Sort and group network stats collected from eBPF.

Since eBPF use hash map to record stats, network stats collected
from eBPF will be out of order. And the performance of
findIndexHinted in NetworkStats would be impacted.

Furthermore, since the StatsKey contains iface index, the
network stats reported to framework would create items with the
same iface, uid, tag and set, which causes NetworkStats maps
wrong item to subtract.

Thus, the stats needs to be properly sorted and grouped before

Bug: 112226716
Bug: 119193941
Test: 1. manually reconnect vpn
      2. update apps from playstore
      3. atest libbpf_test
      4. runtest frameworks-net
      5. cts-tradefed run cts -m CtsUsageStatsTestCases -t \

Change-Id: I7cb622bfcc643f6e1a0ab59c5aafa85319313493
Merged-In: I6d485a368fd8e52d21d5e894fc189ac8f0e9f502
diff --git a/libbpf/BpfNetworkStats.cpp b/libbpf/BpfNetworkStats.cpp
index eafbb5e..d75c186 100644
--- a/libbpf/BpfNetworkStats.cpp
+++ b/libbpf/BpfNetworkStats.cpp
@@ -161,6 +161,17 @@
         return -res.code();
+    // Since eBPF use hash map to record stats, network stats collected from
+    // eBPF will be out of order. And the performance of findIndexHinted in
+    // NetworkStats will also be impacted.
+    //
+    // Furthermore, since the StatsKey contains iface index, the network stats
+    // reported to framework would create items with the same iface, uid, tag
+    // and set, which causes NetworkStats maps wrong item to subtract.
+    //
+    // Thus, the stats needs to be properly sorted and grouped before reported.
+    groupNetworkStats(lines);
     return 0;
@@ -226,6 +237,8 @@
         return -res.code();
+    groupNetworkStats(lines);
     return 0;
@@ -252,5 +265,66 @@
     return (uint64_t)uid << 32 | tag;
+void groupNetworkStats(std::vector<stats_line>* lines) {
+    if (lines->size() <= 1) return;
+    std::sort(lines->begin(), lines->end());
+    // Similar to std::unique(), but aggregates the duplicates rather than discarding them.
+    size_t nextOutput = 0;
+    for (size_t i = 1; i < lines->size(); i++) {
+        if (lines->at(nextOutput) == lines->at(i)) {
+            lines->at(nextOutput) += lines->at(i);
+        } else {
+            nextOutput++;
+            if (nextOutput != i) {
+                lines->at(nextOutput) = lines->at(i);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (lines->size() != nextOutput + 1) {
+        lines->resize(nextOutput + 1);
+    }
+// True if lhs equals to rhs, only compare iface, uid, tag and set.
+bool operator==(const stats_line& lhs, const stats_line& rhs) {
+    return ((lhs.uid == rhs.uid) && (lhs.tag == rhs.tag) && (lhs.set == rhs.set) &&
+            !strncmp(lhs.iface, rhs.iface, sizeof(lhs.iface)));
+// True if lhs is smaller then rhs, only compare iface, uid, tag and set.
