blob: 23c2b0a7ea89bd8e78e022d9eb786e5ba4bd8e80 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static;
* A tree that holds all the zones for a country and records how they relate to each other over
* time.
public final class CountryZoneTree {
/** A Visitor for visiting {@link ZoneNode} trees. */
private interface ZoneNodeVisitor extends TreeNode.Visitor<ZoneNode> {}
/** A specialist node for zone trees. */
private static class ZoneNode extends TreeNode<ZoneNode> {
private final int periodOffset;
private final List<ZoneInfo> zoneInfos;
private int periodCount;
private ZoneInfo primaryZoneInfo;
private boolean priorityClash;
ZoneNode(String id, List<ZoneInfo> zoneInfos, int periodOffset, int periodCount) {
this.periodOffset = periodOffset;
this.zoneInfos = zoneInfos;
this.periodCount = periodCount;
private void initNodePriority() {
ZoneInfo priorityCandidate = null;
int priorityCount = 0;
for (ZoneInfo zoneInfo : zoneInfos) {
if (priorityCandidate == null
|| priorityCandidate.getPriority() < zoneInfo.getPriority()) {
priorityCandidate = zoneInfo;
priorityCount = 1;
} else if (priorityCandidate.getPriority() == zoneInfo.getPriority()) {
primaryZoneInfo = priorityCandidate;
// If more than one ZoneInfo has the same priority as the primaryZoneInfo then we
// can't know which one is actually the primary.
priorityClash = priorityCount > 1;
ZoneInfo getPrimaryZoneInfo() {
if (priorityClash) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No primary zone for " + getId()
+ ": priority clash (between" + getZoneInfosString() + ")");
return primaryZoneInfo;
/** {@code true} if multiple zones have the same priority. */
boolean hasPriorityClash() {
return priorityClash;
List<ZoneInfo> getZoneInfos() {
return zoneInfos;
String getZoneInfosString() {
.map(z -> z.getZoneId() + "(" + z.getPriority() + ")")
Instant getStartInstant() {
int offset = periodOffset + periodCount - 1;
int index = primaryZoneInfo.getZoneOffsetPeriodCount() - offset;
return primaryZoneInfo.getZoneOffsetPeriod(index).getStartInstant();
Instant getEndInstant() {
int index = primaryZoneInfo.getZoneOffsetPeriodCount() - periodOffset;
return primaryZoneInfo.getZoneOffsetPeriod(index).getEndInstant();
void adjustPeriodCount(int adjustment) {
periodCount += adjustment;
int getPeriodOffset() {
return periodOffset;
int getPeriodCount() {
return periodCount;
private final String countryIso;
private final ZoneNode root;
private final Instant startInclusive;
private final Instant endExclusive;
private CountryZoneTree(
String countryIso, ZoneNode root, Instant startInclusive, Instant endExclusive) {
this.countryIso = countryIso;
this.root = root;
this.startInclusive = startInclusive;
this.endExclusive = endExclusive;
* Creates a tree for the time zones for a country.
public static CountryZoneTree create(
Country country, Instant startInclusive, Instant endExclusive) {
return create(country, startInclusive, endExclusive, true /* compress */);
* Creates a tree for the time zones for a country which can optionally be compressed to remove
* uninteresting nodes (which makes it easier for visualization).
public static CountryZoneTree create(
Country country, Instant startInclusive, Instant endExclusive, boolean compress) {
// We use the US English names for detecting time zone name clashes.
TimeZoneNames timeZoneNames = TimeZoneNames.getInstance(ULocale.US);
List<CountryZonesFile.TimeZoneMapping> timeZoneMappings = country.getTimeZoneMappingsList();
// Create ZoneInfo objects for every time zone for the time range
// startInclusive -> endExclusive.
