blob: 0bcb3632930e848a25a3833464da960c5749b386 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "libvintf"
#include "RuntimeInfo.h"
#include "CompatibilityMatrix.h"
#include "parse_string.h"
namespace android {
namespace vintf {
const std::string &RuntimeInfo::osName() const {
return mOsName;
const std::string &RuntimeInfo::nodeName() const {
return mNodeName;
const std::string &RuntimeInfo::osRelease() const {
return mOsRelease;
const std::string &RuntimeInfo::osVersion() const {
return mOsVersion;
const std::string &RuntimeInfo::hardwareId() const {
return mHardwareId;
const KernelVersion &RuntimeInfo::kernelVersion() const {
return mKernelVersion;
const std::map<std::string, std::string> &RuntimeInfo::kernelConfigs() const {
return mKernelConfigs;
size_t RuntimeInfo::kernelSepolicyVersion() const {
return mKernelSepolicyVersion;
const std::string &RuntimeInfo::cpuInfo() const {
return mCpuInfo;
const Version &RuntimeInfo::bootVbmetaAvbVersion() const {
return mBootVbmetaAvbVersion;
const Version &RuntimeInfo::bootAvbVersion() const {
return mBootAvbVersion;
bool RuntimeInfo::matchKernelConfigs(const std::vector<KernelConfig>& matrixConfigs,
std::string* error) const {
for (const KernelConfig& matrixConfig : matrixConfigs) {
const std::string& key = matrixConfig.first;
auto it = this->mKernelConfigs.find(key);
if (it == this->mKernelConfigs.end()) {
// special case: <value type="tristate">n</value> matches if the config doesn't exist.
if (matrixConfig.second == KernelConfigTypedValue::gMissingConfig) {
if (error != nullptr) {
*error = "Missing config " + key;
return false;
const std::string& kernelValue = it->second;
if (!matrixConfig.second.matchValue(kernelValue)) {
if (error != nullptr) {
*error = "For config " + key + ", value = " + kernelValue + " but required " +
return false;
return true;
bool RuntimeInfo::matchKernelVersion(const KernelVersion& minLts) const {
return minLts.version == mKernelVersion.version && minLts.majorRev == mKernelVersion.majorRev &&
minLts.minorRev <= mKernelVersion.minorRev;
bool RuntimeInfo::checkCompatibility(const CompatibilityMatrix &mat,
std::string *error) const {
if (mat.mType != SchemaType::FRAMEWORK) {
if (error != nullptr) {
*error = "Should not check runtime info against " + to_string(mat.mType)
+ " compatibility matrix.";
return false;
if (kernelSepolicyVersion() != mat.framework.mSepolicy.kernelSepolicyVersion()) {
if (error != nullptr) {
*error = "kernelSepolicyVersion = " + to_string(kernelSepolicyVersion())
+ " but required " + to_string(mat.framework.mSepolicy.kernelSepolicyVersion());
return false;
// mat.mSepolicy.sepolicyVersion() is checked against static
// HalManifest.device.mSepolicyVersion in HalManifest::checkCompatibility.
bool foundMatchedKernelVersion = false;
bool foundMatchedConditions = false;
for (const MatrixKernel& matrixKernel : mat.framework.mKernels) {
if (!matchKernelVersion(matrixKernel.minLts())) {
foundMatchedKernelVersion = true;
// ignore this fragment if not all conditions are met.
if (!matchKernelConfigs(matrixKernel.conditions(), error)) {
foundMatchedConditions = true;
if (!matchKernelConfigs(matrixKernel.configs(), error)) {
return false;
if (!foundMatchedKernelVersion) {
if (error != nullptr) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Framework is incompatible with kernel version " << mKernelVersion
<< ", compatible kernel versions are";
for (const MatrixKernel& matrixKernel : mat.framework.mKernels)
ss << " " << matrixKernel.minLts();
*error = ss.str();
return false;
if (!foundMatchedConditions) {
// This should not happen because first <conditions> for each <kernel> must be
// empty. Reject here for inconsistency.
if (error != nullptr) {
error->insert(0, "Framework match kernel version with unmet conditions:");
return false;
if (error != nullptr) {
const Version &matAvb = mat.framework.mAvbMetaVersion;
if (mBootAvbVersion.majorVer != matAvb.majorVer || mBootAvbVersion.minorVer < matAvb.minorVer) {
if (error != nullptr) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "AVB version " << mBootAvbVersion << " does not match framework matrix "
<< matAvb;
*error = ss.str();
return false;
if (mBootVbmetaAvbVersion.majorVer != matAvb.majorVer ||
mBootVbmetaAvbVersion.minorVer < matAvb.minorVer) {
if (error != nullptr) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Vbmeta version " << mBootVbmetaAvbVersion << " does not match framework matrix "
<< matAvb;
*error = ss.str();
return false;
return true;
} // namespace vintf
} // namespace android