blob: 320f97f2d475c54cafcba473955d2ff74d188f63 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "VintfObject.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/result.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <hidl/metadata.h>
#include "CompatibilityMatrix.h"
#include "parse_string.h"
#include "parse_xml.h"
#include "utils.h"
using std::placeholders::_1;
using std::placeholders::_2;
namespace android {
namespace vintf {
using namespace details;
static constexpr bool kIsTarget = true;
static constexpr bool kIsTarget = false;
template <typename T, typename F>
static std::shared_ptr<const T> Get(
LockedSharedPtr<T> *ptr,
bool skipCache,
const F &fetchAllInformation) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> _lock(ptr->mutex);
if (skipCache || !ptr->fetchedOnce) {
ptr->object = std::make_unique<T>();
std::string error;
if (fetchAllInformation(ptr->object.get(), &error) != OK) {
LOG(WARNING) << error;
ptr->object = nullptr; // frees the old object
ptr->fetchedOnce = true;
return ptr->object;
static std::unique_ptr<FileSystem> createDefaultFileSystem() {
std::unique_ptr<FileSystem> fileSystem;
if (kIsTarget) {
fileSystem = std::make_unique<details::FileSystemImpl>();
} else {
fileSystem = std::make_unique<details::FileSystemNoOp>();
return fileSystem;
static std::unique_ptr<PropertyFetcher> createDefaultPropertyFetcher() {
std::unique_ptr<PropertyFetcher> propertyFetcher;
if (kIsTarget) {
propertyFetcher = std::make_unique<details::PropertyFetcherImpl>();
} else {
propertyFetcher = std::make_unique<details::PropertyFetcherNoOp>();
return propertyFetcher;
std::shared_ptr<VintfObject> VintfObject::GetInstance() {
static details::LockedSharedPtr<VintfObject> sInstance{};
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(sInstance.mutex);
if (sInstance.object == nullptr) {
sInstance.object = std::shared_ptr<VintfObject>(VintfObject::Builder().build().release());
return sInstance.object;
std::shared_ptr<const HalManifest> VintfObject::GetDeviceHalManifest(bool skipCache) {
return GetInstance()->getDeviceHalManifest(skipCache);
std::shared_ptr<const HalManifest> VintfObject::getDeviceHalManifest(bool skipCache) {
return Get(&mDeviceManifest, skipCache,
std::bind(&VintfObject::fetchDeviceHalManifest, this, _1, _2));
std::shared_ptr<const HalManifest> VintfObject::GetFrameworkHalManifest(bool skipCache) {
return GetInstance()->getFrameworkHalManifest(skipCache);
std::shared_ptr<const HalManifest> VintfObject::getFrameworkHalManifest(bool skipCache) {
return Get(&mFrameworkManifest, skipCache,
std::bind(&VintfObject::fetchFrameworkHalManifest, this, _1, _2));
std::shared_ptr<const CompatibilityMatrix> VintfObject::GetDeviceCompatibilityMatrix(bool skipCache) {
return GetInstance()->getDeviceCompatibilityMatrix(skipCache);
std::shared_ptr<const CompatibilityMatrix> VintfObject::getDeviceCompatibilityMatrix(
bool skipCache) {
return Get(&mDeviceMatrix, skipCache, std::bind(&VintfObject::fetchDeviceMatrix, this, _1, _2));
std::shared_ptr<const CompatibilityMatrix> VintfObject::GetFrameworkCompatibilityMatrix(bool skipCache) {
return GetInstance()->getFrameworkCompatibilityMatrix(skipCache);
std::shared_ptr<const CompatibilityMatrix> VintfObject::getFrameworkCompatibilityMatrix(
bool skipCache) {
// To avoid deadlock, get device manifest before any locks.
