blob: 410d02c475ec7b93756a1dfcf7c21e88401f70b2 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Traits representing access to device-specific information and functionality.
use crate::coset::{iana, AsCborValue, CoseSign1Builder, HeaderBuilder};
use alloc::{boxed::Box, vec::Vec};
use kmr_common::{
crypto, crypto::aes, crypto::hmac, crypto::KeyMaterial, crypto::OpaqueOr, keyblob, log_unimpl,
unimpl, Error,
use kmr_wire::{keymint, rpc, secureclock::TimeStampToken, CborError};
use log::error;
use crate::rkp::serialize_cbor;
/// Context used to derive the hardware backed key for computing HMAC in
/// IRemotelyProvisionedComponent.
pub const RPC_HMAC_KEY_CONTEXT: &[u8] = b"Key to MAC public keys";
/// Length (in bytes) of the HMAC key used in IRemotelyProvisionedComponent.
pub const RPC_HMAC_KEY_LEN: usize = 32;
/// Combined collection of trait implementations that must be provided.
pub struct Implementation<'a> {
/// Retrieval of root key material.
pub keys: &'a dyn RetrieveKeyMaterial,
/// Retrieval of attestation certificate signing information.
pub sign_info: &'a dyn RetrieveCertSigningInfo,
/// Retrieval of attestation ID information.
pub attest_ids: Option<&'a mut dyn RetrieveAttestationIds>,
/// Secure deletion secret manager. If not available, rollback-resistant
/// keys will not be supported.
pub sdd_mgr: Option<&'a mut dyn keyblob::SecureDeletionSecretManager>,
/// Retrieval of bootloader status.
pub bootloader: &'a dyn BootloaderStatus,
/// Storage key wrapping. If not available `convertStorageKeyToEphemeral()` will not be
/// supported
pub sk_wrapper: Option<&'a dyn StorageKeyWrapper>,
/// Trusted user presence indicator.
pub tup: &'a dyn TrustedUserPresence,
/// Legacy key conversion handling.
pub legacy_key: Option<&'a mut dyn keyblob::LegacyKeyHandler>,
/// Retrieval of artifacts related to the device implementation of IRemotelyProvisionedComponent
/// (IRPC) HAL.
pub rpc: &'a dyn RetrieveRpcArtifacts,
/// Functionality related to retrieval of device-specific key material, and its subsequent use.
/// The caller is generally expected to drop the key material as soon as it is done with it.
pub trait RetrieveKeyMaterial {
/// Retrieve the root key used for derivation of a per-keyblob key encryption key (KEK), passing
/// in any opaque context.
fn root_kek(&self, context: &[u8]) -> Result<OpaqueOr<hmac::Key>, Error>;
/// Retrieve any opaque (but non-confidential) context needed for future calls to [`root_kek`].
/// Context should not include confidential data (it will be stored in the clear).
fn kek_context(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
// Default implementation is to have an empty KEK retrieval context.
/// Retrieve the key agreement key used for shared secret negotiation.
fn kak(&self) -> Result<OpaqueOr<aes::Key>, Error>;
/// Install the device HMAC agreed by shared secret negotiation into hardware (optional).
fn hmac_key_agreed(&self, _key: &crypto::hmac::Key) -> Option<Box<dyn DeviceHmac>> {
// By default, use a software implementation that holds the key in memory.
/// Retrieve the hardware backed secret used for UNIQUE_ID generation.
fn unique_id_hbk(&self, ckdf: &dyn crypto::Ckdf) -> Result<crypto::hmac::Key, Error> {
// By default, use CKDF on the key agreement secret to derive a key.
let unique_id_label = b"UniqueID HBK 32B";
ckdf.ckdf(&self.kak()?, unique_id_label, &[], 32).map(crypto::hmac::Key::new)
/// Build the HMAC input for a [`TimeStampToken`]. The default implementation produces
/// data that matches the `ISecureClock` AIDL specification; this method should only be
/// overridden for back-compatibility reasons.
fn timestamp_token_mac_input(&self, token: &TimeStampToken) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
/// Device HMAC calculation.
pub trait DeviceHmac {
/// Calculate the HMAC over the data using the agreed device HMAC key.
fn hmac(&self, imp: &dyn crypto::Hmac, data: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error>;
/// Returns the key used for HMAC'ing data if available
fn get_hmac_key(&self) -> Option<crypto::hmac::Key> {
// By default we assume that the implementation cannot return a key
/// Identification of which attestation signing key is required.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum SigningKey {
/// Use a batch key that is shared across multiple devices (to prevent the keys being used as
/// device identifiers).
