blob: b3dcf45e3b187092f0b5d82b7491edfe38d277d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020, The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Key parameters are declared by KeyMint to describe properties of keys and operations.
//! During key generation and import, key parameters are used to characterize a key, its usage
//! restrictions, and additional parameters for attestation. During the lifetime of the key,
//! the key characteristics are expressed as set of key parameters. During cryptographic
//! operations, clients may specify additional operation specific parameters.
//! This module provides a Keystore 2.0 internal representation for key parameters and
//! implements traits to convert it from and into KeyMint KeyParameters and store it in
//! the SQLite database.
//! ## Synopsis
//! enum KeyParameterValue {
//! Invalid,
//! Algorithm(Algorithm),
//! ...
//! }
//! impl KeyParameterValue {
//! pub fn get_tag(&self) -> Tag;
//! pub fn new_from_sql(tag: Tag, data: &SqlField) -> Result<Self>;
//! pub fn new_from_tag_primitive_pair<T: Into<Primitive>>(tag: Tag, v: T)
//! -> Result<Self, PrimitiveError>;
//! fn to_sql(&self) -> SqlResult<ToSqlOutput>
//! }
//! use ...::keymint::KeyParameter as KmKeyParameter;
//! impl Into<KmKeyParameter> for KeyParameterValue {}
//! impl From<KmKeyParameter> for KeyParameterValue {}
//! ## Implementation
//! Each of the six functions is implemented as match statement over each key parameter variant.
//! We bootstrap these function as well as the KeyParameterValue enum itself from a single list
//! of key parameters, that needs to be kept in sync with the KeyMint AIDL specification.
//! The list resembles an enum declaration with a few extra fields.
//! enum KeyParameterValue {
//! Invalid with tag INVALID and field Invalid,
//! Algorithm(Algorithm) with tag ALGORITHM and field Algorithm,
//! ...
//! }
//! The tag corresponds to the variant of the keymint::Tag, and the field corresponds to the
//! variant of the keymint::KeyParameterValue union. There is no one to one mapping between
//! tags and union fields, e.g., the values of both tags BOOT_PATCHLEVEL and VENDOR_PATCHLEVEL
//! are stored in the Integer field.
//! The macros interpreting them all follow a similar pattern and follow the following fragment
//! naming scheme:
//! Algorithm(Algorithm) with tag ALGORITHM and field Algorithm,
//! $vname $(($vtype ))? with tag $tag_name and field $field_name,
//! Further, KeyParameterValue appears in the macro as $enum_name.
//! Note that $vtype is optional to accommodate variants like Invalid which don't wrap a value.
//! In some cases $vtype is not part of the expansion, but we still have to modify the expansion
//! depending on the presence of $vtype. In these cases we recurse through the list following the
//! following pattern:
//! (@<marker> <non repeating args>, [<out list>], [<in list>])
//! These macros usually have four rules:
//! * Two main recursive rules, of the form:
//! (
//! @<marker>
//! <non repeating args>,
//! [<out list>],
//! [<one element pattern> <in tail>]
//! ) => {
//! macro!{@<marker> <non repeating args>, [<out list>
//! <one element expansion>
//! ], [<in tail>]}
//! };
//! They pop one element off the <in list> and add one expansion to the out list.
//! The element expansion is kept on a separate line (or lines) for better readability.
//! The two variants differ in whether or not $vtype is expected.
//! * The termination condition which has an empty in list.
//! * The public interface, which does not have @marker and calls itself with an empty out list.
use std::convert::TryInto;
use crate::database::utils::SqlField;
use crate::error::Error as KeystoreError;
use crate::error::ResponseCode;
pub use android_hardware_security_keymint::aidl::android::hardware::security::keymint::{
Algorithm::Algorithm, BlockMode::BlockMode, Digest::Digest, EcCurve::EcCurve,
HardwareAuthenticatorType::HardwareAuthenticatorType, KeyOrigin::KeyOrigin,
KeyParameter::KeyParameter as KmKeyParameter,
KeyParameterValue::KeyParameterValue as KmKeyParameterValue, KeyPurpose::KeyPurpose,
PaddingMode::PaddingMode, SecurityLevel::SecurityLevel, Tag::Tag,
use android_system_keystore2::aidl::android::system::keystore2::Authorization::Authorization;
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use rusqlite::types::{Null, ToSql, ToSqlOutput};
use rusqlite::Result as SqlResult;
use serde::de::Deserializer;
use serde::ser::Serializer;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// This trait is used to associate a primitive to any type that can be stored inside a
/// KeyParameterValue, especially the AIDL enum types, e.g., keymint::{Algorithm, Digest, ...}.
/// This allows for simplifying the macro rules, e.g., for reading from the SQL database.
/// An expression like `KeyParameterValue::Algorithm(row.get(0))` would not work because
/// a type of `Algorithm` is expected which does not implement `FromSql` and we cannot
/// implement it because we own neither the type nor the trait.
/// With AssociatePrimitive we can write an expression
/// `KeyParameter::Algorithm(<Algorithm>::from_primitive(row.get(0)))` to inform `get`
/// about the expected primitive type that it can convert into. By implementing this
/// trait for all inner types we can write a single rule to cover all cases (except where
/// there is no wrapped type):
/// `KeyParameterValue::$vname(<$vtype>::from_primitive(row.get(0)))`
trait AssociatePrimitive {
type Primitive: Into<Primitive> + TryFrom<Primitive>;
fn from_primitive(v: Self::Primitive) -> Self;
fn to_primitive(&self) -> Self::Primitive;
/// Associates the given type with i32. The macro assumes that the given type is actually a
/// tuple struct wrapping i32, such as AIDL enum types.
macro_rules! implement_associate_primitive_for_aidl_enum {
($t:ty) => {
impl AssociatePrimitive for $t {
type Primitive = i32;
fn from_primitive(v: Self::Primitive) -> Self {
fn to_primitive(&self) -> Self::Primitive {
/// Associates the given type with itself.
