Merge "Allow dumpstate to dump auto hal servers" am: 142d16a964 am: ce2c6fd783 am: 828a7bad6e am: a71f8aec29

Original change:

Allow dumpstate to dump auto hal servers

audiocontrol_hal, vehicle_hal and evs_hal were added to dump_util.cpp in
b/148098383. But the coresponding dumpstate.te is not updated to relfect
the changes, causing denials when dumpstate attempts to dump auto hal servers.

This CL updates dumpstate.te to allow dumpstate to access auto hal servers.

Bug: 162537916
Bug: 162771359
Test: sesearch -A -s dumpstate -t hal_audiocontrol_server -p signal sepolicy
Test: sesearch -A -s dumpstate -t hal_vehicle_server -p signal sepolicy
Test: sesearch -A -s dumpstate -t hal_evs_server -p signal sepolicy

Change-Id: I43c27c8dcd55a0e9cb1684e2f765fe70f9e4c2fd
(cherry picked from commit 215cc95c3e69435a9d651c400d25b044c61c18a3)
2 files changed