blob: cc2c3054a266901bf0e0530c3202d7730220c852 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <linux/in.h>
#include <linux/netlink.h>
#include <linux/xfrm.h>
#include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
#include "android-base/strings.h"
#include "android-base/unique_fd.h"
#include <log/log_properties.h>
#define LOG_TAG "XfrmController"
#include "NetdConstants.h"
#include "NetlinkCommands.h"
#include "ResponseCode.h"
#include "XfrmController.h"
#include "netdutils/Fd.h"
#include "netdutils/Slice.h"
#include "netdutils/Syscalls.h"
#include <cutils/log.h>
#include <cutils/properties.h>
#include <logwrap/logwrap.h>
using android::netdutils::Fd;
using android::netdutils::Slice;
using android::netdutils::Status;
using android::netdutils::StatusOr;
using android::netdutils::Syscalls;
namespace android {
namespace net {
// Exposed for testing
constexpr uint32_t ALGO_MASK_AUTH_ALL = ~0;
// Exposed for testing
constexpr uint32_t ALGO_MASK_CRYPT_ALL = ~0;
// Exposed for testing
constexpr uint32_t ALGO_MASK_AEAD_ALL = ~0;
// Exposed for testing
constexpr uint8_t REPLAY_WINDOW_SIZE = 4;
namespace {
constexpr uint32_t RAND_SPI_MIN = 1;
constexpr uint32_t RAND_SPI_MAX = 0xFFFFFFFE;
constexpr uint32_t INVALID_SPI = 0;
#define XFRM_MSG_TRANS(x) \
case x: \
return #x;
const char* xfrmMsgTypeToString(uint16_t msg) {
switch (msg) {
// actually const but cannot be declared as such for reasons
uint8_t kPadBytesArray[] = {0, 0, 0};
void* kPadBytes = static_cast<void*>(kPadBytesArray);
#define LOG_HEX(__desc16__, __buf__, __len__) \
if (__android_log_is_debuggable()) { \
do { \
logHex(__desc16__, __buf__, __len__); \
} while (0); \
#define LOG_IOV(__iov__) \
if (__android_log_is_debuggable()) { \
do { \
logIov(__iov__); \
} while (0); \
void logHex(const char* desc16, const char* buf, size_t len) {
char* printBuf = new char[len * 2 + 1 + 26]; // len->ascii, +newline, +prefix strlen
int offset = 0;
if (desc16) {
sprintf(printBuf, "{%-16s}", desc16);
offset += 18; // prefix string length
sprintf(printBuf + offset, "[%4.4u]: ", (len > 9999) ? 9999 : (unsigned)len);
offset += 8;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < (uint32_t)len; j++) {
sprintf(&printBuf[j * 2 + offset], "%0.2x", buf[j]);
ALOGD("%s", printBuf);
delete[] printBuf;
void logIov(const std::vector<iovec>& iov) {
for (const iovec& row : iov) {
logHex(0, reinterpret_cast<char*>(row.iov_base), row.iov_len);
size_t fillNlAttr(__u16 nlaType, size_t valueSize, nlattr* nlAttr) {
size_t dataLen = valueSize;
int padLength = NLMSG_ALIGN(dataLen) - dataLen;
nlAttr->nla_len = (__u16)(dataLen + sizeof(nlattr));
nlAttr->nla_type = nlaType;
return padLength;
size_t fillNlAttrIpAddress(__u16 nlaType, int family, const std::string& value, nlattr* nlAttr,
Slice ipAddress) {
inet_pton(family, value.c_str(), ipAddress.base());
return fillNlAttr(nlaType, (family == AF_INET) ? sizeof(in_addr) : sizeof(in6_addr), nlAttr);
size_t fillNlAttrU32(__u16 nlaType, int32_t value, nlattr* nlAttr, uint32_t* u32Value) {
*u32Value = htonl(value);
return fillNlAttr(nlaType, sizeof((*u32Value)), nlAttr);
// returns the address family, placing the string in the provided buffer
StatusOr<uint16_t> convertStringAddress(std::string addr, uint8_t* buffer) {
if (inet_pton(AF_INET, addr.c_str(), buffer) == 1) {
return AF_INET;
} else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr.c_str(), buffer) == 1) {
return AF_INET6;
} else {
return Status(EAFNOSUPPORT);
// TODO: Need to consider a way to refer to the sSycalls instance
inline Syscalls& getSyscallInstance() { return netdutils::sSyscalls.get(); }
class XfrmSocketImpl : public XfrmSocket {
static constexpr int NLMSG_DEFAULTSIZE = 8192;
union NetlinkResponse {
nlmsghdr hdr;
struct _err_ {
nlmsghdr hdr;
nlmsgerr err;
} err;
struct _buf_ {
nlmsghdr hdr;
} buf;
netdutils::Status open() override {
mSock = openNetlinkSocket(NETLINK_XFRM);
if (mSock < 0) {
ALOGW("Could not get a new socket, line=%d", __LINE__);
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(-mSock, "Could not open netlink socket");
return netdutils::status::ok;
static netdutils::Status validateResponse(NetlinkResponse response, size_t len) {
if (len < sizeof(nlmsghdr)) {
ALOGW("Invalid response message received over netlink");
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EBADMSG, "Invalid message");
switch (response.hdr.nlmsg_type) {
return netdutils::status::ok;
ALOGD("Netlink request overran kernel buffer");
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EBADMSG, "Kernel buffer overrun");
if (len < sizeof(NetlinkResponse::_err_)) {
ALOGD("Netlink message received malformed error response");
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EBADMSG, "Malformed error response");
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(
"Error netlink message"); // Netlink errors are negative errno.
