blob: 8a028314d1b0925a1eeec88883330b8528ddb552 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/** {@hide} */
interface INetd {
* Returns true if the service is responding.
boolean isAlive();
* Replaces the contents of the specified UID-based firewall chain.
* The chain may be an allowlist chain or a denylist chain. A denylist chain contains DROP
* rules for the specified UIDs and a RETURN rule at the end. An allowlist chain contains RETURN
* rules for the system UID range (0 to {@code UID_APP} - 1), RETURN rules for for the specified
* UIDs, and a DROP rule at the end. The chain will be created if it does not exist.
* @param chainName The name of the chain to replace.
* @param isAllowlist Whether this is an allowlist or denylist chain.
* @param uids The list of UIDs to allow/deny.
* @return true if the chain was successfully replaced, false otherwise.
boolean firewallReplaceUidChain(in @utf8InCpp String chainName,
boolean isAllowlist,
in int[] uids);
* Enables or disables data saver mode on costly network interfaces.
* - When disabled, all packets to/from apps in the penalty box chain are rejected on costly
* interfaces. Traffic to/from other apps or on other network interfaces is allowed.
* - When enabled, only apps that are in the happy box chain and not in the penalty box chain
* are allowed network connectivity on costly interfaces. All other packets on these
* interfaces are rejected. The happy box chain always contains all system UIDs; to disallow
* traffic from system UIDs, place them in the penalty box chain.
* By default, data saver mode is disabled. This command has no effect but might still return an
* error) if {@code enable} is the same as the current value.
* @param enable whether to enable or disable data saver mode.
* @return true if the if the operation was successful, false otherwise.
boolean bandwidthEnableDataSaver(boolean enable);
* Creates a physical network (i.e., one containing physical interfaces.
* @deprecated use networkCreate() instead.
* @param netId the networkId to create.
* @param permission the permission necessary to use the network. Must be one of
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
* unix errno.
void networkCreatePhysical(int netId, int permission);
* Creates a VPN network.
* @deprecated use networkCreate() instead.
* @param netId the network to create.
* @param secure whether unprivileged apps are allowed to bypass the VPN.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
* unix errno.
void networkCreateVpn(int netId, boolean secure);
* Destroys a network. Any interfaces added to the network are removed, and the network ceases
* to be the default network.
* @param netId the network to destroy.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
* unix errno.
void networkDestroy(int netId);
* Adds an interface to a network. The interface must not be assigned to any network, including
* the specified network.
* @param netId the network to add the interface to.
* @param interface the name of the interface to add.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
* unix errno.
void networkAddInterface(int netId, in @utf8InCpp String iface);
* Adds an interface to a network. The interface must be assigned to the specified network.
* @param netId the network to remove the interface from.
* @param interface the name of the interface to remove.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
* unix errno.
void networkRemoveInterface(int netId, in @utf8InCpp String iface);
* Adds the specified UID ranges to the specified network. The network can be physical or
* virtual. Traffic from the UID ranges will be routed to the network by default.
* @param netId the network ID of the network to add the ranges to.
* @param uidRanges a set of non-overlapping ranges of UIDs to add. These exact ranges
* must not overlap with existing ranges assigned to this network.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
* unix errno.
void networkAddUidRanges(int netId, in UidRangeParcel[] uidRanges);
* Remove the specified UID ranges from the specified network. The network can be physical or
* virtual. Traffic from the UID ranges will no longer be routed to the network by default.
* @param netId the network ID of the network to remove the ranges from.
* @param uidRanges a set of non-overlapping ranges of UIDs to remove. These exact ranges
* must already be assigned to this network.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
* unix errno.
void networkRemoveUidRanges(int netId, in UidRangeParcel[] uidRanges);
* Adds or removes one rule for each supplied UID range to prohibit all network activity outside
* of secure VPN.
* When a UID is covered by one of these rules, traffic sent through any socket that is not
* protected or explicitly overriden by the system will be rejected. The kernel will respond
* with an ICMP prohibit message.
* Initially, there are no such rules. Any rules that are added will only last until the next
* restart of netd or the device.
* @param add {@code true} if the specified UID ranges should be denied access to any network
* which is not secure VPN by adding rules, {@code false} to remove existing rules.
* @param uidRanges a set of non-overlapping, contiguous ranges of UIDs to which to apply or
* remove this restriction.
