blob: 3e1059fc8321fd81328ffa5a194af14d74d64ad4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <keymaster/authorization_set.h>
#include <keymaster/android_keymaster_utils.h>
namespace keymaster {
// Commands
const uint32_t GENERATE_KEY = 0;
const uint32_t BEGIN_OPERATION = 1;
const uint32_t UPDATE_OPERATION = 2;
const uint32_t FINISH_OPERATION = 3;
const uint32_t ABORT_OPERATION = 4;
const uint32_t IMPORT_KEY = 5;
const uint32_t EXPORT_KEY = 6;
const uint32_t GET_VERSION = 7;
const uint32_t ADD_RNG_ENTROPY = 8;
* Keymaster message versions are tied to keymaster versions. We map the keymaster
* major.minor.subminor version to a sequential "message version".
* Rather than encoding a version number into each message we rely on the client -- who initiates
* all requests -- to check the version of the keymaster implementation with the GET_VERSION command
* and to send only requests that the implementation can understand. This means that only the
* client side needs to manage version compatibility; the implementation can always expect/produce
* messages of its format.
* Because message version selection is purely a client-side issue, all messages default to using
* the latest version (MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION). Client code must take care to check versions and pass
* correct version values to message constructors. The AndroidKeymaster implementation always uses
* the default, latest.
* Note that this approach implies that GetVersionRequest and GetVersionResponse cannot be
* versioned.
const int32_t MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION = 1;
inline int32_t MessageVersion(uint8_t major_ver, uint8_t /* minor_ver */,
uint8_t /* subminor_ver */) {
int32_t message_version = -1;
switch (major_ver) {
case 0:
// For the moment we still support version 0, though in general the plan is not to support
// non-matching major versions.
message_version = 0;
case 1:
// Currently all 1.X.X versions are interoperable and all use message version 1. In the
// future minor numbers may indicate incompatibility. Subminor version should never matter
// for compatibility.
message_version = 1;
return message_version;
struct KeymasterMessage : public Serializable {
KeymasterMessage(int32_t ver) : message_version(ver) { assert(ver >= 0); }
uint32_t message_version;
* All responses include an error value, and if the error is not KM_ERROR_OK, return no additional
* data. This abstract class factors out the common serialization functionality for all of the
* responses, so we only have to implement it once. Inheritance for reuse is generally not a great
* structure, but in this case it's the cleanest option.
struct KeymasterResponse : public KeymasterMessage {
KeymasterResponse(int32_t ver) : KeymasterMessage(ver), error(KM_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR) {}
size_t SerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* Serialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool Deserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
virtual size_t NonErrorSerializedSize() const = 0;
virtual uint8_t* NonErrorSerialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const = 0;
virtual bool NonErrorDeserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end) = 0;
keymaster_error_t error;
struct SupportedAlgorithmsResponse : public KeymasterResponse {
SupportedAlgorithmsResponse(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION)
: KeymasterResponse(ver), algorithms(NULL), algorithms_length(0) {}
~SupportedAlgorithmsResponse() { delete[] algorithms; }
size_t NonErrorSerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* NonErrorSerialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool NonErrorDeserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
keymaster_algorithm_t* algorithms;
size_t algorithms_length;
template <typename T> struct SupportedResponse : public KeymasterResponse {
SupportedResponse(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION)
: KeymasterResponse(ver), results(NULL), results_length(0) {}
~SupportedResponse() { delete[] results; }
template <size_t N> void SetResults(const T(&arr)[N]) { SetResults(arr, N); }
void SetResults(const T* arr, size_t n) {
delete[] results;
results_length = 0;
results = dup_array(arr, n);
if (results == NULL) {
} else {
results_length = n;
error = KM_ERROR_OK;
size_t NonErrorSerializedSize() const {
return sizeof(uint32_t) + results_length * sizeof(uint32_t);
uint8_t* NonErrorSerialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const {
return append_uint32_array_to_buf(buf, end, results, results_length);
bool NonErrorDeserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end) {
delete[] results;
results = NULL;
UniquePtr<T[]> tmp;
if (!copy_uint32_array_from_buf(buf_ptr, end, &tmp, &results_length))
return false;
results = tmp.release();
return true;
T* results;
size_t results_length;
struct GenerateKeyRequest : public KeymasterMessage {
GenerateKeyRequest(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION) : KeymasterMessage(ver) {}
size_t SerializedSize() const { return key_description.SerializedSize(); }
uint8_t* Serialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const {
return key_description.Serialize(buf, end);
bool Deserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end) {
return key_description.Deserialize(buf_ptr, end);
AuthorizationSet key_description;
struct GenerateKeyResponse : public KeymasterResponse {
GenerateKeyResponse(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION) : KeymasterResponse(ver) {
key_blob.key_material = NULL;
key_blob.key_material_size = 0;
size_t NonErrorSerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* NonErrorSerialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool NonErrorDeserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
keymaster_key_blob_t key_blob;
AuthorizationSet enforced;
AuthorizationSet unenforced;
struct GetKeyCharacteristicsRequest : public KeymasterMessage {
GetKeyCharacteristicsRequest(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION) : KeymasterMessage(ver) {
key_blob.key_material = NULL;
key_blob.key_material_size = 0;
void SetKeyMaterial(const void* key_material, size_t length);
void SetKeyMaterial(const keymaster_key_blob_t& blob) {
SetKeyMaterial(blob.key_material, blob.key_material_size);
size_t SerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* Serialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool Deserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
keymaster_key_blob_t key_blob;
AuthorizationSet additional_params;
struct GetKeyCharacteristicsResponse : public KeymasterResponse {
GetKeyCharacteristicsResponse(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION) : KeymasterResponse(ver) {}
size_t NonErrorSerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* NonErrorSerialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool NonErrorDeserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