if (response.hdr.nlmsg_type < XFRM_MSG_BASE /*== NLMSG_MIN_TYPE*/ ||
response.hdr.nlmsg_type > XFRM_MSG_MAX) {
ALOGD("Netlink message responded with an out-of-range message ID");
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EBADMSG, "Invalid message ID");
// TODO Add more message validation here
return netdutils::status::ok;
netdutils::Status sendMessage(uint16_t nlMsgType, uint16_t nlMsgFlags, uint16_t nlMsgSeqNum,
std::vector<iovec>* iovecs) const override {
nlmsghdr nlMsg = {
.nlmsg_type = nlMsgType,
.nlmsg_flags = nlMsgFlags,
.nlmsg_seq = nlMsgSeqNum,
(*iovecs)[0].iov_base = &nlMsg;
(*iovecs)[0].iov_len = NLMSG_HDRLEN;
for (const iovec& iov : *iovecs) {
nlMsg.nlmsg_len += iov.iov_len;
ALOGD("Sending Netlink XFRM Message: %s", xfrmMsgTypeToString(nlMsgType));
StatusOr<size_t> writeResult = getSyscallInstance().writev(mSock, *iovecs);
if (!isOk(writeResult)) {
ALOGE("netlink socket writev failed (%s)", toString(writeResult).c_str());
return writeResult;
if (nlMsg.nlmsg_len != writeResult.value()) {
ALOGE("Invalid netlink message length sent %d", static_cast<int>(writeResult.value()));
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EBADMSG, "Invalid message length");
NetlinkResponse response = {};
StatusOr<Slice> readResult =
getSyscallInstance().read(Fd(mSock), netdutils::makeSlice(response));
if (!isOk(readResult)) {
ALOGE("netlink response error (%s)", toString(readResult).c_str());
return readResult;
LOG_HEX("netlink msg resp", reinterpret_cast<char*>(readResult.value().base()),
Status validateStatus = validateResponse(response, readResult.value().size());
if (!isOk(validateStatus)) {
ALOGE("netlink response contains error (%s)", toString(validateStatus).c_str());
return validateStatus;
StatusOr<int> convertToXfrmAddr(const std::string& strAddr, xfrm_address_t* xfrmAddr) {
if (strAddr.length() == 0) {
memset(xfrmAddr, 0, sizeof(*xfrmAddr));
return AF_UNSPEC;
if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, strAddr.c_str(), reinterpret_cast<void*>(xfrmAddr))) {
return AF_INET6;
} else if (inet_pton(AF_INET, strAddr.c_str(), reinterpret_cast<void*>(xfrmAddr))) {
return AF_INET;
} else {
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EAFNOSUPPORT, "Invalid address family");
void fillXfrmNlaHdr(nlattr* hdr, uint16_t type, uint16_t len) {
hdr->nla_type = type;
hdr->nla_len = len;
void fillXfrmCurLifetimeDefaults(xfrm_lifetime_cur* cur) {
memset(reinterpret_cast<char*>(cur), 0, sizeof(*cur));
void fillXfrmLifetimeDefaults(xfrm_lifetime_cfg* cfg) {
cfg->soft_byte_limit = XFRM_INF;
cfg->hard_byte_limit = XFRM_INF;
cfg->soft_packet_limit = XFRM_INF;
cfg->hard_packet_limit = XFRM_INF;
* Allocate SPIs within an (inclusive) range of min-max.
* returns 0 (INVALID_SPI) once the entire range has been parsed.
class RandomSpi {
RandomSpi(int min, int max) : mMin(min) {
// Re-seeding should be safe because the seed itself is
// sufficiently random and we don't need secure random
std::mt19937 rnd = std::mt19937(std::random_device()());
mNext = std::uniform_int_distribution<>(1, INT_MAX)(rnd);
mSize = max - min + 1;
mCount = mSize;
uint32_t next() {
if (!mCount)
return 0;
return (mNext++ % mSize) + mMin;
uint32_t mNext;
uint32_t mSize;
uint32_t mMin;
uint32_t mCount;
} // namespace
// Begin XfrmController Impl
XfrmController::XfrmController(void) {}
netdutils::Status XfrmController::ipSecSetEncapSocketOwner(const android::base::unique_fd& socket,
int newUid, uid_t callerUid) {
ALOGD("XfrmController:%s, line=%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
const int fd = socket.get();
struct stat info;
if (fstat(fd, &info)) {
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(errno, "Failed to stat socket file descriptor");
if (info.st_uid != callerUid) {
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EPERM, "fchown disabled for non-owner calls");
if (S_ISSOCK(info.st_mode) == 0) {
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EINVAL, "File descriptor was not a socket");
int optval;
socklen_t optlen;
netdutils::Status status =
getSyscallInstance().getsockopt(Fd(socket), IPPROTO_UDP, UDP_ENCAP, &optval, &optlen);
if (status != netdutils::status::ok) {
return status;
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EINVAL, "Socket did not have UDP-encap sockopt set");
if (fchown(fd, newUid, -1)) {
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(errno, "Failed to fchown socket file descriptor");
return netdutils::status::ok;
netdutils::Status XfrmController::ipSecAllocateSpi(int32_t transformId,
const std::string& sourceAddress,
const std::string& destinationAddress,
int32_t inSpi, int32_t* outSpi) {
ALOGD("XfrmController:%s, line=%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
ALOGD("transformId=%d", transformId);
ALOGD("sourceAddress=%s", sourceAddress.c_str());
ALOGD("destinationAddress=%s", destinationAddress.c_str());
ALOGD("inSpi=%0.8x", inSpi);
XfrmSaInfo saInfo{};
netdutils::Status ret =
fillXfrmId(sourceAddress, destinationAddress, INVALID_SPI, 0, 0, transformId, &saInfo);
if (!isOk(ret)) {