* <p> Added rules should not overlap with existing rules. Likewise, removed rules should
* each correspond to an existing rule.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
* unix errno.
void networkRejectNonSecureVpn(boolean add, in UidRangeParcel[] uidRanges);
* Administratively closes sockets belonging to the specified UIDs.
void socketDestroy(in UidRangeParcel[] uidRanges, in int[] exemptUids);
* Instruct the tethering DNS server to reevaluated serving interfaces.
* This is needed to for the DNS server to observe changes in the set
* of potential listening IP addresses. (Listening on wildcard addresses
* can turn the device into an open resolver; b/7530468)
* TODO: Return something richer than just a boolean.
boolean tetherApplyDnsInterfaces();
* Return tethering statistics.
* @return an array of TetherStatsParcel, where each entry contains the upstream interface
* name and its tethering statistics since netd startup.
* There will only ever be one entry for a given interface.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
TetherStatsParcel[] tetherGetStats();
* Add/Remove and IP address from an interface.
* @param ifName the interface name
* @param addrString the IP address to add/remove as a string literal
* @param prefixLength the prefix length associated with this IP address
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
* unix errno.
void interfaceAddAddress(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String addrString,
int prefixLength);
void interfaceDelAddress(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String addrString,
int prefixLength);
* Set and get /proc/sys/net interface configuration parameters.
* @param ipversion One of IPV4/IPV6 integers, indicating the desired IP version directory.
* @param which One of CONF/NEIGH integers, indicating the desired parameter category directory.
* @param ifname The interface name portion of the path; may also be "all" or "default".
* @param parameter The parameter name portion of the path.
* @param value The value string to be written into the assembled path.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
* unix errno.
const int IPV4 = 4;
const int IPV6 = 6;
const int CONF = 1;
const int NEIGH = 2;
@utf8InCpp String getProcSysNet(int ipversion, int which, in @utf8InCpp String ifname,
in @utf8InCpp String parameter);
void setProcSysNet(int ipversion, int which, in @utf8InCpp String ifname,
in @utf8InCpp String parameter, in @utf8InCpp String value);
* Sets owner of socket ParcelFileDescriptor to the new UID, checking to ensure that the caller's
* uid is that of the old owner's, and that this is a UDP-encap socket
* @param ParcelFileDescriptor socket Socket file descriptor
* @param int newUid UID of the new socket fd owner
void ipSecSetEncapSocketOwner(in ParcelFileDescriptor socket, int newUid);
* Reserve an SPI from the kernel
* @param transformId a unique identifier for allocated resources
* @param sourceAddress InetAddress as string for the sending endpoint
* @param destinationAddress InetAddress as string for the receiving endpoint
* @param spi a requested 32-bit unique ID or 0 to request random allocation
* @return the SPI that was allocated or 0 if failed
int ipSecAllocateSpi(
int transformId,
in @utf8InCpp String sourceAddress,
in @utf8InCpp String destinationAddress,
int spi);
* Create an IpSec Security Association describing how ip(v6) traffic will be encrypted
* or decrypted.
* @param transformId a unique identifier for allocated resources
* @param mode either Transport or Tunnel mode
* @param sourceAddress InetAddress as string for the sending endpoint
* @param destinationAddress InetAddress as string for the receiving endpoint
* @param underlyingNetId the netId of the network to which the SA is applied. Only accepted for
* tunnel mode SAs.
* @param spi a 32-bit unique ID allocated to the user
* @param markValue a 32-bit unique ID chosen by the user
* @param markMask a 32-bit mask chosen by the user
* @param authAlgo a string identifying the authentication algorithm to be used
* @param authKey a byte array containing the authentication key
* @param authTruncBits the truncation length of the MAC produced by the authentication algorithm
* @param cryptAlgo a string identifying the encryption algorithm to be used
* @param cryptKey a byte arrray containing the encryption key
* @param cryptTruncBits unused parameter
* @param aeadAlgo a string identifying the authenticated encryption algorithm to be used
* @param aeadKey a byte arrray containing the key to be used in authenticated encryption
* @param aeadIcvBits the truncation length of the ICV produced by the authentication algorithm
* (similar to authTruncBits in function)
* @param encapType encapsulation type used (if any) for the udp encap socket
* @param encapLocalPort the port number on the host to be used in encap packets
* @param encapRemotePort the port number of the remote to be used for encap packets
* @param interfaceId the identifier for the IPsec tunnel interface.
