blob: 31c4801a71c4698143040d670b1f5aa3e7714b2f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <vector>
#include "HalGroup.h"
#include "ManifestHal.h"
#include "MapValueIterator.h"
#include "SchemaType.h"
#include "Version.h"
#include "Vndk.h"
#include "XmlFileGroup.h"
namespace android {
namespace vintf {
struct MatrixHal;
struct CompatibilityMatrix;
// A HalManifest is reported by the hardware and query-able from
// framework code. This is the API for the framework.
struct HalManifest : public HalGroup<ManifestHal>, public XmlFileGroup<ManifestXmlFile> {
// manifest.version
constexpr static Version kVersion{1, 0};
// Construct a device HAL manifest.
HalManifest() : mType(SchemaType::DEVICE) {}
// Given a component name (e.g. ""),
// return getHal(name)->transport if the component exist and v exactly matches
// one of the versions in that component, else EMPTY
Transport getTransport(const std::string &name, const Version &v,
const std::string &interfaceName, const std::string &instanceName) const;
// Given a component name (e.g. ""),
// return a list of version numbers that are supported by the hardware.
// If the component is not found, empty list is returned.
// If multiple matches, return a concatenation of version entries
// (dupes removed)
std::set<Version> getSupportedVersions(const std::string &name) const;
// Given a component name (e.g. "") and an interface
// name, return all instance names for that interface.
// * If the component ("") does not exist, return empty list
// * If the component ("") does exist,
// * If the interface (ICamera) does not exist, return empty list
// * Else return the list hal.interface.instance
std::set<std::string> getInstances(
const std::string &halName, const std::string &interfaceName) const;
// Convenience method for checking if instanceName is in getInstances(halName, interfaceName)
bool hasInstance(const std::string &halName,
const std::string &interfaceName, const std::string &instanceName) const;
// Return a list of component names that does NOT conform to
// the given compatibility matrix. It contains components that are optional
// for the framework if includeOptional = true.
// Note: only HAL entries are checked. To check other entries as well, use
// checkCompatibility.
std::vector<std::string> checkIncompatibility(const CompatibilityMatrix &mat,
bool includeOptional = true) const;
// Check compatibility against a compatibility matrix. Considered compatible if
// - framework manifest vs. device compat-mat
// - checkIncompatibility for HALs returns only optional HALs
// - one of manifest.vndk match compat-mat.vndk
// - device manifest vs. framework compat-mat
// - checkIncompatibility for HALs returns only optional HALs
// - manifest.sepolicy.version match one of compat-mat.sepolicy.sepolicy-version
bool checkCompatibility(const CompatibilityMatrix &mat, std::string *error = nullptr) const;
// Generate a compatibility matrix such that checkCompatibility will return true.
CompatibilityMatrix generateCompatibleMatrix() const;
// Returns all component names.
std::set<std::string> getHalNames() const;
// Returns all component names and versions, e.g.
// "", "",
// "android.hardware.nfc@1.0"]
std::set<std::string> getHalNamesAndVersions() const;
// Given a component name (e.g. ""),
// return a list of interface names of that component.
// If the component is not found, empty list is returned.
std::set<std::string> getInterfaceNames(const std::string &name) const;
// Type of the manifest. FRAMEWORK or DEVICE.
SchemaType type() const;
// Get all hals with the name
std::vector<const ManifestHal *> getHals(const std::string &name) const;
std::vector<ManifestHal *> getHals(const std::string &name);
// device.mSepolicyVersion. Assume type == device.
// Abort if type != device.
const Version &sepolicyVersion() const;
// framework.mVndks. Assume type == framework.
// Abort if type != framework.
const std::vector<Vndk> &vndks() const;
// If the corresponding <xmlfile> with the given version exists,
// - Return the overridden <path> if it is present,
// - otherwise the default value: /{system,vendor}/etc/<name>_V<major>_<minor>.xml
// Otherwise if the <xmlfile> entry does not exist, "" is returned.
std::string getXmlFilePath(const std::string& xmlFileName, const Version& version) const;
// Check before add()
bool shouldAdd(const ManifestHal& toAdd) const override;
bool shouldAddXmlFile(const ManifestXmlFile& toAdd) const override;
friend struct HalManifestConverter;
friend class VintfObject;
friend class AssembleVintf;
friend struct LibVintfTest;
friend std::string dump(const HalManifest &vm);
friend bool operator==(const HalManifest &lft, const HalManifest &rgt);
// Return an iterable to all ManifestHal objects. Call it as follows:
// for (const ManifestHal &e : vm.getHals()) { }
ConstMultiMapValueIterable<std::string, ManifestHal> getHals() const;
status_t fetchAllInformation(const std::string &path);
// Check if all instances in matrixHal is supported in this manifest.
bool isCompatible(const MatrixHal& matrixHal) const;
std::vector<std::string> checkIncompatibleXmlFiles(const CompatibilityMatrix& mat,
bool includeOptional = true) const;
SchemaType mType;
// entries for device hal manifest only
struct {
Version mSepolicyVersion;
} device;
// entries for framework hal manifest only
struct {
std::vector<Vndk> mVndks;
} framework;
} // namespace vintf
} // namespace android