return ret;
XfrmSocketImpl sock;
netdutils::Status socketStatus =;
if (!isOk(socketStatus)) {
ALOGD("Sock open failed for XFRM, line=%d", __LINE__);
return socketStatus;
int minSpi = RAND_SPI_MIN, maxSpi = RAND_SPI_MAX;
if (inSpi)
minSpi = maxSpi = inSpi;
ret = allocateSpi(saInfo, minSpi, maxSpi, reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(outSpi), sock);
if (!isOk(ret)) {
// TODO: May want to return a new Status with a modified status string
ALOGD("Failed to Allocate an SPI, line=%d", __LINE__);
*outSpi = INVALID_SPI;
return ret;
netdutils::Status XfrmController::ipSecAddSecurityAssociation(
int32_t transformId, int32_t mode, const std::string& sourceAddress,
const std::string& destinationAddress, int32_t underlyingNetId, int32_t spi, int32_t markValue,
int32_t markMask, const std::string& authAlgo, const std::vector<uint8_t>& authKey,
int32_t authTruncBits, const std::string& cryptAlgo, const std::vector<uint8_t>& cryptKey,
int32_t cryptTruncBits, const std::string& aeadAlgo, const std::vector<uint8_t>& aeadKey,
int32_t aeadIcvBits, int32_t encapType, int32_t encapLocalPort, int32_t encapRemotePort) {
ALOGD("XfrmController::%s, line=%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
ALOGD("transformId=%d", transformId);
ALOGD("mode=%d", mode);
ALOGD("sourceAddress=%s", sourceAddress.c_str());
ALOGD("destinationAddress=%s", destinationAddress.c_str());
ALOGD("underlyingNetworkId=%d", underlyingNetId);
ALOGD("spi=%0.8x", spi);
ALOGD("markValue=%x", markValue);
ALOGD("markMask=%x", markMask);
ALOGD("authAlgo=%s", authAlgo.c_str());
ALOGD("authTruncBits=%d", authTruncBits);
ALOGD("cryptAlgo=%s", cryptAlgo.c_str());
ALOGD("cryptTruncBits=%d,", cryptTruncBits);
ALOGD("aeadAlgo=%s", aeadAlgo.c_str());
ALOGD("aeadIcvBits=%d,", aeadIcvBits);
ALOGD("encapType=%d", encapType);
ALOGD("encapLocalPort=%d", encapLocalPort);
ALOGD("encapRemotePort=%d", encapRemotePort);
XfrmSaInfo saInfo{};
netdutils::Status ret = fillXfrmId(sourceAddress, destinationAddress, spi, markValue, markMask,
transformId, &saInfo);
if (!isOk(ret)) {
return ret;
saInfo.auth = XfrmAlgo{
.name = authAlgo, .key = authKey, .truncLenBits = static_cast<uint16_t>(authTruncBits)};
saInfo.crypt = XfrmAlgo{
.name = cryptAlgo, .key = cryptKey, .truncLenBits = static_cast<uint16_t>(cryptTruncBits)};
saInfo.aead = XfrmAlgo{
.name = aeadAlgo, .key = aeadKey, .truncLenBits = static_cast<uint16_t>(aeadIcvBits)};
switch (static_cast<XfrmMode>(mode)) {
case XfrmMode::TRANSPORT:
case XfrmMode::TUNNEL:
saInfo.mode = static_cast<XfrmMode>(mode);
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EINVAL, "Invalid xfrm mode");
XfrmSocketImpl sock;
netdutils::Status socketStatus =;
if (!isOk(socketStatus)) {
ALOGD("Sock open failed for XFRM, line=%d", __LINE__);
return socketStatus;
switch (static_cast<XfrmEncapType>(encapType)) {
case XfrmEncapType::ESPINUDP:
case XfrmEncapType::ESPINUDP_NON_IKE:
if (saInfo.addrFamily != AF_INET) {
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EAFNOSUPPORT, "IPv6 encap not supported");
// The ports are not used on input SAs, so this is OK to be wrong when
// direction is ultimately input.
saInfo.encap.srcPort = encapLocalPort;
saInfo.encap.dstPort = encapRemotePort;
// fall through
case XfrmEncapType::NONE:
saInfo.encap.type = static_cast<XfrmEncapType>(encapType);
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EINVAL, "Invalid encap type");
saInfo.netId = underlyingNetId;
ret = updateSecurityAssociation(saInfo, sock);
if (!isOk(ret)) {
ALOGD("Failed updating a Security Association, line=%d", __LINE__);
return ret;
netdutils::Status XfrmController::ipSecDeleteSecurityAssociation(
int32_t transformId, const std::string& sourceAddress, const std::string& destinationAddress,
int32_t spi, int32_t markValue, int32_t markMask) {
ALOGD("XfrmController:%s, line=%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
ALOGD("transformId=%d", transformId);
ALOGD("sourceAddress=%s", sourceAddress.c_str());
ALOGD("destinationAddress=%s", destinationAddress.c_str());
ALOGD("spi=%0.8x", spi);
ALOGD("markValue=%x", markValue);
ALOGD("markMask=%x", markMask);
XfrmId saId{};
netdutils::Status ret =
fillXfrmId(sourceAddress, destinationAddress, spi, markValue, markMask, transformId, &saId);
if (!isOk(ret)) {
return ret;
XfrmSocketImpl sock;
netdutils::Status socketStatus =;
if (!isOk(socketStatus)) {
ALOGD("Sock open failed for XFRM, line=%d", __LINE__);
return socketStatus;
ret = deleteSecurityAssociation(saId, sock);
if (!isOk(ret)) {
ALOGD("Failed to delete Security Association, line=%d", __LINE__);
return ret;
netdutils::Status XfrmController::fillXfrmId(const std::string& sourceAddress,
const std::string& destinationAddress, int32_t spi,
int32_t markValue, int32_t markMask,
int32_t transformId, XfrmId* xfrmId) {
// Fill the straightforward fields first
xfrmId->transformId = transformId;
xfrmId->spi = htonl(spi);
xfrmId->mark.v = markValue;
xfrmId->mark.m = markMask;
// Use the addresses to determine the address family and do validation
xfrm_address_t sourceXfrmAddr{}, destXfrmAddr{};
