blob: 3ca3942a558fef831f89659e790bf3f360453c98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020, The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Keystore error provides convenience methods and types for Keystore error handling.
//! Clients of Keystore expect one of two error codes, i.e., a Keystore ResponseCode as
//! defined by the Keystore AIDL interface, or a Keymint ErrorCode as defined by
//! the Keymint HAL specification.
//! This crate provides `Error` which can wrap both. It is to be used
//! internally by Keystore to diagnose error conditions that need to be reported to
//! the client. To report the error condition to the client the Keystore AIDL
//! interface defines a wire type `Result` which is distinctly different from Rust's
//! `enum Result<T,E>`.
//! This crate provides the convenience method `map_or_log_err` to convert `anyhow::Error`
//! into this wire type. In addition to handling the conversion of `Error`
//! to the `Result` wire type it handles any other error by mapping it to
//! `ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR` and logs any error condition.
//! Keystore functions should use `anyhow::Result` to return error conditions, and
//! context should be added every time an error is forwarded.
pub use android_hardware_security_keymint::aidl::android::hardware::security::keymint::ErrorCode::ErrorCode;
pub use android_system_keystore2::aidl::android::system::keystore2::ResponseCode::ResponseCode;
use android_system_keystore2::binder::{
ExceptionCode, Result as BinderResult, Status as BinderStatus, StatusCode,
use keystore2_selinux as selinux;
use std::cmp::PartialEq;
use std::ffi::CString;
/// This is the main Keystore error type. It wraps the Keystore `ResponseCode` generated
/// from AIDL in the `Rc` variant and Keymint `ErrorCode` in the Km variant.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Error {
/// Wraps a Keystore `ResponseCode` as defined by the Keystore AIDL interface specification.
/// Wraps a Keymint `ErrorCode` as defined by the Keymint AIDL interface specification.
/// Wraps a Binder exception code other than a service specific exception.
#[error("Binder exception code {0:?}, {1:?}")]
Binder(ExceptionCode, i32),
/// Wraps a Binder status code.
#[error("Binder transaction error {0:?}")]
/// Wraps a Remote Provisioning ErrorCode as defined by the IRemotelyProvisionedComponent
/// AIDL interface spec.
impl Error {
/// Short hand for `Error::Rc(ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR)`
pub fn sys() -> Self {
/// Short hand for `Error::Rc(ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED)`
pub fn perm() -> Self {
/// Helper function to map the binder status we get from calls into KeyMint
/// to a Keystore Error. We don't create an anyhow error here to make
/// it easier to evaluate KeyMint errors, which we must do in some cases, e.g.,
/// when diagnosing authentication requirements, update requirements, and running
/// out of operation slots.
pub fn map_km_error<T>(r: BinderResult<T>) -> Result<T, Error> {
r.map_err(|s| {
match s.exception_code() {
ExceptionCode::SERVICE_SPECIFIC => {
let se = s.service_specific_error();
if se < 0 {
// Negative service specific errors are KM error codes.
} else {
// Non negative error codes cannot be KM error codes.
// So we create an `Error::Binder` variant to preserve
// the service specific error code for logging.
// `map_or_log_err` will map this on a system error,
// but not before logging the details to logcat.
Error::Binder(ExceptionCode::SERVICE_SPECIFIC, se)
// We create `Error::Binder` to preserve the exception code
// for logging.
// `map_or_log_err` will map this on a system error.
e_code => Error::Binder(e_code, 0),
/// Helper function to map the binder status we get from calls into a RemotelyProvisionedComponent
/// to a Keystore Error. We don't create an anyhow error here to make
/// it easier to evaluate service specific errors.
pub fn map_rem_prov_error<T>(r: BinderResult<T>) -> Result<T, Error> {
r.map_err(|s| match s.exception_code() {
ExceptionCode::SERVICE_SPECIFIC => Error::Rp(ErrorCode(s.service_specific_error())),
e_code => Error::Binder(e_code, 0),
/// This function is similar to map_km_error only that we don't expect
/// any KeyMint error codes, we simply preserve the exception code and optional
/// service specific exception.
pub fn map_binder_status<T>(r: BinderResult<T>) -> Result<T, Error> {
r.map_err(|s| match s.exception_code() {
ExceptionCode::SERVICE_SPECIFIC => {
let se = s.service_specific_error();
Error::Binder(ExceptionCode::SERVICE_SPECIFIC, se)
ExceptionCode::TRANSACTION_FAILED => {
let e = s.transaction_error();
e_code => Error::Binder(e_code, 0),
/// This function maps a status code onto a Keystore Error.
pub fn map_binder_status_code<T>(r: Result<T, StatusCode>) -> Result<T, Error> {
/// This function should be used by Keystore service calls to translate error conditions
/// into service specific exceptions.
