blob: bcea9a82a17a6ed65220049ed9206d6552d81acb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "dns_responder.h"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#define LOG_TAG "DNSResponder"
#include <log/log.h>
#include <netdutils/SocketOption.h>
using android::netdutils::enableSockopt;
namespace test {
std::string errno2str() {
char error_msg[512] = { 0 };
if (strerror_r(errno, error_msg, sizeof(error_msg)))
return std::string();
return std::string(error_msg);
#define APLOGI(fmt, ...) ALOGI(fmt ": [%d] %s", __VA_ARGS__, errno, errno2str().c_str())
std::string str2hex(const char* buffer, size_t len) {
std::string str(len*2, '\0');
for (size_t i = 0 ; i < len ; ++i) {
static const char* hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
uint8_t c = buffer[i];
str[i*2] = hex[c >> 4];
str[i*2 + 1] = hex[c & 0x0F];
return str;
std::string addr2str(const sockaddr* sa, socklen_t sa_len) {
char host_str[NI_MAXHOST] = { 0 };
int rv = getnameinfo(sa, sa_len, host_str, sizeof(host_str), nullptr, 0,
if (rv == 0) return std::string(host_str);
return std::string();
/* DNS struct helpers */
const char* dnstype2str(unsigned dnstype) {
static std::unordered_map<unsigned, const char*> kTypeStrs = {
{ ns_type::ns_t_a, "A" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_ns, "NS" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_md, "MD" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_mf, "MF" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_cname, "CNAME" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_soa, "SOA" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_mb, "MB" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_mb, "MG" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_mr, "MR" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_null, "NULL" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_wks, "WKS" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_ptr, "PTR" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_hinfo, "HINFO" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_minfo, "MINFO" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_mx, "MX" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_txt, "TXT" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_rp, "RP" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_afsdb, "AFSDB" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_x25, "X25" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_isdn, "ISDN" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_rt, "RT" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_nsap, "NSAP" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_nsap_ptr, "NSAP-PTR" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_sig, "SIG" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_key, "KEY" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_px, "PX" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_gpos, "GPOS" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_aaaa, "AAAA" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_loc, "LOC" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_nxt, "NXT" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_eid, "EID" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_nimloc, "NIMLOC" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_srv, "SRV" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_naptr, "NAPTR" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_kx, "KX" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_cert, "CERT" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_a6, "A6" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_dname, "DNAME" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_sink, "SINK" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_opt, "OPT" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_apl, "APL" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_tkey, "TKEY" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_tsig, "TSIG" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_ixfr, "IXFR" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_axfr, "AXFR" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_mailb, "MAILB" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_maila, "MAILA" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_any, "ANY" },
{ ns_type::ns_t_zxfr, "ZXFR" },
auto it = kTypeStrs.find(dnstype);
static const char* kUnknownStr{ "UNKNOWN" };
if (it == kTypeStrs.end()) return kUnknownStr;
return it->second;
const char* dnsclass2str(unsigned dnsclass) {
static std::unordered_map<unsigned, const char*> kClassStrs = {
{ ns_class::ns_c_in , "Internet" },
{ 2, "CSNet" },
{ ns_class::ns_c_chaos, "ChaosNet" },
{ ns_class::ns_c_hs, "Hesiod" },
{ ns_class::ns_c_none, "none" },
{ ns_class::ns_c_any, "any" }
auto it = kClassStrs.find(dnsclass);
static const char* kUnknownStr{ "UNKNOWN" };
if (it == kClassStrs.end()) return kUnknownStr;
return it->second;
return "unknown";
struct DNSName {
std::string name;
const char* read(const char* buffer, const char* buffer_end);
char* write(char* buffer, const char* buffer_end) const;
const char* toString() const;
const char* parseField(const char* buffer, const char* buffer_end,
bool* last);
const char* DNSName::toString() const {
return name.c_str();
const char* DNSName::read(const char* buffer, const char* buffer_end) {
const char* cur = buffer;
bool last = false;
do {
cur = parseField(cur, buffer_end, &last);
if (cur == nullptr) {
ALOGI("parsing failed at line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
} while (!last);
return cur;
char* DNSName::write(char* buffer, const char* buffer_end) const {
char* buffer_cur = buffer;
for (size_t pos = 0 ; pos < name.size() ; ) {
size_t dot_pos = name.find('.', pos);
if (dot_pos == std::string::npos) {
// Sanity check, should never happen unless parseField is broken.