StatusOr<int> sourceFamily, destFamily;
sourceFamily = convertToXfrmAddr(sourceAddress, &sourceXfrmAddr);
destFamily = convertToXfrmAddr(destinationAddress, &destXfrmAddr);
if (!isOk(sourceFamily) || !isOk(destFamily)) {
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EINVAL, "Invalid address " + sourceAddress + "/" +
if (destFamily.value() == AF_UNSPEC ||
(sourceFamily.value() != AF_UNSPEC && sourceFamily.value() != destFamily.value())) {
ALOGD("Invalid or Mismatched Address Families, %d != %d, line=%d", sourceFamily.value(),
destFamily.value(), __LINE__);
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EINVAL, "Invalid or mismatched address families");
xfrmId->addrFamily = destFamily.value();
xfrmId->dstAddr = destXfrmAddr;
xfrmId->srcAddr = sourceXfrmAddr;
return netdutils::status::ok;
netdutils::Status XfrmController::ipSecApplyTransportModeTransform(
const android::base::unique_fd& socket, int32_t transformId, int32_t direction,
const std::string& sourceAddress, const std::string& destinationAddress, int32_t spi) {
ALOGD("XfrmController::%s, line=%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
ALOGD("transformId=%d", transformId);
ALOGD("direction=%d", direction);
ALOGD("sourceAddress=%s", sourceAddress.c_str());
ALOGD("destinationAddress=%s", destinationAddress.c_str());
ALOGD("spi=%0.8x", spi);
StatusOr<sockaddr_storage> ret = getSyscallInstance().getsockname<sockaddr_storage>(Fd(socket));
if (!isOk(ret)) {
ALOGE("Failed to get socket info in %s", __FUNCTION__);
return ret;
struct sockaddr_storage saddr = ret.value();
XfrmSaInfo saInfo{};
netdutils::Status status =
fillXfrmId(sourceAddress, destinationAddress, spi, 0, 0, transformId, &saInfo);
if (!isOk(status)) {
ALOGE("Couldn't build SA ID %s", __FUNCTION__);
return status;
if (saddr.ss_family == AF_INET && saInfo.addrFamily != AF_INET) {
ALOGE("IPV4 socket address family(%d) should match IPV4 Transform "
"address family(%d)!",
saddr.ss_family, saInfo.addrFamily);
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EINVAL, "Mismatched address family");
struct {
xfrm_userpolicy_info info;
xfrm_user_tmpl tmpl;
} policy{};
fillTransportModeUserSpInfo(saInfo, static_cast<XfrmDirection>(direction), &;
fillUserTemplate(saInfo, &policy.tmpl);
LOG_HEX("XfrmUserPolicy", reinterpret_cast<char*>(&policy), sizeof(policy));
int sockOpt, sockLayer;
switch (saddr.ss_family) {
case AF_INET:
sockLayer = SOL_IP;
case AF_INET6:
sockLayer = SOL_IPV6;
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EAFNOSUPPORT, "Invalid address family");
status = getSyscallInstance().setsockopt(Fd(socket), sockLayer, sockOpt, policy);
if (!isOk(status)) {
ALOGE("Error setting socket option for XFRM! (%s)", toString(status).c_str());
return status;
XfrmController::ipSecRemoveTransportModeTransform(const android::base::unique_fd& socket) {
ALOGD("XfrmController::%s, line=%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
StatusOr<sockaddr_storage> ret = getSyscallInstance().getsockname<sockaddr_storage>(Fd(socket));
if (!isOk(ret)) {
ALOGE("Failed to get socket info in %s! (%s)", __FUNCTION__, toString(ret).c_str());
return ret;
int sockOpt, sockLayer;
switch (ret.value().ss_family) {
case AF_INET:
sockLayer = SOL_IP;
case AF_INET6:
sockLayer = SOL_IPV6;
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EAFNOSUPPORT, "Invalid address family");
// Kernel will delete the security policy on this socket for both direction
// if optval is set to NULL and optlen is set to 0.
netdutils::Status status =
getSyscallInstance().setsockopt(Fd(socket), sockLayer, sockOpt, NULL, 0);
if (!isOk(status)) {
ALOGE("Error removing socket option for XFRM! (%s)", toString(status).c_str());
return status;
netdutils::Status XfrmController::ipSecAddSecurityPolicy(int32_t transformId, int32_t direction,
const std::string& localAddress,
const std::string& remoteAddress,
int32_t spi, int32_t markValue,
int32_t markMask) {
return processSecurityPolicy(transformId, direction, localAddress, remoteAddress, spi,
markValue, markMask, XFRM_MSG_NEWPOLICY);
netdutils::Status XfrmController::ipSecUpdateSecurityPolicy(int32_t transformId, int32_t direction,
const std::string& localAddress,
const std::string& remoteAddress,
int32_t spi, int32_t markValue,
int32_t markMask) {
return processSecurityPolicy(transformId, direction, localAddress, remoteAddress, spi,
markValue, markMask, XFRM_MSG_UPDPOLICY);
netdutils::Status XfrmController::ipSecDeleteSecurityPolicy(int32_t transformId, int32_t direction,
const std::string& localAddress,
const std::string& remoteAddress,
int32_t markValue, int32_t markMask) {
return processSecurityPolicy(transformId, direction, localAddress, remoteAddress, 0, markValue,
netdutils::Status XfrmController::processSecurityPolicy(int32_t transformId, int32_t direction,
const std::string& localAddress,
const std::string& remoteAddress,
int32_t spi, int32_t markValue,
int32_t markMask, int32_t msgType) {
ALOGD("XfrmController::%s, line=%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
ALOGD("transformId=%d", transformId);
ALOGD("direction=%d", direction);
ALOGD("localAddress=%s", localAddress.c_str());
ALOGD("remoteAddress=%s", remoteAddress.c_str());
ALOGD("spi=%0.8x", spi);
ALOGD("markValue=%d", markValue);
ALOGD("markMask=%d", markMask);
ALOGD("msgType=%d", msgType);
XfrmSaInfo saInfo{};
saInfo.mode = XfrmMode::TUNNEL;
XfrmSocketImpl sock;
fillXfrmId(localAddress, remoteAddress, spi, markValue, markMask, transformId, &saInfo));
if (msgType == XFRM_MSG_DELPOLICY) {
return deleteTunnelModeSecurityPolicy(saInfo, sock, static_cast<XfrmDirection>(direction));
} else {
return updateTunnelModeSecurityPolicy(saInfo, sock, static_cast<XfrmDirection>(direction),
void XfrmController::fillXfrmSelector(const XfrmSaInfo& record, xfrm_selector* selector) {
selector->family = record.addrFamily;
selector->proto = AF_UNSPEC; // TODO: do we need to match the protocol? it's
// possible via the socket
netdutils::Status XfrmController::updateSecurityAssociation(const XfrmSaInfo& record,
const XfrmSocket& sock) {
xfrm_usersa_info usersa{};
nlattr_algo_crypt crypt{};
nlattr_algo_auth auth{};
nlattr_algo_aead aead{};
nlattr_xfrm_mark xfrmmark{};
nlattr_xfrm_output_mark xfrmoutputmark{};
nlattr_encap_tmpl encap{};
enum {
std::vector<iovec> iov = {
{NULL, 0}, // reserved for the eventual addition of a NLMSG_HDR
{&usersa, 0}, // main usersa_info struct
{kPadBytes, 0}, // up to NLMSG_ALIGNTO pad bytes of padding
{&crypt, 0}, // adjust size if crypt algo is present
{kPadBytes, 0}, // up to NLATTR_ALIGNTO pad bytes
{&auth, 0}, // adjust size if auth algo is present
{kPadBytes, 0}, // up to NLATTR_ALIGNTO pad bytes
{&aead, 0}, // adjust size if aead algo is present
{kPadBytes, 0}, // up to NLATTR_ALIGNTO pad bytes
{&xfrmmark, 0}, // adjust size if xfrm mark is present
{kPadBytes, 0}, // up to NLATTR_ALIGNTO pad bytes
{&xfrmoutputmark, 0}, // adjust size if xfrm output mark is present
{kPadBytes, 0}, // up to NLATTR_ALIGNTO pad bytes
{&encap, 0}, // adjust size if encapsulating
{kPadBytes, 0}, // up to NLATTR_ALIGNTO pad bytes
if (! && (! || ! {
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EINVAL, "Invalid xfrm algo selection; AEAD is mutually "
"exclusive with both Authentication and "
if (record.aead.key.size() > MAX_KEY_LENGTH || record.auth.key.size() > MAX_KEY_LENGTH ||
record.crypt.key.size() > MAX_KEY_LENGTH) {
return netdutils::statusFromErrno(EINVAL, "Key length invalid; exceeds MAX_KEY_LENGTH");
int len;
len = iov[USERSA].iov_len = fillUserSaInfo(record, &usersa);
iov[USERSA_PAD].iov_len = NLMSG_ALIGN(len) - len;
len = iov[CRYPT].iov_len = fillNlAttrXfrmAlgoEnc(record.crypt, &crypt);
iov[CRYPT_PAD].iov_len = NLA_ALIGN(len) - len;
len = iov[AUTH].iov_len = fillNlAttrXfrmAlgoAuth(record.auth, &auth);
iov[AUTH_PAD].iov_len = NLA_ALIGN(len) - len;
len = iov[AEAD].iov_len = fillNlAttrXfrmAlgoAead(record.aead, &aead);
iov[AEAD_PAD].iov_len = NLA_ALIGN(len) - len;
len = iov[MARK].iov_len = fillNlAttrXfrmMark(record, &xfrmmark);
iov[MARK_PAD].iov_len = NLA_ALIGN(len) - len;
len = iov[OUTPUT_MARK].iov_len = fillNlAttrXfrmOutputMark(record.netId, &xfrmoutputmark);
iov[OUTPUT_MARK_PAD].iov_len = NLA_ALIGN(len) - len;
len = iov[ENCAP].iov_len = fillNlAttrXfrmEncapTmpl(record, &encap);
iov[ENCAP_PAD].iov_len = NLA_ALIGN(len) - len;
return sock.sendMessage(XFRM_MSG_UPDSA, NETLINK_REQUEST_FLAGS, 0, &iov);
int XfrmController::fillNlAttrXfrmAlgoEnc(const XfrmAlgo& inAlgo, nlattr_algo_crypt* algo) {
if ( { // Do not fill anything if algorithm not provided
return 0;
int len = NLA_HDRLEN + sizeof(xfrm_algo);
// Kernel always changes last char to null terminator; no safety checks needed.
strncpy(algo->crypt.alg_name,, sizeof(algo->crypt.alg_name));
algo->crypt.alg_key_len = inAlgo.key.size() * 8; // bits
memcpy(algo->key, &inAlgo.key[0], inAlgo.key.size());
len += inAlgo.key.size();
fillXfrmNlaHdr(&algo->hdr, XFRMA_ALG_CRYPT, len);
return len;
int XfrmController::fillNlAttrXfrmAlgoAuth(const XfrmAlgo& inAlgo, nlattr_algo_auth* algo) {
if ( { // Do not fill anything if algorithm not provided
return 0;
int len = NLA_HDRLEN + sizeof(xfrm_algo_auth);
// Kernel always changes last char to null terminator; no safety checks needed.
strncpy(algo->auth.alg_name,, sizeof(algo->auth.alg_name));
algo->auth.alg_key_len = inAlgo.key.size() * 8; // bits
// This is the extra field for ALG_AUTH_TRUNC
algo->auth.alg_trunc_len = inAlgo.truncLenBits;
memcpy(algo->key, &inAlgo.key[0], inAlgo.key.size());
len += inAlgo.key.size();
fillXfrmNlaHdr(&algo->hdr, XFRMA_ALG_AUTH_TRUNC, len);
return len;
int XfrmController::fillNlAttrXfrmAlgoAead(const XfrmAlgo& inAlgo, nlattr_algo_aead* algo) {
if ( { // Do not fill anything if algorithm not provided
return 0;
int len = NLA_HDRLEN + sizeof(xfrm_algo_aead);
// Kernel always changes last char to null terminator; no safety checks needed.
strncpy(algo->aead.alg_name,, sizeof(algo->aead.alg_name));
algo->aead.alg_key_len = inAlgo.key.size() * 8; // bits
// This is the extra field for ALG_AEAD. ICV length is the same as truncation length
// for any AEAD algorithm.