/// Use a device-unique key for signing. Only supported for StrongBox.
/// Indication of preferred attestation signing algorithm.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum SigningAlgorithm {
/// Indication of required signing key.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct SigningKeyType {
pub which: SigningKey,
/// Indicates what is going to be signed, to allow implementations to (optionally) use EC / RSA
/// signing keys for EC / RSA keys respectively.
pub algo_hint: SigningAlgorithm,
/// Retrieval of attestation certificate signing information. The caller is expected to drop key
/// material after use, but may cache public key material.
pub trait RetrieveCertSigningInfo {
/// Return the signing key material for the specified `key_type`. The `algo_hint` parameter
/// indicates what is going to be signed, to allow implementations to (optionally) use EC / RSA
/// signing keys for EC /RSA keys respectively.
fn signing_key(&self, key_type: SigningKeyType) -> Result<KeyMaterial, Error>;
/// Return the certificate chain associated with the specified signing key, where:
/// - `chain[0]` holds the public key that corresponds to `signing_key`, and which is signed
/// by...
/// - the keypair described by the second entry `chain[1]`, which in turn is signed by...
/// - ...
/// - the final certificate in the chain should be a self-signed cert holding a Google root.
fn cert_chain(&self, key_type: SigningKeyType) -> Result<Vec<keymint::Certificate>, Error>;
/// Retrieval of attestation ID information. This information will not change (so the caller can
/// cache this information after first invocation).
pub trait RetrieveAttestationIds {
/// Return the attestation IDs associated with the device, if available.
fn get(&self) -> Result<crate::AttestationIdInfo, Error>;
/// Destroy all attestation IDs associated with the device.
fn destroy_all(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Bootloader status.
pub trait BootloaderStatus {
/// Indication of whether bootloader processing is complete
fn done(&self) -> bool {
// By default assume that the bootloader is done before KeyMint starts.
/// The trait that represents the device specific integration points required for the
/// implementation of IRemotelyProvisionedComponent (IRPC) HAL.
/// Note: The devices only supporting IRPC V3+ may ignore the optional IRPC V2 specific types in
/// the method signatures.
pub trait RetrieveRpcArtifacts {
/// Retrieve secret bytes (of the given output length) derived from a hardware backed key.
/// For a given context, the output is deterministic.
fn derive_bytes_from_hbk(
hkdf: &dyn crypto::Hkdf,
context: &[u8],
output_len: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error>;
/// Compute HMAC_SHA256 over the given input using a key derived from hardware.
fn compute_hmac_sha256(
hmac: &dyn crypto::Hmac,
hkdf: &dyn crypto::Hkdf,
input: &[u8],
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
let secret = self.derive_bytes_from_hbk(hkdf, RPC_HMAC_KEY_CONTEXT, RPC_HMAC_KEY_LEN)?;
crypto::hmac_sha256(hmac, &secret, input)
/// Retrieve the information about the DICE chain belonging to the IRPC HAL implementation.
fn get_dice_info(&self, test_mode: rpc::TestMode) -> Result<DiceInfo, Error>;
/// Sign the input data with the CDI leaf private key of the IRPC HAL implementation. In IRPC V2,
/// the `data` to be signed is the [`SignedMac_structure`] in ProtectedData.aidl, when signing
/// the ephemeral MAC key used to authenticate the public keys. In IRPC V3, the `data` to be
/// signed is the [`SignedDataSigStruct`].
/// If a particular implementation would like to return the signature in a COSE_Sign1 message,
/// they can mark this unimplemented and override the default implementation in the
/// `sign_data_in_cose_sign1` method below.
fn sign_data(
ec: &dyn crypto::Ec,
data: &[u8],
rpc_v2: Option<RpcV2Req>,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error>;
/// Sign the payload and return a COSE_Sign1 message. In IRPC V2, the `payload` is the MAC Key.
/// In IRPC V3, the `payload` is the `Data` that the `SignedData` is parameterized with (i.e. a
/// CBOR array containing `challenge` and `CsrPayload`).
fn sign_data_in_cose_sign1(
ec: &dyn crypto::Ec,
signing_algorithm: &CsrSigningAlgorithm,
payload: &[u8],
_aad: &[u8],
_rpc_v2: Option<RpcV2Req>,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
let cose_sign_algorithm = match signing_algorithm {
CsrSigningAlgorithm::ES256 => iana::Algorithm::ES256,
CsrSigningAlgorithm::ES384 => iana::Algorithm::ES384,
CsrSigningAlgorithm::EdDSA => iana::Algorithm::EdDSA,
// Construct `SignedData`
let protected = HeaderBuilder::new().algorithm(cose_sign_algorithm).build();
let signed_data = CoseSign1Builder::new()
.try_create_signature(&[], |input| self.sign_data(ec, input, None))?