ALOGI("logic error: all names are expected to end with a '.'");
return nullptr;
size_t len = dot_pos - pos;
if (len >= 256) {
ALOGI("name component '%s' is %zu long, but max is 255",
name.substr(pos, dot_pos - pos).c_str(), len);
return nullptr;
if (buffer_cur + sizeof(uint8_t) + len > buffer_end) {
ALOGI("buffer overflow at line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
*buffer_cur++ = len;
buffer_cur = std::copy(std::next(name.begin(), pos),
std::next(name.begin(), dot_pos),
pos = dot_pos + 1;
// Write final zero.
*buffer_cur++ = 0;
return buffer_cur;
const char* DNSName::parseField(const char* buffer, const char* buffer_end,
bool* last) {
if (buffer + sizeof(uint8_t) > buffer_end) {
ALOGI("parsing failed at line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
unsigned field_type = *buffer >> 6;
unsigned ofs = *buffer & 0x3F;
const char* cur = buffer + sizeof(uint8_t);
if (field_type == 0) {
// length + name component
if (ofs == 0) {
*last = true;
return cur;
if (cur + ofs > buffer_end) {
ALOGI("parsing failed at line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
name.append(cur, ofs);
return cur + ofs;
} else if (field_type == 3) {
ALOGI("name compression not implemented");
return nullptr;
ALOGI("invalid name field type");
return nullptr;
struct DNSQuestion {
DNSName qname;
unsigned qtype;
unsigned qclass;
const char* read(const char* buffer, const char* buffer_end);
char* write(char* buffer, const char* buffer_end) const;
std::string toString() const;
const char* DNSQuestion::read(const char* buffer, const char* buffer_end) {
const char* cur =, buffer_end);
if (cur == nullptr) {
ALOGI("parsing failed at line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
if (cur + 2*sizeof(uint16_t) > buffer_end) {
ALOGI("parsing failed at line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
qtype = ntohs(*reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(cur));
qclass = ntohs(*reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(cur + sizeof(uint16_t)));
return cur + 2*sizeof(uint16_t);
char* DNSQuestion::write(char* buffer, const char* buffer_end) const {
char* buffer_cur = qname.write(buffer, buffer_end);
if (buffer_cur == nullptr) return nullptr;
if (buffer_cur + 2*sizeof(uint16_t) > buffer_end) {
ALOGI("buffer overflow on line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
*reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(buffer_cur) = htons(qtype);
*reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(buffer_cur + sizeof(uint16_t)) =
return buffer_cur + 2*sizeof(uint16_t);
std::string DNSQuestion::toString() const {
char buffer[4096];
int len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Q<%s,%s,%s>", qname.toString(),
dnstype2str(qtype), dnsclass2str(qclass));
return std::string(buffer, len);
struct DNSRecord {
DNSName name;
unsigned rtype;
unsigned rclass;
unsigned ttl;
std::vector<char> rdata;
const char* read(const char* buffer, const char* buffer_end);
char* write(char* buffer, const char* buffer_end) const;
std::string toString() const;
struct IntFields {
uint16_t rtype;
uint16_t rclass;
uint32_t ttl;
uint16_t rdlen;
} __attribute__((__packed__));
const char* readIntFields(const char* buffer, const char* buffer_end,
unsigned* rdlen);
char* writeIntFields(unsigned rdlen, char* buffer,
const char* buffer_end) const;
const char* DNSRecord::read(const char* buffer, const char* buffer_end) {
const char* cur =, buffer_end);
if (cur == nullptr) {
ALOGI("parsing failed at line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
unsigned rdlen = 0;
cur = readIntFields(cur, buffer_end, &rdlen);
if (cur == nullptr) {
ALOGI("parsing failed at line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
if (cur + rdlen > buffer_end) {
ALOGI("parsing failed at line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
rdata.assign(cur, cur + rdlen);
return cur + rdlen;
char* DNSRecord::write(char* buffer, const char* buffer_end) const {
char* buffer_cur = name.write(buffer, buffer_end);