+bool operator<(const stats_line& lhs, const stats_line& rhs) {
+    int ret = strncmp(lhs.iface, rhs.iface, sizeof(lhs.iface));
+    if (ret != 0) return ret < 0;
+    if (lhs.uid < rhs.uid) return true;
+    if (lhs.uid > rhs.uid) return false;
+    if (lhs.tag < rhs.tag) return true;
+    if (lhs.tag > rhs.tag) return false;
+    if (lhs.set < rhs.set) return true;
+    if (lhs.set > rhs.set) return false;
+    return false;
+stats_line& stats_line::operator=(const stats_line& rhs) {
+    strlcpy(iface, rhs.iface, sizeof(iface));
+    uid = rhs.uid;
+    set = rhs.set;
+    tag = rhs.tag;
+    rxPackets = rhs.rxPackets;
+    txPackets = rhs.txPackets;
+    rxBytes = rhs.rxBytes;
+    txBytes = rhs.txBytes;
+    return *this;
+stats_line& stats_line::operator+=(const stats_line& rhs) {
+    rxPackets += rhs.rxPackets;
+    txPackets += rhs.txPackets;
+    rxBytes += rhs.rxBytes;
+    txBytes += rhs.txBytes;
+    return *this;
 }  // namespace bpf
 }  // namespace android
diff --git a/libbpf/BpfNetworkStatsTest.cpp b/libbpf/BpfNetworkStatsTest.cpp
index 8fd4943..c7d66fb 100644
--- a/libbpf/BpfNetworkStatsTest.cpp
+++ b/libbpf/BpfNetworkStatsTest.cpp
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
                               int counterSet, uint32_t tag, const stats_line& result) {
         EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(iface, result.iface));
         EXPECT_EQ(uid, (uint32_t)result.uid);
-        EXPECT_EQ(counterSet, result.set);
+        EXPECT_EQ((uint32_t) counterSet, result.set);
         EXPECT_EQ(tag, (uint32_t)result.tag);
         EXPECT_EQ(target.rxPackets, (uint64_t)result.rxPackets);
         EXPECT_EQ(target.rxBytes, (uint64_t)result.rxBytes);
@@ -431,14 +431,157 @@
               parseBpfNetworkStatsDevInternal(&lines, mFakeIfaceStatsMap, mFakeIfaceIndexNameMap));
     ASSERT_EQ((unsigned long)4, lines.size());
-    std::sort(lines.begin(), lines.end(), [](const auto& line1, const auto& line2)-> bool {
-        return strcmp(line1.iface, line2.iface) < 0;
-    });
     expectStatsLineEqual(value1, IFACE_NAME1, UID_ALL, SET_ALL, TAG_NONE, lines[0]);
     expectStatsLineEqual(value1, IFACE_NAME3, UID_ALL, SET_ALL, TAG_NONE, lines[1]);
     expectStatsLineEqual(value2, IFACE_NAME2, UID_ALL, SET_ALL, TAG_NONE, lines[2]);
     ASSERT_EQ(0, strcmp(TRUNCATED_IFACE_NAME, lines[3].iface));
     expectStatsLineEqual(value2, TRUNCATED_IFACE_NAME, UID_ALL, SET_ALL, TAG_NONE, lines[3]);
+TEST_F(BpfNetworkStatsHelperTest, TestGetStatsSortedAndGrouped) {
+    // Create iface indexes with duplicate iface name.
+    updateIfaceMap(IFACE_NAME1, IFACE_INDEX1);
+    updateIfaceMap(IFACE_NAME2, IFACE_INDEX2);
+    updateIfaceMap(IFACE_NAME1, IFACE_INDEX3);  // Duplicate!
+    StatsValue value1 = {
+            .rxBytes = TEST_BYTES0,
+            .rxPackets = TEST_PACKET0,
+            .txBytes = TEST_BYTES1,
+            .txPackets = TEST_PACKET1,
+    };
+    StatsValue value2 = {
+            .rxBytes = TEST_BYTES1,
+            .rxPackets = TEST_PACKET1,
+            .txBytes = TEST_BYTES0,
+            .txPackets = TEST_PACKET0,
+    };
+    StatsValue value3 = {
+            .rxBytes = TEST_BYTES0 * 2,
+            .rxPackets = TEST_PACKET0 * 2,
+            .txBytes = TEST_BYTES1 * 2,
+            .txPackets = TEST_PACKET1 * 2,
+    };
+    std::vector<stats_line> lines;
+    std::vector<std::string> ifaces;
+    // Test empty stats.
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, parseBpfNetworkStatsDetailInternal(&lines, ifaces, TAG_ALL, UID_ALL,
+                                                    mFakeTagStatsMap, mFakeIfaceIndexNameMap));
+    ASSERT_EQ((size_t) 0, lines.size());
+    lines.clear();
+    // Test 1 line stats.
+    populateFakeStats(TEST_UID1, TEST_TAG, IFACE_INDEX1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, value1,
+                      mFakeTagStatsMap);
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, parseBpfNetworkStatsDetailInternal(&lines, ifaces, TAG_ALL, UID_ALL,
+                                                    mFakeTagStatsMap, mFakeIfaceIndexNameMap));
+    ASSERT_EQ((size_t) 1, lines.size());
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value1, IFACE_NAME1, TEST_UID1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, TEST_TAG, lines[0]);
+    lines.clear();
+    // These items should not be grouped.
