blob: ec3db6addc4af35093c6b82b4747cf98514cd7be [file] [log] [blame]
//! Functionality for KeyMint implementation that is common across HAL and TA.
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::{
string::{String, ToString},
use core::convert::From;
use der::ErrorKind;
use kmr_wire::{cbor, keymint::ErrorCode, rpc, CborError};
pub use kmr_wire as wire;
pub mod crypto;
pub mod keyblob;
pub mod tag;
/// General error type.
pub enum Error {
/// Error from CBOR conversion.
/// Error from ASN.1 DER conversion.
/// Error as reported on the HAL interface.
/// The `IKeyMintDevice`, `ISharedSecret` and `ISecureClock` HALs all share the same numbering
/// space for error codes, encoded here as [`kmr_wire::keymint::ErrorCode`].
Hal(ErrorCode, String),
/// Error as reported on the `IRemotelyProvisionedComponent` HAL, which uses its own error
/// codes.
Rpc(rpc::ErrorCode, String),
/// Memory allocation error.
/// This holds a string literal rather than an allocated `String` to avoid allocating in an
/// allocation error path.
Alloc(&'static str),
// The following macros for error generation allow the message portion to be automatically
// compiled out in future, avoiding potential information leakage and allocation.
/// Macro to build an [`Error::Hal`] instance for a specific [`ErrorCode`] value known at compile
/// time: `km_err!(InvalidTag, "some {} format", arg)`.
macro_rules! km_err {
{ $error_code:ident, $($arg:tt)+ } => {
alloc::format!("{}:{}: {}", file!(), line!(), format_args!($($arg)+))) };
/// Macro to build an [`Error::Hal`] instance:
/// `km_verr!(rc, "some {} format", arg)`.
macro_rules! km_verr {
{ $error_code:expr, $($arg:tt)+ } => {
alloc::format!("{}:{}: {}", file!(), line!(), format_args!($($arg)+))) };
/// Macro to build an [`Error::Alloc`] instance. Note that this builds a `&'static str` at compile
/// time, so there is no allocation needed for the message (which would be failure-prone when
/// dealing with an allocation failure).
macro_rules! alloc_err {
{ $len:expr } => {
concat!(file!(), ":", line!(), ": failed allocation of size ", stringify!($len))
/// Macro to build an [`Error::Der`] instance from a [`der::Error`].
macro_rules! der_err {
{ $err:expr, $($arg:tt)+ } => {
log::warn!("{}: {:?} at {:?}", format_args!($($arg)+), $err, $err.position());
/// Macro to build an [`Error::Rpc`] instance for a specific [`rpc::ErrorCode`] value known at
/// compile time: `rpc_err!(Removed, "some {} format", arg)`.
macro_rules! rpc_err {
{ $error_code:ident, $($arg:tt)+ } => {
alloc::format!("{}:{}: {}", file!(), line!(), format_args!($($arg)+))) };
/// Macro to allocate a `Vec<T>` with the given length reserved, detecting allocation failure.
macro_rules! vec_try_with_capacity {
{ $len:expr} => {
let mut v = alloc::vec::Vec::new();
match v.try_reserve($len) {
Err(_e) => Err($crate::alloc_err!($len)),
Ok(_) => Ok(v),
/// Macro that mimics `vec!` but which detects allocation failure.
macro_rules! vec_try {
{ $elem:expr ; $len:expr } => {
kmr_wire::vec_try_fill_with_alloc_err($elem, $len, || $crate::alloc_err!($len))
{ $x1:expr, $x2:expr, $x3:expr, $x4:expr $(,)? } => {
kmr_wire::vec_try4_with_alloc_err($x1, $x2, $x3, $x4, || $crate::alloc_err!(4))
{ $x1:expr, $x2:expr, $x3:expr $(,)? } => {
kmr_wire::vec_try3_with_alloc_err($x1, $x2, $x3, || $crate::alloc_err!(3))
{ $x1:expr, $x2:expr $(,)? } => {
kmr_wire::vec_try2_with_alloc_err($x1, $x2, || $crate::alloc_err!(2))
{ $x1:expr $(,)? } => {
kmr_wire::vec_try1_with_alloc_err($x1, || $crate::alloc_err!(1))
/// Function that mimics `slice.to_vec()` but which detects allocation failures.
pub fn try_to_vec<T: Clone>(s: &[T]) -> Result<Vec<T>, Error> {
let mut v = vec_try_with_capacity!(s.len())?;
/// Extension trait to provide fallible-allocation variants of `Vec` methods.
pub trait FallibleAllocExt<T> {
/// Try to add the `value` to the collection, failing on memory exhaustion.
fn try_push(&mut self, value: T) -> Result<(), alloc::collections::TryReserveError>;
/// Try to extend the collection with the contents of `other`, failing on memory exhaustion.
fn try_extend_from_slice(
&mut self,
other: &[T],
) -> Result<(), alloc::collections::TryReserveError>
T: Clone;
impl<T> FallibleAllocExt<T> for Vec<T> {
fn try_push(&mut self, value: T) -> Result<(), alloc::collections::TryReserveError> {
fn try_extend_from_slice(
&mut self,
other: &[T],
) -> Result<(), alloc::collections::TryReserveError>
T: Clone,
impl From<alloc::collections::TryReserveError> for Error {
fn from(_e: alloc::collections::TryReserveError) -> Self {
"allocation of Vec failed".to_string(),
impl From<CborError> for Error {
fn from(e: CborError) -> Self {
impl From<cbor::value::Error> for Error {
fn from(e: cbor::value::Error) -> Self {
/// Check for an expected error.
macro_rules! expect_err {
($result:expr, $err_msg:expr) => {
"Expected error containing '{}', got success {:?}",
let err = $result.err();
alloc::format!("{:?}", err).contains($err_msg),
"Unexpected error {:?}, doesn't contain '{}'",