algo->aead.alg_icv_len = inAlgo.truncLenBits;
memcpy(algo->key, &inAlgo.key[0], inAlgo.key.size());
len += inAlgo.key.size();
fillXfrmNlaHdr(&algo->hdr, XFRMA_ALG_AEAD, len);
return len;
int XfrmController::fillNlAttrXfrmEncapTmpl(const XfrmSaInfo& record, nlattr_encap_tmpl* tmpl) {
if (record.encap.type == XfrmEncapType::NONE) {
return 0;
int len = NLA_HDRLEN + sizeof(xfrm_encap_tmpl);
tmpl->tmpl.encap_type = static_cast<uint16_t>(record.encap.type);
tmpl->tmpl.encap_sport = htons(record.encap.srcPort);
tmpl->tmpl.encap_dport = htons(record.encap.dstPort);
fillXfrmNlaHdr(&tmpl->hdr, XFRMA_ENCAP, len);
return len;
int XfrmController::fillUserSaInfo(const XfrmSaInfo& record, xfrm_usersa_info* usersa) {
fillXfrmSelector(record, &usersa->sel);
usersa->id.proto = IPPROTO_ESP;
usersa->id.spi = record.spi;
usersa->id.daddr = record.dstAddr;
usersa->saddr = record.srcAddr;
memset(&usersa->stats, 0, sizeof(usersa->stats)); // leave stats zeroed out
usersa->reqid = record.transformId;
usersa->family = record.addrFamily;
usersa->mode = static_cast<uint8_t>(record.mode);
usersa->replay_window = REPLAY_WINDOW_SIZE;
if (record.mode == XfrmMode::TRANSPORT) {
usersa->flags = 0; // TODO: should we actually set flags, XFRM_SA_XFLAG_DONT_ENCAP_DSCP?
} else {
usersa->flags = XFRM_STATE_AF_UNSPEC;
return sizeof(*usersa);
int XfrmController::fillUserSaId(const XfrmId& record, xfrm_usersa_id* said) {
said->daddr = record.dstAddr;
said->spi = record.spi;
said->family = record.addrFamily;
said->proto = IPPROTO_ESP;
return sizeof(*said);
netdutils::Status XfrmController::deleteSecurityAssociation(const XfrmId& record,
const XfrmSocket& sock) {
xfrm_usersa_id said{};
nlattr_xfrm_mark xfrmmark{};
std::vector<iovec> iov = {
{NULL, 0}, // reserved for the eventual addition of a NLMSG_HDR
{&said, 0}, // main usersa_info struct
{kPadBytes, 0}, // up to NLMSG_ALIGNTO pad bytes of padding
{&xfrmmark, 0}, // adjust size if xfrm mark is present
{kPadBytes, 0}, // up to NLATTR_ALIGNTO pad bytes
int len;
len = iov[USERSAID].iov_len = fillUserSaId(record, &said);
iov[USERSAID_PAD].iov_len = NLMSG_ALIGN(len) - len;
len = iov[MARK].iov_len = fillNlAttrXfrmMark(record, &xfrmmark);
iov[MARK_PAD].iov_len = NLA_ALIGN(len) - len;
return sock.sendMessage(XFRM_MSG_DELSA, NETLINK_REQUEST_FLAGS, 0, &iov);
netdutils::Status XfrmController::allocateSpi(const XfrmSaInfo& record, uint32_t minSpi,
uint32_t maxSpi, uint32_t* outSpi,
const XfrmSocket& sock) {
xfrm_userspi_info spiInfo{};
std::vector<iovec> iov = {
{NULL, 0}, // reserved for the eventual addition of a NLMSG_HDR
{&spiInfo, 0}, // main userspi_info struct
{kPadBytes, 0}, // up to NLMSG_ALIGNTO pad bytes of padding
int len;
if (fillUserSaInfo(record, & == 0) {
ALOGE("Failed to fill transport SA Info");
len = iov[USERSAID].iov_len = sizeof(spiInfo);
iov[USERSAID_PAD].iov_len = NLMSG_ALIGN(len) - len;
RandomSpi spiGen = RandomSpi(minSpi, maxSpi);
int spi;
netdutils::Status ret;
while ((spi = != INVALID_SPI) {
spiInfo.min = spi;
spiInfo.max = spi;
ret = sock.sendMessage(XFRM_MSG_ALLOCSPI, NETLINK_REQUEST_FLAGS, 0, &iov);
/* If the SPI is in use, we'll get ENOENT */
if (netdutils::equalToErrno(ret, ENOENT))
if (isOk(ret)) {
*outSpi = spi;
ALOGD("Allocated an SPI: %x", *outSpi);
} else {
*outSpi = INVALID_SPI;
ALOGE("SPI Allocation Failed with error %d", ret.code());
return ret;
// Should always be -ENOENT if we get here
return ret;
netdutils::Status XfrmController::updateTunnelModeSecurityPolicy(const XfrmSaInfo& record,
const XfrmSocket& sock,
XfrmDirection direction,
uint16_t msgType) {
xfrm_userpolicy_info userpolicy{};
nlattr_user_tmpl usertmpl{};
nlattr_xfrm_mark xfrmmark{};
enum {
std::vector<iovec> iov = {
{NULL, 0}, // reserved for the eventual addition of a NLMSG_HDR
{&userpolicy, 0}, // main xfrm_userpolicy_info struct
{kPadBytes, 0}, // up to NLMSG_ALIGNTO pad bytes of padding
{&usertmpl, 0}, // adjust size if xfrm_user_tmpl struct is present
{kPadBytes, 0}, // up to NLATTR_ALIGNTO pad bytes
{&xfrmmark, 0}, // adjust size if xfrm mark is present
{kPadBytes, 0}, // up to NLATTR_ALIGNTO pad bytes
int len;
len = iov[USERPOLICY].iov_len = fillTransportModeUserSpInfo(record, direction, &userpolicy);
iov[USERPOLICY_PAD].iov_len = NLMSG_ALIGN(len) - len;
len = iov[USERTMPL].iov_len = fillNlAttrUserTemplate(record, &usertmpl);
iov[USERTMPL_PAD].iov_len = NLA_ALIGN(len) - len;
len = iov[MARK].iov_len = fillNlAttrXfrmMark(record, &xfrmmark);
iov[MARK_PAD].iov_len = NLA_ALIGN(len) - len;
return sock.sendMessage(msgType, NETLINK_REQUEST_FLAGS, 0, &iov);
netdutils::Status XfrmController::deleteTunnelModeSecurityPolicy(const XfrmSaInfo& record,
const XfrmSocket& sock,
XfrmDirection direction) {
xfrm_userpolicy_id policyid{};
nlattr_xfrm_mark xfrmmark{};
