blob: c6e5f6c26c0b74f17b533516e97f2acbe9b2c3d2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <optional>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <teeui/error.h>
#include <teeui/log.h>
namespace teeui {
using std::optional;
enum class Unit : uint8_t {
template <Unit unit> struct UnitT { constexpr static const Unit value = unit; };
using px = UnitT<Unit::PX>;
using dp = UnitT<Unit::DP>;
using mm = UnitT<Unit::MM>;
template <typename Unit> static constexpr const char* str = "N/A";
template <> static constexpr const char* str<px> = "px";
template <> static constexpr const char* str<dp> = "dp";
template <> static constexpr const char* str<mm> = "mm";
using DefaultNumericType = float;
template <typename UnitFrom, typename UnitTo, typename Numeric = DefaultNumericType> struct convert;
namespace bits {
inline long double abs(long double v) {
return ::fabsl(v);
inline double abs(double v) {
return ::fabs(v);
inline long double ceil(long double v) {
return ::ceill(v);
inline double ceil(double v) {
return ::ceil(v);
inline long double floor(long double v) {
return ::floorl(v);
inline double floor(double v) {
return ::floor(v);
inline long double sqrt(long double v) {
return ::sqrtl(v);
inline double sqrt(double v) {
return ::sqrt(v);
} // namespace bits
template <typename Unit, typename Numeric = DefaultNumericType> class Coordinate;
template <typename Numeric> struct Add {
constexpr static Coordinate<px, Numeric> eval(const Coordinate<px, Numeric>& v1,
const Coordinate<px, Numeric>& v2) {
return v1 + v2;
template <typename Numeric> struct Sub {
constexpr static Coordinate<px, Numeric> eval(const Coordinate<px, Numeric>& v1,
const Coordinate<px, Numeric>& v2) {
return v1 - v2;
template <typename Numeric> struct Mul {
constexpr static Coordinate<px, Numeric> eval(const Coordinate<px, Numeric>& v1,
const Coordinate<px, Numeric>& v2) {
return v1 * v2;
template <typename Numeric> struct Div {
constexpr static Coordinate<px, Numeric> eval(const Coordinate<px, Numeric>& v1,
const Coordinate<px, Numeric>& v2) {
return v1 / v2;
template <typename Param, typename Numeric = DefaultNumericType> class context;
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename Numeric, template <typename> class Op> struct BinOp;
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename Numeric> using add = BinOp<T1, T2, Numeric, Add>;
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename Numeric> using sub = BinOp<T1, T2, Numeric, Sub>;
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename Numeric> using mul = BinOp<T1, T2, Numeric, Mul>;
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename Numeric> using div = BinOp<T1, T2, Numeric, Div>;
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename Numeric, template <typename> class Op> struct BinOp {
T1 v1_;
T2 v2_;
constexpr BinOp(const T1& v1, const T2& v2) : v1_(v1), v2_(v2) {}
BinOp(const BinOp&) = default;
BinOp(BinOp&&) = default;
template <typename Context> Coordinate<px, Numeric> eval(const Context& conv) const {
Coordinate<px, Numeric> v1 = conv = v1_;
Coordinate<px, Numeric> v2 = conv = v2_;
return Op<Numeric>::eval(v1, v2);
template <typename T> constexpr add<BinOp, T, Numeric> operator+(const T& v) const {
return {*this, v};
template <typename T> constexpr sub<BinOp, T, Numeric> operator-(const T& v) const {
return {*this, v};
template <typename T> constexpr mul<BinOp, T, Numeric> operator*(const T& v) const {
return {*this, v};
template <typename T> constexpr div<BinOp, T, Numeric> operator/(const T& v) const {
return {*this, v};
template <typename Name, typename Numeric> struct MetaParam {
template <typename T> constexpr add<MetaParam, T, Numeric> operator+(const T& v) const {
return {*this, v};
template <typename T> constexpr sub<MetaParam, T, Numeric> operator-(const T& v) const {
return {*this, v};
