blob: 14311a11d304c10ce43d4ea94e372d9014927d09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "common/expected.h"
#include "perfetto/rx_producer.h"
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sched.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <syscall.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
// TODO: move to perfetto code
namespace perfetto {
namespace consumer {
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, State state) {
switch (state) {
case State::kTraceFailed:
os << "kTraceFailed";
case State::kConnectionError:
os << "kConnectionError";
case State::kSessionNotFound:
os << "kSessionNotFound";
case State::kIdle:
os << "kIdle";
case State::kConnecting:
os << "kConnecting";
case State::kConfigured:
os << "kConfigured";
case State::kTracing:
os << "kTracing";
case State::kTraceEnded:
os << "kTraceEnded";
os << "(unknown)"; // did someone forget to update this code?
return os;
} // namespace consumer
} // namespace perfetto
namespace iorap::perfetto {
PerfettoDependencies::Component PerfettoDependencies::CreateComponent() {
// TODO: read from config.
static const uint32_t kTraceDurationMs =
::android::base::GetUintProperty("iorapd.perfetto.trace_duration_ms", /*default*/5000U);
static const uint32_t kBufferSize =
::android::base::GetUintProperty("iorapd.perfetto.buffer_size", /*default*/4096U);
return fruit::createComponent()
.bind<PerfettoConsumer, PerfettoConsumerImpl>()
.registerProvider([]() /* -> TraceConfig */ {
return CreateConfig(kTraceDurationMs,
::perfetto::protos::TraceConfig PerfettoDependencies::CreateConfig(uint32_t duration_ms,
bool deferred_start,
uint32_t buffer_size) {
::perfetto::protos::TraceConfig trace_config;
auto* ds_config = trace_config.add_data_sources()->mutable_config();
return trace_config;
// RAII-style wrapper around a perfetto handle that calls Destroy
// in a thread-safe manner.
struct PerfettoConsumerHandle {
std::shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumer> consumer_;
PerfettoConsumer::Handle handle_;
// Takes over ownership of the 'handle'.
// Consumer must not be null.
PerfettoConsumerHandle(std::shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumer> consumer,
PerfettoConsumer::Handle handle)
: consumer_{std::move(consumer)},
handle_{std::move(handle)} {
DCHECK(consumer_ != nullptr);
std::shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumer> GetConsumer() const {
return consumer_;
PerfettoConsumer::Handle GetHandle() const {
return handle_;
~PerfettoConsumerHandle() {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PerfettoConsumerHandle::Destroy(" << handle_ << ")";
bool operator==(const PerfettoConsumerHandle& other) const {
return handle_ == other.handle_ && consumer_ == other.consumer_;
bool operator!=(const PerfettoConsumerHandle& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
// Snapshot of a single perfetto OnStateChanged callback.
// Operate on the PerfettoConsumer to further change the state.
// The Handle is kept 'valid' until all references to the PerfettoConsumerHandle
// are dropped to 0. This ensures the Handle is not destroyed too early. All
// direct usages of 'Handle' must be scoped by the PerfettoConsumerHandle.
struct PerfettoStateChange {
using State = ::perfetto::consumer::State;
using Handle = ::perfetto::consumer::Handle;
State state; // Never invalid.
std::shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumerHandle> perfetto_consumer_and_handle; // Never null.
// Safety: Use only within scope of the PerfettoStateChange.
Handle GetHandle() const {
// TODO: it would be even safer to wrap all the calls to the handle inside a class,
// instead of exposing this raw Handle.
return perfetto_consumer_and_handle->GetHandle();
std::shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumer> GetConsumer() const {
return perfetto_consumer_and_handle->GetConsumer();
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const PerfettoStateChange& state_change) {
os << "PerfettoStateChange{" << state_change.state << ","
<< state_change.GetHandle() << ","
<< state_change.GetConsumer().get() << "}";
return os;
// Once created, this acts as a hot observable, emitting 'PerfettoStateChange' transition items.
// Only the 'state' will vary, the handle and perfetto_consumer are always the same value.
// Clients only need to handle the success states in #on_next, all failure states will go to
// #on_error.
// Upon reaching the appropriate terminal states, either #on_completed or #on_error is called.
// No future callbacks will then occur, so this object should be subsequently deleted.
