blob: 90b76829f980e334dcdf1dbd04e5d1b3520f0b38 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// -------------
// The methods in this file are called from multiple threads (from CommandListener, FwmarkServer
// and DnsProxyListener). So, all accesses to shared state are guarded by a lock.
// In some cases, a single non-const method acquires and releases the lock several times, like so:
// if (isValidNetwork(...)) { // isValidNetwork() acquires and releases the lock.
// setDefaultNetwork(...); // setDefaultNetwork() also acquires and releases the lock.
// It might seem that this allows races where the state changes between the two statements, but in
// fact there are no races because:
// 1. This pattern only occurs in non-const methods (i.e., those that mutate state).
// 2. Only CommandListener calls these non-const methods. The others call only const methods.
// 3. CommandListener only processes one command at a time. I.e., it's serialized.
// Thus, no other mutation can occur in between the two statements above.
#include "NetworkController.h"
#include "LocalNetwork.h"
#include "PhysicalNetwork.h"
#include "RouteController.h"
#include "VirtualNetwork.h"
#include "cutils/misc.h"
#define LOG_TAG "Netd"
#include "log/log.h"
#include "resolv_netid.h"
namespace {
// Keep these in sync with
const unsigned MIN_NET_ID = 10;
const unsigned MAX_NET_ID = 65535;
} // namespace
NetworkController::NetworkController() : mDefaultNetId(NETID_UNSET) {
mNetworks[LOCAL_NET_ID] = new LocalNetwork(LOCAL_NET_ID);
unsigned NetworkController::getDefaultNetwork() const {
android::RWLock::AutoRLock lock(mRWLock);
return mDefaultNetId;
int NetworkController::setDefaultNetwork(unsigned netId) {
android::RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRWLock);
if (netId == mDefaultNetId) {
return 0;
if (netId != NETID_UNSET) {
Network* network = getNetworkLocked(netId);
if (!network || network->getType() != Network::PHYSICAL) {
ALOGE("invalid netId %u", netId);
return -EINVAL;
if (int ret = static_cast<PhysicalNetwork*>(network)->addAsDefault()) {
return ret;
if (mDefaultNetId != NETID_UNSET) {
Network* network = getNetworkLocked(mDefaultNetId);
if (!network || network->getType() != Network::PHYSICAL) {
ALOGE("cannot find previously set default network with netId %u", mDefaultNetId);
return -ESRCH;
if (int ret = static_cast<PhysicalNetwork*>(network)->removeAsDefault()) {
return ret;
mDefaultNetId = netId;
return 0;
unsigned NetworkController::getNetworkForUser(uid_t uid, unsigned requestedNetId,
bool forDns) const {
android::RWLock::AutoRLock lock(mRWLock);
VirtualNetwork* virtualNetwork = getVirtualNetworkForUserLocked(uid);
if (virtualNetwork && (!forDns || virtualNetwork->getHasDns())) {
return virtualNetwork->getNetId();
return getNetworkLocked(requestedNetId) ? requestedNetId : mDefaultNetId;
unsigned NetworkController::getNetworkForInterface(const char* interface) const {
android::RWLock::AutoRLock lock(mRWLock);
for (const auto& entry : mNetworks) {
if (entry.second->hasInterface(interface)) {
return entry.first;
bool NetworkController::isVirtualNetwork(unsigned netId) const {
android::RWLock::AutoRLock lock(mRWLock);
Network* network = getNetworkLocked(netId);
return network && network->getType() == Network::VIRTUAL;
int NetworkController::createPhysicalNetwork(unsigned netId, Permission permission) {
if (netId < MIN_NET_ID || netId > MAX_NET_ID) {
ALOGE("invalid netId %u", netId);
return -EINVAL;
if (isValidNetwork(netId)) {
ALOGE("duplicate netId %u", netId);
return -EEXIST;
PhysicalNetwork* physicalNetwork = new PhysicalNetwork(netId);
if (int ret = physicalNetwork->setPermission(permission)) {
ALOGE("inconceivable! setPermission cannot fail on an empty network");
delete physicalNetwork;
return ret;
android::RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRWLock);
mNetworks[netId] = physicalNetwork;
return 0;
int NetworkController::createVirtualNetwork(unsigned netId, bool hasDns) {
if (netId < MIN_NET_ID || netId > MAX_NET_ID) {
ALOGE("invalid netId %u", netId);
return -EINVAL;
if (isValidNetwork(netId)) {
ALOGE("duplicate netId %u", netId);
return -EEXIST;
android::RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRWLock);
mNetworks[netId] = new VirtualNetwork(netId, hasDns);
return 0;
int NetworkController::destroyNetwork(unsigned netId) {
if (netId == LOCAL_NET_ID || !isValidNetwork(netId)) {
ALOGE("invalid netId %u", netId);
return -EINVAL;
// TODO: ioctl(SIOCKILLADDR, ...) to kill all sockets on the old network.