template <typename T> constexpr mul<MetaParam, T, Numeric> operator*(const T& v) const {
return {*this, v};
template <typename T> constexpr div<MetaParam, T, Numeric> operator/(const T& v) const {
return {*this, v};
template <typename Name, typename Numeric> struct Param {
Coordinate<px, Numeric> coord_;
Param() : coord_(0) {}
Param(const Param&) = default;
Param(Param&&) = default;
Param& operator=(const Param&) = default;
Param& operator=(Param&&) = default;
template <typename Unit, typename Numeric> class Coordinate {
Numeric value_;
using unit_t = Unit;
constexpr Coordinate() : value_{} {}
constexpr Coordinate(Numeric value) : value_(value) {}
Coordinate(const Coordinate&) = default;
Coordinate(Coordinate&&) = default;
template <typename N> Coordinate(const Coordinate<Unit, N>& other) : value_(other.count()) {}
Coordinate& operator=(const Coordinate& rhs) = default;
Coordinate& operator=(Coordinate&& rhs) = default;
constexpr Coordinate operator-(const Coordinate& v) const { return value_ - v.value_; }
constexpr Coordinate operator+(const Coordinate& v) const { return value_ + v.value_; }
constexpr Coordinate& operator-=(const Coordinate& v) {
value_ -= v.value_;
return *this;
constexpr Coordinate& operator+=(const Coordinate& v) {
value_ += v.value_;
return *this;
constexpr Coordinate operator*(const Coordinate& v) const { return value_ * v.value_; }
constexpr Coordinate& operator*=(const Coordinate& v) {
value_ *= v.value_;
return *this;
constexpr Coordinate operator/(const Coordinate& v) const { return value_ / v.value_; }
constexpr Coordinate& operator/=(const Coordinate& v) {
value_ /= v.value_;
return *this;
constexpr Coordinate operator-() const { return -value_; }
Coordinate abs() const { return bits::abs(value_); }
Coordinate ceil() const { return bits::ceil(value_); }
Coordinate floor() const { return bits::floor(value_); }
Coordinate sqrt() const { return bits::sqrt(value_); }
constexpr bool operator==(const Coordinate& v) const { return value_ == v.value_; }
constexpr bool operator!=(const Coordinate& v) const { return !(*this == v); }
constexpr bool operator<(const Coordinate& v) const { return value_ < v.value_; }
constexpr bool operator>(const Coordinate& v) const { return v < *this; }
constexpr bool operator<=(const Coordinate& v) const { return !(v < *this); }
constexpr bool operator>=(const Coordinate& v) const { return !(*this < v); }
template <typename T> constexpr add<Coordinate, T, Numeric> operator+(const T& v) const {
return {*this, v};
template <typename T> constexpr sub<Coordinate, T, Numeric> operator-(const T& v) const {
return {*this, v};
template <typename T> constexpr mul<Coordinate, T, Numeric> operator*(const T& v) const {
return {*this, v};
template <typename T> constexpr div<Coordinate, T, Numeric> operator/(const T& v) const {
return {*this, v};
Numeric count() const { return value_; }
template <typename... T> struct MetaList {};
template <typename MetaParam> struct metaParam2Param;
template <typename ParamName, typename Numeric>
struct metaParam2Param<MetaParam<ParamName, Numeric>> {
using type = Param<ParamName, Numeric>;
template <typename... ParamsNames, typename Numeric>
class context<MetaList<MetaParam<ParamsNames, Numeric>...>, Numeric> {
Numeric mm2px_;
Numeric dp2px_;
std::tuple<Param<ParamsNames, Numeric>...> params_;
class Proxy {
Numeric valuepx_;
Numeric mm2px_, dp2px_;
Proxy(Numeric valuepx, Numeric mm2px, Numeric dp2px)
: valuepx_(valuepx), mm2px_(mm2px), dp2px_(dp2px) {}
Proxy(const Proxy&) = default;
Proxy(Proxy&&) = default;
operator Coordinate<px, Numeric>() const { return valuepx_; }
operator Coordinate<mm, Numeric>() const { return valuepx_ / mm2px_; }
operator Coordinate<dp, Numeric>() const { return valuepx_ / dp2px_; }
context(Numeric mm2px, Numeric dp2px) : mm2px_(mm2px), dp2px_(dp2px) {}
context(const context&) = default;