// The Handle is destroyed automatically after the last item is emitted, so it must only be
// manipulated from the #on_next callbacks. Do not save the Handle and use it at other times.
class StateChangedSubject {
using State = ::perfetto::consumer::State;
using Handle = ::perfetto::consumer::Handle;
StateChangedSubject(const ::perfetto::protos::TraceConfig& trace_config,
rxcpp::subscriber<PerfettoStateChange> destination,
std::shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumer> perfetto_consumer)
: deferred_start(trace_config.deferred_start()),
perfetto_consumer_(std::move(perfetto_consumer)) {
DCHECK(perfetto_consumer_ != nullptr);
struct StateChangedError : public std::runtime_error {
explicit StateChangedError(const std::string& what_arg) : std::runtime_error(what_arg) {}
std::shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumerHandle> handle_; // non-null after bound_ == true.
std::atomic<bool> bound_{false}; // synchronize-with for BindHandle -> OnStateChanged.
State last_state{State::kIdle};
bool deferred_start{false};
rxcpp::subscriber<PerfettoStateChange> dest;
std::shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumer> perfetto_consumer_; // This is never null.
void DcheckBadStateTransition(State state, bool fail_unless = false) const {
DCHECK(fail_unless) << "Invalid state transition to " << state << " from " << last_state;
void DcheckValidStateTransition(State state) {
// State must not be out of range.
DCHECK_GE(state, State::kTraceFailed);
DCHECK_LE(state, State::kTraceEnded);
// Internal state that should never leak out into public perfetto API:
DCHECK_NE(state, State::kIdle);
// These can only be returned by PollState:
DCHECK_NE(state, State::kSessionNotFound);
// Validate state transitions as per the perfetto API contract.
// See the 'state diagram' in consumer_api.h
switch (last_state) {
case State::kTraceFailed: // Final and unrecoverable.
// b/122548195: this can transition to 'kConnectionError' if selinux is disabled.
if (state == State::kConnectionError) {
LOG(WARNING) << "b/122548195: kTraceFailed is non-terminal, ignoring.";
// This is a bit awkward: rxcpp will drop the #on_error calls if its more than once.
case State::kConnectionError: // Final and unrecoverable.
case State::kSessionNotFound:
case State::kIdle:
// OK: we initialized our own state to idle prior to the first callback.
case State::kConnecting:
switch (state) {
case State::kConfigured:
// kConfigured, if |deferred_start| == true in the trace config.
DcheckBadStateTransition(state, deferred_start);
case State::kTracing:
// kTracing, if |deferred_start| == false.
DcheckBadStateTransition(state, !deferred_start);
case State::kConnectionError:
// An error state, e.g. if cannot reach the traced daemon.
// Unconditionally invalid state transitions from kConnecting to anything else.
case State::kConfigured:
if (state != State::kTracing // OK: this is documented.
&& state != State::kTraceFailed) { // Undocumented selinux failure.
// Undocumented, but it appears to go directly from Configured->TraceEnded
// it can also go to kTraceFailed if e.g. there's an selinux violation
// however this appears to be underdocumented.
// b/122607276 #2
if (state != State::kTraceEnded) { // b/122607276 #1
case State::kTracing:
switch (state) {
case State::kTraceEnded:
case State::kTraceFailed:
case State::kTraceEnded:
// Cannot transition from terminal state to another state.
// default: This list is exhaustive
constexpr bool IsTerminalState() const {
switch (last_state) {
case State::kTraceFailed:
case State::kConnectionError:
case State::kTraceEnded:
return true;
return false;
// Returns true for non-terminal states (i.e. this callback will be invoked again).
// Returns false otherwise.
bool OnStateChanged(Handle handle, State state) {
using namespace ::perfetto::consumer;
// Block until 'BoundHandle' is called by the other thread.
while (!bound_.load()) {} // seq_cst acquire.
std::shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumerHandle> handle_ptr = handle_;
DCHECK(handle_ptr != nullptr);
DCHECK_EQ(handle_ptr->GetHandle(), handle);
switch (state) {
// Error states (terminal).
case State::kTraceFailed:
case State::kConnectionError:
// Regular transitions (non-terminal).
case State::kConnecting:
case State::kConfigured:
case State::kTracing:
// Regular transitions (terminal).
case State::kTraceEnded: // XX: do we even need to emit the 'TraceEnded' state?
bool force_non_terminal = false;
if (last_state == State::kConfigured && state == State::kConnectionError) {
// b/122548195: this can transition to 'kConnectionError' if selinux is disabled.
force_non_terminal = true;
// This function must 'return true' in this buggy case, otherwise we will
// call the destructor too early and subsequent callbacks will crash.