* Only accepted for tunnel mode SAs.
void ipSecAddSecurityAssociation(
int transformId,
int mode,
in @utf8InCpp String sourceAddress,
in @utf8InCpp String destinationAddress,
int underlyingNetId,
int spi,
int markValue,
int markMask,
in @utf8InCpp String authAlgo, in byte[] authKey, in int authTruncBits,
in @utf8InCpp String cryptAlgo, in byte[] cryptKey, in int cryptTruncBits,
in @utf8InCpp String aeadAlgo, in byte[] aeadKey, in int aeadIcvBits,
int encapType,
int encapLocalPort,
int encapRemotePort,
int interfaceId);
* Delete a previously created security association identified by the provided parameters
* @param transformId a unique identifier for allocated resources
* @param sourceAddress InetAddress as string for the sending endpoint
* @param destinationAddress InetAddress as string for the receiving endpoint
* @param spi a requested 32-bit unique ID allocated to the user
* @param markValue a 32-bit unique ID chosen by the user
* @param markMask a 32-bit mask chosen by the user
* @param interfaceId the identifier for the IPsec tunnel interface.
void ipSecDeleteSecurityAssociation(
int transformId,
in @utf8InCpp String sourceAddress,
in @utf8InCpp String destinationAddress,
int spi,
int markValue,
int markMask,
int interfaceId);
* Apply a previously created SA to a specified socket, starting IPsec on that socket
* @param socket a user-provided socket that will have IPsec applied
* @param transformId a unique identifier for allocated resources
* @param direction DIRECTION_IN or DIRECTION_OUT
* @param sourceAddress InetAddress as string for the sending endpoint
* @param destinationAddress InetAddress as string for the receiving endpoint
* @param spi a 32-bit unique ID allocated to the user (socket owner)
void ipSecApplyTransportModeTransform(
in ParcelFileDescriptor socket,
int transformId,
int direction,
in @utf8InCpp String sourceAddress,
in @utf8InCpp String destinationAddress,
int spi);
* Remove an IPsec SA from a given socket. This will allow unencrypted traffic to flow
* on that socket if a transform had been previously applied.
* @param socket a user-provided socket from which to remove any IPsec configuration
void ipSecRemoveTransportModeTransform(
in ParcelFileDescriptor socket);
* Adds an IPsec global policy.
* @param transformId a unique identifier for allocated resources
* @param selAddrFamily the address family identifier for the selector
* @param direction DIRECTION_IN or DIRECTION_OUT
* @param tmplSrcAddress InetAddress as string for the sending endpoint
* @param tmplDstAddress InetAddress as string for the receiving endpoint
* @param spi a 32-bit unique ID allocated to the user
* @param markValue a 32-bit unique ID chosen by the user
* @param markMask a 32-bit mask chosen by the user
* @param interfaceId the identifier for the IPsec tunnel interface.
void ipSecAddSecurityPolicy(
int transformId,
int selAddrFamily,
int direction,
in @utf8InCpp String tmplSrcAddress,
in @utf8InCpp String tmplDstAddress,
int spi,
int markValue,
int markMask,
int interfaceId);
* Updates an IPsec global policy.
* @param transformId a unique identifier for allocated resources
* @param selAddrFamily the address family identifier for the selector
* @param direction DIRECTION_IN or DIRECTION_OUT
* @param tmplSrcAddress InetAddress as string for the sending endpoint
* @param tmplDstAddress InetAddress as string for the receiving endpoint
* @param spi a 32-bit unique ID allocated to the user
* @param markValue a 32-bit unique ID chosen by the user
* @param markMask a 32-bit mask chosen by the user
* @param interfaceId the identifier for the IPsec tunnel interface.
void ipSecUpdateSecurityPolicy(
int transformId,
int selAddrFamily,
int direction,
in @utf8InCpp String tmplSrcAddress,
in @utf8InCpp String tmplDstAddress,
int spi,
int markValue,
int markMask,
int interfaceId);
* Deletes an IPsec global policy.
* Deletion of global policies does not do any matching based on the templates, thus
* template source/destination addresses are not needed (as opposed to add/update).