macro_rules! implement_associate_primitive_identity {
($t:ty) => {
impl AssociatePrimitive for $t {
type Primitive = $t;
fn from_primitive(v: Self::Primitive) -> Self {
fn to_primitive(&self) -> Self::Primitive {
implement_associate_primitive_for_aidl_enum! {Algorithm}
implement_associate_primitive_for_aidl_enum! {BlockMode}
implement_associate_primitive_for_aidl_enum! {Digest}
implement_associate_primitive_for_aidl_enum! {EcCurve}
implement_associate_primitive_for_aidl_enum! {HardwareAuthenticatorType}
implement_associate_primitive_for_aidl_enum! {KeyOrigin}
implement_associate_primitive_for_aidl_enum! {KeyPurpose}
implement_associate_primitive_for_aidl_enum! {PaddingMode}
implement_associate_primitive_for_aidl_enum! {SecurityLevel}
implement_associate_primitive_identity! {Vec<u8>}
implement_associate_primitive_identity! {i64}
implement_associate_primitive_identity! {i32}
/// This enum allows passing a primitive value to `KeyParameterValue::new_from_tag_primitive_pair`
/// Usually, it is not necessary to use this type directly because the function uses
/// `Into<Primitive>` as a trait bound.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum Primitive {
/// Wraps an i64.
/// Wraps an i32.
/// Wraps a Vec<u8>.
impl From<i64> for Primitive {
fn from(v: i64) -> Self {
impl From<i32> for Primitive {
fn from(v: i32) -> Self {
impl From<Vec<u8>> for Primitive {
fn from(v: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
/// This error is returned by `KeyParameterValue::new_from_tag_primitive_pair`.
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum PrimitiveError {
/// Returned if this primitive is unsuitable for the given tag type.
#[error("Primitive does not match the expected tag type.")]
/// Return if the tag type is unknown.
#[error("Unknown tag.")]
impl TryFrom<Primitive> for i64 {
type Error = PrimitiveError;
fn try_from(p: Primitive) -> Result<i64, Self::Error> {
match p {
Primitive::I64(v) => Ok(v),
_ => Err(Self::Error::TypeMismatch),
impl TryFrom<Primitive> for i32 {
type Error = PrimitiveError;
fn try_from(p: Primitive) -> Result<i32, Self::Error> {
match p {
Primitive::I32(v) => Ok(v),
_ => Err(Self::Error::TypeMismatch),
impl TryFrom<Primitive> for Vec<u8> {
type Error = PrimitiveError;
fn try_from(p: Primitive) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Self::Error> {
match p {
Primitive::Vec(v) => Ok(v),
_ => Err(Self::Error::TypeMismatch),
fn serialize_primitive<S, P>(v: &P, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
P: AssociatePrimitive,
let primitive: Primitive = v.to_primitive().into();
fn deserialize_primitive<'de, D, T>(deserializer: D) -> Result<T, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
T: AssociatePrimitive,
let primitive: Primitive = serde::de::Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer)?;
primitive.try_into().map_err(|_| serde::de::Error::custom("Type Mismatch"))?,
/// Expands the list of KeyParameterValue variants as follows:
/// Input:
/// Invalid with tag INVALID and field Invalid,
/// Algorithm(Algorithm) with tag ALGORITHM and field Algorithm,
/// Output:
/// ```
/// pub fn new_from_tag_primitive_pair<T: Into<Primitive>>(
/// tag: Tag,
/// v: T
/// ) -> Result<KeyParameterValue, PrimitiveError> {
/// let p: Primitive = v.into();
/// Ok(match tag {
/// Tag::INVALID => KeyParameterValue::Invalid,
/// Tag::ALGORITHM => KeyParameterValue::Algorithm(
/// <Algorithm>::from_primitive(p.try_into()?)
/// ),
/// _ => return Err(PrimitiveError::UnknownTag),
/// })
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! implement_from_tag_primitive_pair {
($enum_name:ident; $($vname:ident$(($vtype:ty))? $tag_name:ident),*) => {
/// Returns the an instance of $enum_name or an error if the given primitive does not match
/// the tag type or the tag is unknown.
pub fn new_from_tag_primitive_pair<T: Into<Primitive>>(
tag: Tag,
v: T
) -> Result<$enum_name, PrimitiveError> {
let p: Primitive = v.into();
Ok(match tag {
$(Tag::$tag_name => $enum_name::$vname$((
_ => return Err(PrimitiveError::UnknownTag),
/// Expands the list of KeyParameterValue variants as follows:
/// Input:
/// pub enum KeyParameterValue {
/// Invalid with tag INVALID and field Invalid,
/// Algorithm(Algorithm) with tag ALGORITHM and field Algorithm,
/// }
/// Output:
/// ```
/// pub enum KeyParameterValue {
/// Invalid,
/// Algorithm(Algorithm),
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! implement_enum {
$enum_vis:vis enum $enum_name:ident {
$($(#[$emeta:meta])* $vname:ident$(($vtype:ty))?),* $(,)?
) => {
$enum_vis enum $enum_name {
/// Expands the list of KeyParameterValue variants as follows:
/// Input:
/// Invalid with tag INVALID and field Invalid,
/// Algorithm(Algorithm) with tag ALGORITHM and field Algorithm,
/// Output:
/// ```
/// pub fn get_tag(&self) -> Tag {
/// match self {
/// KeyParameterValue::Invalid => Tag::INVALID,
/// KeyParameterValue::Algorithm(_) => Tag::ALGORITHM,
/// }
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! implement_get_tag {
[$vname:ident($vtype:ty) $tag_name:ident, $($in:tt)*]
) => {
implement_get_tag!{@replace_type_spec $enum_name, [$($out)*
$enum_name::$vname(_) => Tag::$tag_name,
], [$($in)*]}
[$vname:ident $tag_name:ident, $($in:tt)*]
) => {
implement_get_tag!{@replace_type_spec $enum_name, [$($out)*
$enum_name::$vname => Tag::$tag_name,
], [$($in)*]}
(@replace_type_spec $enum_name:ident, [$($out:tt)*], []) => {
/// Returns the tag of the given instance.
