blob: 86708375b163b60d5c29046812cec34f629a5e4b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <assert.h>
#include <keymaster/google_keymaster_utils.h>
#include <keymaster/key_blob.h>
namespace keymaster {
const size_t KeyBlob::NONCE_LENGTH;
const size_t KeyBlob::TAG_LENGTH;
KeyBlob::KeyBlob(const uint8_t* key_blob, size_t key_blob_length) : error_(KM_ERROR_OK) {
Deserialize(&key_blob, key_blob + key_blob_length);
KeyBlob::KeyBlob(const keymaster_key_blob_t& key_blob) : error_(KM_ERROR_OK) {
const uint8_t* key_material = key_blob.key_material;
Deserialize(&key_material, key_blob.key_material + key_blob.key_material_size);
size_t KeyBlob::SerializedSize() const {
return 1 /* version byte */ + sizeof(uint32_t) /* nonce length */ + NONCE_LENGTH +
sizeof(uint32_t) + key_material_length() + sizeof(uint32_t) /* tag length */ +
TAG_LENGTH + enforced_.SerializedSize() + unenforced_.SerializedSize();
const uint8_t BLOB_VERSION = 0;
uint8_t* KeyBlob::Serialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const {
const uint8_t* start __attribute__((__unused__)) = buf;
*buf++ = BLOB_VERSION;
buf = append_size_and_data_to_buf(buf, end, nonce(), NONCE_LENGTH);
buf = append_size_and_data_to_buf(buf, end, encrypted_key_material(), key_material_length());
buf = append_size_and_data_to_buf(buf, end, tag(), TAG_LENGTH);
buf = enforced_.Serialize(buf, end);
buf = unenforced_.Serialize(buf, end);
assert(buf - start == static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(SerializedSize()));
return buf;
bool KeyBlob::Deserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end) {
const uint8_t* start = *buf_ptr;
uint8_t version = *(*buf_ptr)++;
size_t nonce_length;
size_t tag_length;
if (version != BLOB_VERSION ||
!copy_size_and_data_from_buf(buf_ptr, end, &nonce_length, &nonce_) ||
nonce_length != NONCE_LENGTH ||
!copy_size_and_data_from_buf(buf_ptr, end, &key_material_length_,
&encrypted_key_material_) ||
!copy_size_and_data_from_buf(buf_ptr, end, &tag_length, &tag_) ||
tag_length != TAG_LENGTH || !enforced_.Deserialize(buf_ptr, end) ||
!unenforced_.Deserialize(buf_ptr, end)) {
*buf_ptr = start;
// This blob failed to parse. Either it's corrupted or it's a blob generated by an earlier
// version of keymaster using a previous blob format which did not include the version byte
// or the nonce or tag length fields. So we try to parse it as that previous version.
// Note that it's not really a problem if we erronously parse a corrupted blob, because
// decryption will fail the authentication check.
// A bigger potential problem is: What if a valid unversioned blob appears to parse
// correctly as a versioned blob? It would then be rejected during decryption, causing a
// valid key to become unusable. If this is a disk encryption key, upgrading to a keymaster
// version with the new format would destroy the user's data.
// What is the probability that an unversioned key could be successfully parsed as a version
// 0 key? The first 12 bytes of an unversioned key are the nonce, which, in the only
// keymaster version released with unversioned keys, is chosen randomly. In order for an
// unversioned key to parse as a version 0 key, the following must be true about the first
// five of those random bytes:
// 1. The first byte must be zero. This will happen with probability 1/2^8.
// 2. The second through fifth bytes must contain an unsigned integer value equal to
// NONCE_LENGTH. This will happen with probability 1/2^32.
// Based on those two checks alone, the probability of interpreting an unversioned blob as a
// version 0 blob is 1/2^40. That's small enough to be negligible, but there are additional
// checks which lower it further.
*buf_ptr = start;
if (!DeserializeUnversionedBlob(buf_ptr, end))
return false;
return ExtractKeyCharacteristics();
bool KeyBlob::DeserializeUnversionedBlob(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end) {
nonce_.reset(new uint8_t[NONCE_LENGTH]);
tag_.reset(new uint8_t[TAG_LENGTH]);
if (!nonce_.get() || !tag_.get()) {
return false;
if (!copy_from_buf(buf_ptr, end, nonce_.get(), NONCE_LENGTH) ||
!copy_size_and_data_from_buf(buf_ptr, end, &key_material_length_,
&encrypted_key_material_) ||
!copy_from_buf(buf_ptr, end, tag_.get(), TAG_LENGTH) ||
!enforced_.Deserialize(buf_ptr, end) || !unenforced_.Deserialize(buf_ptr, end)) {
return false;
return ExtractKeyCharacteristics();
KeyBlob::KeyBlob(const AuthorizationSet& enforced, const AuthorizationSet& unenforced)
: error_(KM_ERROR_OK), enforced_(enforced), unenforced_(unenforced) {
void KeyBlob::SetEncryptedKey(uint8_t* encrypted_key_material, size_t encrypted_key_material_length,
uint8_t* nonce, uint8_t* tag) {
key_material_length_ = encrypted_key_material_length;
bool KeyBlob::ExtractKeyCharacteristics() {
if (!enforced_.GetTagValue(TAG_ALGORITHM, &algorithm_) &&
!unenforced_.GetTagValue(TAG_ALGORITHM, &algorithm_)) {
return false;
if (!enforced_.GetTagValue(TAG_KEY_SIZE, &key_size_bits_) &&
!unenforced_.GetTagValue(TAG_KEY_SIZE, &key_size_bits_)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace keymaster