let signed_data_cbor = signed_data.to_cbor_value().map_err(CborError::from)?;
/// Information about the DICE chain belonging to the implementation of the IRPC HAL.
pub struct DiceInfo {
pub pub_dice_artifacts: PubDiceArtifacts,
pub signing_algorithm: CsrSigningAlgorithm,
// This is only relevant for IRPC HAL V2 when `test_mode` is true. This is ignored in all other
// cases. The optional test CDI private key may be set here, if the device implementers
// do not want to cache the test CDI private key across the calls to the `get_dice_info` and
//`sign_data` methods when creating the CSR.
pub rpc_v2_test_cdi_priv: Option<RpcV2TestCDIPriv>,
/// Algorithm used to sign with the CDI leaf private key.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum CsrSigningAlgorithm {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PubDiceArtifacts {
// Certificates for the UDS Pub encoded in CBOR as per [`AdditionalDKSignatures`] structure in
// ProtectedData.aidl for IRPC HAL version 2 and as per [`UdsCerts`] structure in IRPC HAL
// version 3.
pub uds_certs: Vec<u8>,
// UDS Pub and the DICE certificates encoded in CBOR/COSE as per the [`Bcc`] structure
// defined in ProtectedData.aidl for IRPC HAL version 2 and as per [`DiceCertChain`] structure
// in IRPC HAL version 3.
pub dice_cert_chain: Vec<u8>,
// Enum distinguishing the two modes of operation for IRPC HAL V2, allowing an optional context
// information to be passed in for the test mode.
pub enum RpcV2Req<'a> {
// An opaque blob may be passed in for the test mode, if it was returned by the TA in
// `RkpV2TestCDIPriv.context` in order to link the two requests: `get_dice_info` and `sign_data`
// related to the same CSR.
Test(&'a [u8]),
// Struct encapsulating the optional CDI private key and the optional opaque context that may be
// returned with `DiceInfo` in IRPC V2 test mode.
pub struct RpcV2TestCDIPriv {
pub test_cdi_priv: Option<OpaqueOr<crypto::ec::Key>>,
// An optional opaque blob set by the TA, if the TA wants a mechanism to relate the
// two requests: `get_dice_info` and `sign_data` related to the same CSR.
pub context: Vec<u8>,
/// Marker implementation for implementations that do not support `BOOTLOADER_ONLY` keys, which
/// always indicates that bootloader processing is complete.
pub struct BootloaderDone;
impl BootloaderStatus for BootloaderDone {}
/// Trusted user presence indicator.
pub trait TrustedUserPresence {
/// Indication of whether user presence is detected, via a mechanism in the current secure
/// environment.
fn available(&self) -> bool {
// By default assume that trusted user presence is not supported.
/// Marker implementation to indicate that trusted user presence is not supported.
pub struct TrustedPresenceUnsupported;
impl TrustedUserPresence for TrustedPresenceUnsupported {}
/// Storage key wrapping.
pub trait StorageKeyWrapper {
/// Wrap the provided key material using an ephemeral storage key.
fn ephemeral_wrap(&self, key_material: &KeyMaterial) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error>;
// No-op implementations for the non-optional device traits. These implementations are only
// intended for convenience during the process of porting the KeyMint code to a new environment.
pub struct NoOpRetrieveKeyMaterial;
impl RetrieveKeyMaterial for NoOpRetrieveKeyMaterial {
fn root_kek(&self, _context: &[u8]) -> Result<OpaqueOr<hmac::Key>, Error> {
fn kak(&self) -> Result<OpaqueOr<aes::Key>, Error> {
pub struct NoOpRetrieveCertSigningInfo;
impl RetrieveCertSigningInfo for NoOpRetrieveCertSigningInfo {
fn signing_key(&self, _key_type: SigningKeyType) -> Result<KeyMaterial, Error> {
fn cert_chain(&self, _key_type: SigningKeyType) -> Result<Vec<keymint::Certificate>, Error> {
pub struct NoOpRetrieveRpcArtifacts;
impl RetrieveRpcArtifacts for NoOpRetrieveRpcArtifacts {
fn derive_bytes_from_hbk(
_hkdf: &dyn crypto::Hkdf,
_context: &[u8],
_output_len: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
fn get_dice_info<'a>(&self, _test_mode: rpc::TestMode) -> Result<DiceInfo, Error> {
fn sign_data(
_ec: &dyn crypto::Ec,
_data: &[u8],
_rpc_v2: Option<RpcV2Req>,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {