blob: a4db08171b216d36e3404dcc09da0b2f199c05a9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <UniquePtr.h>
#include <keymaster/keymaster_defs.h>
#include <keymaster/keymaster_tags.h>
#include <keymaster/serializable.h>
namespace keymaster {
* A container that manages a set of keymaster_key_param_t objects, providing serialization,
* de-serialization and accessors.
class AuthorizationSet : public Serializable {
* Construct an empty, dynamically-allocated, growable AuthorizationSet. Does not actually
* allocate any storage until elements are added, so there is no cost to creating an
* AuthorizationSet with this constructor and then reinitializing it to point at pre-allocated
* buffers, with \p Reinitialize.
: elems_(NULL), elems_size_(0), elems_capacity_(0), indirect_data_(NULL),
indirect_data_size_(0), indirect_data_capacity_(0), error_(OK) {}
* Construct an AuthorizationSet from the provided array. The AuthorizationSet copies the data
* from the provided array (and the data referenced by its embedded pointers, if any) into
* dynamically-allocated storage. If allocation of the needed storage fails, \p is_valid() will
* return ALLOCATION_FAILURE. It is the responsibility of the caller to check before using the
* set, if allocations might fail.
AuthorizationSet(const keymaster_key_param_t* elems, size_t count)
: elems_(NULL), indirect_data_(NULL) {
Reinitialize(elems, count);
AuthorizationSet(const uint8_t* serialized_set, size_t serialized_size)
: elems_(NULL), indirect_data_(NULL) {
Deserialize(&serialized_set, serialized_set + serialized_size);
// Copy constructor.
AuthorizationSet(const AuthorizationSet&);
* Reinitialize an AuthorizationSet as a dynamically-allocated, growable copy of the data in the
* provided array (and the data referenced by its embedded pointers, if any). If the allocation
* of the needed storage fails this method will return false and \p is_valid() will return
bool Reinitialize(const keymaster_key_param_t* elems, size_t count);
bool Reinitialize(const AuthorizationSet& set) {
return Reinitialize(set.elems_, set.elems_size_);
enum Error {
Error is_valid() const { return error_; }
* Returns the size of the set.
size_t size() const { return elems_size_; }
* Returns the total size of all indirect data referenced by set elements.
size_t indirect_size() const { return indirect_data_size_; }
* Returns the data in the set, directly. Be careful with this.
const keymaster_key_param_t* data() const;
* Returns the offset of the next entry that matches \p tag, starting from the element after \p
* begin. If not found, returns -1.
int find(keymaster_tag_t tag, int begin = -1) const;
* Returns the nth element of the set.
keymaster_key_param_t operator[](int n) const;
* If the specified integer-typed \p tag exists, places its value in \p val and returns true.
* If \p tag is not present, leaves \p val unmodified and returns false.
template <keymaster_tag_t T>
inline bool GetTagValue(TypedTag<KM_INT, T> tag, uint32_t* val) const {
return GetTagValueInt(tag, val);
* If the specified instance of the specified integer-typed \p tag exists, places its value
* in \p val and returns true. If \p tag is not present, leaves \p val unmodified and returns
* false.
template <keymaster_tag_t Tag>
bool GetTagValue(TypedTag<KM_INT_REP, Tag> tag, size_t instance, uint32_t* val) const {
return GetTagValueIntRep(tag, instance, val);
* If the specified long-typed \p tag exists, places its value in \p val and returns true.
* If \p tag is not present, leaves \p val unmodified and returns false.
template <keymaster_tag_t T>
inline bool GetTagValue(TypedTag<KM_LONG, T> tag, uint64_t* val) const {
return GetTagValueLong(tag, val);
* If the specified enumeration-typed \p tag exists, places its value in \p val and returns
* true. If \p tag is not present, leaves \p val unmodified and returns false.
template <keymaster_tag_t Tag, typename T>
bool GetTagValue(TypedEnumTag<KM_ENUM, Tag, T> tag, T* val) const {
return GetTagValueEnum(tag, reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(val));
* If the specified instance of the specified enumeration-typed \p tag exists, places its value
* in \p val and returns true. If \p tag is not present, leaves \p val unmodified and returns
* false.
template <keymaster_tag_t Tag, typename T>
bool GetTagValue(TypedEnumTag<KM_ENUM_REP, Tag, T> tag, size_t instance, T* val) const {
return GetTagValueEnumRep(tag, instance, reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(val));
* If the specified date-typed \p tag exists, places its value in \p val and returns
* true. If \p tag is not present, leaves \p val unmodified and returns false.