if (buffer_cur == nullptr) return nullptr;
buffer_cur = writeIntFields(rdata.size(), buffer_cur, buffer_end);
if (buffer_cur == nullptr) return nullptr;
if (buffer_cur + rdata.size() > buffer_end) {
ALOGI("buffer overflow on line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
return std::copy(rdata.begin(), rdata.end(), buffer_cur);
std::string DNSRecord::toString() const {
char buffer[4096];
int len = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "R<%s,%s,%s>", name.toString(),
dnstype2str(rtype), dnsclass2str(rclass));
return std::string(buffer, len);
const char* DNSRecord::readIntFields(const char* buffer, const char* buffer_end,
unsigned* rdlen) {
if (buffer + sizeof(IntFields) > buffer_end ) {
ALOGI("parsing failed at line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
const auto& intfields = *reinterpret_cast<const IntFields*>(buffer);
rtype = ntohs(intfields.rtype);
rclass = ntohs(intfields.rclass);
ttl = ntohl(intfields.ttl);
*rdlen = ntohs(intfields.rdlen);
return buffer + sizeof(IntFields);
char* DNSRecord::writeIntFields(unsigned rdlen, char* buffer,
const char* buffer_end) const {
if (buffer + sizeof(IntFields) > buffer_end ) {
ALOGI("buffer overflow on line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
auto& intfields = *reinterpret_cast<IntFields*>(buffer);
intfields.rtype = htons(rtype);
intfields.rclass = htons(rclass);
intfields.ttl = htonl(ttl);
intfields.rdlen = htons(rdlen);
return buffer + sizeof(IntFields);
struct DNSHeader {
unsigned id;
bool ra;
uint8_t rcode;
bool qr;
uint8_t opcode;
bool aa;
bool tr;
bool rd;
bool ad;
std::vector<DNSQuestion> questions;
std::vector<DNSRecord> answers;
std::vector<DNSRecord> authorities;
std::vector<DNSRecord> additionals;
const char* read(const char* buffer, const char* buffer_end);
char* write(char* buffer, const char* buffer_end) const;
std::string toString() const;
struct Header {
uint16_t id;
uint8_t flags0;
uint8_t flags1;
uint16_t qdcount;
uint16_t ancount;
uint16_t nscount;
uint16_t arcount;
} __attribute__((__packed__));
const char* readHeader(const char* buffer, const char* buffer_end,
unsigned* qdcount, unsigned* ancount,
unsigned* nscount, unsigned* arcount);
const char* DNSHeader::read(const char* buffer, const char* buffer_end) {
unsigned qdcount;
unsigned ancount;
unsigned nscount;
unsigned arcount;
const char* cur = readHeader(buffer, buffer_end, &qdcount, &ancount,
&nscount, &arcount);
if (cur == nullptr) {
ALOGI("parsing failed at line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
if (qdcount) {
for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < qdcount ; ++i) {
cur = questions[i].read(cur, buffer_end);
if (cur == nullptr) {
ALOGI("parsing failed at line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
if (ancount) {
for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < ancount ; ++i) {
cur = answers[i].read(cur, buffer_end);
if (cur == nullptr) {
ALOGI("parsing failed at line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
if (nscount) {
for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < nscount ; ++i) {
cur = authorities[i].read(cur, buffer_end);
if (cur == nullptr) {
ALOGI("parsing failed at line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
if (arcount) {
for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < arcount ; ++i) {
cur = additionals[i].read(cur, buffer_end);
if (cur == nullptr) {
ALOGI("parsing failed at line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
return cur;
char* DNSHeader::write(char* buffer, const char* buffer_end) const {
if (buffer + sizeof(Header) > buffer_end) {
ALOGI("buffer overflow on line %d", __LINE__);
return nullptr;
Header& header = *reinterpret_cast<Header*>(buffer);
// bytes 0-1 = htons(id);
// byte 2: 7:qr, 3-6:opcode, 2:aa, 1:tr, 0:rd
header.flags0 = (qr << 7) | (opcode << 3) | (aa << 2) | (tr << 1) | rd;
// byte 3: 7:ra, 6:zero, 5:ad, 4:cd, 0-3:rcode
// Fake behavior: if the query set the "ad" bit, set it in the response too.