android::RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRWLock);
Network* network = getNetworkLocked(netId);
if (int ret = network->clearInterfaces()) {
return ret;
if (mDefaultNetId == netId) {
if (int ret = static_cast<PhysicalNetwork*>(network)->removeAsDefault()) {
ALOGE("inconceivable! removeAsDefault cannot fail on an empty network");
return ret;
mDefaultNetId = NETID_UNSET;
delete network;
return 0;
int NetworkController::addInterfaceToNetwork(unsigned netId, const char* interface) {
if (!isValidNetwork(netId)) {
ALOGE("invalid netId %u", netId);
return -EINVAL;
unsigned existingNetId = getNetworkForInterface(interface);
if (existingNetId != NETID_UNSET && existingNetId != netId) {
ALOGE("interface %s already assigned to netId %u", interface, existingNetId);
return -EBUSY;
android::RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRWLock);
return getNetworkLocked(netId)->addInterface(interface);
int NetworkController::removeInterfaceFromNetwork(unsigned netId, const char* interface) {
if (!isValidNetwork(netId)) {
ALOGE("invalid netId %u", netId);
return -EINVAL;
android::RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRWLock);
return getNetworkLocked(netId)->removeInterface(interface);
Permission NetworkController::getPermissionForUser(uid_t uid) const {
android::RWLock::AutoRLock lock(mRWLock);
return getPermissionForUserLocked(uid);
void NetworkController::setPermissionForUsers(Permission permission,
const std::vector<uid_t>& uids) {
android::RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRWLock);
for (uid_t uid : uids) {
mUsers[uid] = permission;
bool NetworkController::canUserSelectNetwork(uid_t uid, unsigned netId) const {
android::RWLock::AutoRLock lock(mRWLock);
Network* network = getNetworkLocked(netId);
if (!network || uid == INVALID_UID) {
return false;
Permission userPermission = getPermissionForUserLocked(uid);
return true;
if (network->getType() == Network::VIRTUAL) {
return static_cast<VirtualNetwork*>(network)->appliesToUser(uid);
VirtualNetwork* virtualNetwork = getVirtualNetworkForUserLocked(uid);
if (virtualNetwork && mProtectableUsers.find(uid) == mProtectableUsers.end()) {
return false;
Permission networkPermission = static_cast<PhysicalNetwork*>(network)->getPermission();
return (userPermission & networkPermission) == networkPermission;
int NetworkController::setPermissionForNetworks(Permission permission,
const std::vector<unsigned>& netIds) {
android::RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRWLock);
for (unsigned netId : netIds) {
Network* network = getNetworkLocked(netId);
if (!network || network->getType() != Network::PHYSICAL) {
ALOGE("invalid netId %u", netId);
return -EINVAL;
// TODO: ioctl(SIOCKILLADDR, ...) to kill socets on the network that don't have permission.