* @param transformId a unique identifier for allocated resources
* @param selAddrFamily the address family identifier for the selector
* @param direction DIRECTION_IN or DIRECTION_OUT
* @param markValue a 32-bit unique ID chosen by the user
* @param markMask a 32-bit mask chosen by the user
* @param interfaceId the identifier for the IPsec tunnel interface.
void ipSecDeleteSecurityPolicy(
int transformId,
int selAddrFamily,
int direction,
int markValue,
int markMask,
int interfaceId);
// This could not be declared as @uft8InCpp; thus, when used in native code it must be
// converted from a UTF-16 string to an ASCII string.
const String IPSEC_INTERFACE_PREFIX = "ipsec";
* Add a IPsec Tunnel Interface.
* @param devName a unique identifier that represents the name of the device
* @param localAddress InetAddress as string for the local endpoint
* @param remoteAddress InetAddress as string for the remote endpoint
* @param iKey, to match Policies and SAs for input packets.
* @param oKey, to match Policies and SAs for output packets.
* @param interfaceId the identifier for the IPsec tunnel interface.
void ipSecAddTunnelInterface(
in @utf8InCpp String deviceName,
in @utf8InCpp String localAddress,
in @utf8InCpp String remoteAddress,
int iKey,
int oKey,
int interfaceId);
* Update a IPsec Tunnel Interface.
* @param devName a unique identifier that represents the name of the device
* @param localAddress InetAddress as string for the local endpoint
* @param remoteAddress InetAddress as string for the remote endpoint
* @param iKey, to match Policies and SAs for input packets.
* @param oKey, to match Policies and SAs for output packets.
* @param interfaceId the identifier for the IPsec tunnel interface.
void ipSecUpdateTunnelInterface(
in @utf8InCpp String deviceName,
in @utf8InCpp String localAddress,
in @utf8InCpp String remoteAddress,
int iKey,
int oKey,
int interfaceId);
* Removes a IPsec Tunnel Interface.
* @param devName a unique identifier that represents the name of the device
void ipSecRemoveTunnelInterface(in @utf8InCpp String deviceName);
* Request notification of wakeup packets arriving on an interface. Notifications will be
* delivered to INetdEventListener.onWakeupEvent().
* @param ifName the interface
* @param prefix arbitrary string used to identify wakeup sources in onWakeupEvent
void wakeupAddInterface(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String prefix, int mark, int mask);
* Stop notification of wakeup packets arriving on an interface.
* @param ifName the interface
* @param prefix arbitrary string used to identify wakeup sources in onWakeupEvent
void wakeupDelInterface(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String prefix, int mark, int mask);
const int IPV6_ADDR_GEN_MODE_EUI64 = 0;
const int IPV6_ADDR_GEN_MODE_NONE = 1;
const int IPV6_ADDR_GEN_MODE_RANDOM = 3;
* Set IPv6 address generation mode. IPv6 should be disabled before changing mode.
* @param mode SLAAC address generation mechanism to use
void setIPv6AddrGenMode(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, int mode);
* Add idletimer for specific interface
* @param ifName Name of target interface
* @param timeout The time in seconds that will trigger idletimer
* @param classLabel The unique identifier for this idletimer
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void idletimerAddInterface(
in @utf8InCpp String ifName,
int timeout,
in @utf8InCpp String classLabel);
* Remove idletimer for specific interface
* @param ifName Name of target interface
* @param timeout The time in seconds that will trigger idletimer
* @param classLabel The unique identifier for this idletimer
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void idletimerRemoveInterface(
in @utf8InCpp String ifName,
int timeout,
in @utf8InCpp String classLabel);
const int PENALTY_POLICY_LOG = 2;
* Offers to detect sockets sending data not wrapped inside a layer of SSL/TLS encryption.
* @param uid Uid of the app
* @param policyPenalty The penalty policy of the app
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void strictUidCleartextPenalty(int uid, int policyPenalty);
* Start clatd
* @param ifName interface name to start clatd
* @param nat64Prefix the NAT64 prefix, e.g., "2001:db8:64::/96".