pub fn get_tag(&self) -> Tag {
match self {
($enum_name:ident; $($vname:ident$(($vtype:ty))? $tag_name:ident),*) => {
implement_get_tag!{@replace_type_spec $enum_name, [], [$($vname$(($vtype))? $tag_name,)*]}
/// Expands the list of KeyParameterValue variants as follows:
/// Input:
/// Invalid with tag INVALID and field Invalid,
/// Algorithm(Algorithm) with tag ALGORITHM and field Algorithm,
/// Output:
/// ```
/// fn to_sql(&self) -> SqlResult<ToSqlOutput> {
/// match self {
/// KeyParameterValue::Invalid => Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(Null)),
/// KeyParameterValue::Algorithm(v) => Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(v.to_primitive())),
/// }
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! implement_to_sql {
[$vname:ident($vtype:ty), $($in:tt)*]
) => {
implement_to_sql!{@replace_type_spec $enum_name, [ $($out)*
$enum_name::$vname(v) => Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(v.to_primitive())),
], [$($in)*]}
[$vname:ident, $($in:tt)*]
) => {
implement_to_sql!{@replace_type_spec $enum_name, [ $($out)*
$enum_name::$vname => Ok(ToSqlOutput::from(Null)),
], [$($in)*]}
(@replace_type_spec $enum_name:ident, [$($out:tt)*], []) => {
/// Converts $enum_name to be stored in a rusqlite database.
fn to_sql(&self) -> SqlResult<ToSqlOutput> {
match self {
($enum_name:ident; $($vname:ident$(($vtype:ty))?),*) => {
impl ToSql for $enum_name {
implement_to_sql!{@replace_type_spec $enum_name, [], [$($vname$(($vtype))?,)*]}
/// Expands the list of KeyParameterValue variants as follows:
/// Input:
/// Invalid with tag INVALID and field Invalid,
/// Algorithm(Algorithm) with tag ALGORITHM and field Algorithm,
/// Output:
/// ```
/// pub fn new_from_sql(
/// tag: Tag,
/// data: &SqlField,
/// ) -> Result<Self> {
/// Ok(match self {
/// Tag::Invalid => KeyParameterValue::Invalid,
/// Tag::ALGORITHM => {
/// KeyParameterValue::Algorithm(<Algorithm>::from_primitive(data
/// .get()
/// .map_err(|_| KeystoreError::Rc(ResponseCode::VALUE_CORRUPTED))
/// .context(concat!("Failed to read sql data for tag: ", "ALGORITHM", "."))?
/// ))
/// },
/// })
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! implement_new_from_sql {
($enum_name:ident; $($vname:ident$(($vtype:ty))? $tag_name:ident),*) => {
/// Takes a tag and an SqlField and attempts to construct a KeyParameter value.
/// This function may fail if the parameter value cannot be extracted from the
/// database cell.
pub fn new_from_sql(
tag: Tag,
data: &SqlField,
) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(match tag {
Tag::$tag_name => {
.map_err(|_| KeystoreError::Rc(ResponseCode::VALUE_CORRUPTED))
"Failed to read sql data for tag: ",
_ => $enum_name::Invalid,
/// This key parameter default is used during the conversion from KeyParameterValue
/// to keymint::KeyParameterValue. Keystore's version does not have wrapped types
/// for boolean tags and the tag Invalid. The AIDL version uses bool and integer
/// variants respectively. This default function is invoked in these cases to
/// homogenize the rules for boolean and invalid tags.
/// The bool variant returns true because boolean parameters are implicitly true
/// if present.
trait KpDefault {
fn default() -> Self;
impl KpDefault for i32 {
fn default() -> Self {
impl KpDefault for bool {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Expands the list of KeyParameterValue variants as follows:
/// Input:
/// Invalid with tag INVALID and field Invalid,
/// Algorithm(Algorithm) with tag ALGORITHM and field Algorithm,
/// Output:
/// ```
/// impl From<KmKeyParameter> for KeyParameterValue {
/// fn from(kp: KmKeyParameter) -> Self {
/// match kp {
/// KmKeyParameter { tag: Tag::INVALID, value: KmKeyParameterValue::Invalid(_) }
/// => $enum_name::$vname,
/// KmKeyParameter { tag: Tag::Algorithm, value: KmKeyParameterValue::Algorithm(v) }
/// => $enum_name::Algorithm(v),
/// _ => $enum_name::Invalid,
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// impl Into<KmKeyParameter> for KeyParameterValue {
/// fn into(self) -> KmKeyParameter {
/// match self {
/// KeyParameterValue::Invalid => KmKeyParameter {
/// tag: Tag::INVALID,
/// value: KmKeyParameterValue::Invalid(KpDefault::default())
/// },
/// KeyParameterValue::Algorithm(v) => KmKeyParameter {
/// tag: Tag::ALGORITHM,
/// value: KmKeyParameterValue::Algorithm(v)
/// },
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! implement_try_from_to_km_parameter {
// The first three rules expand From<KmKeyParameter>.
[$vname:ident($vtype:ty) $tag_name:ident $field_name:ident, $($in:tt)*]
) => {
implement_try_from_to_km_parameter!{@from $enum_name, [$($out)*
KmKeyParameter {
tag: Tag::$tag_name,
value: KmKeyParameterValue::$field_name(v)
} => $enum_name::$vname(v),
], [$($in)*]
[$vname:ident $tag_name:ident $field_name:ident, $($in:tt)*]
) => {
implement_try_from_to_km_parameter!{@from $enum_name, [$($out)*
KmKeyParameter {
tag: Tag::$tag_name,
value: KmKeyParameterValue::$field_name(_)
} => $enum_name::$vname,
], [$($in)*]
(@from $enum_name:ident, [$($out:tt)*], []) => {
impl From<KmKeyParameter> for $enum_name {
fn from(kp: KmKeyParameter) -> Self {
match kp {
_ => $enum_name::Invalid,
// The next three rules expand Into<KmKeyParameter>.