enum {
std::vector<iovec> iov = {
{NULL, 0}, // reserved for the eventual addition of a NLMSG_HDR
{&policyid, 0}, // main xfrm_userpolicy_id struct
{kPadBytes, 0}, // up to NLMSG_ALIGNTO pad bytes of padding
{&xfrmmark, 0}, // adjust size if xfrm mark is present
{kPadBytes, 0}, // up to NLATTR_ALIGNTO pad bytes
int len = iov[USERPOLICYID].iov_len = fillUserPolicyId(record, direction, &policyid);
iov[USERPOLICYID_PAD].iov_len = NLMSG_ALIGN(len) - len;
len = iov[MARK].iov_len = fillNlAttrXfrmMark(record, &xfrmmark);
iov[MARK_PAD].iov_len = NLA_ALIGN(len) - len;
return sock.sendMessage(XFRM_MSG_DELPOLICY, NETLINK_REQUEST_FLAGS, 0, &iov);
int XfrmController::fillTransportModeUserSpInfo(const XfrmSaInfo& record, XfrmDirection direction,
xfrm_userpolicy_info* usersp) {
fillXfrmSelector(record, &usersp->sel);
/* if (index) index & 0x3 == dir -- must be true
* xfrm_user.c:verify_newpolicy_info() */
usersp->index = 0;
usersp->dir = static_cast<uint8_t>(direction);
usersp->action = XFRM_POLICY_ALLOW;
usersp->flags = XFRM_POLICY_LOCALOK;
usersp->share = XFRM_SHARE_UNIQUE;
return sizeof(*usersp);
int XfrmController::fillUserTemplate(const XfrmSaInfo& record, xfrm_user_tmpl* tmpl) {
tmpl->id.daddr = record.dstAddr;
tmpl->id.spi = record.spi;
tmpl->id.proto = IPPROTO_ESP;
tmpl->family = record.addrFamily;
tmpl->saddr = record.srcAddr;
tmpl->reqid = record.transformId;
tmpl->mode = static_cast<uint8_t>(record.mode);
tmpl->share = XFRM_SHARE_UNIQUE;
tmpl->optional = 0; // if this is true, then a failed state lookup will be considered OK:
tmpl->aalgos = ALGO_MASK_AUTH_ALL; // TODO: if there's a bitmask somewhere of
// algos, we should find it and apply it.
// I can't find one.
tmpl->ealgos = ALGO_MASK_CRYPT_ALL; // TODO: if there's a bitmask somewhere...
return sizeof(xfrm_user_tmpl*);
int XfrmController::fillNlAttrUserTemplate(const XfrmSaInfo& record, nlattr_user_tmpl* tmpl) {
fillUserTemplate(record, &tmpl->tmpl);
int len = NLA_HDRLEN + sizeof(xfrm_user_tmpl);
fillXfrmNlaHdr(&tmpl->hdr, XFRMA_TMPL, len);
return len;
int XfrmController::fillNlAttrXfrmMark(const XfrmId& record, nlattr_xfrm_mark* mark) {
mark->mark.v = record.mark.v; // set to 0 if it's not used
mark->mark.m = record.mark.m; // set to 0 if it's not used
int len = NLA_HDRLEN + sizeof(xfrm_mark);
fillXfrmNlaHdr(&mark->hdr, XFRMA_MARK, len);
return len;
int XfrmController::fillNlAttrXfrmOutputMark(const __u32 output_mark_value,
nlattr_xfrm_output_mark* output_mark) {
// Do not set if we were not given an output mark
if (output_mark_value == 0) {
return 0;
output_mark->outputMark = output_mark_value;
int len = NLA_HDRLEN + sizeof(__u32);
fillXfrmNlaHdr(&output_mark->hdr, XFRMA_OUTPUT_MARK, len);
return len;
int XfrmController::fillUserPolicyId(const XfrmSaInfo& record, XfrmDirection direction,
xfrm_userpolicy_id* usersp) {
// For DELPOLICY, when index is absent, selector is needed to match the policy
fillXfrmSelector(record, &usersp->sel);
usersp->dir = static_cast<uint8_t>(direction);
return sizeof(*usersp);
int XfrmController::addVirtualTunnelInterface(const std::string& deviceName,
const std::string& localAddress,
const std::string& remoteAddress, int32_t ikey,
int32_t okey, bool isUpdate) {
ALOGD("XfrmController::%s, line=%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
ALOGD("deviceName=%s", deviceName.c_str());
ALOGD("localAddress=%s", localAddress.c_str());
ALOGD("remoteAddress=%s", remoteAddress.c_str());
ALOGD("ikey=%0.8x", ikey);
ALOGD("okey=%0.8x", okey);
ALOGD("isUpdate=%d", isUpdate);
if (deviceName.empty() || localAddress.empty() || remoteAddress.empty()) {
return EINVAL;
const char* INFO_KIND_VTI6 = "vti6";
const char* INFO_KIND_VTI = "vti";
uint8_t PADDING_BUFFER[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
// Find address family.
uint8_t remAddr[sizeof(in6_addr)];
StatusOr<uint16_t> statusOrRemoteFam = convertStringAddress(remoteAddress, remAddr);
if (!isOk(statusOrRemoteFam)) {
return statusOrRemoteFam.status().code();
uint8_t locAddr[sizeof(in6_addr)];
StatusOr<uint16_t> statusOrLocalFam = convertStringAddress(localAddress, locAddr);
if (!isOk(statusOrLocalFam)) {
return statusOrLocalFam.status().code();
if (statusOrLocalFam.value() != statusOrRemoteFam.value()) {
return EINVAL;
uint16_t family = statusOrLocalFam.value();
ifinfomsg ifInfoMsg{};
// Construct IFLA_IFNAME
nlattr iflaIfName;
char iflaIfNameStrValue[deviceName.length() + 1];
size_t iflaIfNameLength =
strlcpy(iflaIfNameStrValue, deviceName.c_str(), sizeof(iflaIfNameStrValue));
size_t iflaIfNamePad = fillNlAttr(IFLA_IFNAME, iflaIfNameLength, &iflaIfName);
// Construct IFLA_INFO_KIND
// Constants "vti6" and "vti" enable the kernel to call different code paths,
// (ip_tunnel.c, ip6_tunnel), based on the family.