* @return a string, the IPv6 address that will be used for 464xlat.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
@utf8InCpp String clatdStart(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in @utf8InCpp String nat64Prefix);
* Stop clatd
* @param ifName interface name to stop clatd
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void clatdStop(in @utf8InCpp String ifName);
* Get status of IP forwarding
* @return true if IP forwarding is enabled, false otherwise.
boolean ipfwdEnabled();
* Get requester list of IP forwarding
* @return An array of strings containing requester list of IP forwarding
@utf8InCpp String[] ipfwdGetRequesterList();
* Enable IP forwarding for specific requester
* @param requester requester name to enable IP forwarding. It is a unique name which will be
* stored in Netd to make sure if any requester needs IP forwarding.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void ipfwdEnableForwarding(in @utf8InCpp String requester);
* Disable IP forwarding for specific requester
* @param requester requester name to disable IP forwarding. This name should match the
* names which are set by ipfwdEnableForwarding.
* IP forwarding would be disabled if it is the last requester.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void ipfwdDisableForwarding(in @utf8InCpp String requester);
* Add forwarding ip rule
* @param fromIface interface name to add forwarding ip rule
* @param toIface interface name to add forwarding ip rule
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void ipfwdAddInterfaceForward(in @utf8InCpp String fromIface, in @utf8InCpp String toIface);
* Remove forwarding ip rule
* @param fromIface interface name to remove forwarding ip rule
* @param toIface interface name to remove forwarding ip rule
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void ipfwdRemoveInterfaceForward(in @utf8InCpp String fromIface, in @utf8InCpp String toIface);
* Set quota for interface
* @param ifName Name of target interface
* @param bytes Quota value in bytes
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void bandwidthSetInterfaceQuota(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, long bytes);
* Remove quota for interface
* @param ifName Name of target interface
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void bandwidthRemoveInterfaceQuota(in @utf8InCpp String ifName);
* Set alert for interface
* @param ifName Name of target interface
* @param bytes Alert value in bytes
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void bandwidthSetInterfaceAlert(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, long bytes);
* Remove alert for interface
* @param ifName Name of target interface
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void bandwidthRemoveInterfaceAlert(in @utf8InCpp String ifName);
* Set global alert
* @param bytes Alert value in bytes
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(long bytes);
* Add naughty app bandwidth rule for specific app
* @param uid uid of target app
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void bandwidthAddNaughtyApp(int uid);
* Remove naughty app bandwidth rule for specific app
* @param uid uid of target app
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void bandwidthRemoveNaughtyApp(int uid);
* Add nice app bandwidth rule for specific app
* @param uid uid of target app
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void bandwidthAddNiceApp(int uid);
* Remove nice app bandwidth rule for specific app
* @param uid uid of target app
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void bandwidthRemoveNiceApp(int uid);
* Start tethering
* @param dhcpRanges dhcp ranges to set.
* dhcpRanges might contain many addresss {addr1, addr2, aadr3, addr4...}
* Netd splits them into ranges: addr1-addr2, addr3-addr4, etc.
* An odd number of addrs will fail.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void tetherStart(in @utf8InCpp String[] dhcpRanges);
* Stop tethering
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void tetherStop();
* Get status of tethering
* @return true if tethering is enabled, false otherwise.
boolean tetherIsEnabled();
* Setup interface for tethering
* @param ifName interface name to add
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void tetherInterfaceAdd(in @utf8InCpp String ifName);
* Reset interface for tethering
* @param ifName interface name to remove
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void tetherInterfaceRemove(in @utf8InCpp String ifName);
* Get the interface list which is stored in netd
* The list contains the interfaces managed by tetherInterfaceAdd/tetherInterfaceRemove
* @return An array of strings containing interface list result
@utf8InCpp String[] tetherInterfaceList();
* Set DNS forwarder server
* @param netId the upstream network to forward DNS queries to
* @param dnsAddrs DNS server address to set
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void tetherDnsSet(int netId, in @utf8InCpp String[] dnsAddrs);
* Return the DNS list set by tetherDnsSet
* @return An array of strings containing the list of DNS servers
@utf8InCpp String[] tetherDnsList();
const int LOCAL_NET_ID = 99;
* Constant net ID for the "dummy" network.
* The dummy network is used to blackhole or reject traffic. Any attempt to use it will
* either drop the packets or fail with ENETUNREACH.
const int DUMMY_NET_ID = 51;
* Constant net ID for the "unreachable" network.