// Remember the state to validate prior state transitions.
last_state = state;
// The owner of this class should avoid leaking memory once we reach a terminal state.
return !IsTerminalState() || force_non_terminal;
// Thread safety: Called by main thread, terminates the rx stream.
// When this function is invoked, no calls to this class from other threads can occur.
void OnCreateFailed() {
// returned when an invalid handle is passed to PollState().
last_state = State::kSessionNotFound;
EmitError("Create returned kInvalidHandle");
// Thread safety: Called by main thread, this could be concurrent to
// 'CallbackOnStateChanged'.
void BindHandle(const std::shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumerHandle>& handle) {
handle_ = handle;
// Unblock OnStateChanged.; // seq_cst release.
// Thread safety: Called by libperfetto background thread (same one every time).
static void CallbackOnStateChanged(Handle handle, State state, void* callback_arg) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "CallbackOnStateChanged(handle=" << handle << ",state=" << state
<< ",callback_arg=" << callback_arg << ")";
// Validate OnStateChanged callback invariants, guaranteed by libperfetto.
DCHECK_NE(handle, ::perfetto::consumer::kInvalidHandle);
// Note: Perfetto guarantees this callback always occurs on the same thread,
// so we don't need to do any extra thread synchronization here since we are only mutating
// StateChangedSubject from within this function.
// TODO: the memory ordering guarantees should be explicitly specified in consumer_api.h:
// This isn't specific enough:
// "The callback will be invoked on an internal thread and must not block."
// However looking at the implementation it posts onto a single-thread task runner,
// so this must be the case.
StateChangedSubject* state_subject = reinterpret_cast<StateChangedSubject*>(callback_arg);
// This current thread owns 'StateChangedSubject', no other threads must access it.
// Explicit synchronization is not necessary.
if (!state_subject->OnStateChanged(handle, state)) {
// Clean up the state tracker when we reach a terminal state.
// This means that no future callbacks will occur anymore.
delete state_subject;
void EmitError(const std::string& msg) {
// Sidenote: Exact error class does not matter, rxcpp only lets us access the error
// as a string (rxcpp::util::what).
// Either way, the recovery strategy is identical (log then try and restart).
void EmitNext(State state) {
if (WOULD_LOG(VERBOSE) && !dest.is_subscribed()) {
// This is purely for logging: #on_next already filters out items after unsubscription.
LOG(VERBOSE) << "StateChangedSubject#EmitNext(" << state << ") - drop due to unsubscribe";
auto handle_ptr = handle_;
DCHECK(handle_ptr != nullptr);
// Non-null guarantee for the items emitted into this stream.
PerfettoStateChange state_change{state, handle_ptr};
// TODO: inherit from rx subject and handle #unsubscribe explicitly, instead
// of just being subject-like?
// Note: The states will be emitted on a separate thread, so e.g. #as_blocking()
// needs to be used to avoid dropping everything on the floor.
// Important: The #on_error case must be handled explicitly by the observable,
// because the default behavior is to 'throw' which will cause an std::terminate with -fno-except.
static auto /*[observable<State>, shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumerHandle>]*/
CreatePerfettoStateStream(::perfetto::protos::TraceConfig perfetto_config,
std::shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumer> perfetto_consumer) {
auto obs = rxcpp::observable<>::create<PerfettoStateChange>(
[perfetto_config = std::move(perfetto_config), perfetto_consumer = std::move(perfetto_consumer)]
(rxcpp::subscriber<PerfettoStateChange> subscriber) {
std::unique_ptr<StateChangedSubject> state_subject{
new StateChangedSubject{perfetto_config, subscriber, perfetto_consumer}};
// Perfetto API requires a pointer to a serialized protobuf, it doesn't accept
// the code-generated object.
std::string perfetto_config_str = perfetto_config.SerializeAsString();
::perfetto::consumer::Handle handle =
// executes on the same background thread repeatedly.