List<ZoneInfo> zoneInfos = new ArrayList<>();
for (CountryZonesFile.TimeZoneMapping timeZoneMapping : timeZoneMappings) {
int priority = timeZoneMapping.getPriority();
BasicTimeZone basicTimeZone = getBasicTimeZone(timeZoneMapping.getId());
ZoneInfo zoneInfo = ZoneInfo.create(
timeZoneNames, basicTimeZone, priority, startInclusive, endExclusive);
// Add additional periods to the zone infos to help merging.
addExtraPeriodSplits(timeZoneNames, zoneInfos);
// The algorithm constructs a tree. The root of the tree contains all ZoneInfos, and at each
// node the ZoneInfos can be split into subsets.
return create(country.getIsoCode(), zoneInfos, startInclusive, endExclusive, compress);
* Inserts artificial periods to the supplied {@link ZoneInfo}s to enable them to be merged
* more easily. The artificial periods are created by splitting existing periods into multiple
* sub-periods.
* <p>For example, some time zones do not use DST but will have changed offset or decided to
* stop observing DST at different points in time. To find them we introduce artificial periods
* as needed to make it easy to align and merge those zones.
* <ul>
* <li>Zone A moved to X hours offset from UTC in 1985 and has stayed there</li>
* <li>Zone B moved to X hours offset from UTC in 1984 and has stayed there</li>
* </ul>
* <p>The simple period matching algorithm will not detect that they can be merged after 1985
* because their respective periods using X hours offset from UTC have different start times.
* The solution is to split Zone A into two periods: 1984 -> 1985, and 1985+. Then the
* algorithm will find the match because both Zone A and Zone B have a period from 1985+ with
* the same zone properties.
private static void addExtraPeriodSplits(
TimeZoneNames timeZoneNames, List<ZoneInfo> zoneInfos) {
// This algorithm works backwards through all the zone info periods by incrementing an
// "offset from the end". It looks for periods that "match". In this case "match" means
// "have the same zone properties, or *could* have the same zone properties if it were not
// for different start times". If two or more matching zone offset periods are found with
// different start times it splits the longer ones in two so that periods then exist with
// the same offset with the same start and end times. It keeps going backwards through the
// periods for all the zoneinfos until no two periods with the same offset match.
// True if any of the zones have the matching properties. When false this is the stopping
// condition for the loop that steps backwards through the zone offset periods.
boolean anyZonesMatch;
// The offset into the zone offset periods. Since we work in reverse (from the end of time),
// offset = 1 means "the last period" offset = 2 means "the last but one period", etc.
// We initialize at 0; it is incremented at the start of the do-while loop.
int offsetFromEnd = 0;
// The offsetFromEnd loop: increments offsetFromEnd and processes zone offset periods found
// at that offset.
do {
offsetFromEnd += 1;
// Reset our stopping condition. The offsetFromEnd loop will stop if this stays false.
anyZonesMatch = false;
// Keep track of which zoneinfos have been processed for the current offsetFromEnd so
// we don't process them again.
boolean[] processed = new boolean[zoneInfos.size()];
// The splitting loop: processes groups of zoneinfos with matching periods at offset and
// splits the matching periods as needed.
for (int i = 0; i < zoneInfos.size(); i++) {
if (processed[i]) {
// zoneinfo[i] has already been processed by a prior round of the splitting
// loop. Skip.
processed[i] = true;
// Get zoneinfo[i] so we can use its zone properties to find all matching periods.
ZoneInfo iZoneInfo = zoneInfos.get(i);
ZoneOffsetPeriod iPeriod =
getOffsetPeriodAtOffsetFromEndOrNull(iZoneInfo, offsetFromEnd);
if (iPeriod == null) {
// We've run out of periods for this zoneinfo. Skip.
// Pass 1: Find all zoneinfos that have a period at offsetFromEnd that matches the
// same period at offsetFromEnd from zoneinfo[i]. Also work out the instant that
// they would need to be split at.
boolean[] matchAtOffsetFromEnd = new boolean[zoneInfos.size()];
// zoneinfo[i] matches itself.
matchAtOffsetFromEnd[i] = true;
Instant toSplitInstant = iPeriod.getStartInstant();
for (int j = i + 1; j < zoneInfos.size(); j++) {
if (processed[j]) {
// Don't bother to look any other zoneinfos that have previously been
// processed.