// In a real server, this should be set only if the data is authentic and the
// query contained an "ad" bit or DNSSEC extensions.
header.flags1 = (ad << 5) | rcode;
// rest of header
header.qdcount = htons(questions.size());
header.ancount = htons(answers.size());
header.nscount = htons(authorities.size());
header.arcount = htons(additionals.size());
char* buffer_cur = buffer + sizeof(Header);
for (const DNSQuestion& question : questions) {
buffer_cur = question.write(buffer_cur, buffer_end);
if (buffer_cur == nullptr) return nullptr;
for (const DNSRecord& answer : answers) {
buffer_cur = answer.write(buffer_cur, buffer_end);
if (buffer_cur == nullptr) return nullptr;
for (const DNSRecord& authority : authorities) {
buffer_cur = authority.write(buffer_cur, buffer_end);
if (buffer_cur == nullptr) return nullptr;
for (const DNSRecord& additional : additionals) {
buffer_cur = additional.write(buffer_cur, buffer_end);
if (buffer_cur == nullptr) return nullptr;
return buffer_cur;
std::string DNSHeader::toString() const {
return std::string();
const char* DNSHeader::readHeader(const char* buffer, const char* buffer_end,
unsigned* qdcount, unsigned* ancount,
unsigned* nscount, unsigned* arcount) {
if (buffer + sizeof(Header) > buffer_end)
return 0;
const auto& header = *reinterpret_cast<const Header*>(buffer);
// bytes 0-1
id = ntohs(;
// byte 2: 7:qr, 3-6:opcode, 2:aa, 1:tr, 0:rd
qr = header.flags0 >> 7;
opcode = (header.flags0 >> 3) & 0x0F;
aa = (header.flags0 >> 2) & 1;
tr = (header.flags0 >> 1) & 1;
rd = header.flags0 & 1;
// byte 3: 7:ra, 6:zero, 5:ad, 4:cd, 0-3:rcode
ra = header.flags1 >> 7;
ad = (header.flags1 >> 5) & 1;
rcode = header.flags1 & 0xF;
// rest of header
*qdcount = ntohs(header.qdcount);
*ancount = ntohs(header.ancount);
*nscount = ntohs(header.nscount);
*arcount = ntohs(header.arcount);
return buffer + sizeof(Header);
/* DNS responder */
DNSResponder::DNSResponder(std::string listen_address,
std::string listen_service, int poll_timeout_ms,
uint16_t error_rcode, double response_probability) :
listen_address_(std::move(listen_address)), listen_service_(std::move(listen_service)),
poll_timeout_ms_(poll_timeout_ms), error_rcode_(error_rcode),
socket_(-1), epoll_fd_(-1), terminate_(false) { }
DNSResponder::~DNSResponder() {
void DNSResponder::addMapping(const char* name, ns_type type,
const char* addr) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappings_mutex_);
auto it = mappings_.find(QueryKey(name, type));
if (it != mappings_.end()) {
ALOGI("Overwriting mapping for (%s, %s), previous address %s, new "
"address %s", name, dnstype2str(type), it->second.c_str(),
it->second = addr;
std::forward_as_tuple(name, type),
void DNSResponder::removeMapping(const char* name, ns_type type) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mappings_mutex_);
auto it = mappings_.find(QueryKey(name, type));
if (it != mappings_.end()) {
ALOGI("Cannot remove mapping mapping from (%s, %s), not present", name,
void DNSResponder::setResponseProbability(double response_probability) {
response_probability_ = response_probability;
bool DNSResponder::running() const {
return socket_ != -1;
bool DNSResponder::startServer() {
if (running()) {
ALOGI("server already running");
return false;
addrinfo ai_hints{
.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC,
.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM,
.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE
addrinfo* ai_res;