// inter-thread-move
// perfetto::consumer::Create synchronizes-with OnStateChanged callback, this means
// we don't need to explicitly synchronize state_subject here so long as we don't access
// it on this thread again.
LOG(DEBUG) << "Create Perfetto handle " << handle;
if (handle == ::perfetto::consumer::kInvalidHandle) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create Perfetto handle";
// No callbacks will occur, so our thread still owns the state subject.
std::shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumerHandle> safe_handle{
new PerfettoConsumerHandle{perfetto_consumer, handle}};
// Share ownership of the Handle with the StateSubject.
// This way we defer calling 'Destroy' until the callback reaches a terminal state
// *and* all users of the stream are done with the handle.
// state_subject ownership is taken over by OnStateChanged.
// It will also be touched in a separate thread, so we must never access it here again.
// 'subscriber#add' is actually a call to register an on_unsubscribe listener.
subscriber.add([safe_handle]() {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "PerfettoStateChange#unsubscribe";
// Release our ref-count to the handle.
// safe_handle.reset(); // This happens implicitly.
// TODO: I think this won't handle the case where we need to shut down early.
// Need to use the explicit kShutdown for that?
// TODO: this would be an excellent place to shuffle the perfetto config protobuf
// into a global debug state for dumpsys.
return obs;
template <typename T>
bool BinaryWireProtobuf<T>::WriteFullyToFile(const std::string& path,
bool follow_symlinks) const {
// TODO: it would be great if android::base had a string_view overload to avoid copying
// data into an std::string.
// u g o
// rw-rw----
// Protobufs can be read/written but not executed.
static constexpr const mode_t kMode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP;
int flags =
O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC | O_BINARY | (follow_symlinks ? 0 : O_NOFOLLOW);
android::base::unique_fd fd(TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(path.c_str(), flags, kMode)));
if (fd == -1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "BinaryWireProtobuf::WriteFullyToFile open failed";
return false;
if (!::android::base::WriteFully(fd,, size())) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "BinaryWireProtobuf::WriteFullyToFile write failed";
return CleanUpAfterFailedWrite(path);
return true;
template <typename T>
bool BinaryWireProtobuf<T>::CleanUpAfterFailedWrite(const std::string& path) {
// Something went wrong. Let's not leave a corrupt file lying around.
int saved_errno = errno;
errno = saved_errno;
return false;
template <typename T>
bool BinaryWireProtobuf<T>::WriteStringToFd(int fd) const {
const char* p = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(;
size_t left = size();
while (left > 0) {
ssize_t n = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(write(fd, p, left));
if (n == -1) {
return false;
p += n;
left -= n;
return true;
// explicit template instantiation.
template struct BinaryWireProtobuf<::google::protobuf::MessageLite>;
// TODO: refactor this not to need the template instantiation.
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
// Copy of the 2.6.18 kernel header (linux/ioprio.h)
#define IOPRIO_BITS (16)
#define IOPRIO_PRIO_CLASS(mask) ((mask) >> IOPRIO_CLASS_SHIFT)
#define IOPRIO_PRIO_DATA(mask) ((mask) & IOPRIO_PRIO_MASK)
#define IOPRIO_PRIO_VALUE(class, data) (((class) << IOPRIO_CLASS_SHIFT) | data)
static int ioprio_get(int which, int who) {
return syscall(SYS_ioprio_get, which, who);
static int ioprio_set(int which, int who, int ioprio) {
return syscall(SYS_ioprio_set, which, who, ioprio);
// An rx Coordination, which will cause a new thread to spawn for each new Worker.
// Idle-class priority is set for the CPU and IO priorities on the new thread.
rxcpp::observe_on_one_worker ObserveOnNewIoThread() {
// IO thread factory for idle-priority threads.
// Both the CPU scheduler and the IO scheduler are set to idle.
// Use this when needing to schedule disk access from a normal-priority thread onto a
// very low priority thread, but not so low that we need to use a BackgroundJobScheduler.
struct io_thread_factory {
std::thread operator()(std::function<void()> start) const {
return std::thread{
[start=std::move(start)]() {
// Set IO priority to idle.
do {
int value = ioprio_get(IOPRIO_WHO_PROCESS, /*pid*/0);
if (value == -1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "io_thread_factory failed ioprio_get";
break; // Can't set the ioprio, we don't know what data to use.
int data = IOPRIO_PRIO_DATA(value); // priority level
// This appears to be '4' in practice. We may want to raise to
// be the highest-priority within the idle class.