* The unreachable network is used to reject traffic. Any attempt to use it will fail
const int UNREACHABLE_NET_ID = 52;
// Route does not specify a next hop
const String NEXTHOP_NONE = "";
// Route next hop is unreachable
const String NEXTHOP_UNREACHABLE = "unreachable";
// Route next hop is throw
const String NEXTHOP_THROW = "throw";
* Add a route for specific network
* @param netId the network to add the route to
* @param ifName the name of interface of the route.
* This interface should be assigned to the netID.
* @param destination the destination of the route
* @param nextHop The route's next hop address,
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void networkAddRoute(
int netId,
in @utf8InCpp String ifName,
in @utf8InCpp String destination,
in @utf8InCpp String nextHop);
* Remove a route for specific network
* @param netId the network to remove the route from
* @param ifName the name of interface of the route.
* This interface should be assigned to the netID.
* @param destination the destination of the route
* @param nextHop The route's next hop address,
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void networkRemoveRoute(
int netId,
in @utf8InCpp String ifName,
in @utf8InCpp String destination,
in @utf8InCpp String nextHop);
* Add a route to legacy routing table for specific network
* @param netId the network to add the route to
* @param ifName the name of interface of the route.
* This interface should be assigned to the netID.
* @param destination the destination of the route
* @param nextHop The route's next hop address,
* @param uid uid of the user
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void networkAddLegacyRoute(
int netId,
in @utf8InCpp String ifName,
in @utf8InCpp String destination,
in @utf8InCpp String nextHop,
int uid);
* Remove a route from legacy routing table for specific network
* @param netId the network to remove the route from
* @param ifName the name of interface of the route.
* This interface should be assigned to the netID.
* @param destination the destination of the route
* @param nextHop The route's next hop address,
* @param uid uid of the user
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void networkRemoveLegacyRoute(
int netId,
in @utf8InCpp String ifName,
in @utf8InCpp String destination,
in @utf8InCpp String nextHop,
int uid);
* Get default network
* @return netId of default network
int networkGetDefault();
* Set network as default network
* @param netId the network to set as the default
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void networkSetDefault(int netId);
* Clear default network
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void networkClearDefault();
* PERMISSION_NONE is used for regular networks and apps. TODO: use PERMISSION_INTERNET
* for this instead, and use PERMISSION_NONE to indicate no network permissions at all.
const int PERMISSION_NONE = 0;
* PERMISSION_SYSTEM represents the ability to use restricted networks. This is mostly
* equivalent to the CONNECTIVITY_USE_RESTRICTED_NETWORKS permission.
const int PERMISSION_SYSTEM = 2;
* NO_PERMISSIONS indicates that this app is installed and doesn't have either
* TODO: use PERMISSION_NONE to represent this case
const int NO_PERMISSIONS = 0;
* PERMISSION_INTERNET indicates that the app can create AF_INET and AF_INET6 sockets
* PERMISSION_UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS is used for system UIDs and privileged apps
* that have the UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS permission
* PERMISSION_UNINSTALLED is used when an app is uninstalled from the device. All internet
* related permissions need to be cleaned
* Sets the permission required to access a specific network.
* @param netId the network to set
* @param permission network permission to use
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void networkSetPermissionForNetwork(int netId, int permission);
* Assigns network access permissions to the specified users.
* @param permission network permission to use
* @param uids uid of users to set permission
void networkSetPermissionForUser(int permission, in int[] uids);
* Clears network access permissions for the specified users.
* @param uids uid of users to clear permission
void networkClearPermissionForUser(in int[] uids);
* Assigns android.permission.INTERNET and/or android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS to the uids
* specified. Or remove all permissions from the uids.
* @param permission The permission to grant, it could be either PERMISSION_INTERNET and/or
* revoke all permissions for the uids.
* @param uids uid of users to grant permission
void trafficSetNetPermForUids(int permission, in int[] uids);
* Gives the specified user permission to protect sockets from VPNs.
* Typically used by VPN apps themselves, to ensure that the sockets
* they use to communicate with the VPN server aren't routed through
* the VPN network.
* @param uid uid of user to set
void networkSetProtectAllow(int uid);
* Removes the permission to protect sockets from VPN.
* @param uid uid of user to set
void networkSetProtectDeny(int uid);
* Get the status of network protect for user
* @param uids uid of user
* @return true if the user can protect sockets from VPN, false otherwise.
boolean networkCanProtect(int uid);
/** Only allows packets from specific UID/Interface.