auto deviceManifest = getDeviceHalManifest();
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> _lock(mFrameworkCompatibilityMatrixMutex);
auto combined =
Get(&mCombinedFrameworkMatrix, skipCache,
std::bind(&VintfObject::getCombinedFrameworkMatrix, this, deviceManifest, _1, _2));
if (combined != nullptr) {
return combined;
return Get(&mFrameworkMatrix, skipCache,
std::bind(&CompatibilityMatrix::fetchAllInformation, _1, getFileSystem().get(),
kSystemLegacyMatrix, _2));
status_t VintfObject::getCombinedFrameworkMatrix(
const std::shared_ptr<const HalManifest>& deviceManifest, CompatibilityMatrix* out,
std::string* error) {
std::vector<Named<CompatibilityMatrix>> matrixFragments;
auto matrixFragmentsStatus = getAllFrameworkMatrixLevels(&matrixFragments, error);
if (matrixFragmentsStatus != OK) {
return matrixFragmentsStatus;
if (matrixFragments.empty()) {
if (error && error->empty()) {
*error = "Cannot get framework matrix for each FCM version for unknown error.";
Level deviceLevel = Level::UNSPECIFIED;
if (deviceManifest != nullptr) {
deviceLevel = deviceManifest->level();
// TODO(b/70628538): Do not infer from Shipping API level.
if (deviceLevel == Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
auto shippingApi = getPropertyFetcher()->getUintProperty("ro.product.first_api_level", 0u);
if (shippingApi != 0u) {
deviceLevel = details::convertFromApiLevel(shippingApi);
if (deviceLevel == Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
// Cannot infer FCM version. Combine all matrices by assuming
// Shipping FCM Version == min(all supported FCM Versions in the framework)
for (auto&& pair : matrixFragments) {
Level fragmentLevel = pair.object.level();
if (fragmentLevel != Level::UNSPECIFIED && deviceLevel > fragmentLevel) {
deviceLevel = fragmentLevel;
if (deviceLevel == Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
// None of the fragments specify any FCM version. Should never happen except
// for inconsistent builds.
if (error) {
*error = "No framework compatibility matrix files under " + kSystemVintfDir +
" declare FCM version.";
auto combined = CompatibilityMatrix::combine(deviceLevel, &matrixFragments, error);
if (combined == nullptr) {
return BAD_VALUE;
*out = std::move(*combined);
return OK;
// Load and combine all of the manifests in a directory
status_t VintfObject::addDirectoryManifests(const std::string& directory, HalManifest* manifest,
std::string* error) {
std::vector<std::string> fileNames;
status_t err = getFileSystem()->listFiles(directory, &fileNames, error);
// if the directory isn't there, that's okay
if (err == NAME_NOT_FOUND) return OK;
if (err != OK) return err;
for (const std::string& file : fileNames) {
// Only adds HALs because all other things are added by libvintf
// itself for now.
HalManifest fragmentManifest;
err = fetchOneHalManifest(directory + file, &fragmentManifest, error);
if (err != OK) return err;
if (!manifest->addAll(&fragmentManifest, error)) {
if (error) {
error->insert(0, "Cannot add manifest fragment " + directory + file + ":");
return OK;
// Priority for loading vendor manifest:
// 1. Vendor manifest + device fragments + ODM manifest (optional) + odm fragments
// 2. Vendor manifest + device fragments
// 3. ODM manifest (optional) + odm fragments
// 4. /vendor/manifest.xml (legacy, no fragments)
// where:
// A + B means unioning <hal> tags from A and B. If B declares an override, then this takes priority
// over A.
status_t VintfObject::fetchDeviceHalManifest(HalManifest* out, std::string* error) {
HalManifest vendorManifest;
status_t vendorStatus = fetchVendorHalManifest(&vendorManifest, error);
if (vendorStatus != OK && vendorStatus != NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
return vendorStatus;
if (vendorStatus == OK) {
*out = std::move(vendorManifest);
status_t fragmentStatus = addDirectoryManifests(kVendorManifestFragmentDir, out, error);
if (fragmentStatus != OK) {
return fragmentStatus;
HalManifest odmManifest;
status_t odmStatus = fetchOdmHalManifest(&odmManifest, error);
if (odmStatus != OK && odmStatus != NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
return odmStatus;
if (vendorStatus == OK) {
if (odmStatus == OK) {
if (!out->addAll(&odmManifest, error)) {
if (error) {
error->insert(0, "Cannot add ODM manifest :");
return addDirectoryManifests(kOdmManifestFragmentDir, out, error);
// vendorStatus != OK, "out" is not changed.