// idle scheduling class. only access disk when nobody else needs disk.
int res = ioprio_set(IOPRIO_WHO_PROCESS,
if (res < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "io_thread_factory failed ioprio_set";
// Changing the IO priority only has any effect with cfq scheduler:
// $> cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
LOG(VERBOSE) << "ioprio_set(WHO_PROCESS, class=IDLE, data=" << data << ")";
} while (false);
// Set CPU priority to idle.
do {
struct sched_param param{};
param.sched_priority = 0; // Required to be statically 0 when used with SCHED_IDLE.
if (sched_setscheduler(/*pid*/0, // current thread,
/*in*/&param) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "io_thread_factory failed sched_setscheduler";
LOG(VERBOSE) << "sched_setscheduler(self, IDLE)";
} while (false);
// XX: if changing the scheduling is too aggressive (i.e. it causes starvation),
// we may want to stick with the default class and change the nice (priority) levels
// to the minimum.
// TODO: future work, maybe use cgroups configuration file instead?
// Call the rxcpp-supplied code.
static rxcpp::schedulers::scheduler thread_scheduler =
static rxcpp::observe_on_one_worker observe_on_io_thread{thread_scheduler};
return observe_on_io_thread;
static auto/*observable<PerfettoTraceProto>*/
CreatePerfettoStream(rxcpp::observable<PerfettoStreamCommand> input,
std::shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumer> perfetto_consumer,
const ::perfetto::protos::TraceConfig& trace_config) {
// XX: should I also take a scheduler for input here???
auto /*observable<PerfettoStateChange>*/ perfetto_states =
CreatePerfettoStateStream(trace_config, perfetto_consumer);
using State = ::perfetto::consumer::State;
auto/*coordinator*/ serialize_coordinator = rxcpp::observe_on_new_thread();
// Rx note:
// The optimal thing to do would be to have a lock/unlock for an entire subset of a chain.
// This would avoid creating new threads, and could also be used to intentionally block
// the regular C-callback perfetto thread.
// It seems possible to create a coordinator to lock a single operator in a chain, but this
// appears to be unsound. In particular, it doesn't even make life any simpler below because
// it would only apply the synchronization to 'zip' but not 'flat_map' which is unsound.
// There is also the built-in 'serialize_new_thread' which seems to create a new thread but
// then never actually uses it, that seems unfortunate and wasteful.
// Instead, do the simple thing which is create a new thread and always queue on there.
// Execution an action on that worker is itself unsynchronized, but this doesn't matter since
// the worker is only backed by 1 thread (no 2 schedulables can be executed concurrently
// on the 'observe_new_thread' worker).
return input
.tap([](PerfettoStreamCommand command) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "CreatePerfettoStreamCommand#tap(command=" << command << ")";
// Input A, thread tA. Input B, thread tB. Continue execution with (A,B) on thread tC.
.zip(serialize_coordinator, // rest of chain is also executed on the same thread.
// Note: zip terminates when either of the streams complete.
[](std::tuple<PerfettoStreamCommand, PerfettoStateChange> p) {
auto& [command, state_change] = p;
LOG(VERBOSE) << "CreatePerfettoStream#combine("
<< command << "," << state_change << ")";
if (command == PerfettoStreamCommand::kShutdown) {
// Perfetto: Always safe to call ::perfetto::consumer::Destroy
// at any time.
// XX: How do we clean up the StateChangedSubject without racing
// against the callback? It strikes me that we may need a 'kDestroyed'
// state that perfetto can transition to from kConfigured.
LOG(VERBOSE) << "Call Perfetto_Consumer->Destroy";
// XX: Do we even have any guarantees about not getting more callbacks?
// We could just say 'there can still be spurious output after Shutdown'
// and just ignore it (e.g. Shutdown and immediately unsubscribe).
} else if (command == PerfettoStreamCommand::kStartTracing
&& state_change.state == State::kConfigured) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "Call Perfetto_Consumer->StartTracing";
} else if (command == PerfettoStreamCommand::kStopTracing &&
state_change.state == State::kTraceEnded) {
// TODO: if perfetto actually had a 'StopTracing' we could call that here.