@deprecated use FIREWALL_ALLOWLIST. */
/** Only allows packets from specific UID/Interface. */
/** Blocks packets from specific UID/Interface.
@deprecated use FIREWALL_DENYLIST. */
/** Blocks packets from specific UID/Interface. */
const int FIREWALL_DENYLIST = 1;
* Set type of firewall
* Type allowlist only allows packets from specific UID/Interface
* Type denylist blocks packets from specific UID/Interface
* @param firewalltype type of firewall, either FIREWALL_ALLOWLIST or FIREWALL_DENYLIST
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void firewallSetFirewallType(int firewalltype);
// Specify allow Rule which allows packets
const int FIREWALL_RULE_ALLOW = 1;
// Specify deny Rule which drops packets
const int FIREWALL_RULE_DENY = 2;
// No specific chain is chosen, use general firewall chain(fw_input, fw_output)
const int FIREWALL_CHAIN_NONE = 0;
// Specify DOZABLE chain(fw_dozable) which is used in dozable mode
// Specify STANDBY chain(fw_standby) which is used in standby mode
// Specify POWERSAVE chain(fw_powersave) which is used in power save mode
// Specify RESTRICTED chain(fw_restricted) which is used in restricted
// networking mode
* Set firewall rule for interface
* @param ifName the interface to allow/deny
* @param firewallRule either FIREWALL_RULE_ALLOW or FIREWALL_RULE_DENY
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void firewallSetInterfaceRule(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, int firewallRule);
* Set firewall rule for uid
* @param childChain target chain
* @param uid uid to allow/deny
* @param firewallRule either FIREWALL_RULE_ALLOW or FIREWALL_RULE_DENY
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void firewallSetUidRule(int childChain, int uid, int firewallRule);
* Enable/Disable target firewall child chain
* @param childChain target chain to enable
* @param enable whether to enable or disable child chain.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void firewallEnableChildChain(int childChain, boolean enable);
* Get interface list
* @return An array of strings containing all the interfaces on the system.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
* unix errno.
@utf8InCpp String[] interfaceGetList();
// Must be kept in sync with constant in
const String IF_STATE_UP = "up";
const String IF_STATE_DOWN = "down";
const String IF_FLAG_BROADCAST = "broadcast";
const String IF_FLAG_LOOPBACK = "loopback";
const String IF_FLAG_POINTOPOINT = "point-to-point";
const String IF_FLAG_RUNNING = "running";
const String IF_FLAG_MULTICAST = "multicast";
* Get interface configuration
* @param ifName interface name
* @return An InterfaceConfigurationParcel for the specified interface.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
* unix errno.
InterfaceConfigurationParcel interfaceGetCfg(in @utf8InCpp String ifName);
* Set interface configuration
* @param cfg Interface configuration to set
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
* unix errno.
void interfaceSetCfg(in InterfaceConfigurationParcel cfg);
* Set interface IPv6 privacy extensions
* @param ifName interface name
* @param enable whether to enable or disable this setting.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void interfaceSetIPv6PrivacyExtensions(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, boolean enable);
* Clear all IP addresses on the given interface
* @param ifName interface name
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
* POSIX errno.
void interfaceClearAddrs(in @utf8InCpp String ifName);
* Enable or disable IPv6 on the given interface
* @param ifName interface name
* @param enable whether to enable or disable this setting.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void interfaceSetEnableIPv6(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, boolean enable);
* Set interface MTU
* @param ifName interface name
* @param mtu MTU value
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void interfaceSetMtu(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, int mtu);
* Add forwarding rule/stats on given interface.
* @param intIface downstream interface
* @param extIface upstream interface
void tetherAddForward(in @utf8InCpp String intIface, in @utf8InCpp String extIface);
* Remove forwarding rule/stats on given interface.
* @param intIface downstream interface
* @param extIface upstream interface
void tetherRemoveForward(in @utf8InCpp String intIface, in @utf8InCpp String extIface);
* Set the values of tcp_{rmem,wmem}.
* @param rmemValues the target values of tcp_rmem, each value is separated by spaces
* @param wmemValues the target values of tcp_wmem, each value is separated by spaces
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void setTcpRWmemorySize(in @utf8InCpp String rmemValues, in @utf8InCpp String wmemValues);
* Register unsolicited event listener
* Netd supports multiple unsolicited event listeners.