if (odmStatus == OK) {
*out = std::move(odmManifest);
return addDirectoryManifests(kOdmManifestFragmentDir, out, error);
// Use legacy /vendor/manifest.xml
return out->fetchAllInformation(getFileSystem().get(), kVendorLegacyManifest, error);
// Priority:
// 1. if {vendorSku} is defined, /vendor/etc/vintf/manifest_{vendorSku}.xml
// 2. /vendor/etc/vintf/manifest.xml
// where:
// {vendorSku} is the value of ro.boot.product.vendor.sku
status_t VintfObject::fetchVendorHalManifest(HalManifest* out, std::string* error) {
status_t status;
std::string vendorSku;
vendorSku = getPropertyFetcher()->getProperty("ro.boot.product.vendor.sku", "");
if (!vendorSku.empty()) {
status =
fetchOneHalManifest(kVendorVintfDir + "manifest_" + vendorSku + ".xml", out, error);
if (status == OK || status != NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
return status;
status = fetchOneHalManifest(kVendorManifest, out, error);
if (status == OK || status != NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
return status;
// "out" is written to iff return status is OK.
// Priority:
// 1. if {sku} is defined, /odm/etc/vintf/manifest_{sku}.xml
// 2. /odm/etc/vintf/manifest.xml
// 3. if {sku} is defined, /odm/etc/manifest_{sku}.xml
// 4. /odm/etc/manifest.xml
// where:
// {sku} is the value of ro.boot.product.hardware.sku
status_t VintfObject::fetchOdmHalManifest(HalManifest* out, std::string* error) {
status_t status;
std::string productModel;
productModel = getPropertyFetcher()->getProperty("ro.boot.product.hardware.sku", "");
if (!productModel.empty()) {
status =
fetchOneHalManifest(kOdmVintfDir + "manifest_" + productModel + ".xml", out, error);
if (status == OK || status != NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
return status;
status = fetchOneHalManifest(kOdmManifest, out, error);
if (status == OK || status != NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
return status;
if (!productModel.empty()) {
status = fetchOneHalManifest(kOdmLegacyVintfDir + "manifest_" + productModel + ".xml", out,
if (status == OK || status != NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
return status;
status = fetchOneHalManifest(kOdmLegacyManifest, out, error);
if (status == OK || status != NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
return status;
// Fetch one manifest.xml file. "out" is written to iff return status is OK.
// Returns NAME_NOT_FOUND if file is missing.
status_t VintfObject::fetchOneHalManifest(const std::string& path, HalManifest* out,
std::string* error) {
HalManifest ret;
status_t status = ret.fetchAllInformation(getFileSystem().get(), path, error);
if (status == OK) {
*out = std::move(ret);
return status;
status_t VintfObject::fetchDeviceMatrix(CompatibilityMatrix* out, std::string* error) {
CompatibilityMatrix etcMatrix;
if (etcMatrix.fetchAllInformation(getFileSystem().get(), kVendorMatrix, error) == OK) {
*out = std::move(etcMatrix);
return OK;
return out->fetchAllInformation(getFileSystem().get(), kVendorLegacyMatrix, error);
// Priority:
// 1. /system/etc/vintf/manifest.xml
// + /system/etc/vintf/manifest/*.xml if they exist
// + /product/etc/vintf/manifest.xml if it exists
// + /product/etc/vintf/manifest/*.xml if they exist
// 2. (deprecated) /system/manifest.xml
status_t VintfObject::fetchFrameworkHalManifest(HalManifest* out, std::string* error) {
auto systemEtcStatus = fetchOneHalManifest(kSystemManifest, out, error);
if (systemEtcStatus == OK) {
auto dirStatus = addDirectoryManifests(kSystemManifestFragmentDir, out, error);
if (dirStatus != OK) {
return dirStatus;
HalManifest productManifest;
auto productStatus = fetchOneHalManifest(kProductManifest, &productManifest, error);
if (productStatus != OK && productStatus != NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
return productStatus;
if (productStatus == OK) {
if (!out->addAll(&productManifest, error)) {
if (error) {
error->insert(0, "Cannot add " + kProductManifest + ":");
return addDirectoryManifests(kProductManifestFragmentDir, out, error);
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot fetch " << kSystemManifest << ": "
<< (error ? *error : strerror(-systemEtcStatus));