// right now we just pretend it exists, but rely on the config timer instead.
::perfetto::consumer::TraceBuffer trace_buffer =
LOG(VERBOSE) << "Perfetto Trace ended"
<< ", addr=" << reinterpret_cast<void*>(trace_buffer.begin)
<< ",size= " << trace_buffer.size;
PerfettoTraceProto wire_proto{trace_buffer.begin, trace_buffer.size};
return rxcpp::observable<>::just(std::move(wire_proto)).as_dynamic();
return rxcpp::observable<>::empty<PerfettoTraceProto>().as_dynamic();
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, PerfettoStreamCommand c) {
switch (c) {
case PerfettoStreamCommand::kStartTracing:
os << "kStartTracing";
case PerfettoStreamCommand::kStopTracing:
os << "kStopTracing";
case PerfettoStreamCommand::kShutdown:
os << "kShutdown";
os << "(unknown)";
return os;
RxProducerFactory::RxProducerFactory(PerfettoDependencies::Injector& injector)
: injector_(injector) {
// TODO: (fruit) maybe this could be streamlined further by avoiding this boilerplate?
rxcpp::observable<PerfettoTraceProto> RxProducerFactory::CreateTraceStream(
rxcpp::observable<PerfettoStreamCommand> commands) {
std::shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumer> perfetto_consumer =
const ::perfetto::protos::TraceConfig& trace_config =
DCHECK(perfetto_consumer != nullptr);
DCHECK(reinterpret_cast<volatile const void*>(&trace_config) != nullptr);
return CreatePerfettoStream(commands,
// For testing/debugging only.
// Saves protobuf results in file name specified by 'arg_output_proto'.
void CollectPerfettoTraceBufferImmediately(
RxProducerFactory& producer_factory,
const std::string& arg_output_proto) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "CollectPerfettoTraceBufferImmediately";
std::shared_ptr<PerfettoConsumer> perfetto_consumer =
const ::perfetto::protos::TraceConfig& trace_config =
producer_factory.injector_.get<const ::perfetto::protos::TraceConfig&>();
auto /*observable<PerfettoStateChange>*/ perfetto_states =
CreatePerfettoStateStream(trace_config, perfetto_consumer);
.as_blocking() // Wait for observable to terminate with on_completed or on_error.
.subscribe(/*on_next*/[&](auto state_change) {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "Perfetto post-processed State change: " << state_change;
using State = ::perfetto::consumer::State;
switch (state_change.state) {
case State::kConnecting:
LOG(VERBOSE) << "Perfetto Tracing is Connecting";
// Transitional state. No-op.
case State::kConfigured:
case State::kTracing:
LOG(VERBOSE) << "Perfetto Tracing started";
// Transitional state. No-op.
case State::kTraceEnded: {
::perfetto::consumer::TraceBuffer trace_buffer =
LOG(VERBOSE) << "Perfetto Trace ended"
<< ", addr=" << reinterpret_cast<void*>(trace_buffer.begin)
<< ",size= " << trace_buffer.size;
if (!arg_output_proto.empty()) {
std::string trace_buffer_str;
trace_buffer.begin + trace_buffer.size,;
if (!android::base::WriteStringToFile(trace_buffer_str, arg_output_proto)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to save TraceBuffer to " << arg_output_proto;
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "TraceBuffer saved to file: " << arg_output_proto;
LOG(INFO) << "To print this in a human readable form, execute these commands:";
LOG(INFO) << "$> adb pull '" << arg_output_proto << "'";
LOG(INFO) << "$> trace_to_text systrace <filename.pb>";
// TODO: something more useful with this TraceBuffer, such as saving it to a file
// and printing the output.
// No other states are possible, because they go to #on_error or cause a dcheck.
DCHECK(false) << "Invalid state: " << state_change;
//INTENTIONAL_COMPILER_ERROR_HERE // lets make sure this code actually does a trace.
}, /*on_error*/[](rxcpp::util::error_ptr err) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Perfetto post-processed state change failed: " << rxcpp::util::what(err);
}, /*on_completed*/[]() {
LOG(VERBOSE) << "Perfetto post-processed State #on_completed";
} // namespace iorap::perfetto