blob: 425776bd30f526dd0411bf4c28f2310c5e3b64da [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/scopeguard.h>
#include <logwrap/logwrap.h>
#include <odrefresh/odrefresh.h>
#include "CertUtils.h"
#include "KeystoreKey.h"
#include "VerityUtils.h"
#include "odsign_info.pb.h"
using android::base::ErrnoError;
using android::base::Error;
using android::base::Result;
using android::base::SetProperty;
using OdsignInfo = ::odsign::proto::OdsignInfo;
const std::string kSigningKeyBlob = "/data/misc/odsign/key.blob";
const std::string kSigningKeyCert = "/data/misc/odsign/key.cert";
const std::string kOdsignInfo = "/data/misc/odsign/";
const std::string kOdsignInfoSignature = "/data/misc/odsign/";
const std::string kArtArtifactsDir = "/data/misc/apexdata/";
static const char* kOdrefreshPath = "/apex/";
static const char* kFsVerityProcPath = "/proc/sys/fs/verity";
static const bool kForceCompilation = false;
static const char* kOdsignVerificationDoneProp = "odsign.verification.done";
static const char* kOdsignKeyDoneProp = "odsign.key.done";
static const char* kOdsignVerificationStatusProp = "odsign.verification.success";
static const char* kOdsignVerificationStatusValid = "1";
static const char* kOdsignVerificationStatusError = "0";
static const char* kStopServiceProp = "ctl.stop";
static int removeDirectory(const std::string& directory) {
std::error_code ec;
auto num_removed = std::filesystem::remove_all(directory, ec);
if (ec) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Can't remove " << directory << ": " << ec.message();
return 0;
} else {
if (num_removed > 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Removed " << num_removed << " entries from " << directory;
return num_removed;
Result<void> verifyExistingCert(const SigningKey& key) {
if (access(kSigningKeyCert.c_str(), F_OK) < 0) {
return ErrnoError() << "Key certificate not found: " << kSigningKeyCert;
auto trustedPublicKey = key.getPublicKey();
if (!trustedPublicKey.ok()) {
return Error() << "Failed to retrieve signing public key.";
auto publicKeyFromExistingCert = extractPublicKeyFromX509(kSigningKeyCert);
if (!publicKeyFromExistingCert.ok()) {
return publicKeyFromExistingCert.error();
if (publicKeyFromExistingCert.value() != trustedPublicKey.value()) {
return Error() << "Public key of existing certificate at " << kSigningKeyCert
<< " does not match signing public key.";
// At this point, we know the cert matches
return {};
Result<void> createX509Cert(const SigningKey& key, const std::string& outPath) {
auto publicKey = key.getPublicKey();
if (!publicKey.ok()) {
return publicKey.error();
auto keySignFunction = [&](const std::string& to_be_signed) { return key.sign(to_be_signed); };
createSelfSignedCertificate(*publicKey, keySignFunction, outPath);
return {};
art::odrefresh::ExitCode checkArtifacts() {
const char* const argv[] = {kOdrefreshPath, "--check"};
const int exit_code =
logwrap_fork_execvp(arraysize(argv), argv, nullptr, false, LOG_ALOG, false, nullptr);
return static_cast<art::odrefresh::ExitCode>(exit_code);
art::odrefresh::ExitCode compileArtifacts(bool force) {
const char* const argv[] = {kOdrefreshPath, force ? "--force-compile" : "--compile"};
const int exit_code =
logwrap_fork_execvp(arraysize(argv), argv, nullptr, false, LOG_ALOG, false, nullptr);
return static_cast<art::odrefresh::ExitCode>(exit_code);
static std::string toHex(const std::vector<uint8_t>& digest) {
std::stringstream ss;
for (auto it = digest.begin(); it != digest.end(); ++it) {
ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << static_cast<unsigned>(*it);
return ss.str();
Result<std::map<std::string, std::string>> computeDigests(const std::string& path) {
std::error_code ec;
std::map<std::string, std::string> digests;
auto it = std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(path, ec);
auto end = std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator();
while (!ec && it != end) {
if (it->is_regular_file()) {
auto digest = createDigest(it->path());
if (!digest.ok()) {
return Error() << "Failed to compute digest for " << it->path();
digests[it->path()] = toHex(*digest);
if (ec) {
return Error() << "Failed to iterate " << path << ": " << ec;
return digests;
Result<void> verifyDigests(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& digests,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& trusted_digests) {
for (const auto& path_digest : digests) {
auto path = path_digest.first;
auto digest = path_digest.second;
if (trusted_digests.count(path) == 0) {
return Error() << "Couldn't find digest for " << path;
if ( != digest) {
return Error() << "Digest mismatch for " << path;
// All digests matched!