int rv = getaddrinfo(listen_address_.c_str(), listen_service_.c_str(),
&ai_hints, &ai_res);
if (rv) {
ALOGI("getaddrinfo(%s, %s) failed: %s", listen_address_.c_str(),
listen_service_.c_str(), gai_strerror(rv));
return false;
int s = -1;
for (const addrinfo* ai = ai_res ; ai ; ai = ai->ai_next) {
s = socket(ai->ai_family, ai->ai_socktype, ai->ai_protocol);
if (s < 0) continue;
enableSockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT);
enableSockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR);
if (bind(s, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen)) {
APLOGI("bind failed for socket %d", s);
s = -1;
std::string host_str = addr2str(ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen);
ALOGI("bound to UDP %s:%s", host_str.c_str(), listen_service_.c_str());
if (s < 0) {
ALOGI("bind() failed");
return false;
int flags = fcntl(s, F_GETFL, 0);
if (flags < 0) flags = 0;
if (fcntl(s, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) < 0) {
APLOGI("fcntl(F_SETFL) failed for socket %d", s);
return false;
int ep_fd = epoll_create(1);
if (ep_fd < 0) {
char error_msg[512] = { 0 };
if (strerror_r(errno, error_msg, sizeof(error_msg)))
strncpy(error_msg, "UNKNOWN", sizeof(error_msg));
APLOGI("epoll_create() failed: %s", error_msg);
return false;
epoll_event ev; = EPOLLIN; = s;
if (epoll_ctl(ep_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, s, &ev) < 0) {
APLOGI("epoll_ctl() failed for socket %d", s);
return false;
epoll_fd_ = ep_fd;
socket_ = s;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(update_mutex_);
handler_thread_ = std::thread(&DNSResponder::requestHandler, this);
ALOGI("server started successfully");
return true;
bool DNSResponder::stopServer() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(update_mutex_);
if (!running()) {
ALOGI("server not running");
return false;
if (terminate_) {
return false;
ALOGI("stopping server");
terminate_ = true;
terminate_ = false;
socket_ = -1;
ALOGI("server stopped successfully");
return true;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, ns_type >> DNSResponder::queries() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(queries_mutex_);
return queries_;
void DNSResponder::clearQueries() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(queries_mutex_);
void DNSResponder::requestHandler() {
epoll_event evs[1];
while (!terminate_) {
int n = epoll_wait(epoll_fd_, evs, 1, poll_timeout_ms_);
if (n == 0) continue;
if (n < 0) {
ALOGI("epoll_wait() failed");
// TODO(imaipi): terminate on error.
char buffer[4096];
sockaddr_storage sa;
socklen_t sa_len = sizeof(sa);
ssize_t len;
do {
len = recvfrom(socket_, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0,
(sockaddr*) &sa, &sa_len);
} while (len < 0 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR));
if (len <= 0) {
ALOGI("recvfrom() failed");
ALOGI("read %zd bytes", len);
char response[4096];
size_t response_len = sizeof(response);
if (handleDNSRequest(buffer, len, response, &response_len) &&
response_len > 0) {
len = sendto(socket_, response, response_len, 0,
reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr*>(&sa), sa_len);
std::string host_str =
addr2str(reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr*>(&sa), sa_len);
if (len > 0) {
ALOGI("sent %zu bytes to %s", len, host_str.c_str());
} else {
APLOGI("sendto() failed for %s", host_str.c_str());
// Test that the response is actually a correct DNS message.
