Merge "Don't override BOARD_SEPOLICY_VERS if already set."
diff --git a/assemble_vintf_main.cpp b/assemble_vintf_main.cpp
index 75b62a8..e4f3d6f 100644
--- a/assemble_vintf_main.cpp
+++ b/assemble_vintf_main.cpp
@@ -44,16 +44,18 @@
                  "               a framework compatibility matrix is generated. This flag\n"
                  "               is ignored when input is a compatibility matrix.\n"
                  "    -c [<check file>]\n"
-                 "               After writing the output file, check compatibility between\n"
-                 "               output file and check file.\n"
-                 "               If -c is set but the check file is not specified, a warning\n"
-                 "               message is written to stderr. Return 0.\n"
-                 "               If the check file is specified but is not compatible, an error\n"
-                 "               message is written to stderr. Return 1.\n"
+                 "               The path of the \"check file\"; for example, this is the path\n"
+                 "               of the device manifest for framework compatibility matrix.\n"
+                 "               After writing the output file, the program checks against\n"
+                 "               the \"check file\", depending on environment variables.\n"
+                 "               - PRODUCT_ENFORCE_VINTF_MANIFEST=true: check compatibility\n"
+                 "               - VINTF_ENFORCE_NO_UNUSED_HALS  =true: check unused HALs\n"
+                 "               If any check fails, an error message is written to stderr.\n"
+                 "               Return 1.\n"
                  "    --kernel=<version>:<android-base.cfg>[:<android-base-arch.cfg>[...]]\n"
                  "               Add a kernel entry to framework compatibility matrix.\n"
                  "               Ignored for other input format.\n"
-                 "               <version> has format: 3.18\n"
+                 "               <version> has format: 3.18.0\n"
                  "               <android-base.cfg> is the location of android-base.cfg\n"
                  "               <android-base-arch.cfg> is the location of an optional\n"
                  "               arch-specific config fragment, more than one may be specified\n"