if (digests.size() > 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "All root hashes match.";
return {};
Result<void> verifyIntegrityFsVerity(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& trusted_digests) {
// Just verify that the files are in verity, and get their digests
auto result = verifyAllFilesInVerity(kArtArtifactsDir);
if (!result.ok()) {
return result.error();
return verifyDigests(*result, trusted_digests);
Result<void> verifyIntegrityNoFsVerity(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& trusted_digests) {
// On these devices, just compute the digests, and verify they match the ones we trust
auto result = computeDigests(kArtArtifactsDir);
if (!result.ok()) {
return result.error();
return verifyDigests(*result, trusted_digests);
Result<OdsignInfo> getAndVerifyOdsignInfo(const SigningKey& key) {
std::string persistedSignature;
OdsignInfo odsignInfo;
if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(kOdsignInfoSignature, &persistedSignature)) {
return ErrnoError() << "Failed to read " << kOdsignInfoSignature;
std::fstream odsign_info(kOdsignInfo, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (!odsign_info) {
return Error() << "Failed to open " << kOdsignInfo;
// Verify the hash
std::string odsign_info_str((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(odsign_info)),
auto publicKey = key.getPublicKey();
auto signResult = verifySignature(odsign_info_str, persistedSignature, *publicKey);
if (!signResult.ok()) {
return Error() << kOdsignInfoSignature << " does not match.";
} else {
LOG(INFO) << kOdsignInfoSignature << " matches.";
if (!odsignInfo.ParseFromIstream(&odsign_info)) {
return Error() << "Failed to parse " << kOdsignInfo;
LOG(INFO) << "Loaded " << kOdsignInfo;
return odsignInfo;
std::map<std::string, std::string> getTrustedDigests(const SigningKey& key) {
std::map<std::string, std::string> trusted_digests;
if (access(kOdsignInfo.c_str(), F_OK) != 0) {
// no odsign info file, which is not necessarily an error - just return
// an empty list of digests.
LOG(INFO) << kOdsignInfo << " not found.";
return trusted_digests;
auto signInfo = getAndVerifyOdsignInfo(key);
if (signInfo.ok()) {
trusted_digests.insert(signInfo->file_hashes().begin(), signInfo->file_hashes().end());
} else {
// This is not expected, since the file did exist. Log an error and
// return an empty list of digests.
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't load trusted digests: " << signInfo.error();
return trusted_digests;
Result<void> persistDigests(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& digests,
const SigningKey& key) {
OdsignInfo signInfo;
google::protobuf::Map<std::string, std::string> proto_hashes(digests.begin(), digests.end());
auto map = signInfo.mutable_file_hashes();
*map = proto_hashes;
std::fstream odsign_info(kOdsignInfo,
std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc | std::ios::binary);
if (!signInfo.SerializeToOstream(&odsign_info)) {
return Error() << "Failed to persist root hashes in " << kOdsignInfo;
// Sign the signatures with our key itself, and write that to storage
odsign_info.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
std::string odsign_info_str((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(odsign_info)),
auto signResult = key.sign(odsign_info_str);
if (!signResult.ok()) {
return Error() << "Failed to sign " << kOdsignInfo;
android::base::WriteStringToFile(*signResult, kOdsignInfoSignature);
return {};
static int removeArtifacts() {
std::error_code ec;
auto num_removed = std::filesystem::remove_all(kArtArtifactsDir, ec);
if (ec) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Can't remove " << kArtArtifactsDir << ": " << ec.message();
return 0;
} else {
if (num_removed > 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Removed " << num_removed << " entries from " << kArtArtifactsDir;
return num_removed;
static Result<void> verifyArtifacts(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& trusted_digests,
bool supportsFsVerity) {
Result<void> integrityStatus;
if (supportsFsVerity) {
integrityStatus = verifyIntegrityFsVerity(trusted_digests);
} else {
integrityStatus = verifyIntegrityNoFsVerity(trusted_digests);
if (!integrityStatus.ok()) {
return Error() << integrityStatus.error().message();
return {};
int main(int /* argc */, char** /* argv */) {
auto errorScopeGuard = []() {
// In case we hit any error, remove the artifacts and tell Zygote not to use anything
// Tell init we don't need to use our key anymore
SetProperty(kOdsignKeyDoneProp, "1");
// Tell init we're done with verification, and that it was an error
SetProperty(kOdsignVerificationStatusProp, kOdsignVerificationStatusError);
SetProperty(kOdsignVerificationDoneProp, "1");
// Tell init it shouldn't try to restart us - see odsign.rc
SetProperty(kStopServiceProp, "odsign");
auto scope_guard = android::base::make_scope_guard(errorScopeGuard);
if (!android::base::GetBoolProperty("ro.apex.updatable", false)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Device doesn't support updatable APEX, exiting.";
return 0;
auto keystoreResult = KeystoreKey::getInstance();
if (!keystoreResult.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create keystore key: " << keystoreResult.error().message();
return -1;
SigningKey* key = keystoreResult.value();
bool supportsFsVerity = access(kFsVerityProcPath, F_OK) == 0;
if (!supportsFsVerity) {
LOG(INFO) << "Device doesn't support fsverity. Falling back to full verification.";
if (supportsFsVerity) {
auto existing_cert = verifyExistingCert(*key);
if (!existing_cert.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << existing_cert.error().message();
// Try to create a new cert
auto new_cert = createX509Cert(*key, kSigningKeyCert);
if (!new_cert.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create X509 certificate: " << new_cert.error().message();
// TODO apparently the key become invalid - delete the blob / cert
return -1;
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Found and verified existing public key certificate: " << kSigningKeyCert;
auto cert_add_result = addCertToFsVerityKeyring(kSigningKeyCert);
if (!cert_add_result.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add certificate to fs-verity keyring: "
<< cert_add_result.error().message();
return -1;
art::odrefresh::ExitCode odrefresh_status = checkArtifacts();
// The artifacts dir doesn't necessarily need to exist; if the existing
// artifacts on the system partition are valid, those can be used.
