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* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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* limitations under the License.
* ClatdControllerTest.cpp - unit tests for ClatdController.cpp
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <string>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <netutils/ifc.h>
extern "C" {
#include <netutils/checksum.h>
#include "ClatdController.h"
#include "IptablesBaseTest.h"
#include "NetworkController.h"
#include "tun_interface.h"
static const char kIPv4LocalAddr[] = "";
namespace android {
namespace net {
using android::base::StringPrintf;
// Mock functions for isIpv4AddressFree.
bool neverFree(in_addr_t /* addr */) {
return 0;
bool alwaysFree(in_addr_t /* addr */) {
return 1;
bool only2Free(in_addr_t addr) {
return (ntohl(addr) & 0xff) == 2;
bool over6Free(in_addr_t addr) {
return (ntohl(addr) & 0xff) >= 6;
bool only10Free(in_addr_t addr) {
return (ntohl(addr) & 0xff) == 10;
class ClatdControllerTest : public IptablesBaseTest {
ClatdControllerTest() : mClatdCtrl(nullptr) {
ClatdController::iptablesRestoreFunction = fakeExecIptablesRestore;
void SetUp() { resetIpv4AddressFreeFunc(); }
ClatdController mClatdCtrl;
bool isEbpfDisabled() { return mClatdCtrl.getEbpfMode() == ClatdController::ClatEbpfDisabled; }
void maybeSetIptablesDropRule(bool a, const char* b, const char* c) {
std::lock_guard guard(mClatdCtrl.mutex);
return mClatdCtrl.maybeSetIptablesDropRule(a, b, c);
void setIpv4AddressFreeFunc(bool (*func)(in_addr_t)) {
ClatdController::isIpv4AddressFreeFunc = func;
void resetIpv4AddressFreeFunc() {
ClatdController::isIpv4AddressFreeFunc = ClatdController::isIpv4AddressFree;
in_addr_t selectIpv4Address(const in_addr a, int16_t b) {
return ClatdController::selectIpv4Address(a, b);
void makeChecksumNeutral(in6_addr* a, const in_addr b, const in6_addr& c) {
ClatdController::makeChecksumNeutral(a, b, c);
TEST_F(ClatdControllerTest, SelectIpv4Address) {
struct in_addr addr;
inet_pton(AF_INET, kIPv4LocalAddr, &addr);
// If no addresses are free, return INADDR_NONE.
EXPECT_EQ(INADDR_NONE, selectIpv4Address(addr, 29));
EXPECT_EQ(INADDR_NONE, selectIpv4Address(addr, 16));
// If the configured address is free, pick that. But a prefix that's too big is invalid.
EXPECT_EQ(inet_addr(kIPv4LocalAddr), selectIpv4Address(addr, 29));
EXPECT_EQ(inet_addr(kIPv4LocalAddr), selectIpv4Address(addr, 20));
EXPECT_EQ(INADDR_NONE, selectIpv4Address(addr, 15));
// A prefix length of 32 works, but anything above it is invalid.
EXPECT_EQ(inet_addr(kIPv4LocalAddr), selectIpv4Address(addr, 32));
EXPECT_EQ(INADDR_NONE, selectIpv4Address(addr, 33));
// If another address is free, pick it.
EXPECT_EQ(inet_addr(""), selectIpv4Address(addr, 29));
// Check that we wrap around to addresses that are lower than the first address.
EXPECT_EQ(inet_addr(""), selectIpv4Address(addr, 29));
EXPECT_EQ(INADDR_NONE, selectIpv4Address(addr, 30));
// If a free address exists outside the prefix, we don't pick it.
EXPECT_EQ(INADDR_NONE, selectIpv4Address(addr, 29));
EXPECT_EQ(inet_addr(""), selectIpv4Address(addr, 24));
// Now try using the real function which sees if IP addresses are free using bind().
// Assume that the machine running the test has the address, but not
addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
EXPECT_EQ(inet_addr(""), selectIpv4Address(addr, 29));
addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
EXPECT_EQ(inet_addr(""), selectIpv4Address(addr, 29));
TEST_F(ClatdControllerTest, MakeChecksumNeutral) {
// We can't test generateIPv6Address here since it requires manipulating routing, which we can't
// do without talking to the real netd on the system.
uint32_t rand = arc4random_uniform(0xffffffff);
uint16_t rand1 = rand & 0xffff;
uint16_t rand2 = (rand >> 16) & 0xffff;
std::string v6PrefixStr = StringPrintf("2001:db8:%x:%x", rand1, rand2);
std::string v6InterfaceAddrStr = StringPrintf("%s::%x:%x", v6PrefixStr.c_str(), rand2, rand1);
std::string nat64PrefixStr = StringPrintf("2001:db8:%x:%x::", rand2, rand1);
in_addr v4 = {inet_addr(kIPv4LocalAddr)};
in6_addr v6InterfaceAddr;
ASSERT_TRUE(inet_pton(AF_INET6, v6InterfaceAddrStr.c_str(), &v6InterfaceAddr));
in6_addr nat64Prefix;
ASSERT_TRUE(inet_pton(AF_INET6, nat64PrefixStr.c_str(), &nat64Prefix));
// Generate a boatload of random IIDs.
int onebits = 0;
uint64_t prev_iid = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
in6_addr v6 = v6InterfaceAddr;
makeChecksumNeutral(&v6, v4, nat64Prefix);
// Check the generated IP address is in the same prefix as the interface IPv6 address.
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(&v6, &v6InterfaceAddr, 8));
// Check that consecutive IIDs are not the same.
uint64_t iid = *(uint64_t*)(&v6.s6_addr[8]);
ASSERT_TRUE(iid != prev_iid)
<< "Two consecutive random IIDs are the same: " << std::showbase << std::hex << iid
<< "\n";
prev_iid = iid;
// Check that the IID is checksum-neutral with the NAT64 prefix and the
// local prefix.
uint16_t c1 = ip_checksum_finish(ip_checksum_add(0, &v4, sizeof(v4)));
uint16_t c2 = ip_checksum_finish(ip_checksum_add(0, &nat64Prefix, sizeof(nat64Prefix)) +
ip_checksum_add(0, &v6, sizeof(v6)));
if (c1 != c2) {
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &v6, v6Str, sizeof(v6Str));
FAIL() << "Bad IID: " << v6Str << " not checksum-neutral with " << kIPv4LocalAddr
<< " and " << nat64PrefixStr.c_str() << std::showbase << std::hex
<< "\n IPv4 checksum: " << c1 << "\n IPv6 checksum: " << c2 << "\n";
// Check that IIDs are roughly random and use all the bits by counting the
// total number of bits set to 1 in a random sample of 100000 generated IIDs.
onebits += __builtin_popcountll(*(uint64_t*)&iid);
EXPECT_LE(3190000, onebits);
EXPECT_GE(3210000, onebits);
TEST_F(ClatdControllerTest, AddRemoveIptablesRule) {
if (isEbpfDisabled()) return;
ExpectedIptablesCommands expected = {
"-A clat_raw_PREROUTING -s 64:ff9b::/96 -d 2001:db8::1:2:3:4 -j DROP\n"
maybeSetIptablesDropRule(true, "64:ff9b::", "2001:db8::1:2:3:4");
expected = {
"-D clat_raw_PREROUTING -s 64:ff9b::/96 -d 2001:db8::a:b:c:d -j DROP\n"
maybeSetIptablesDropRule(false, "64:ff9b::", "2001:db8::a:b:c:d");
} // namespace net
} // namespace android