/// All error conditions get logged by this function, except for KEY_NOT_FOUND error.
/// All `Error::Rc(x)` and `Error::Km(x)` variants get mapped onto a service specific error
/// code of x. This is possible because KeyMint `ErrorCode` errors are always negative and
/// `ResponseCode` codes are always positive.
/// `selinux::Error::PermissionDenied` is mapped on `ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED`.
/// All non `Error` error conditions and the Error::Binder variant get mapped onto
/// ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR`.
/// `handle_ok` will be called if `result` is `Ok(value)` where `value` will be passed
/// as argument to `handle_ok`. `handle_ok` must generate a `BinderResult<T>`, but it
/// typically returns Ok(value).
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// fn loadKey() -> anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>> {
/// if (good_but_auth_required) {
/// Ok(vec!['k', 'e', 'y'])
/// } else {
/// Err(anyhow!(Error::Rc(ResponseCode::KEY_NOT_FOUND)))
/// }
/// }
/// map_or_log_err(loadKey(), Ok)
/// ```
pub fn map_or_log_err<T, U, F>(result: anyhow::Result<U>, handle_ok: F) -> BinderResult<T>
F: FnOnce(U) -> BinderResult<T>,
|e| {
// Make the key not found errors silent.
if !matches!(
) {
log::error!("{:?}", e);
/// This function turns an anyhow error into an optional CString.
/// This is especially useful to add a message string to a service specific error.
/// If the formatted string was not convertible because it contained a nul byte,
/// None is returned and a warning is logged.
pub fn anyhow_error_to_cstring(e: &anyhow::Error) -> Option<CString> {
match CString::new(format!("{:?}", e)) {
Ok(msg) => Some(msg),
Err(_) => {
log::warn!("Cannot convert error message to CStr. It contained a nul byte.");
/// This function behaves similar to map_or_log_error, but it does not log the errors, instead
/// it calls map_err on the error before mapping it to a binder result allowing callers to
/// log or transform the error before mapping it.
pub fn map_err_with<T, U, F1, F2>(
result: anyhow::Result<U>,
map_err: F1,
handle_ok: F2,
) -> BinderResult<T>
F1: FnOnce(anyhow::Error) -> anyhow::Error,
F2: FnOnce(U) -> BinderResult<T>,
|e| {
let e = map_err(e);
let rc = get_error_code(&e);
/// Returns the error code given a reference to the error
pub fn get_error_code(e: &anyhow::Error) -> i32 {
let root_cause = e.root_cause();
match root_cause.downcast_ref::<Error>() {
Some(Error::Rc(rcode)) => rcode.0,
Some(Error::Km(ec)) => ec.0,
Some(Error::Rp(_)) => ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR.0,
// If an Error::Binder reaches this stage we report a system error.
// The exception code and possible service specific error will be
// printed in the error log above.
Some(Error::Binder(_, _)) | Some(Error::BinderTransaction(_)) => {
None => match root_cause.downcast_ref::<selinux::Error>() {
Some(selinux::Error::PermissionDenied) => ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED.0,
_ => ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR.0,
pub mod tests {
use super::*;
use android_system_keystore2::binder::{
ExceptionCode, Result as BinderResult, Status as BinderStatus,
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context};
fn nested_nested_rc(rc: ResponseCode) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
Err(anyhow!(Error::Rc(rc))).context("nested nested rc")
fn nested_rc(rc: ResponseCode) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
nested_nested_rc(rc).context("nested rc")
fn nested_nested_ec(ec: ErrorCode) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
Err(anyhow!(Error::Km(ec))).context("nested nested ec")
fn nested_ec(ec: ErrorCode) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
nested_nested_ec(ec).context("nested ec")
fn nested_nested_ok(rc: ResponseCode) -> anyhow::Result<ResponseCode> {
fn nested_ok(rc: ResponseCode) -> anyhow::Result<ResponseCode> {
nested_nested_ok(rc).context("nested ok")
fn nested_nested_selinux_perm() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
Err(anyhow!(selinux::Error::perm())).context("nested nexted selinux permission denied")
fn nested_selinux_perm() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
nested_nested_selinux_perm().context("nested selinux permission denied")
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
enum TestError {
Fail = 0,
fn nested_nested_other_error() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
Err(anyhow!(TestError::Fail)).context("nested nested other error")
fn nested_other_error() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
nested_nested_other_error().context("nested other error")
fn binder_sse_error(sse: i32) -> BinderResult<()> {
Err(BinderStatus::new_service_specific_error(sse, None))
fn binder_exception(ex: ExceptionCode) -> BinderResult<()> {
Err(BinderStatus::new_exception(ex, None))
fn keystore_error_test() -> anyhow::Result<(), String> {
// All Error::Rc(x) get mapped on a service specific error
// code of x.