ZoneInfo jZoneInfo = zoneInfos.get(j);
ZoneOffsetPeriod jPeriod =
getOffsetPeriodAtOffsetFromEndOrNull(jZoneInfo, offsetFromEnd);
if (jPeriod == null) {
// We've run out of periods for this zoneinfo. Skip and make sure we don't
// look at it again.
processed[j] = true;
if (isMatch(iPeriod, jPeriod)) {
// At least one pair of zones have similar properties so we get to loop
// around the outer loop at least once more.
anyZonesMatch = true;
// Mark zoneinfo[j] as being a match for zoneinfo[i] at offset.
matchAtOffsetFromEnd[j] = true;
if (jPeriod.getStartInstant().isAfter(toSplitInstant)) {
// Keep track of the max start instant for pass 2.
toSplitInstant = jPeriod.getStartInstant();
// Pass 2: Split all the periods for the matching zonesinfos at toSplitInstant
// (if needed).
for (int j = i; j < zoneInfos.size(); j++) {
if (!matchAtOffsetFromEnd[j]) {
ZoneInfo jZoneInfo = zoneInfos.get(j);
int jIndex = jZoneInfo.getZoneOffsetPeriodCount() - offsetFromEnd;
ZoneOffsetPeriod jPeriod = jZoneInfo.getZoneOffsetPeriod(jIndex);
if (!jPeriod.getStartInstant().equals(toSplitInstant)) {
timeZoneNames, jZoneInfo, jIndex, toSplitInstant);
processed[j] = true;
} while (anyZonesMatch);
* Returns the {@link ZoneOffsetPeriod} with the specified offset from the end, or null if there
* isn't one.
private static ZoneOffsetPeriod getOffsetPeriodAtOffsetFromEndOrNull(
ZoneInfo zoneInfo, int offsetFromEnd) {
int index = zoneInfo.getZoneOffsetPeriodCount() - offsetFromEnd;
if (index < 0) {
return null;
return zoneInfo.getZoneOffsetPeriod(index);
* Returns true if the one of the two {@link ZoneOffsetPeriod}s could be split and may be
* identical to the other. The name is ignored since to know the name requires a time. If we
* split and the name turns out not to be the same then it's ok: the different name will ensure
* the periods will not actually be merged.
private static boolean isMatch(ZoneOffsetPeriod a, ZoneOffsetPeriod b) {
return a.getEndInstant().equals(b.getEndInstant())
&& a.getDstOffsetMillis() == b.getDstOffsetMillis()
&& a.getRawOffsetMillis() == b.getRawOffsetMillis();
private static CountryZoneTree create(String countryIso, List<ZoneInfo> zoneInfos,
Instant startInclusive, Instant endExclusive, boolean compress) {
// Create a root node with all the information needed to grow the whole tree.
ZoneNode root = new ZoneNode("0", zoneInfos, 0, 0);
// We call growTree() to build all the branches and leaves from the root.
// Now we compress the tree to remove unnecessary nodes if we have been asked to do so.
if (compress) {
// Wrap the root and return.
return new CountryZoneTree(countryIso, root, startInclusive, endExclusive);
* Grows the zone tree from the root.
* <p>After this step, we have a tree represents a forest. The root node is just a convenience
* for constructing and anchoring the trees in the forest. Below the root, each node
* represents a single period of time where all the zones associated with the node agreed on
* what the local time was and what it was called. The tree grows from the future (the root)
* into the past (the leaves). If a node has a single child it means that the previous
* period (the child) also had every zone in agreement. If a node has zero children it means
* there are no more periods in the past to investigate. If a node has multiple children it
* means that the zones disagreed in the past. Looking at a node with multiple children in
* reverse, from the children to a parent (i.e. going forward in time), it means that
* several zones that previously disagreed were standardized to be the same. The tzdb ID
* exists forever, but if zones have standardized it means that fewer zones are needed to
* represent all possible local times in a given country.
private static void growTree(ZoneNode root) {
root.visitSelfThenChildrenRecursive((ZoneNodeVisitor) currentNode -> {
// Increase the period offset by one so that the child will be for one period further
// back.
int newPeriodOffset = currentNode.getPeriodOffset() + 1;
// Split the zoneinfo set into new sets for the new depth.