int err = access(kArtArtifactsDir.c_str(), F_OK);
// If we receive any error other than ENOENT, be suspicious
bool artifactsPresent = (err == 0) || (err < 0 && errno != ENOENT);
if (artifactsPresent && (odrefresh_status == art::odrefresh::ExitCode::kOkay ||
odrefresh_status == art::odrefresh::ExitCode::kCompilationRequired)) {
// If we haven't verified the digests yet, we need to validate them. We
// need to do this both in case the existing artifacts are okay, but
// also if odrefresh said that a recompile is required. In the latter
// case, odrefresh may use partial compilation, and leave some
// artifacts unchanged.
auto trusted_digests = getTrustedDigests(*key);
if (odrefresh_status == art::odrefresh::ExitCode::kOkay) {
// Tell init we're done with the key; this is a boot time optimization
// in particular for the no fs-verity case, where we need to do a
// costly verification. If the files haven't been tampered with, which
// should be the common path, the verification will succeed, and we won't
// need the key anymore. If it turns out the artifacts are invalid (eg not
// in fs-verity) or the hash doesn't match, we won't be able to generate
// new artifacts without the key, so in those cases, remove the artifacts,
// and use JIT zygote for the current boot. We should recover automatically
// by the next boot.
SetProperty(kOdsignKeyDoneProp, "1");
auto verificationResult = verifyArtifacts(trusted_digests, supportsFsVerity);
if (!verificationResult.ok()) {
int num_removed = removeDirectory(kArtArtifactsDir);
if (num_removed == 0) {
// If we can't remove the bad artifacts, we shouldn't continue, and
// instead prevent Zygote from using them (which is taken care of
// in the exit handler).
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to remove unknown artifacts.";
return -1;
// Now that we verified existing artifacts, compile if we need to.
if (odrefresh_status == art::odrefresh::ExitCode::kCompilationRequired) {
odrefresh_status = compileArtifacts(kForceCompilation);
if (odrefresh_status == art::odrefresh::ExitCode::kOkay) {
// No new artifacts generated, and we verified existing ones above, nothing left to do.
LOG(INFO) << "odrefresh said artifacts are VALID";
} else if (odrefresh_status == art::odrefresh::ExitCode::kCompilationSuccess ||
odrefresh_status == art::odrefresh::ExitCode::kCompilationFailed) {
const bool compiled_all = odrefresh_status == art::odrefresh::ExitCode::kCompilationSuccess;
LOG(INFO) << "odrefresh compiled " << (compiled_all ? "all" : "partial")
<< " artifacts, returned " << odrefresh_status;
Result<std::map<std::string, std::string>> digests;
if (supportsFsVerity) {
digests = addFilesToVerityRecursive(kArtArtifactsDir, *key);
} else {
// If we can't use verity, just compute the root hashes and store
// those, so we can reverify them at the next boot.
digests = computeDigests(kArtArtifactsDir);
if (!digests.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << digests.error().message();
return -1;
auto persistStatus = persistDigests(*digests, *key);
if (!persistStatus.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << persistStatus.error().message();
return -1;
} else if (odrefresh_status == art::odrefresh::ExitCode::kCleanupFailed) {
LOG(ERROR) << "odrefresh failed cleaning up existing artifacts";
return -1;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "odrefresh exited unexpectedly, returned " << odrefresh_status;
return -1;
LOG(INFO) << "On-device signing done.";
// At this point, we're done with the key for sure
SetProperty(kOdsignKeyDoneProp, "1");
// And we did a successful verification
SetProperty(kOdsignVerificationStatusProp, kOdsignVerificationStatusValid);
SetProperty(kOdsignVerificationDoneProp, "1");
// Tell init it shouldn't try to restart us - see odsign.rc
SetProperty(kStopServiceProp, "odsign");
return 0;