[$vname:ident($vtype:ty) $tag_name:ident $field_name:ident, $($in:tt)*]
) => {
implement_try_from_to_km_parameter!{@into $enum_name, [$($out)*
$enum_name::$vname(v) => KmKeyParameter {
tag: Tag::$tag_name,
value: KmKeyParameterValue::$field_name(v)
], [$($in)*]
[$vname:ident $tag_name:ident $field_name:ident, $($in:tt)*]
) => {
implement_try_from_to_km_parameter!{@into $enum_name, [$($out)*
$enum_name::$vname => KmKeyParameter {
tag: Tag::$tag_name,
value: KmKeyParameterValue::$field_name(KpDefault::default())
], [$($in)*]
(@into $enum_name:ident, [$($out:tt)*], []) => {
impl From<$enum_name> for KmKeyParameter {
fn from(x: $enum_name) -> Self {
match x {
($enum_name:ident; $($vname:ident$(($vtype:ty))? $tag_name:ident $field_name:ident),*) => {
@from $enum_name,
[$($vname$(($vtype))? $tag_name $field_name,)*]
@into $enum_name,
[$($vname$(($vtype))? $tag_name $field_name,)*]
/// This is the top level macro. While the other macros do most of the heavy lifting, this takes
/// the key parameter list and passes it on to the other macros to generate all of the conversion
/// functions. In addition, it generates an important test vector for verifying that tag type of the
/// keymint tag matches the associated keymint KeyParameterValue field.
macro_rules! implement_key_parameter_value {
$enum_vis:vis enum $enum_name:ident {
),* $(,)?
) => {
$enum_vis enum $enum_name {
[] [$(#[$($emeta)+])*]
$enum_vis:vis enum $enum_name:ident {
#[key_param(tag = $tag_name:ident, field = $field_name:ident)]
) => {
$enum_vis enum $enum_name {
$tag_name $field_name $vname$(($vtype))?,
$enum_vis:vis enum $enum_name:ident {
) => {
$enum_vis enum $enum_name {
$enum_vis:vis enum $enum_name:ident {
) => {
$enum_vis enum $enum_name {
$enum_vis:vis enum $enum_name:ident {
$tag_name:ident $field_name:ident $vname:ident$(($vtype:ty))?,
) => {
$enum_vis enum $enum_name {
impl $enum_name {
implement_new_from_sql!($enum_name; $($vname$(($vtype))? $tag_name),*);
implement_get_tag!($enum_name; $($vname$(($vtype))? $tag_name),*);
implement_from_tag_primitive_pair!($enum_name; $($vname$(($vtype))? $tag_name),*);
fn make_field_matches_tag_type_test_vector() -> Vec<KmKeyParameter> {
tag: Tag::$tag_name,
value: KmKeyParameterValue::$field_name(Default::default())}
fn make_key_parameter_defaults_vector() -> Vec<KeyParameter> {
value: KeyParameterValue::$vname$((<$vtype as Default>::default()))?,
security_level: SecurityLevel(100),
$($vname$(($vtype))? $tag_name $field_name),*
implement_to_sql!($enum_name; $($vname$(($vtype))?),*);
implement_key_parameter_value! {
/// KeyParameterValue holds a value corresponding to one of the Tags defined in
/// the AIDL spec at hardware/interfaces/security/keymint
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum KeyParameterValue {
/// Associated with Tag:INVALID
#[key_param(tag = INVALID, field = Invalid)]
/// Set of purposes for which the key may be used
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_primitive")]
#[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_primitive")]
#[key_param(tag = PURPOSE, field = KeyPurpose)]
/// Cryptographic algorithm with which the key is used
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_primitive")]
#[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_primitive")]
#[key_param(tag = ALGORITHM, field = Algorithm)]
/// Size of the key , in bits
#[key_param(tag = KEY_SIZE, field = Integer)]
/// Block cipher mode(s) with which the key may be used
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_primitive")]
#[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_primitive")]
#[key_param(tag = BLOCK_MODE, field = BlockMode)]
/// Digest algorithms that may be used with the key to perform signing and verification
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_primitive")]
#[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_primitive")]
#[key_param(tag = DIGEST, field = Digest)]
/// Padding modes that may be used with the key. Relevant to RSA, AES and 3DES keys.