context(context&&) = default;
context& operator=(const context&) = default;
context& operator=(context&&) = default;
template <typename MetaParam> auto& getParam() {
return std::get<typename metaParam2Param<MetaParam>::type>(params_);
template <typename MetaParam> const auto& getParam() const {
return std::get<typename metaParam2Param<MetaParam>::type>(params_);
template <typename MetaParam> void setParam(const Coordinate<px, Numeric>& v) {
getParam<MetaParam>().coord_ = v;
template <typename MetaParam, typename T> void setParam(const T& v) {
getParam<MetaParam>().coord_ = *this = v;
Proxy operator=(const Coordinate<px, Numeric>& rhs) const {
return {rhs.count(), mm2px_, dp2px_};
Proxy operator=(const Coordinate<mm, Numeric>& rhs) const {
return {rhs.count() * mm2px_, mm2px_, dp2px_};
Proxy operator=(const Coordinate<dp, Numeric>& rhs) const {
return {rhs.count() * dp2px_, mm2px_, dp2px_};
template <typename T1, typename T2, template <typename> class Op>
Proxy operator=(const BinOp<T1, T2, Numeric, Op>& rhs) const {
return {rhs.eval(*this).count(), mm2px_, dp2px_};
template <typename ParamName> Proxy operator=(const MetaParam<ParamName, Numeric>&) const {
return {getParam<MetaParam<ParamName, Numeric>>().coord_.count(), mm2px_, dp2px_};
using dps = Coordinate<dp>;
using mms = Coordinate<mm>;
using pxs = Coordinate<px>;
constexpr dps operator""_dp(long double dp) {
return dps(dp);
constexpr mms operator""_mm(long double mm) {
return mms(mm);
constexpr pxs operator""_px(long double px) {
return pxs(px);
constexpr dps operator""_dp(unsigned long long dp) {
return dps(dp);
constexpr mms operator""_mm(unsigned long long mm) {
return mms(mm);
constexpr pxs operator""_px(unsigned long long px) {
return pxs(px);
template <typename Coord> class Vec2d {
Coord x_, y_;
constexpr Vec2d() : x_{}, y_{} {}
constexpr Vec2d(Coord x, Coord y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
Vec2d(const Vec2d&) = default;
Vec2d(Vec2d&&) = default;
template <typename N>
Vec2d(const Vec2d<Coordinate<typename Coord::unit_t, N>>& other)
: x_(other.x()), y_(other.y()) {}
Vec2d& operator=(const Vec2d& rhs) = default;
Vec2d& operator=(Vec2d&& rhs) = default;
Vec2d operator-(const Vec2d& rhs) const { return Vec2d(*this) -= rhs; }
Vec2d operator+(const Vec2d& rhs) const { return Vec2d(*this) += rhs; }
Vec2d& operator-=(const Vec2d& rhs) {
x_ -= rhs.x_;
y_ -= rhs.y_;
return *this;
Vec2d& operator+=(const Vec2d& rhs) {
x_ += rhs.x_;
y_ += rhs.y_;
return *this;
Coord operator*(const Vec2d& rhs) const { return (x_ * rhs.x_ + y_ * rhs.y_).count(); }
Vec2d operator*(const Coord& f) const { return Vec2d(*this) *= f; }
Vec2d& operator*=(const Coord& f) {
x_ *= f;
y_ *= f;
return *this;
Vec2d operator/(const Coord& f) { return Vec2d(*this) /= f; }
Vec2d& operator/=(const Coord& f) {
x_ /= f;
y_ /= f;
return *this;
bool operator==(const Vec2d& rhs) const { return x_ == rhs.x() && y_ == rhs.y(); }
Coord length() const {
Coord factor = *this * *this;
return bits::sqrt(factor.count());
Vec2d unit() const { return Vec2d(*this) /= length(); }
Coord x() const { return x_; }
Coord y() const { return y_; }
template <typename Unit, typename Numeric>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Coordinate<Unit, Numeric>& p) {
out << std::setprecision(10) << p.count() << str<Unit>;
return out;
template <typename Coord> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Vec2d<Coord>& p) {
out << "Vec2d(" << p.x() << ", " << p.y() << ")";
return out;
using Color = uint32_t;
template <typename Coord> using Point = Vec2d<Coord>;
Color drawLinePoint(Point<pxs> a, Point<pxs> b, Point<pxs> px_origin, Color c,
pxs width = pxs(1.0));
Color drawCirclePoint(Point<pxs> center, pxs r, Point<pxs> px_origin, Color c);
using PxPoint = Point<pxs>;
using PxVec = Vec2d<pxs>;
* Computes the intersection of the lines given by ax + b and cy + d.