List<ZoneInfo> zoneInfosToSplit = currentNode.getZoneInfos();
// Generate all the child sets.
Map<ZonePeriodsKey, List<ZoneInfo>> newSetsMap = new HashMap<>();
for (ZoneInfo zoneInfo : zoneInfosToSplit) {
int periodStartIndex = zoneInfo.getZoneOffsetPeriodCount() - newPeriodOffset;
if (periodStartIndex < 0) {
// We've run out of ZoneOffsetPeriods. We could declare this a leaf node at this
// point but we continue for safety to allow the childZoneInfoCount check below.
// Create a zone key for the zoneInfo. We only need to look at one period each time
// as we know all periods after this point have to agree (otherwise they wouldn't
// have been lumped together in a single node).
ZonePeriodsKey zoneKey =
zoneInfo.createZonePeriodsKey(periodStartIndex, periodStartIndex + 1);
List<ZoneInfo> identicalTimeZones =
newSetsMap.computeIfAbsent(zoneKey, k -> new ArrayList<>());
// Construct any child nodes.
int childZoneInfoCount = 0;
int i = 1;
for (Map.Entry<ZonePeriodsKey, List<ZoneInfo>> newSetEntry : newSetsMap.entrySet()) {
List<ZoneInfo> newSet = newSetEntry.getValue();
childZoneInfoCount += newSet.size();
// The child ID is just the {parent ID}.{child number} so we create an easy-to-debug
// address.
String childId = currentNode.getId() + "." + i;
ZoneNode e = new ZoneNode(childId, newSet, newPeriodOffset, 1 /* periodCount */);
// Assertion: a node should either have no nodes (be a leaf) or all zones should have
// been split between the children.
if (childZoneInfoCount != 0 && childZoneInfoCount != zoneInfosToSplit.size()) {
// This implies some kind of data issue.
throw new IllegalStateException();
* Removes uninteresting nodes from the tree by merging them with their children where possible.
* Uninteresting nodes are those that have a single child; having a single child implies the
* node and its child have the same offsets and other information (they're just for an earlier
* period). The resulting merged node has the same zones and depthInTree but a larger period
* count.
private static void compressTree(ZoneNode root) {
class CompressionVisitor implements ZoneNodeVisitor {
public void visit(ZoneNode node) {
if (node.isRoot()) {
// Ignore the root.
// If there's one child then we can compress it into node.
if (node.getChildrenCount() == 1) {
ZoneNode child = node.getChildren().get(0);
// Remove the child from node.
// The child may also have descendants with a single child, so handle those too.
int periodCountAdjustment = child.getPeriodCount();
ZoneNode descendant = child;
while (descendant.getChildrenCount() == 1) {
descendant = descendant.getChildren().get(0);
periodCountAdjustment += descendant.getPeriodCount();
// Remove the children from descendant and add them to node.
for (ZoneNode newChild : descendant.getChildren()) {
// Add the removed descendant's period count to node.
root.visitSelfThenChildrenRecursive(new CompressionVisitor());
/** Validates the tree has no nodes with priority clashes, returns a list of issues. */
public List<String> validateNoPriorityClashes() {
class ValidationVisitor implements ZoneNodeVisitor {
private final List<String> issues = new ArrayList<>();
public void visit(ZoneNode node) {
if (node.isRoot()) {
// Ignore the root, it's not a "real" node and will usually clash in countries
// where there's more than one zone.
if (node.hasPriorityClash()) {
String issue = node.getZoneInfosString();
public List<String> getIssues() {
return issues;
ValidationVisitor visitor = new ValidationVisitor();
return visitor.getIssues();
* Creates a {@link CountryZoneUsage} object from the tree.
public CountryZoneUsage calculateCountryZoneUsage(Instant notAfterCutOff) {
class CountryZoneVisibilityVisitor implements ZoneNodeVisitor {
private final CountryZoneUsage zoneUsage = new CountryZoneUsage(countryIso);
public void visit(ZoneNode node) {
// We ignore the root.