if (int ret = static_cast<PhysicalNetwork*>(network)->setPermission(permission)) {
return ret;
return 0;
int NetworkController::addUsersToNetwork(unsigned netId, const UidRanges& uidRanges) {
android::RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRWLock);
Network* network = getNetworkLocked(netId);
if (!network || network->getType() != Network::VIRTUAL) {
ALOGE("invalid netId %u", netId);
return -EINVAL;
if (int ret = static_cast<VirtualNetwork*>(network)->addUsers(uidRanges)) {
return ret;
return 0;
int NetworkController::removeUsersFromNetwork(unsigned netId, const UidRanges& uidRanges) {
android::RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRWLock);
Network* network = getNetworkLocked(netId);
if (!network || network->getType() != Network::VIRTUAL) {
ALOGE("invalid netId %u", netId);
return -EINVAL;
if (int ret = static_cast<VirtualNetwork*>(network)->removeUsers(uidRanges)) {
return ret;
return 0;
int NetworkController::addRoute(unsigned netId, const char* interface, const char* destination,
const char* nexthop, bool legacy, uid_t uid) {
return modifyRoute(netId, interface, destination, nexthop, true, legacy, uid);
int NetworkController::removeRoute(unsigned netId, const char* interface, const char* destination,
const char* nexthop, bool legacy, uid_t uid) {
return modifyRoute(netId, interface, destination, nexthop, false, legacy, uid);
bool NetworkController::canProtect(uid_t uid) const {
android::RWLock::AutoRLock lock(mRWLock);
return ((getPermissionForUserLocked(uid) & PERMISSION_SYSTEM) == PERMISSION_SYSTEM) ||
mProtectableUsers.find(uid) != mProtectableUsers.end();
void NetworkController::allowProtect(const std::vector<uid_t>& uids) {
android::RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRWLock);
mProtectableUsers.insert(uids.begin(), uids.end());
void NetworkController::denyProtect(const std::vector<uid_t>& uids) {
android::RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRWLock);
for (uid_t uid : uids) {
bool NetworkController::isValidNetwork(unsigned netId) const {
android::RWLock::AutoRLock lock(mRWLock);
return getNetworkLocked(netId);
Network* NetworkController::getNetworkLocked(unsigned netId) const {
auto iter = mNetworks.find(netId);
return iter == mNetworks.end() ? NULL : iter->second;
VirtualNetwork* NetworkController::getVirtualNetworkForUserLocked(uid_t uid) const {
for (const auto& entry : mNetworks) {
if (entry.second->getType() == Network::VIRTUAL) {
VirtualNetwork* virtualNetwork = static_cast<VirtualNetwork*>(entry.second);
if (virtualNetwork->appliesToUser(uid)) {
return virtualNetwork;
return NULL;
Permission NetworkController::getPermissionForUserLocked(uid_t uid) const {
auto iter = mUsers.find(uid);
if (iter != mUsers.end()) {
return iter->second;
int NetworkController::modifyRoute(unsigned netId, const char* interface, const char* destination,
const char* nexthop, bool add, bool legacy, uid_t uid) {
unsigned existingNetId = getNetworkForInterface(interface);
if (netId == NETID_UNSET || existingNetId != netId) {
ALOGE("interface %s assigned to netId %u, not %u", interface, existingNetId, netId);
return -ENOENT;
RouteController::TableType tableType;
if (netId == LOCAL_NET_ID) {
tableType = RouteController::LOCAL_NETWORK;
} else if (legacy) {
if ((getPermissionForUser(uid) & PERMISSION_SYSTEM) == PERMISSION_SYSTEM) {
tableType = RouteController::LEGACY_SYSTEM;
} else {
tableType = RouteController::LEGACY_NETWORK;
} else {
tableType = RouteController::INTERFACE;
return add ? RouteController::addRoute(interface, destination, nexthop, tableType) :
RouteController::removeRoute(interface, destination, nexthop, tableType);