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_primitive")]
#[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_primitive")]
#[key_param(tag = PADDING, field = PaddingMode)]
/// Can the caller provide a nonce for nonce-requiring operations
#[key_param(tag = CALLER_NONCE, field = BoolValue)]
/// Minimum length of MAC for HMAC keys and AES keys that support GCM mode
#[key_param(tag = MIN_MAC_LENGTH, field = Integer)]
/// The elliptic curve
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_primitive")]
#[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_primitive")]
#[key_param(tag = EC_CURVE, field = EcCurve)]
/// Value of the public exponent for an RSA key pair
#[key_param(tag = RSA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, field = LongInteger)]
/// An attestation certificate for the generated key should contain an application-scoped
/// and time-bounded device-unique ID
#[key_param(tag = INCLUDE_UNIQUE_ID, field = BoolValue)]
//TODO: find out about this
// /// Necessary system environment conditions for the generated key to be used
// KeyBlobUsageRequirements(KeyBlobUsageRequirements),
/// Only the boot loader can use the key
#[key_param(tag = BOOTLOADER_ONLY, field = BoolValue)]
/// When deleted, the key is guaranteed to be permanently deleted and unusable
#[key_param(tag = ROLLBACK_RESISTANCE, field = BoolValue)]
/// The Key shall only be used during the early boot stage
#[key_param(tag = EARLY_BOOT_ONLY, field = BoolValue)]
/// The date and time at which the key becomes active
#[key_param(tag = ACTIVE_DATETIME, field = DateTime)]
/// The date and time at which the key expires for signing and encryption
#[key_param(tag = ORIGINATION_EXPIRE_DATETIME, field = DateTime)]
/// The date and time at which the key expires for verification and decryption
#[key_param(tag = USAGE_EXPIRE_DATETIME, field = DateTime)]
/// Minimum amount of time that elapses between allowed operations
#[key_param(tag = MIN_SECONDS_BETWEEN_OPS, field = Integer)]
/// Maximum number of times that a key may be used between system reboots
#[key_param(tag = MAX_USES_PER_BOOT, field = Integer)]
/// The number of times that a limited use key can be used
#[key_param(tag = USAGE_COUNT_LIMIT, field = Integer)]
/// ID of the Android user that is permitted to use the key
#[key_param(tag = USER_ID, field = Integer)]
/// A key may only be used under a particular secure user authentication state
#[key_param(tag = USER_SECURE_ID, field = LongInteger)]
/// No authentication is required to use this key
#[key_param(tag = NO_AUTH_REQUIRED, field = BoolValue)]
/// The types of user authenticators that may be used to authorize this key
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_primitive")]
#[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_primitive")]
#[key_param(tag = USER_AUTH_TYPE, field = HardwareAuthenticatorType)]
/// The time in seconds for which the key is authorized for use, after user authentication
#[key_param(tag = AUTH_TIMEOUT, field = Integer)]
/// The key may be used after authentication timeout if device is still on-body
#[key_param(tag = ALLOW_WHILE_ON_BODY, field = BoolValue)]
/// The key must be unusable except when the user has provided proof of physical presence
#[key_param(tag = TRUSTED_USER_PRESENCE_REQUIRED, field = BoolValue)]
/// Applicable to keys with KeyPurpose SIGN, and specifies that this key must not be usable
/// unless the user provides confirmation of the data to be signed
#[key_param(tag = TRUSTED_CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED, field = BoolValue)]
/// The key may only be used when the device is unlocked
#[key_param(tag = UNLOCKED_DEVICE_REQUIRED, field = BoolValue)]
/// When provided to generateKey or importKey, this tag specifies data
/// that is necessary during all uses of the key
#[key_param(tag = APPLICATION_ID, field = Blob)]
/// When provided to generateKey or importKey, this tag specifies data
/// that is necessary during all uses of the key
#[key_param(tag = APPLICATION_DATA, field = Blob)]
/// Specifies the date and time the key was created
#[key_param(tag = CREATION_DATETIME, field = DateTime)]
/// Specifies where the key was created, if known
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_primitive")]
#[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_primitive")]
#[key_param(tag = ORIGIN, field = Origin)]
/// The key used by verified boot to validate the operating system booted
#[key_param(tag = ROOT_OF_TRUST, field = Blob)]
/// System OS version with which the key may be used
#[key_param(tag = OS_VERSION, field = Integer)]
/// Specifies the system security patch level with which the key may be used
#[key_param(tag = OS_PATCHLEVEL, field = Integer)]
/// Specifies a unique, time-based identifier
#[key_param(tag = UNIQUE_ID, field = Blob)]
/// Used to deliver a "challenge" value to the attestKey() method
#[key_param(tag = ATTESTATION_CHALLENGE, field = Blob)]
/// The set of applications which may use a key, used only with attestKey()
#[key_param(tag = ATTESTATION_APPLICATION_ID, field = Blob)]
/// Provides the device's brand name, to attestKey()
#[key_param(tag = ATTESTATION_ID_BRAND, field = Blob)]
/// Provides the device's device name, to attestKey()
#[key_param(tag = ATTESTATION_ID_DEVICE, field = Blob)]
/// Provides the device's product name, to attestKey()
#[key_param(tag = ATTESTATION_ID_PRODUCT, field = Blob)]
/// Provides the device's serial number, to attestKey()
#[key_param(tag = ATTESTATION_ID_SERIAL, field = Blob)]
/// Provides the primary IMEI for the device, to attestKey()
#[key_param(tag = ATTESTATION_ID_IMEI, field = Blob)]
/// Provides a second IMEI for the device, to attestKey()
#[key_param(tag = ATTESTATION_ID_SECOND_IMEI, field = Blob)]
/// Provides the MEIDs for all radios on the device, to attestKey()
#[key_param(tag = ATTESTATION_ID_MEID, field = Blob)]
/// Provides the device's manufacturer name, to attestKey()
#[key_param(tag = ATTESTATION_ID_MANUFACTURER, field = Blob)]
/// Provides the device's model name, to attestKey()
#[key_param(tag = ATTESTATION_ID_MODEL, field = Blob)]
/// Specifies the vendor image security patch level with which the key may be used
#[key_param(tag = VENDOR_PATCHLEVEL, field = Integer)]
/// Specifies the boot image (kernel) security patch level with which the key may be used
#[key_param(tag = BOOT_PATCHLEVEL, field = Integer)]
/// Provides "associated data" for AES-GCM encryption or decryption
#[key_param(tag = ASSOCIATED_DATA, field = Blob)]
/// Provides or returns a nonce or Initialization Vector (IV) for AES-GCM,
/// AES-CBC, AES-CTR, or 3DES-CBC encryption or decryption
#[key_param(tag = NONCE, field = Blob)]
/// Provides the requested length of a MAC or GCM authentication tag, in bits
#[key_param(tag = MAC_LENGTH, field = Integer)]
/// Specifies whether the device has been factory reset since the
/// last unique ID rotation. Used for key attestation
#[key_param(tag = RESET_SINCE_ID_ROTATION, field = BoolValue)]
/// Used to deliver a cryptographic token proving that the user
/// confirmed a signing request
#[key_param(tag = CONFIRMATION_TOKEN, field = Blob)]
/// Used to deliver the certificate serial number to the KeyMint instance
/// certificate generation.
#[key_param(tag = CERTIFICATE_SERIAL, field = Blob)]
/// Used to deliver the certificate subject to the KeyMint instance
/// certificate generation. This must be DER encoded X509 name.