return out->fetchAllInformation(getFileSystem().get(), kSystemLegacyManifest, error);
static void appendLine(std::string* error, const std::string& message) {
if (error != nullptr) {
if (!error->empty()) *error += "\n";
*error += message;
status_t VintfObject::getOneMatrix(const std::string& path, Named<CompatibilityMatrix>* out,
std::string* error) {
std::string content;
status_t status = getFileSystem()->fetch(path, &content, error);
if (status != OK) {
return status;
if (!gCompatibilityMatrixConverter(&out->object, content, error)) {
if (error) {
error->insert(0, "Cannot parse " + path + ": ");
return BAD_VALUE;
out->name = path;
return OK;
status_t VintfObject::getAllFrameworkMatrixLevels(std::vector<Named<CompatibilityMatrix>>* results,
std::string* error) {
std::vector<std::string> dirs = {
for (const auto& dir : dirs) {
std::vector<std::string> fileNames;
status_t listStatus = getFileSystem()->listFiles(dir, &fileNames, error);
if (listStatus == NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
if (listStatus != OK) {
return listStatus;
for (const std::string& fileName : fileNames) {
std::string path = dir + fileName;
Named<CompatibilityMatrix> namedMatrix;
std::string matrixError;
status_t matrixStatus = getOneMatrix(path, &namedMatrix, &matrixError);
if (matrixStatus != OK) {
// Manifests and matrices share the same dir. Client may not have enough
// permissions to read system manifests, or may not be able to parse it.
auto logLevel = matrixStatus == BAD_VALUE ? base::DEBUG : base::ERROR;
LOG(logLevel) << "Framework Matrix: Ignore file " << path << ": " << matrixError;
if (dir == kSystemVintfDir && results->empty()) {
if (error) {
*error = "No framework matrices under " + dir + " can be fetched or parsed.\n";
if (results->empty()) {
if (error) {
*error =
"No framework matrices can be fetched or parsed. "
"The following directories are searched:\n " +
android::base::Join(dirs, "\n ");
return OK;
std::shared_ptr<const RuntimeInfo> VintfObject::GetRuntimeInfo(bool skipCache,
RuntimeInfo::FetchFlags flags) {
return GetInstance()->getRuntimeInfo(skipCache, flags);
std::shared_ptr<const RuntimeInfo> VintfObject::getRuntimeInfo(bool skipCache,
RuntimeInfo::FetchFlags flags) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> _lock(mDeviceRuntimeInfo.mutex);
if (!skipCache) {
flags &= (~mDeviceRuntimeInfo.fetchedFlags);
if (mDeviceRuntimeInfo.object == nullptr) {
mDeviceRuntimeInfo.object = getRuntimeInfoFactory()->make_shared();
// Fetch kernel FCM version from device HAL manifest and store it in RuntimeInfo too.
if ((flags & RuntimeInfo::FetchFlag::KERNEL_FCM) != 0) {
auto manifest = getDeviceHalManifest();
if (!manifest) {
mDeviceRuntimeInfo.fetchedFlags &= ~RuntimeInfo::FetchFlag::KERNEL_FCM;
return nullptr;
Level level = Level::UNSPECIFIED;
if (manifest->kernel().has_value()) {
level = manifest->kernel()->level();
flags &= ~RuntimeInfo::FetchFlag::KERNEL_FCM;
status_t status = mDeviceRuntimeInfo.object->fetchAllInformation(flags);
if (status != OK) {
mDeviceRuntimeInfo.fetchedFlags &= (~flags); // mark the fields as "not fetched"
return nullptr;
mDeviceRuntimeInfo.fetchedFlags |= flags;
return mDeviceRuntimeInfo.object;
int32_t VintfObject::checkCompatibility(std::string* error, CheckFlags::Type flags) {
status_t status = OK;
// null checks for files and runtime info
if (getFrameworkHalManifest() == nullptr) {
appendLine(error, "No framework manifest file from device or from update package");
status = NO_INIT;
if (getDeviceHalManifest() == nullptr) {
appendLine(error, "No device manifest file from device or from update package");
status = NO_INIT;
if (getFrameworkCompatibilityMatrix() == nullptr) {
appendLine(error, "No framework matrix file from device or from update package");
status = NO_INIT;
if (getDeviceCompatibilityMatrix() == nullptr) {
appendLine(error, "No device matrix file from device or from update package");
status = NO_INIT;
if (flags.isRuntimeInfoEnabled()) {
if (getRuntimeInfo() == nullptr) {
appendLine(error, "No runtime info from device");
status = NO_INIT;
if (status != OK) return status;
// compatiblity check.