+    populateFakeStats(TEST_UID1, TEST_TAG, IFACE_INDEX2, TEST_COUNTERSET0, value2,
+                      mFakeTagStatsMap);
+    populateFakeStats(TEST_UID1, TEST_TAG, IFACE_INDEX3, TEST_COUNTERSET1, value2,
+                      mFakeTagStatsMap);
+    populateFakeStats(TEST_UID1, TEST_TAG + 1, IFACE_INDEX1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, value2,
+                      mFakeTagStatsMap);
+    populateFakeStats(TEST_UID2, TEST_TAG, IFACE_INDEX1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, value1,
+                      mFakeTagStatsMap);
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, parseBpfNetworkStatsDetailInternal(&lines, ifaces, TAG_ALL, UID_ALL,
+                                                    mFakeTagStatsMap, mFakeIfaceIndexNameMap));
+    ASSERT_EQ((size_t) 5, lines.size());
+    lines.clear();
+    // These items should be grouped.
+    populateFakeStats(TEST_UID1, TEST_TAG, IFACE_INDEX3, TEST_COUNTERSET0, value1,
+                      mFakeTagStatsMap);
+    populateFakeStats(TEST_UID2, TEST_TAG, IFACE_INDEX3, TEST_COUNTERSET0, value1,
+                      mFakeTagStatsMap);
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, parseBpfNetworkStatsDetailInternal(&lines, ifaces, TAG_ALL, UID_ALL,
+                                                    mFakeTagStatsMap, mFakeIfaceIndexNameMap));
+    ASSERT_EQ((size_t) 5, lines.size());
+    // Verify Sorted & Grouped.
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value3, IFACE_NAME1, TEST_UID1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, TEST_TAG, lines[0]);
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value2, IFACE_NAME1, TEST_UID1, TEST_COUNTERSET1, TEST_TAG, lines[1]);
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value2, IFACE_NAME1, TEST_UID1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, TEST_TAG + 1, lines[2]);
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value3, IFACE_NAME1, TEST_UID2, TEST_COUNTERSET0, TEST_TAG, lines[3]);
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value2, IFACE_NAME2, TEST_UID1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, TEST_TAG, lines[4]);
+    lines.clear();
+    // Perform test on IfaceStats.
+    uint32_t ifaceStatsKey = IFACE_INDEX2;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isOk(mFakeIfaceStatsMap.writeValue(ifaceStatsKey, value2, BPF_ANY)));
+    ifaceStatsKey = IFACE_INDEX1;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isOk(mFakeIfaceStatsMap.writeValue(ifaceStatsKey, value1, BPF_ANY)));
+    // This should be grouped.
+    ifaceStatsKey = IFACE_INDEX3;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isOk(mFakeIfaceStatsMap.writeValue(ifaceStatsKey, value1, BPF_ANY)));
+    ASSERT_EQ(0,
+              parseBpfNetworkStatsDevInternal(&lines, mFakeIfaceStatsMap, mFakeIfaceIndexNameMap));
+    ASSERT_EQ((size_t) 2, lines.size());
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value3, IFACE_NAME1, UID_ALL, SET_ALL, TAG_NONE, lines[0]);
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value2, IFACE_NAME2, UID_ALL, SET_ALL, TAG_NONE, lines[1]);
+    lines.clear();
+// Test to verify that subtract overflow will not be triggered by the compare function invoked from
+// sorting. See http:/b/119193941.
+TEST_F(BpfNetworkStatsHelperTest, TestGetStatsSortAndOverflow) {
+    updateIfaceMap(IFACE_NAME1, IFACE_INDEX1);
+    StatsValue value1 = {
+            .rxBytes = TEST_BYTES0,
+            .rxPackets = TEST_PACKET0,
+            .txBytes = TEST_BYTES1,
+            .txPackets = TEST_PACKET1,
+    };
+    // Mutate uid, 0 < TEST_UID1 < INT_MAX < INT_MIN < UINT_MAX.
+    populateFakeStats(0, TEST_TAG, IFACE_INDEX1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, value1, mFakeTagStatsMap);
+    populateFakeStats(UINT_MAX, TEST_TAG, IFACE_INDEX1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, value1, mFakeTagStatsMap);
+    populateFakeStats(INT_MIN, TEST_TAG, IFACE_INDEX1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, value1, mFakeTagStatsMap);
+    populateFakeStats(INT_MAX, TEST_TAG, IFACE_INDEX1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, value1, mFakeTagStatsMap);
+    // Mutate tag, 0 < TEST_TAG < INT_MAX < INT_MIN < UINT_MAX.