* The result may be empty if there is no solution.
optional<PxPoint> intersect(const PxVec& a, const PxPoint& b, const PxVec& c, const PxPoint& d);
namespace bits {
static constexpr const ssize_t kIntersectEmpty = -1;
* Returned by the intersect if the object is in the positive half plane of the given line.
static constexpr const ssize_t kIntersectAllPositive = -2;
ssize_t intersect(const PxPoint* oBegin, const PxPoint* oEnd, const PxPoint& lineA,
const PxPoint& lineB, PxPoint* nBegin, PxPoint* nEnd);
pxs area(const PxPoint* begin, const PxPoint* end);
} // namespace bits
* A ConvexObject is given by a list of 2D vertexes. Each vertex must lie on the positive half-plane
* of the line denoted by its two predecessors. A point is considered inside of the convex object
* if it is on the positive half-plane of all lines given by any two subsequent vertexes.
* ConvexObjects have fixed size given by the capacity template argument. The geometric object
* that they describe may have any number of vertexes between 3 and capacity.
template <size_t capacity> class ConvexObject {
template <size_t other_cap> friend class ConvexObject;
PxPoint points_[capacity];
size_t fill_;
ConvexObject() : fill_(0) {}
explicit constexpr ConvexObject(std::initializer_list<PxPoint> l) : fill_(0) {
if (l.size() > capacity) return;
for (const auto& p : l) {
points_[fill_++] = p;
ConvexObject(const ConvexObject& other) = default;
ConvexObject(ConvexObject&& other) = default;
ConvexObject& operator=(const ConvexObject& other) = default;
ConvexObject& operator=(ConvexObject&& other) = default;
constexpr size_t size() const { return fill_; }
constexpr const PxPoint* begin() const { return &points_[0]; }
constexpr const PxPoint* end() const { return &points_[fill_]; }
template <size_t result_cap>
optional<ConvexObject<result_cap>> intersect(const PxPoint& A, const PxPoint& B) const {
static_assert(result_cap >= capacity,
"resulting capacity must be at least as large as the original");
ConvexObject<result_cap> result;
ssize_t vCount =
bits::intersect(begin(), end(), A, B, &result.points_[0], &result.points_[result_cap]);
if (vCount == bits::kIntersectEmpty) return {};
// -2 is returned if the object is in the positive half plane of the line (may be tangent)
if (vCount == bits::kIntersectAllPositive) {
std::copy(begin(), end(), &result.points_[0]);
vCount = fill_;
result.fill_ = vCount;
return result;
template <size_t result_cap, size_t arg_cap>
optional<ConvexObject<result_cap>> intersect(const ConvexObject<arg_cap>& other) const {
return intersect<result_cap>(other.begin(), other.end());
template <size_t result_cap>
optional<ConvexObject<result_cap>> intersect(const PxPoint* begin, const PxPoint* end) const {
if (end - begin < 3) return {};
auto b = begin;
auto a = end - 1;
auto result = intersect<result_cap>(*a, *b);
a = b++;
while (result && b != end) {
result = result->template intersect<result_cap>(*a, *b);
a = b++;
return result;
pxs area() const { return bits::area(begin(), end()); }
void push_back(const PxPoint& p) {
if (fill_ < capacity) {
points_[fill_++] = p;
template <size_t capacity>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ConvexObject<capacity>& o) {
out << "ConvexObject(";
bool first = true;
for (const auto& p : o) {
if (first)
first = false;
out << ", ";
out << p;
out << ")";
return out;
template <typename Coord> class Box {
Point<Coord> topLeft_;
Vec2d<Coord> extend_;
Box() {}
template <typename N>
Box(const Box<Coordinate<typename Coord::unit_t, N>>& other)
: topLeft_(other.topLeft()), extend_(other.extend()) {}
Box(const Coord& x, const Coord& y, const Coord& w, const Coord& h)
: topLeft_(x, y), extend_(w, h) {}
Box(const Point<Coord>& topLeft, const Vec2d<Coord>& extend)
: topLeft_(topLeft), extend_(extend) {}
bool contains(Point<Coord> p) const {
p -= topLeft_;
return p.y().count() >= 0 && p.y().count() <= extend_.y().count() && p.x().count() >= 0 &&
p.x().count() <= extend_.x().count();
bool contains(const Box& other) const {
auto br = bottomRight();
auto obr = other.bottomRight();
return topLeft_.x() <= other.topLeft_.x() && br.x() >= obr.x() &&
topLeft_.y() <= other.topLeft_.y() && br.y() >= obr.y();
bool overlaps(const Box& other) const {
auto br = bottomRight();
auto obr = other.bottomRight();
return topLeft_.x() < obr.x() && other.topLeft_.x() < br.x() && topLeft_.y() < obr.y() &&
other.topLeft_.y() < obr.y();
* fitsInside only compares the extend of the boxes. It returns true if this box would fit
* inside the other box regardless of their absolute positions.