#[key_param(tag = CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT, field = Blob)]
/// Used to deliver the not before date in milliseconds to KeyMint during key generation/import.
#[key_param(tag = CERTIFICATE_NOT_BEFORE, field = DateTime)]
/// Used to deliver the not after date in milliseconds to KeyMint during key generation/import.
#[key_param(tag = CERTIFICATE_NOT_AFTER, field = DateTime)]
/// Specifies a maximum boot level at which a key should function
#[key_param(tag = MAX_BOOT_LEVEL, field = Integer)]
impl From<&KmKeyParameter> for KeyParameterValue {
fn from(kp: &KmKeyParameter) -> Self {
/// KeyParameter wraps the KeyParameterValue and the security level at which it is enforced.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct KeyParameter {
value: KeyParameterValue,
#[serde(deserialize_with = "deserialize_primitive")]
#[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_primitive")]
security_level: SecurityLevel,
impl KeyParameter {
/// Create an instance of KeyParameter, given the value and the security level.
pub fn new(value: KeyParameterValue, security_level: SecurityLevel) -> Self {
KeyParameter { value, security_level }
/// Construct a KeyParameter from the data from a rusqlite row.
/// Note that following variants of KeyParameterValue should not be stored:
/// IncludeUniqueID, ApplicationID, ApplicationData, RootOfTrust, UniqueID,
/// Attestation*, AssociatedData, Nonce, MacLength, ResetSinceIdRotation, ConfirmationToken.
/// This filtering is enforced at a higher level and here we support conversion for all the
/// variants.
pub fn new_from_sql(
tag_val: Tag,
data: &SqlField,
security_level_val: SecurityLevel,
) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
value: KeyParameterValue::new_from_sql(tag_val, data)?,
security_level: security_level_val,
/// Get the KeyMint Tag of this this key parameter.
pub fn get_tag(&self) -> Tag {
/// Returns key parameter value.
pub fn key_parameter_value(&self) -> &KeyParameterValue {
/// Returns the security level of this key parameter.
pub fn security_level(&self) -> &SecurityLevel {
/// An authorization is a KeyParameter with an associated security level that is used
/// to convey the key characteristics to keystore clients. This function consumes
/// an internal KeyParameter representation to produce the Authorization wire type.
pub fn into_authorization(self) -> Authorization {
Authorization { securityLevel: self.security_level, keyParameter: self.value.into() }
mod generated_key_parameter_tests {
use super::*;
use android_hardware_security_keymint::aidl::android::hardware::security::keymint::TagType::TagType;
fn get_field_by_tag_type(tag: Tag) -> KmKeyParameterValue {
let tag_type = TagType((tag.0 as u32 & 0xF0000000) as i32);
match tag {
Tag::ALGORITHM => return KmKeyParameterValue::Algorithm(Default::default()),
Tag::BLOCK_MODE => return KmKeyParameterValue::BlockMode(Default::default()),
Tag::PADDING => return KmKeyParameterValue::PaddingMode(Default::default()),
Tag::DIGEST => return KmKeyParameterValue::Digest(Default::default()),
Tag::EC_CURVE => return KmKeyParameterValue::EcCurve(Default::default()),
Tag::ORIGIN => return KmKeyParameterValue::Origin(Default::default()),
Tag::PURPOSE => return KmKeyParameterValue::KeyPurpose(Default::default()),
return KmKeyParameterValue::HardwareAuthenticatorType(Default::default())
Tag::HARDWARE_TYPE => return KmKeyParameterValue::SecurityLevel(Default::default()),
_ => {}
match tag_type {
TagType::INVALID => return KmKeyParameterValue::Invalid(Default::default()),
TagType::ENUM | TagType::ENUM_REP => {}
TagType::UINT | TagType::UINT_REP => {
return KmKeyParameterValue::Integer(Default::default())
TagType::ULONG | TagType::ULONG_REP => {
return KmKeyParameterValue::LongInteger(Default::default())
TagType::DATE => return KmKeyParameterValue::DateTime(Default::default()),
TagType::BOOL => return KmKeyParameterValue::BoolValue(Default::default()),
TagType::BIGNUM | TagType::BYTES => {
return KmKeyParameterValue::Blob(Default::default())
_ => {}
panic!("Unknown tag/tag_type: {:?} {:?}", tag, tag_type);
fn check_field_matches_tag_type(list_o_parameters: &[KmKeyParameter]) {
for kp in list_o_parameters.iter() {
match (&kp.value, get_field_by_tag_type(kp.tag)) {
(&KmKeyParameterValue::Algorithm(_), KmKeyParameterValue::Algorithm(_))
| (&KmKeyParameterValue::BlockMode(_), KmKeyParameterValue::BlockMode(_))
| (&KmKeyParameterValue::PaddingMode(_), KmKeyParameterValue::PaddingMode(_))
| (&KmKeyParameterValue::Digest(_), KmKeyParameterValue::Digest(_))
| (&KmKeyParameterValue::EcCurve(_), KmKeyParameterValue::EcCurve(_))
| (&KmKeyParameterValue::Origin(_), KmKeyParameterValue::Origin(_))
| (&KmKeyParameterValue::KeyPurpose(_), KmKeyParameterValue::KeyPurpose(_))
| (
| (&KmKeyParameterValue::SecurityLevel(_), KmKeyParameterValue::SecurityLevel(_))
| (&KmKeyParameterValue::Invalid(_), KmKeyParameterValue::Invalid(_))
| (&KmKeyParameterValue::Integer(_), KmKeyParameterValue::Integer(_))
| (&KmKeyParameterValue::LongInteger(_), KmKeyParameterValue::LongInteger(_))
| (&KmKeyParameterValue::DateTime(_), KmKeyParameterValue::DateTime(_))
| (&KmKeyParameterValue::BoolValue(_), KmKeyParameterValue::BoolValue(_))
| (&KmKeyParameterValue::Blob(_), KmKeyParameterValue::Blob(_)) => {}
(actual, expected) => panic!(
"Tag {:?} associated with variant {:?} expected {:?}",
kp.tag, actual, expected
fn key_parameter_value_field_matches_tag_type() {
fn key_parameter_serialization_test() {
let params = KeyParameterValue::make_key_parameter_defaults_vector();
let mut out_buffer: Vec<u8> = Default::default();
serde_cbor::to_writer(&mut out_buffer, &params)
.expect("Failed to serialize key parameters.");
let deserialized_params: Vec<KeyParameter> =
serde_cbor::from_reader(&mut out_buffer.as_slice())
.expect("Failed to deserialize key parameters.");
assert_eq!(params, deserialized_params);
mod basic_tests {
use crate::key_parameter::*;
// Test basic functionality of KeyParameter.