* @param listener unsolicited event listener to register
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void registerUnsolicitedEventListener(INetdUnsolicitedEventListener listener);
* Add ingress interface filtering rules to a list of UIDs
* For a given uid, once a filtering rule is added, the kernel will only allow packets from the
* allowed interface and loopback to be sent to the list of UIDs.
* Calling this method on one or more UIDs with an existing filtering rule but a different
* interface name will result in the filtering rule being updated to allow the new interface
* instead. Otherwise calling this method will not affect existing rules set on other UIDs.
* @param ifName the name of the interface on which the filtering rules will allow packets to
be received.
* @param uids an array of UIDs which the filtering rules will be set
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void firewallAddUidInterfaceRules(in @utf8InCpp String ifName, in int[] uids);
* Remove ingress interface filtering rules from a list of UIDs
* Clear the ingress interface filtering rules from the list of UIDs which were previously set
* by firewallAddUidInterfaceRules(). Ignore any uid which does not have filtering rule.
* @param uids an array of UIDs from which the filtering rules will be removed
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void firewallRemoveUidInterfaceRules(in int[] uids);
* Request netd to change the current active network stats map.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void trafficSwapActiveStatsMap();
* Retrieves OEM netd listener interface
* @return a IBinder object, it could be casted to oem specific interface.
IBinder getOemNetd();
* Start tethering with given configuration
* @param config config to start tethering.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void tetherStartWithConfiguration(in TetherConfigParcel config);
* Get the fwmark and its net id mask for the given network id.
* @param netId the network to get the fwmark and mask for.
* @return A MarkMaskParcel of the given network id.
MarkMaskParcel getFwmarkForNetwork(int netId);
* Add a route for specific network
* @param netId the network to add the route to
* @param routeInfo parcelable with route information
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void networkAddRouteParcel(int netId, in routeInfo);
* Update a route for specific network
* @param routeInfo parcelable with route information
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void networkUpdateRouteParcel(int netId, in routeInfo);
* Remove a route for specific network
* @param routeInfo parcelable with route information
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void networkRemoveRouteParcel(int netId, in routeInfo);
* Adds a tethering offload rule, or updates it if it already exists.
* Currently, only downstream /128 IPv6 entries are supported. An existing rule will be updated
* if the input interface and destination prefix match. Otherwise, a new rule will be created.
* @param rule The rule to add or update.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void tetherOffloadRuleAdd(in TetherOffloadRuleParcel rule);
* Deletes a tethering offload rule.
* Currently, only downstream /128 IPv6 entries are supported. An existing rule will be deleted
* if the destination IP address and the source interface match. It is not an error if there is
* no matching rule to delete.
* @param rule The rule to delete.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void tetherOffloadRuleRemove(in TetherOffloadRuleParcel rule);
* Return BPF tethering offload statistics.
* @return an array of TetherStatsParcel's, where each entry contains the upstream interface
* index and its tethering statistics since tethering was first started.
* There will only ever be one entry for a given interface index.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
TetherStatsParcel[] tetherOffloadGetStats();
* Set a per-interface quota for tethering offload.
* @param ifIndex Index of upstream interface
* @param quotaBytes The quota defined as the number of bytes, starting from zero and counting
* from *now*. A value of QUOTA_UNLIMITED (-1) indicates there is no limit.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
void tetherOffloadSetInterfaceQuota(int ifIndex, long quotaBytes);
* Return BPF tethering offload statistics and clear the stats for a given upstream.
* Must only be called once all offload rules have already been deleted for the given upstream
* interface. The existing stats will be fetched and returned. The stats and the limit for the
* given upstream interface will be deleted as well.
* The stats and limit for a given upstream interface must be initialized (using
* tetherOffloadSetInterfaceQuota) before any offload will occur on that interface.
* @param ifIndex Index of upstream interface.
* @return TetherStatsParcel, which contains the given upstream interface index and its
* tethering statistics since tethering was first started on that upstream interface.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code indicating the
* cause of the failure.
TetherStatsParcel tetherOffloadGetAndClearStats(int ifIndex);
* Creates a network.
* @param config the configuration of network.
* @throws ServiceSpecificException in case of failure, with an error code corresponding to the
* unix errno.
void networkCreate(in NativeNetworkConfig config);