for rc in ResponseCode::LOCKED.0..ResponseCode::BACKEND_BUSY.0 {
Result::<(), i32>::Err(rc),
map_or_log_err(nested_rc(ResponseCode(rc)), |_| Err(BinderStatus::ok()))
.map_err(|s| s.service_specific_error())
// All Keystore Error::Km(x) get mapped on a service
// specific error of x.
for ec in ErrorCode::UNKNOWN_ERROR.0..ErrorCode::ROOT_OF_TRUST_ALREADY_SET.0 {
Result::<(), i32>::Err(ec),
map_or_log_err(nested_ec(ErrorCode(ec)), |_| Err(BinderStatus::ok()))
.map_err(|s| s.service_specific_error())
// All Keymint errors x received through a Binder Result get mapped on
// a service specific error of x.
for ec in ErrorCode::UNKNOWN_ERROR.0..ErrorCode::ROOT_OF_TRUST_ALREADY_SET.0 {
Result::<(), i32>::Err(ec),
.with_context(|| format!("Km error code: {}.", ec)),
|_| Err(BinderStatus::ok())
.map_err(|s| s.service_specific_error())
// map_km_error creates an Error::Binder variant storing
// ExceptionCode::SERVICE_SPECIFIC and the given
// service specific error.
let sse = map_km_error(binder_sse_error(1));
assert_eq!(Err(Error::Binder(ExceptionCode::SERVICE_SPECIFIC, 1)), sse);
// map_or_log_err then maps it on a service specific error of ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR.
Result::<(), ResponseCode>::Err(ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR),
map_or_log_err(sse.context("Non negative service specific error."), |_| Err(
.map_err(|s| ResponseCode(s.service_specific_error()))
// map_km_error creates a Error::Binder variant storing the given exception code.
let binder_exception = map_km_error(binder_exception(ExceptionCode::TRANSACTION_FAILED));
assert_eq!(Err(Error::Binder(ExceptionCode::TRANSACTION_FAILED, 0)), binder_exception);
// map_or_log_err then maps it on a service specific error of ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR.
Result::<(), ResponseCode>::Err(ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR),
map_or_log_err(binder_exception.context("Binder Exception."), |_| Err(
.map_err(|s| ResponseCode(s.service_specific_error()))
// selinux::Error::Perm() needs to be mapped to ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED
Result::<(), ResponseCode>::Err(ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED),
map_or_log_err(nested_selinux_perm(), |_| Err(BinderStatus::ok()))
.map_err(|s| ResponseCode(s.service_specific_error()))
// All other errors get mapped on System Error.
Result::<(), ResponseCode>::Err(ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR),
map_or_log_err(nested_other_error(), |_| Err(BinderStatus::ok()))
.map_err(|s| ResponseCode(s.service_specific_error()))
// Result::Ok variants get passed to the ok handler.
assert_eq!(Ok(ResponseCode::LOCKED), map_or_log_err(nested_ok(ResponseCode::LOCKED), Ok));
map_or_log_err(nested_ok(ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR), Ok)
//Helper function to test whether error cases are handled as expected.
pub fn check_result_contains_error_string<T>(
result: anyhow::Result<T>,
expected_error_string: &str,
) {
let error_str = format!(
result.err().unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Expected the error: {}", expected_error_string))
"The string \"{}\" should contain \"{}\"",
} // mod tests