AuthorizationSet enforced;
AuthorizationSet unenforced;
struct BeginOperationRequest : public KeymasterMessage {
BeginOperationRequest(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION) : KeymasterMessage(ver) {
key_blob.key_material = NULL;
key_blob.key_material_size = 0;
~BeginOperationRequest() { delete[] key_blob.key_material; }
void SetKeyMaterial(const void* key_material, size_t length);
void SetKeyMaterial(const keymaster_key_blob_t& blob) {
SetKeyMaterial(blob.key_material, blob.key_material_size);
size_t SerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* Serialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool Deserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
keymaster_purpose_t purpose;
keymaster_key_blob_t key_blob;
AuthorizationSet additional_params;
struct BeginOperationResponse : public KeymasterResponse {
BeginOperationResponse(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION) : KeymasterResponse(ver) {}
size_t NonErrorSerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* NonErrorSerialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool NonErrorDeserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
keymaster_operation_handle_t op_handle;
AuthorizationSet output_params;
struct UpdateOperationRequest : public KeymasterMessage {
UpdateOperationRequest(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION) : KeymasterMessage(ver) {}
size_t SerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* Serialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool Deserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
keymaster_operation_handle_t op_handle;
Buffer input;
AuthorizationSet additional_params;
struct UpdateOperationResponse : public KeymasterResponse {
UpdateOperationResponse(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION)
: KeymasterResponse(ver), input_consumed(0) {}
size_t NonErrorSerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* NonErrorSerialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool NonErrorDeserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
Buffer output;
size_t input_consumed;
struct FinishOperationRequest : public KeymasterMessage {
FinishOperationRequest(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION) : KeymasterMessage(ver) {}
size_t SerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* Serialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool Deserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
keymaster_operation_handle_t op_handle;
Buffer signature;
AuthorizationSet additional_params;
struct FinishOperationResponse : public KeymasterResponse {
FinishOperationResponse(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION) : KeymasterResponse(ver) {}
size_t NonErrorSerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* NonErrorSerialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool NonErrorDeserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
Buffer output;
struct AddEntropyRequest : public KeymasterMessage {
AddEntropyRequest(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION) : KeymasterMessage(ver) {}
size_t SerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* Serialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool Deserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
Buffer random_data;
struct ImportKeyRequest : public KeymasterMessage {
ImportKeyRequest(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION) : KeymasterMessage(ver), key_data(NULL) {}
~ImportKeyRequest() { delete[] key_data; }
void SetKeyMaterial(const void* key_material, size_t length);
void SetKeyMaterial(const keymaster_key_blob_t& blob) {
SetKeyMaterial(blob.key_material, blob.key_material_size);
size_t SerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* Serialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool Deserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
AuthorizationSet key_description;
keymaster_key_format_t key_format;
uint8_t* key_data;
size_t key_data_length;
struct ImportKeyResponse : public KeymasterResponse {
ImportKeyResponse(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION) : KeymasterResponse(ver) {
key_blob.key_material = NULL;
key_blob.key_material_size = 0;
~ImportKeyResponse() { delete[] key_blob.key_material; }
void SetKeyMaterial(const void* key_material, size_t length);
void SetKeyMaterial(const keymaster_key_blob_t& blob) {
SetKeyMaterial(blob.key_material, blob.key_material_size);
size_t NonErrorSerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* NonErrorSerialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool NonErrorDeserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
keymaster_key_blob_t key_blob;
AuthorizationSet enforced;
AuthorizationSet unenforced;
struct ExportKeyRequest : public KeymasterMessage {
ExportKeyRequest(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION) : KeymasterMessage(ver) {
key_blob.key_material = NULL;
key_blob.key_material_size = 0;
~ExportKeyRequest() { delete[] key_blob.key_material; }
void SetKeyMaterial(const void* key_material, size_t length);
void SetKeyMaterial(const keymaster_key_blob_t& blob) {
SetKeyMaterial(blob.key_material, blob.key_material_size);
size_t SerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* Serialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool Deserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
AuthorizationSet additional_params;
keymaster_key_format_t key_format;
keymaster_key_blob_t key_blob;
struct ExportKeyResponse : public KeymasterResponse {
ExportKeyResponse(int32_t ver = MAX_MESSAGE_VERSION) : KeymasterResponse(ver), key_data(NULL) {}
~ExportKeyResponse() { delete[] key_data; }
void SetKeyMaterial(const void* key_material, size_t length);
void SetKeyMaterial(const keymaster_key_blob_t& blob) {
SetKeyMaterial(blob.key_material, blob.key_material_size);
size_t NonErrorSerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* NonErrorSerialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool NonErrorDeserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
uint8_t* key_data;
size_t key_data_length;
struct GetVersionRequest : public KeymasterMessage {
GetVersionRequest() : KeymasterMessage(0 /* not versionable */) {}
size_t SerializedSize() const { return 0; }
uint8_t* Serialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t*) const { return buf; }
bool Deserialize(const uint8_t**, const uint8_t*) { return true; };
struct GetVersionResponse : public KeymasterResponse {
: KeymasterResponse(0 /* not versionable */), major_ver(0), minor_ver(0), subminor_ver(0) {}
size_t NonErrorSerializedSize() const;
uint8_t* NonErrorSerialize(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* end) const;
bool NonErrorDeserialize(const uint8_t** buf_ptr, const uint8_t* end);
uint8_t major_ver;
uint8_t minor_ver;
uint8_t subminor_ver;
} // namespace keymaster