blob: 5e88ab8f401622071953fce738766b01a8a7d8bf [file] [log] [blame]
cc_library_shared {
name: "libnetd_resolv",
version_script: "",
defaults: ["netd_defaults"],
srcs: [
// Link everything statically (except for libc) to minimize our dependence
// on system ABIs
stl: "libc++_static",
static_libs: [
export_include_dirs: ["include"],
// TODO: pie in the sky: make this code clang-tidy clean
tidy: false,
product_variables: {
debuggable: {
cppflags: [
cc_test {
name: "libnetd_resolv_test",
defaults: ["netd_defaults"],
// Add DnsTls* files since they are not visible outside libnetd_resolv library.
srcs: [
// TODO: Remove the include path "system/netd/include" after Fwmark used in DnsTlsTransport is
// moved out.
include_dirs: [
shared_libs: [