fn test_key_parameter() {
let key_parameter = KeyParameter::new(
assert_eq!(key_parameter.get_tag(), Tag::ALGORITHM);
assert_eq!(*key_parameter.security_level(), SecurityLevel::STRONGBOX);
/// The storage_tests module first tests the 'new_from_sql' method for KeyParameters of different
/// data types and then tests 'to_sql' method for KeyParameters of those
/// different data types. The five different data types for KeyParameter values are:
/// i) enums of u32
/// ii) u32
/// iii) u64
/// iv) Vec<u8>
/// v) bool
mod storage_tests {
use crate::error::*;
use crate::key_parameter::*;
use anyhow::Result;
use rusqlite::types::ToSql;
use rusqlite::{params, Connection, NO_PARAMS};
/// Test initializing a KeyParameter (with key parameter value corresponding to an enum of i32)
/// from a database table row.
fn test_new_from_sql_enum_i32() -> Result<()> {
let db = init_db()?;
let key_param = query_from_keyparameter(&db)?;
assert_eq!(Tag::ALGORITHM, key_param.get_tag());
assert_eq!(*key_param.key_parameter_value(), KeyParameterValue::Algorithm(Algorithm::RSA));
assert_eq!(*key_param.security_level(), SecurityLevel::STRONGBOX);
/// Test initializing a KeyParameter (with key parameter value which is of i32)
/// from a database table row.
fn test_new_from_sql_i32() -> Result<()> {
let db = init_db()?;
insert_into_keyparameter(&db, 1, Tag::KEY_SIZE.0, &1024, SecurityLevel::STRONGBOX.0)?;
let key_param = query_from_keyparameter(&db)?;
assert_eq!(Tag::KEY_SIZE, key_param.get_tag());
assert_eq!(*key_param.key_parameter_value(), KeyParameterValue::KeySize(1024));
/// Test initializing a KeyParameter (with key parameter value which is of i64)
/// from a database table row.
fn test_new_from_sql_i64() -> Result<()> {
let db = init_db()?;
// max value for i64, just to test corner cases
let key_param = query_from_keyparameter(&db)?;
assert_eq!(Tag::RSA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, key_param.get_tag());
/// Test initializing a KeyParameter (with key parameter value which is of bool)
/// from a database table row.
fn test_new_from_sql_bool() -> Result<()> {
let db = init_db()?;
insert_into_keyparameter(&db, 1, Tag::CALLER_NONCE.0, &Null, SecurityLevel::STRONGBOX.0)?;
let key_param = query_from_keyparameter(&db)?;
assert_eq!(Tag::CALLER_NONCE, key_param.get_tag());
assert_eq!(*key_param.key_parameter_value(), KeyParameterValue::CallerNonce);
/// Test initializing a KeyParameter (with key parameter value which is of Vec<u8>)
/// from a database table row.
fn test_new_from_sql_vec_u8() -> Result<()> {
let db = init_db()?;
let app_id = String::from("MyAppID");
let app_id_bytes = app_id.into_bytes();
let key_param = query_from_keyparameter(&db)?;
assert_eq!(Tag::APPLICATION_ID, key_param.get_tag());
/// Test storing a KeyParameter (with key parameter value which corresponds to an enum of i32)
/// in the database
fn test_to_sql_enum_i32() -> Result<()> {
let db = init_db()?;
let kp = KeyParameter::new(
store_keyparameter(&db, 1, &kp)?;
let key_param = query_from_keyparameter(&db)?;
assert_eq!(kp.get_tag(), key_param.get_tag());
assert_eq!(kp.key_parameter_value(), key_param.key_parameter_value());
assert_eq!(kp.security_level(), key_param.security_level());
/// Test storing a KeyParameter (with key parameter value which is of i32) in the database
fn test_to_sql_i32() -> Result<()> {
let db = init_db()?;
let kp = KeyParameter::new(KeyParameterValue::KeySize(1024), SecurityLevel::STRONGBOX);
store_keyparameter(&db, 1, &kp)?;
let key_param = query_from_keyparameter(&db)?;
assert_eq!(kp.get_tag(), key_param.get_tag());
assert_eq!(kp.key_parameter_value(), key_param.key_parameter_value());
assert_eq!(kp.security_level(), key_param.security_level());
/// Test storing a KeyParameter (with key parameter value which is of i64) in the database
fn test_to_sql_i64() -> Result<()> {
let db = init_db()?;
// max value for i64, just to test corner cases
let kp = KeyParameter::new(
store_keyparameter(&db, 1, &kp)?;
let key_param = query_from_keyparameter(&db)?;
assert_eq!(kp.get_tag(), key_param.get_tag());
assert_eq!(kp.key_parameter_value(), key_param.key_parameter_value());
assert_eq!(kp.security_level(), key_param.security_level());
/// Test storing a KeyParameter (with key parameter value which is of Vec<u8>) in the database
fn test_to_sql_vec_u8() -> Result<()> {
let db = init_db()?;
let kp = KeyParameter::new(
store_keyparameter(&db, 1, &kp)?;
let key_param = query_from_keyparameter(&db)?;
assert_eq!(kp.get_tag(), key_param.get_tag());
assert_eq!(kp.key_parameter_value(), key_param.key_parameter_value());
assert_eq!(kp.security_level(), key_param.security_level());
/// Test storing a KeyParameter (with key parameter value which is of i32) in the database
fn test_to_sql_bool() -> Result<()> {
let db = init_db()?;
