AIDL_FATAL(aidl_name) << "Unrecognized type";
static TypeInfo WrapNullableType(TypeInfo info, bool is_heap) {
if (is_heap) {
info.cpp_name = "std::unique_ptr<" + info.cpp_name + ">";
} else {
info.cpp_name = "std::optional<" + info.cpp_name + ">";
info.value_is_cheap = false;
return info;
static TypeInfo WrapArrayType(TypeInfo info, const ArrayType* array) {
AIDL_FATAL_IF(!array, AIDL_LOCATION_HERE) << "not an array";
// When "byte"(AIDL) is used in an array, use "uint8_t" because it's more C++ idiomatic.
if (info.cpp_name == "int8_t") {
info.cpp_name = "uint8_t";
if (std::get_if<DynamicArray>(array)) {
info.cpp_name = "std::vector<" + info.cpp_name + ">";
} else {
for (const auto& dim : std::get<FixedSizeArray>(*array).dimensions) {
info.cpp_name = "std::array<" + info.cpp_name + ", " +
dim->ValueString(kIntType, ConstantValueDecorator) + ">";
info.value_is_cheap = false;
return info;
static bool ShouldWrapNullable(const AidlTypenames& types, const std::string& aidl_name) {
if (AidlTypenames::IsPrimitiveTypename(aidl_name) || aidl_name == "ParcelableHolder" ||
aidl_name == "IBinder" || aidl_name == "ParcelFileDescriptor") {
return false;
if (auto defined_type = types.TryGetDefinedType(aidl_name); defined_type) {
if (defined_type->AsEnumDeclaration() || defined_type->AsInterface()) {
return false;
return true;
static TypeInfo GetTypeInfo(const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlTypeSpecifier& aidl) {
AIDL_FATAL_IF(!aidl.IsResolved(), aidl) << aidl.ToString();
// Keep original @nullable to handle the case of List<T>. "@nullable" is attached to "List" not
// "T"
bool is_nullable = aidl.IsNullable();
const ArrayType* array = nullptr;
const AidlTypeSpecifier* element_type = &aidl;
// List<T> is converted to T[].
if (aidl.GetName() == "List") {
static const ArrayType kDynamicArray{DynamicArray{}};
AIDL_FATAL_IF(!aidl.IsGeneric(), aidl) << "List must be generic type.";
AIDL_FATAL_IF(aidl.GetTypeParameters().size() != 1, aidl)
<< "List can accept only one type parameter.";
const auto& type_param = *aidl.GetTypeParameters()[0];
// TODO(b/136048684) AIDL doesn't support nested type parameter yet.
AIDL_FATAL_IF(type_param.IsGeneric(), aidl) << "AIDL doesn't support nested type parameter";
// Treat "List<T>" as an array of T.
array = &kDynamicArray;
element_type = &type_param;
} else if (aidl.IsArray()) {
array = &aidl.GetArray();
TypeInfo info = GetBaseTypeInfo(types, *element_type);
if (is_nullable && ShouldWrapNullable(types, element_type->GetName())) {
info = WrapNullableType(info, aidl.IsHeapNullable());
if (array) {
info = WrapArrayType(info, array);
if (is_nullable) {
AIDL_FATAL_IF(aidl.IsHeapNullable(), aidl) << "Array/List can't be @nullable(heap=true)";
info = WrapNullableType(info, /*is_heap=*/false);
return info;
std::string NdkFullClassName(const AidlDefinedType& type, cpp::ClassNames name) {
std::vector<std::string> pieces = {"::aidl"};
std::vector<std::string> split_name = Split(type.GetCanonicalName(), ".");
pieces.insert(pieces.end(), split_name.begin(), split_name.end());
// Override name part with cpp::ClassName(type, name)
pieces.back() = cpp::ClassName(type, name);
return Join(pieces, "::");
std::string NdkNameOf(const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlTypeSpecifier& aidl, StorageMode mode) {
TypeInfo aspect = GetTypeInfo(types, aidl);
switch (mode) {
case StorageMode::STACK:
return aspect.cpp_name;
case StorageMode::ARGUMENT:
if (aspect.value_is_cheap) {
return aspect.cpp_name;
} else {
return "const " + aspect.cpp_name + "&";
case StorageMode::OUT_ARGUMENT:
return aspect.cpp_name + "*";
AIDL_FATAL(aidl.GetName()) << "Unrecognized mode type: " << static_cast<int>(mode);
void WriteToParcelFor(const CodeGeneratorContext& c) {
if (c.type.IsNullable()) {
c.writer << "::ndk::AParcel_writeNullableData(" << c.parcel << ", " << c.var << ")";
} else {
c.writer << "::ndk::AParcel_writeData(" << c.parcel << ", " << c.var << ")";
void ReadFromParcelFor(const CodeGeneratorContext& c) {
if (c.type.IsNullable()) {
c.writer << "::ndk::AParcel_readNullableData(" << c.parcel << ", " << c.var << ")";
} else {
c.writer << "::ndk::AParcel_readData(" << c.parcel << ", " << c.var << ")";
std::string NdkArgList(
const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlMethod& method,
std::function<std::string(const std::string& type, const std::string& name, bool isOut)>
formatter) {
std::vector<std::string> method_arguments;
for (const auto& a : method.GetArguments()) {
StorageMode mode = a->IsOut() ? StorageMode::OUT_ARGUMENT : StorageMode::ARGUMENT;
std::string type = NdkNameOf(types, a->GetType(), mode);
std::string name = cpp::BuildVarName(*a);
method_arguments.emplace_back(formatter(type, name, a->IsOut()));
if (method.GetType().GetName() != "void") {
std::string type = NdkNameOf(types, method.GetType(), StorageMode::OUT_ARGUMENT);
std::string name = "_aidl_return";
method_arguments.emplace_back(formatter(type, name, true));
return Join(method_arguments, ", ");
std::string NdkMethodDecl(const AidlTypenames& types, const AidlMethod& method,
const std::string& clazz) {
std::string class_prefix = clazz.empty() ? "" : (clazz + "::");
return "::ndk::ScopedAStatus " + class_prefix + method.GetName() + "(" +
NdkArgList(types, method, FormatArgForDecl) + ")";
} // namespace ndk
} // namespace aidl
} // namespace android