const char* response_end = response + len;
DNSHeader header;
const char* cur =, response_end);
if (cur == nullptr) ALOGI("response is flawed");
} else {
ALOGI("not responding");
bool DNSResponder::handleDNSRequest(const char* buffer, ssize_t len,
char* response, size_t* response_len)
const {
ALOGI("request: '%s'", str2hex(buffer, len).c_str());
const char* buffer_end = buffer + len;
DNSHeader header;
const char* cur =, buffer_end);
// TODO(imaipi): for now, unparsable messages are silently dropped, fix.
if (cur == nullptr) {
ALOGI("failed to parse query");
return false;
if (header.qr) {
ALOGI("response received instead of a query");
return false;
if (header.opcode != ns_opcode::ns_o_query) {
ALOGI("unsupported request opcode received");
return makeErrorResponse(&header, ns_rcode::ns_r_notimpl, response,
if (header.questions.empty()) {
ALOGI("no questions present");
return makeErrorResponse(&header, ns_rcode::ns_r_formerr, response,
if (!header.answers.empty()) {
ALOGI("already %zu answers present in query", header.answers.size());
return makeErrorResponse(&header, ns_rcode::ns_r_formerr, response,
if (!header.additionals.empty() && fail_on_edns_) {
ALOGI("DNS request has an additional section (assumed EDNS). "
"Simulating an ancient (pre-EDNS) server.");
return makeErrorResponse(&header, ns_rcode::ns_r_formerr, response,
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(queries_mutex_);
for (const DNSQuestion& question : header.questions) {
// Ignore requests with the preset probability.
auto constexpr bound = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
if (arc4random_uniform(bound) > bound*response_probability_) {
ALOGI("returning SRVFAIL in accordance with probability distribution");
return makeErrorResponse(&header, ns_rcode::ns_r_servfail, response,
for (const DNSQuestion& question : header.questions) {
if (question.qclass != ns_class::ns_c_in &&
question.qclass != ns_class::ns_c_any) {
ALOGI("unsupported question class %u", question.qclass);
return makeErrorResponse(&header, ns_rcode::ns_r_notimpl, response,
if (!addAnswerRecords(question, &header.answers)) {
return makeErrorResponse(&header, ns_rcode::ns_r_servfail, response,
header.qr = true;
char* response_cur = header.write(response, response + *response_len);
if (response_cur == nullptr) {
return false;
*response_len = response_cur - response;
return true;
bool DNSResponder::addAnswerRecords(const DNSQuestion& question,
std::vector<DNSRecord>* answers) const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mappings_mutex_);
auto it = mappings_.find(QueryKey(, question.qtype));
if (it == mappings_.end()) {
// TODO(imaipi): handle correctly
ALOGI("no mapping found for %s %s, lazily refusing to add an answer",, dnstype2str(question.qtype));
return true;
ALOGI("mapping found for %s %s: %s",,
dnstype2str(question.qtype), it->second.c_str());
DNSRecord record; = question.qname;
record.rtype = question.qtype;
record.rclass = ns_class::ns_c_in;
record.ttl = 5; // seconds
if (question.qtype == ns_type::ns_t_a) {
if (inet_pton(AF_INET, it->second.c_str(), != 1) {
ALOGI("inet_pton(AF_INET, %s) failed", it->second.c_str());
return false;
} else if (question.qtype == ns_type::ns_t_aaaa) {
if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, it->second.c_str(), != 1) {
ALOGI("inet_pton(AF_INET6, %s) failed", it->second.c_str());
return false;
} else {
ALOGI("unhandled qtype %s", dnstype2str(question.qtype));
return false;
return true;
bool DNSResponder::makeErrorResponse(DNSHeader* header, ns_rcode rcode,
char* response, size_t* response_len)
const {
header->rcode = rcode;
header->qr = true;
char* response_cur = header->write(response, response + *response_len);
if (response_cur == nullptr) return false;
*response_len = response_cur - response;
return true;
} // namespace test