const std::string infoKindValue = (family == AF_INET6) ? INFO_KIND_VTI6 : INFO_KIND_VTI;
nlattr iflaIfInfoKind;
char infoKindValueStrValue[infoKindValue.length() + 1];
size_t iflaIfInfoKindLength =
strlcpy(infoKindValueStrValue, infoKindValue.c_str(), sizeof(infoKindValueStrValue));
size_t iflaIfInfoKindPad = fillNlAttr(IFLA_INFO_KIND, iflaIfInfoKindLength, &iflaIfInfoKind);
// Construct IFLA_VTI_LOCAL
nlattr iflaVtiLocal;
uint8_t binaryLocalAddress[sizeof(in6_addr)];
size_t iflaVtiLocalPad =
fillNlAttrIpAddress(IFLA_VTI_LOCAL, family, localAddress, &iflaVtiLocal,
// Construct IFLA_VTI_REMOTE
nlattr iflaVtiRemote;
uint8_t binaryRemoteAddress[sizeof(in6_addr)];
size_t iflaVtiRemotePad =
fillNlAttrIpAddress(IFLA_VTI_REMOTE, family, remoteAddress, &iflaVtiRemote,
// Construct IFLA_VTI_OKEY
nlattr iflaVtiIKey;
uint32_t iKeyValue;
size_t iflaVtiIKeyPad = fillNlAttrU32(IFLA_VTI_IKEY, ikey, &iflaVtiIKey, &iKeyValue);
// Construct IFLA_VTI_IKEY
nlattr iflaVtiOKey;
uint32_t oKeyValue;
size_t iflaVtiOKeyPad = fillNlAttrU32(IFLA_VTI_OKEY, okey, &iflaVtiOKey, &oKeyValue);
int iflaInfoDataPayloadLength = iflaVtiLocal.nla_len + iflaVtiLocalPad + iflaVtiRemote.nla_len +
iflaVtiRemotePad + iflaVtiIKey.nla_len + iflaVtiIKeyPad +
iflaVtiOKey.nla_len + iflaVtiOKeyPad;
// Construct IFLA_INFO_DATA
nlattr iflaInfoData;
size_t iflaInfoDataPad = fillNlAttr(IFLA_INFO_DATA, iflaInfoDataPayloadLength, &iflaInfoData);
// Construct IFLA_LINKINFO
nlattr iflaLinkInfo;
size_t iflaLinkInfoPad = fillNlAttr(IFLA_LINKINFO,
iflaInfoData.nla_len + iflaInfoDataPad +
iflaIfInfoKind.nla_len + iflaIfInfoKindPad,
iovec iov[] = {
{NULL, 0},
{&ifInfoMsg, sizeof(ifInfoMsg)},
{&iflaIfName, sizeof(iflaIfName)},
{iflaIfNameStrValue, iflaIfNameLength},
{&PADDING_BUFFER, iflaIfNamePad},
{&iflaLinkInfo, sizeof(iflaLinkInfo)},
{&iflaIfInfoKind, sizeof(iflaIfInfoKind)},
{infoKindValueStrValue, iflaIfInfoKindLength},
{&PADDING_BUFFER, iflaIfInfoKindPad},
{&iflaInfoData, sizeof(iflaInfoData)},
{&iflaVtiLocal, sizeof(iflaVtiLocal)},
{&binaryLocalAddress, (family == AF_INET) ? sizeof(in_addr) : sizeof(in6_addr)},
{&PADDING_BUFFER, iflaVtiLocalPad},
{&iflaVtiRemote, sizeof(iflaVtiRemote)},
{&binaryRemoteAddress, (family == AF_INET) ? sizeof(in_addr) : sizeof(in6_addr)},
{&PADDING_BUFFER, iflaVtiRemotePad},
{&iflaVtiIKey, sizeof(iflaVtiIKey)},
{&iKeyValue, sizeof(iKeyValue)},
{&PADDING_BUFFER, iflaVtiIKeyPad},
{&iflaVtiOKey, sizeof(iflaVtiOKey)},
{&oKeyValue, sizeof(oKeyValue)},
{&PADDING_BUFFER, iflaVtiOKeyPad},
{&PADDING_BUFFER, iflaInfoDataPad},
{&PADDING_BUFFER, iflaLinkInfoPad},
uint16_t action = RTM_NEWLINK;
uint16_t flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK;
if (!isUpdate) {
int ret = sendNetlinkRequest(action, flags, iov, ARRAY_SIZE(iov), nullptr);
if (ret) {
ALOGE("Error in %s virtual tunnel interface. Error Code: %d",
isUpdate ? "updating" : "adding", ret);
return ret;
int XfrmController::removeVirtualTunnelInterface(const std::string& deviceName) {
ALOGD("XfrmController::%s, line=%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
ALOGD("deviceName=%s", deviceName.c_str());
if (deviceName.empty()) {
return EINVAL;
uint8_t PADDING_BUFFER[] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
ifinfomsg ifInfoMsg{};
nlattr iflaIfName;
char iflaIfNameStrValue[deviceName.length() + 1];
size_t iflaIfNameLength =
strlcpy(iflaIfNameStrValue, deviceName.c_str(), sizeof(iflaIfNameStrValue));
size_t iflaIfNamePad = fillNlAttr(IFLA_IFNAME, iflaIfNameLength, &iflaIfName);
iovec iov[] = {
{NULL, 0},
{&ifInfoMsg, sizeof(ifInfoMsg)},
{&iflaIfName, sizeof(iflaIfName)},
{iflaIfNameStrValue, iflaIfNameLength},
{&PADDING_BUFFER, iflaIfNamePad},
uint16_t action = RTM_DELLINK;
uint16_t flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK;
int ret = sendNetlinkRequest(action, flags, iov, ARRAY_SIZE(iov), nullptr);
if (ret) {
ALOGE("Error in removing virtual tunnel interface %s. Error Code: %d", iflaIfNameStrValue,
return ret;
} // namespace net
} // namespace android