bool fitsInside(const Box& other) const { return w() <= other.w() && h() <= other.w(); }
Point<Coord> bottomRight() const { return topLeft_ + extend_; }
Point<Coord> topLeft() const { return topLeft_; }
Vec2d<Coord> extend() const { return extend_; }
Coord x() const { return topLeft_.x(); }
Coord y() const { return topLeft_.y(); }
Coord w() const { return extend_.x(); }
Coord h() const { return extend_.y(); }
Box merge(const Box& other) const {
Coord x = std::min(topLeft_.x(), other.topLeft_.x());
Coord y = std::min(topLeft_.y(), other.topLeft_.y());
auto br = bottomRight();
auto obr = other.bottomRight();
Coord w = std::max(br.x(), obr.x()) - x;
Coord h = std::max(br.y(), obr.y()) - y;
return {x, y, w, h};
* Returns a box that contains the this box and the given point.
Box merge(const Point<Coord>& p) const {
auto br = bottomRight();
TEEUI_LOG << "A tl: " << topLeft_ << " br: " << br << " new: " << p << ENDL;
Coord x = std::min(topLeft_.x(), p.x());
Coord y = std::min(topLeft_.y(), p.y());
Coord w = std::max(br.x(), p.x()) - x;
Coord h = std::max(br.y(), p.y()) - y;
TEEUI_LOG << "B x: " << x << " y: " << y << " w: " << w << " h: " << h << ENDL;
return {x, y, w, h};
* Returns a box that contains this box and all of the given points.
Box merge(const Point<Coord>* begin, const Point<Coord>* end) const {
auto tl = topLeft();
auto br = bottomRight();
while (begin != end) {
TEEUI_LOG << "A tl: " << tl << " br: " << br << " new: " << *begin << ENDL;
tl = {std::min(tl.x(), begin->x()), std::min(tl.y(), begin->y())};
br = {std::max(br.x(), begin->x()), std::max(br.y(), begin->y())};
TEEUI_LOG << "B tl: " << tl << " br: " << br << " new: " << *begin << ENDL;
return {tl, br - tl};
* Creates a box that contains all of the given points.
static Box boundingBox(const Point<Coord>* begin, const Point<Coord>* end) {
if (begin == end) return {};
Box result(*begin, {0, 0});
result.merge(begin + 1, end);
return result;
* Translates the Box by the given offset. And returns a reference to itself
Box& translateSelf(const Point<Coord>& offset) {
topLeft_ += offset;
return *this;
* Returns copy of this box translated by offset.
Box translate(const Point<Coord>& offset) const& {
Box result = *this;
result += offset;
return result;
* When called on a temporary just reuse this box.