let kp = KeyParameter::new(KeyParameterValue::CallerNonce, SecurityLevel::STRONGBOX);
store_keyparameter(&db, 1, &kp)?;
let key_param = query_from_keyparameter(&db)?;
assert_eq!(kp.get_tag(), key_param.get_tag());
assert_eq!(kp.key_parameter_value(), key_param.key_parameter_value());
assert_eq!(kp.security_level(), key_param.security_level());
/// Test Tag::Invalid
fn test_invalid_tag() -> Result<()> {
let db = init_db()?;
insert_into_keyparameter(&db, 1, 0, &123, 1)?;
let key_param = query_from_keyparameter(&db)?;
assert_eq!(Tag::INVALID, key_param.get_tag());
fn test_non_existing_enum_variant() -> Result<()> {
let db = init_db()?;
insert_into_keyparameter(&db, 1, 100, &123, 1)?;
let key_param = query_from_keyparameter(&db)?;
assert_eq!(Tag::INVALID, key_param.get_tag());
fn test_invalid_conversion_from_sql() -> Result<()> {
let db = init_db()?;
insert_into_keyparameter(&db, 1, Tag::ALGORITHM.0, &Null, 1)?;
"Failed to read sql data for tag: ALGORITHM.",
/// Helper method to init database table for key parameter
fn init_db() -> Result<Connection> {
let db = Connection::open_in_memory().context("Failed to initialize sqlite connection.")?;
db.execute("ATTACH DATABASE ? as 'persistent';", params![""])
.context("Failed to attach databases.")?;
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS persistent.keyparameter (
keyentryid INTEGER,
data ANY,
security_level INTEGER);",
.context("Failed to initialize \"keyparameter\" table.")?;
/// Helper method to insert an entry into key parameter table, with individual parameters
fn insert_into_keyparameter<T: ToSql>(
db: &Connection,
key_id: i64,
tag: i32,
value: &T,
security_level: i32,
) -> Result<()> {
"INSERT into persistent.keyparameter (keyentryid, tag, data, security_level)
VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);",
params![key_id, tag, *value, security_level],
/// Helper method to store a key parameter instance.
fn store_keyparameter(db: &Connection, key_id: i64, kp: &KeyParameter) -> Result<()> {
"INSERT into persistent.keyparameter (keyentryid, tag, data, security_level)
VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);",
params![key_id, kp.get_tag().0, kp.key_parameter_value(), kp.security_level().0],
/// Helper method to query a row from keyparameter table
fn query_from_keyparameter(db: &Connection) -> Result<KeyParameter> {
let mut stmt =
db.prepare("SELECT tag, data, security_level FROM persistent.keyparameter")?;
let mut rows = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS)?;
let row =;
&SqlField::new(1, row),
/// The wire_tests module tests the 'convert_to_wire' and 'convert_from_wire' methods for
/// KeyParameter, for the four different types used in KmKeyParameter, in addition to Invalid
/// key parameter.
/// i) bool
/// ii) integer
/// iii) longInteger
/// iv) blob
mod wire_tests {
use crate::key_parameter::*;
/// unit tests for to conversions
fn test_convert_to_wire_invalid() {
let kp = KeyParameter::new(KeyParameterValue::Invalid, SecurityLevel::STRONGBOX);
KmKeyParameter { tag: Tag::INVALID, value: KmKeyParameterValue::Invalid(0) },
fn test_convert_to_wire_bool() {
let kp = KeyParameter::new(KeyParameterValue::CallerNonce, SecurityLevel::STRONGBOX);
KmKeyParameter { tag: Tag::CALLER_NONCE, value: KmKeyParameterValue::BoolValue(true) },
fn test_convert_to_wire_integer() {
let kp = KeyParameter::new(
KmKeyParameter {
tag: Tag::PURPOSE,
value: KmKeyParameterValue::KeyPurpose(KeyPurpose::ENCRYPT)
fn test_convert_to_wire_long_integer() {
let kp =
KeyParameter::new(KeyParameterValue::UserSecureID(i64::MAX), SecurityLevel::STRONGBOX);
KmKeyParameter {
value: KmKeyParameterValue::LongInteger(i64::MAX)
fn test_convert_to_wire_blob() {
let kp = KeyParameter::new(
KmKeyParameter {
value: KmKeyParameterValue::Blob(String::from("ConfirmationToken").into_bytes())
/// unit tests for from conversion
fn test_convert_from_wire_invalid() {
let aidl_kp = KmKeyParameter { tag: Tag::INVALID, ..Default::default() };
assert_eq!(KeyParameterValue::Invalid, aidl_kp.into());
fn test_convert_from_wire_bool() {
let aidl_kp =
KmKeyParameter { tag: Tag::CALLER_NONCE, value: KmKeyParameterValue::BoolValue(true) };
assert_eq!(KeyParameterValue::CallerNonce, aidl_kp.into());
fn test_convert_from_wire_integer() {
let aidl_kp = KmKeyParameter {
tag: Tag::PURPOSE,
value: KmKeyParameterValue::KeyPurpose(KeyPurpose::ENCRYPT),
assert_eq!(KeyParameterValue::KeyPurpose(KeyPurpose::ENCRYPT), aidl_kp.into());
fn test_convert_from_wire_long_integer() {
let aidl_kp = KmKeyParameter {
value: KmKeyParameterValue::LongInteger(i64::MAX),
assert_eq!(KeyParameterValue::UserSecureID(i64::MAX), aidl_kp.into());
fn test_convert_from_wire_blob() {
let aidl_kp = KmKeyParameter {
value: KmKeyParameterValue::Blob(String::from("ConfirmationToken").into_bytes()),