template <keymaster_tag_t Tag>
bool GetTagValue(TypedTag<KM_INT_REP, Tag> tag, size_t instance,
typename TypedTag<KM_INT_REP, Tag>::value_type* val) const {
return GetTagValueIntRep(tag, instance, val);
* If the specified bytes-typed \p tag exists, places its value in \p val and returns
* true. If \p tag is not present, leaves \p val unmodified and returns false.
template <keymaster_tag_t Tag>
bool GetTagValue(TypedTag<KM_BYTES, Tag> tag, keymaster_blob_t* val) const {
return GetTagValueBlob(tag, val);
* If the specified bignum-typed \p tag exists, places its value in \p val and returns
* true. If \p tag is not present, leaves \p val unmodified and returns false.
template <keymaster_tag_t Tag>
bool GetTagValue(TypedTag<KM_BIGNUM, Tag> tag, keymaster_blob_t* val) const {
return GetTagValueBlob(tag, val);
* If the specified \p tag exists, places its value in \p val and returns true. If \p tag is
* not present, leaves \p val unmodified and returns false.
template <keymaster_tag_t Tag, keymaster_tag_type_t Type>
bool GetTagValue(TypedTag<Type, Tag> tag, typename TagValueType<Type>::value_type* val) const {
return GetTagValueLong(tag, val);
bool push_back(keymaster_key_param_t elem);
* Grow the elements array to ensure it can contain \p count entries. Preserves any existing
* entries.
bool reserve_elems(size_t count);
* Grow the indirect data array to ensure it can contain \p length bytes. Preserves any
* existing indirect data.
bool reserve_indirect(size_t length);
bool push_back(const AuthorizationSet& set);
template <keymaster_tag_t Tag, keymaster_tag_type_t Type, typename KeymasterEnum>
bool push_back(TypedEnumTag<Type, Tag, KeymasterEnum> tag, KeymasterEnum val) {
return push_back(Authorization(tag, val));
template <keymaster_tag_t Tag> bool push_back(TypedTag<KM_BOOL, Tag> tag) {
return push_back(Authorization(tag));
template <keymaster_tag_t Tag>
bool push_back(TypedTag<KM_BYTES, Tag> tag, const void* bytes, size_t bytes_len) {
return push_back(keymaster_param_blob(tag, static_cast<const uint8_t*>(bytes), bytes_len));
template <keymaster_tag_t Tag>
bool push_back(TypedTag<KM_BIGNUM, Tag> tag, const void* bytes, size_t bytes_len) {
return push_back(keymaster_param_blob(tag, static_cast<const uint8_t*>(bytes), bytes_len));
template <keymaster_tag_t Tag, keymaster_tag_type_t Type>
bool push_back(TypedTag<Type, Tag> tag, typename TypedTag<Type, Tag>::value_type val) {
return push_back(Authorization(tag, val));
template <keymaster_tag_t Tag, keymaster_tag_type_t Type>
bool push_back(TypedTag<Type, Tag> tag, const void* bytes, size_t bytes_len) {
return push_back(Authorization(tag, bytes, bytes_len));
/* Virtual methods from Serializable */
size_t SerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* Serialize(uint8_t* serialized_set, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool Deserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
size_t SerializedSizeOfElements() const;
// Disallow assignment
void operator=(const AuthorizationSet&);
void FreeData();
void set_invalid(Error err);
static size_t ComputeIndirectDataSize(const keymaster_key_param_t* elems, size_t count);
void CopyIndirectData();
bool CheckIndirectData();
bool DeserializeIndirectData(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
bool DeserializeElementsData(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
bool GetTagValueEnum(keymaster_tag_t tag, uint32_t* val) const;
bool GetTagValueEnumRep(keymaster_tag_t tag, size_t instance, uint32_t* val) const;
bool GetTagValueInt(keymaster_tag_t tag, uint32_t* val) const;
bool GetTagValueIntRep(keymaster_tag_t tag, size_t instance, uint32_t* val) const;
bool GetTagValueLong(keymaster_tag_t tag, uint64_t* val) const;
bool GetTagValueDate(keymaster_tag_t tag, uint64_t* val) const;
bool GetTagValueBlob(keymaster_tag_t tag, keymaster_blob_t* val) const;
keymaster_key_param_t* elems_;
size_t elems_size_;
size_t elems_capacity_;
uint8_t* indirect_data_;
size_t indirect_data_size_;
size_t indirect_data_capacity_;
Error error_;
} // namespace keymaster