if (!getDeviceHalManifest()->checkCompatibility(*getFrameworkCompatibilityMatrix(), error)) {
if (error) {
"Device manifest and framework compatibility matrix are incompatible: ");
if (!getFrameworkHalManifest()->checkCompatibility(*getDeviceCompatibilityMatrix(), error)) {
if (error) {
"Framework manifest and device compatibility matrix are incompatible: ");
if (flags.isRuntimeInfoEnabled()) {
if (!getRuntimeInfo()->checkCompatibility(*getFrameworkCompatibilityMatrix(), error,
flags)) {
if (error) {
"Runtime info and framework compatibility matrix are incompatible: ");
namespace details {
const std::string kSystemVintfDir = "/system/etc/vintf/";
const std::string kVendorVintfDir = "/vendor/etc/vintf/";
const std::string kOdmVintfDir = "/odm/etc/vintf/";
const std::string kProductVintfDir = "/product/etc/vintf/";
const std::string kSystemExtVintfDir = "/system_ext/etc/vintf/";
const std::string kVendorManifest = kVendorVintfDir + "manifest.xml";
const std::string kSystemManifest = kSystemVintfDir + "manifest.xml";
const std::string kVendorMatrix = kVendorVintfDir + "compatibility_matrix.xml";
const std::string kOdmManifest = kOdmVintfDir + "manifest.xml";
const std::string kProductMatrix = kProductVintfDir + "compatibility_matrix.xml";
const std::string kProductManifest = kProductVintfDir + "manifest.xml";
const std::string kVendorManifestFragmentDir = kVendorVintfDir + "manifest/";
const std::string kSystemManifestFragmentDir = kSystemVintfDir + "manifest/";
const std::string kOdmManifestFragmentDir = kOdmVintfDir + "manifest/";
const std::string kProductManifestFragmentDir = kProductVintfDir + "manifest/";
const std::string kVendorLegacyManifest = "/vendor/manifest.xml";
const std::string kVendorLegacyMatrix = "/vendor/compatibility_matrix.xml";
const std::string kSystemLegacyManifest = "/system/manifest.xml";
const std::string kSystemLegacyMatrix = "/system/compatibility_matrix.xml";
const std::string kOdmLegacyVintfDir = "/odm/etc/";
const std::string kOdmLegacyManifest = kOdmLegacyVintfDir + "manifest.xml";
std::vector<std::string> dumpFileList() {
return {
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
} // namespace details
bool VintfObject::IsHalDeprecated(const MatrixHal& oldMatrixHal,
const CompatibilityMatrix& targetMatrix,
const ListInstances& listInstances, std::string* error) {
bool isDeprecated = false;
oldMatrixHal.forEachInstance([&](const MatrixInstance& oldMatrixInstance) {
if (IsInstanceDeprecated(oldMatrixInstance, targetMatrix, listInstances, error)) {
isDeprecated = true;
return !isDeprecated; // continue if no deprecated instance is found.
return isDeprecated;
// Let oldMatrixInstance = package@x.y-w::interface with instancePattern.
// If any "servedInstance" in listInstances(package@x.y::interface) matches instancePattern, return
// true iff:
// 1. package@x.?::interface/servedInstance is not in targetMatrix; OR
// 2. package@x.z::interface/servedInstance is in targetMatrix but
// servedInstance is not in listInstances(package@x.z::interface)
bool VintfObject::IsInstanceDeprecated(const MatrixInstance& oldMatrixInstance,
const CompatibilityMatrix& targetMatrix,
const ListInstances& listInstances, std::string* error) {
const std::string& package = oldMatrixInstance.package();
const Version& version = oldMatrixInstance.versionRange().minVer();
const std::string& interface = oldMatrixInstance.interface();
std::vector<std::string> instanceHint;
if (!oldMatrixInstance.isRegex()) {
auto list = listInstances(package, version, interface, instanceHint);
for (const auto& pair : list) {
const std::string& servedInstance = pair.first;
Version servedVersion = pair.second;
if (!oldMatrixInstance.matchInstance(servedInstance)) {
// Find any package@x.? in target matrix, and check if instance is in target matrix.