Box translate(const Point<Coord>& offset) && {
topLeft_ += offset;
return *this;
template <typename Coord> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Box<Coord>& p) {
out << "Box(x: " << p.x().count() << " y: " << p.y().count() << " w: " << p.w().count()
<< " h: " << p.h().count() << ")";
return out;
struct PixelDrawer {
Error (*const drawPixel_)(uint32_t, uint32_t, Color, const void* priv_data);
const void* priv_data_;
Error operator()(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, Color color) const {
return drawPixel_(x, y, color, priv_data_);
template <typename Fn> struct PixelDrawerHelper {
Fn fn_;
operator PixelDrawer() const {
return {[](uint32_t x, uint32_t y, Color color, const void* priv_data) -> Error {
return reinterpret_cast<const PixelDrawerHelper*>(priv_data)->fn_(x, y, color);
template <typename Fn> PixelDrawerHelper<Fn> makePixelDrawer(Fn fn) {
return PixelDrawerHelper<Fn>{fn};
template <typename Derived> struct LayoutElement {
Box<pxs> bounds_;
LayoutElement() = default;
template <typename Context>
LayoutElement(const Context& context)
: bounds_{context = Derived::pos_x, context = Derived::pos_y, context = Derived::dim_w,
context = Derived::dim_h} {}
Error draw(const PixelDrawer&) { return Error::OK; }
template <typename... Elements, typename Context>
std::tuple<Elements...> instantiateLayout(MetaList<Elements...>, const Context& context) {
std::tuple<Elements...> result{Elements(context)...};
return result;
template <typename T> struct MetaList2Layout;
template <typename... Elements> struct MetaList2Layout<MetaList<Elements...>> {
using type = std::tuple<Elements...>;
template <typename T> using layout_t = typename MetaList2Layout<T>::type;
template <typename... Coords>
constexpr inline std::tuple<Vec2d<Coords>...> makeConvexObject(const Vec2d<Coords>&... points) {
return {points...};
template <size_t capacity, typename Tuple, typename Context, size_t... I>
constexpr inline ConvexObject<capacity>
initConvexObject(const Context& context, const Tuple& outline, std::index_sequence<I...>) {
return ConvexObject<capacity>(
{PxVec(context = std::get<I>(outline).x(), context = std::get<I>(outline).y())...});
template <size_t capacity, typename... Points, typename Context>
constexpr inline ConvexObject<capacity> initConvexObject(const Context& context,
const std::tuple<Points...>& outline) {
return initConvexObject<capacity>(context, outline, std::index_sequence_for<Points...>{});
template <size_t capacity, typename Tuple, typename Context, size_t... I, size_t size>
constexpr inline void initConvexObjectArray(const Context& context,
ConvexObject<capacity> (&out)[size], const Tuple& t,
std::index_sequence<I...>) {
static_assert(sizeof...(I) <= size,
"Array to initialize must be big enough to hold all tuple elements");
[](auto...) {}((out[I] = initConvexObject<capacity>(context, std::get<I>(t)))...);
template <size_t capacity, typename... COs, typename Context, size_t size>
constexpr inline void initConvexObjectArray(const Context& context,
ConvexObject<capacity> (&out)[size],
const std::tuple<COs...>& t) {
initConvexObjectArray(context, out, t, std::index_sequence_for<COs...>());
template <typename Iterator> class Range {
Iterator begin_;
Iterator end_;
Range(Iterator begin, Iterator end) : begin_(begin), end_(end) {}
const Iterator begin() const { return begin_; }
const Iterator end() const { return end_; }
template <typename Iterator> Range<Iterator> makeRange(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
return {begin, end};
} // namespace teeui
#define Position(x, y) \
static const constexpr auto pos_x = x; \
static const constexpr auto pos_y = y
#define Dimension(w, h) \
static const constexpr auto dim_w = w; \
static const constexpr auto dim_h = h
#define BEGIN_ELEMENT(name, type, ...) \
struct name : public type<name, ##__VA_ARGS__> { \
name() = default; \
template <typename Context> \
name(const Context& context) : type<name, ##__VA_ARGS__>(context) {}
#define END_ELEMENT() }
#define DECLARE_PARAMETER(name) \
struct Param_##name {}; \
using name = ::teeui::MetaParam<Param_##name, DefaultNumericType>
#define CONSTANT(name, value) static constexpr const auto name = value
#define BOTTOM_EDGE_OF(name) (name::pos_y + name::dim_h)
#define CONVEX_OBJECT(...) makeConvexObject(__VA_ARGS__)
#define CONVEX_OBJECTS(...) std::make_tuple(__VA_ARGS__)
* Creates a new Layout with the name "name" followed by a list of Layout elements as defined with
#define NEW_LAYOUT(name, ...) using name = ::teeui::MetaList<__VA_ARGS__>
#define NEW_PARAMETER_SET(name, ...) using name = ::teeui::MetaList<__VA_ARGS__>