if (node.isRoot()) {
if (node.hasPriorityClash()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cannot calculate zone usage with priority clashes present");
Instant endInstant = node.getEndInstant();
if (!node.isLeaf()) {
ZoneInfo primaryZone = node.getPrimaryZoneInfo();
addZoneEntryIfMissing(endInstant, primaryZone);
} else {
// In some rare cases (e.g. Canada: Swift_Current and Creston) zones have agreed
// completely since 1970 so some leaves may have multiple zones. So, attempt to
// add all zones for leaves, not just the primary.
for (ZoneInfo zoneInfo : node.getZoneInfos()) {
addZoneEntryIfMissing(endInstant, zoneInfo);
private void addZoneEntryIfMissing(Instant endInstant, ZoneInfo zoneInfo) {
String zoneId = zoneInfo.getZoneId();
if (!notAfterCutOff.isAfter(endInstant)) {
// notAfterCutOff <= endInstant
endInstant = null;
if (!zoneUsage.hasEntry(zoneId)) {
zoneUsage.addEntry(zoneId, endInstant);
private CountryZoneUsage getCountryZoneUsage() {
return zoneUsage;
CountryZoneVisibilityVisitor visitor = new CountryZoneVisibilityVisitor();
return visitor.getCountryZoneUsage();
* Creates a Graphviz file for visualizing the tree.
public void createGraphvizFile(String outputFile) throws IOException {
class DotFileVisitor implements ZoneNodeVisitor {
private StringBuilder graphStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
public void visit(ZoneNode node) {
if (node.isRoot()) {
// Don't draw the root - make the tree look like a forest.
String nodeName = enquote(node.getId());
// Draw the node.
Instant startInstant = node.getStartInstant();
Instant endInstant = node.getEndInstant();
boolean priorityClash = node.hasPriorityClash();
String fromTimestamp = startInstant.toString();
String toTimestamp = endInstant.toString();
String optionalColor = priorityClash ? ",color=\"red\"" : "";
String label = node.getZoneInfosString()
+ "\nFrom=" + fromTimestamp + " to " + toTimestamp
+ "\nPeriod count=" + node.getPeriodCount();
if (node.getPeriodCount() == 1) {
ZoneInfo arbitraryZoneInfo = node.getZoneInfos().get(0);
int periodIndex =
arbitraryZoneInfo.getZoneOffsetPeriodCount() - node.getPeriodOffset();
ZoneOffsetPeriod zoneOffsetPeriod =
label += "\nrawOffset=" + durationString(zoneOffsetPeriod.getRawOffsetMillis());
label += "\ndstOffset=" + durationString(zoneOffsetPeriod.getDstOffsetMillis());
label += "\nname=" + zoneOffsetPeriod.getName();
writeLine(nodeName + "[label=" + enquote(label) + optionalColor + "];");
// Link the node to its children.
for (ZoneNode child : node.getChildren()) {
writeLine(nodeName + " -> " + enquote(child.getId()) + ";");
private String durationString(int durationMillis) {
return Duration.ofMillis(durationMillis).toString();
private String enquote(String toQuote) {
return "\"" + toQuote + "\"";
private void writeLine(String s) {
DotFileVisitor dotFileVisitor = new DotFileVisitor();
try (FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(outputFile)) {
writeLine(fileWriter, "strict digraph " + countryIso + " {");
writeLine(fileWriter, dotFileVisitor.graphStringBuilder.toString());
writeLine(fileWriter, "}");
private static void writeLine(Appendable appendable, String s) throws IOException {
* Returns an ICU {@link BasicTimeZone} with the specified ID or throws an exception if there
* isn't one.
private static BasicTimeZone getBasicTimeZone(String zoneId) {
TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(zoneId);
if (isInvalidZone(timeZone)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unknown or unexpected type for zone id: " + timeZone.getID());
return (BasicTimeZone) timeZone;
private static boolean isInvalidZone(TimeZone timeZone) {
return !(timeZone instanceof BasicTimeZone)
|| timeZone.getID().equals(TimeZone.UNKNOWN_ZONE_ID);