bool foundInstance = false;
Version targetMatrixMinVer;
targetMatrix.forEachHidlInstanceOfPackage(package, [&](const auto& targetMatrixInstance) {
if (targetMatrixInstance.versionRange().majorVer == version.majorVer &&
targetMatrixInstance.interface() == interface &&
targetMatrixInstance.matchInstance(servedInstance)) {
targetMatrixMinVer = targetMatrixInstance.versionRange().minVer();
foundInstance = true;
return !foundInstance; // continue if not found
if (!foundInstance) {
if (error) {
*error = toFQNameString(package, servedVersion, interface, servedInstance) +
" is deprecated in compatibility matrix at FCM Version " +
to_string(targetMatrix.level()) + "; it should not be served.";
return true;
// Assuming that targetMatrix requires @x.u-v, require that at least @x.u is served.
bool targetVersionServed = false;
for (const auto& newPair :
listInstances(package, targetMatrixMinVer, interface, instanceHint)) {
if (newPair.first == servedInstance) {
targetVersionServed = true;
if (!targetVersionServed) {
appendLine(error, toFQNameString(package, servedVersion, interface, servedInstance) +
" is deprecated; requires at least " +
return true;
return false;
int32_t VintfObject::CheckDeprecation(const ListInstances& listInstances, std::string* error) {
return GetInstance()->checkDeprecation(listInstances, error);
int32_t VintfObject::checkDeprecation(const ListInstances& listInstances, std::string* error) {
std::vector<Named<CompatibilityMatrix>> matrixFragments;
auto matrixFragmentsStatus = getAllFrameworkMatrixLevels(&matrixFragments, error);
if (matrixFragmentsStatus != OK) {
return matrixFragmentsStatus;
if (matrixFragments.empty()) {
if (error && error->empty()) {
*error = "Cannot get framework matrix for each FCM version for unknown error.";
auto deviceManifest = getDeviceHalManifest();
if (deviceManifest == nullptr) {
if (error) *error = "No device manifest.";
Level deviceLevel = deviceManifest->level();
if (deviceLevel == Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
if (error) *error = "Device manifest does not specify Shipping FCM Version.";
return BAD_VALUE;
const CompatibilityMatrix* targetMatrix = nullptr;
for (const auto& namedMatrix : matrixFragments) {
if (namedMatrix.object.level() == deviceLevel) {
targetMatrix = &namedMatrix.object;
if (targetMatrix == nullptr) {
if (error)
*error = "Cannot find framework matrix at FCM version " + to_string(deviceLevel) + ".";
bool hasDeprecatedHals = false;
for (const auto& namedMatrix : matrixFragments) {
if (namedMatrix.object.level() == Level::UNSPECIFIED) continue;
if (namedMatrix.object.level() >= deviceLevel) continue;
const auto& oldMatrix = namedMatrix.object;
for (const MatrixHal& hal : oldMatrix.getHals()) {
hasDeprecatedHals |= IsHalDeprecated(hal, *targetMatrix, listInstances, error);
return hasDeprecatedHals ? DEPRECATED : NO_DEPRECATED_HALS;
int32_t VintfObject::CheckDeprecation(std::string* error) {
return GetInstance()->checkDeprecation(error);
int32_t VintfObject::checkDeprecation(std::string* error) {
using namespace std::placeholders;
auto deviceManifest = getDeviceHalManifest();
ListInstances inManifest =
[&deviceManifest](const std::string& package, Version version, const std::string& interface,
const std::vector<std::string>& /* hintInstances */) {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Version>> ret;
HalFormat::HIDL, package, version, interface,
[&ret](const ManifestInstance& manifestInstance) {
std::make_pair(manifestInstance.instance(), manifestInstance.version()));
return true;
return ret;
return checkDeprecation(inManifest, error);