+    populateFakeStats(TEST_UID1, INT_MAX, IFACE_INDEX1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, value1, mFakeTagStatsMap);
+    populateFakeStats(TEST_UID1, INT_MIN, IFACE_INDEX1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, value1, mFakeTagStatsMap);
+    populateFakeStats(TEST_UID1, 0, IFACE_INDEX1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, value1, mFakeTagStatsMap);
+    populateFakeStats(TEST_UID1, UINT_MAX, IFACE_INDEX1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, value1,
+                      mFakeTagStatsMap);
+    // TODO: Mutate counterSet and enlarge TEST_MAP_SIZE if overflow on counterSet is possible.
+    std::vector<stats_line> lines;
+    std::vector<std::string> ifaces;
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, parseBpfNetworkStatsDetailInternal(&lines, ifaces, TAG_ALL, UID_ALL,
+                                                    mFakeTagStatsMap, mFakeIfaceIndexNameMap));
+    ASSERT_EQ((size_t) 8, lines.size());
+    // Uid 0 first
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value1, IFACE_NAME1, 0, TEST_COUNTERSET0, TEST_TAG, lines[0]);
+    // Test uid, mutate tag.
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value1, IFACE_NAME1, TEST_UID1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, 0, lines[1]);
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value1, IFACE_NAME1, TEST_UID1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, INT_MAX, lines[2]);
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value1, IFACE_NAME1, TEST_UID1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, INT_MIN, lines[3]);
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value1, IFACE_NAME1, TEST_UID1, TEST_COUNTERSET0, UINT_MAX, lines[4]);
+    // Mutate uid.
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value1, IFACE_NAME1, INT_MAX, TEST_COUNTERSET0, TEST_TAG, lines[5]);
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value1, IFACE_NAME1, INT_MIN, TEST_COUNTERSET0, TEST_TAG, lines[6]);
+    expectStatsLineEqual(value1, IFACE_NAME1, UINT_MAX, TEST_COUNTERSET0, TEST_TAG, lines[7]);
+    lines.clear();
 }  // namespace bpf
 }  // namespace android
diff --git a/libbpf/include/bpf/BpfNetworkStats.h b/libbpf/include/bpf/BpfNetworkStats.h
index 80dff88..503f090 100644
--- a/libbpf/include/bpf/BpfNetworkStats.h
+++ b/libbpf/include/bpf/BpfNetworkStats.h
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
  * limitations under the License.
 #include <bpf/BpfMap.h>
 namespace android {
@@ -31,19 +34,26 @@
 // The limit for stats received by a unknown interface;
 constexpr const int64_t MAX_UNKNOWN_IFACE_BYTES = 100 * 1000;
-// This is a JNI ABI and is used by
-// framework/base/core/jni/com_android_internal_net_NetworkStatsFactory.cpp
+// This is used by
+// frameworks/base/core/jni/com_android_internal_net_NetworkStatsFactory.cpp
 // make sure it is consistent with the JNI code before changing this.
 struct stats_line {
     char iface[32];
-    int32_t uid;
-    int32_t set;
-    int32_t tag;
+    uint32_t uid;
+    uint32_t set;
+    uint32_t tag;
     int64_t rxBytes;
     int64_t rxPackets;
     int64_t txBytes;
     int64_t txPackets;
+    stats_line& operator=(const stats_line& rhs);
+    stats_line& operator+=(const stats_line& rhs);
+bool operator==(const stats_line& lhs, const stats_line& rhs);
+bool operator<(const stats_line& lhs, const stats_line& rhs);
 // For test only
 int bpfGetUidStatsInternal(uid_t uid, struct Stats* stats,
                            const BpfMap<uint32_t, StatsValue>& appUidStatsMap);
@@ -107,6 +117,9 @@
                                int limitUid);
 int parseBpfNetworkStatsDev(std::vector<stats_line>* lines);
+void groupNetworkStats(std::vector<stats_line>* lines);
 int cleanStatsMap();
 }  // namespace bpf
 }  // namespace android