Level VintfObject::getKernelLevel(std::string* error) {
auto manifest = getDeviceHalManifest();
if (!manifest) {
if (error) *error = "Cannot retrieve device manifest.";
return Level::UNSPECIFIED;
if (manifest->kernel().has_value() && manifest->kernel()->level() != Level::UNSPECIFIED) {
return manifest->kernel()->level();
if (error) *error = "Device manifest does not specify kernel FCM version.";
return Level::UNSPECIFIED;
const std::unique_ptr<FileSystem>& VintfObject::getFileSystem() {
return mFileSystem;
const std::unique_ptr<PropertyFetcher>& VintfObject::getPropertyFetcher() {
return mPropertyFetcher;
const std::unique_ptr<ObjectFactory<RuntimeInfo>>& VintfObject::getRuntimeInfoFactory() {
return mRuntimeInfoFactory;
android::base::Result<bool> VintfObject::hasFrameworkCompatibilityMatrixExtensions() {
std::vector<Named<CompatibilityMatrix>> matrixFragments;
std::string error;
status_t status = getAllFrameworkMatrixLevels(&matrixFragments, &error);
if (status != OK) {
return android::base::Error(-status)
<< "Cannot get all framework matrix fragments: " << error;
for (const auto& namedMatrix : matrixFragments) {
// Returns true if product matrix exists.
if (android::base::StartsWith(, kProductVintfDir)) {
return true;
// Returns true if system_ext matrix exists.
if (android::base::StartsWith(, kSystemExtVintfDir)) {
return true;
// Returns true if device system matrix exists.
if (android::base::StartsWith(, kSystemVintfDir) &&
namedMatrix.object.level() == Level::UNSPECIFIED &&
!namedMatrix.object.getHals().empty()) {
return true;
return false;
android::base::Result<void> VintfObject::checkUnusedHals(
const std::vector<HidlInterfaceMetadata>& hidlMetadata) {
auto matrix = getFrameworkCompatibilityMatrix();
if (matrix == nullptr) {
return android::base::Error(-NAME_NOT_FOUND) << "Missing framework matrix.";
auto manifest = getDeviceHalManifest();
if (manifest == nullptr) {
return android::base::Error(-NAME_NOT_FOUND) << "Missing device manifest.";
auto unused = manifest->checkUnusedHals(*matrix, hidlMetadata);
if (!unused.empty()) {
return android::base::Error()
<< "The following instances are in the device manifest but "
<< "not specified in framework compatibility matrix: \n"
<< " " << android::base::Join(unused, "\n ") << "\n"
<< "Suggested fix:\n"
<< "1. Check for any typos in device manifest or framework compatibility "
<< "matrices with FCM version >= " << matrix->level() << ".\n"
<< "2. Add them to any framework compatibility matrix with FCM "
<< "version >= " << matrix->level() << " where applicable.\n"
return {};
// make_unique does not work because VintfObject constructor is private.
VintfObject::Builder::Builder() : mObject(std::unique_ptr<VintfObject>(new VintfObject())) {}
VintfObject::Builder& VintfObject::Builder::setFileSystem(std::unique_ptr<FileSystem>&& e) {
mObject->mFileSystem = std::move(e);
return *this;
VintfObject::Builder& VintfObject::Builder::setRuntimeInfoFactory(
std::unique_ptr<ObjectFactory<RuntimeInfo>>&& e) {
mObject->mRuntimeInfoFactory = std::move(e);
return *this;
VintfObject::Builder& VintfObject::Builder::setPropertyFetcher(
std::unique_ptr<PropertyFetcher>&& e) {
mObject->mPropertyFetcher = std::move(e);
return *this;
std::unique_ptr<VintfObject> VintfObject::Builder::build() {
if (!mObject->mFileSystem) mObject->mFileSystem = createDefaultFileSystem();
if (!mObject->mRuntimeInfoFactory)
mObject->mRuntimeInfoFactory = std::make_unique<ObjectFactory<RuntimeInfo>>();
if (!mObject->mPropertyFetcher) mObject->mPropertyFetcher = createDefaultPropertyFetcher();
return std::move(mObject);
} // namespace vintf
} // namespace android