blob: f409fd20c75edac65cc299e6d1bddbadcdc6b75f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "common/cmd_utils.h"
#include "inode2filename/inode_resolver.h"
#include "inode2filename/out_of_process_inode_resolver.h"
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
namespace rx = rxcpp;
namespace iorap::inode2filename {
using ::android::base::unique_fd;
using ::android::base::borrowed_fd;
static const char* GetCommandFileName() {
// Avoid ENOENT by execve by specifying the absolute path of inode2filename.
#ifdef __ANDROID__
return "/system/bin/iorap.inode2filename";
static const char* file_name = nullptr;
if (file_name == nullptr) {
char* out_dir = getenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT");
static std::string file_name_str = out_dir;
if (out_dir != nullptr) {
file_name_str += "/bin/";
} else {
// Assume it's in the same directory as the binary we are in.
std::string self_path;
CHECK(::android::base::Readlink("/proc/self/exe", /*out*/&self_path));
std::string self_dir = ::android::base::Dirname(self_path);
file_name_str = self_dir + "/";
file_name_str += "iorap.inode2filename";
file_name = file_name_str.c_str();
return file_name;
std::error_code ErrorCodeFromErrno() {
int err = errno;
return std::error_code(err, std::system_category());
std::ios_base::failure IosBaseFailureWithErrno(const char* message) {
std::error_code ec = ErrorCodeFromErrno();
return std::ios_base::failure(message, ec);
static constexpr bool kDebugFgets = false;
int32_t ReadLineLength(FILE* stream, bool* eof) {
char buf[sizeof(int32_t)];
size_t count = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(int32_t), stream);
if (feof(stream)) {
// If reaching the end of the stream when trying to read the first int, just
// return. This is legitimate, because after reading the last line, the next
// iteration will reach this.
*eof = true;
return 0;
int32_t length;
memcpy(&length, buf, sizeof(int32_t));
return length;
// The steam is like [size1][file1][size2][file2]...[sizeN][fileN].
std::string ReadOneLine(FILE* stream, bool* eof) {
DCHECK(stream != nullptr);
DCHECK(eof != nullptr);
int32_t length = ReadLineLength(stream, eof);
if (length <= 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "unexpected 0 length line.";
*eof = true;
return "";
std::string str(length, '\0');
size_t count = fread(&str[0], sizeof(char), length, stream);
if (feof(stream) || ferror(stream) || count != (uint32_t)length) {
// error! :(
PLOG(ERROR) << "unexpected end of the line during fread";
*eof = true;
return "";
return str;
static inline void LeftTrim(/*inout*/std::string& s) {
s.erase(s.begin(), std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), [](int ch) {
return !std::isspace(ch);
// Parses an --output-format=ipc kind of line into an InodeResult.
// Returns nullopt if parsing failed.
std::optional<InodeResult> ParseFromLine(const std::string& line) {
// inode <- INT:INT:INT
// line_ok <- 'K ' inode ' ' STRING
// line_err <- 'E ' inode ' ' INT
// result <- line_ok | line_err
std::stringstream ss{line};
bool result_ok = false;
std::string ok_or_error;
ss >> ok_or_error;
if ( {
return std::nullopt;
if (ok_or_error == "K") {
result_ok = true;
} else if (ok_or_error == "E") {
result_ok = false;
} else {
return std::nullopt;
std::string inode_s;
ss >> inode_s;
if ( {
return std::nullopt;
Inode inode;
std::string inode_parse_error_msg;
if (!Inode::Parse(inode_s, /*out*/&inode, /*out*/&inode_parse_error_msg)) {
return std::nullopt;
if (result_ok == false) {
int error_code;
ss >> error_code;
if ( {
return std::nullopt;
return InodeResult::makeFailure(inode, error_code);
} else if (result_ok == true) {
std::string rest_of_line;
ss >> rest_of_line;
// parse " string with potential spaces"
// into "string with potential spaces"
if ( {
return std::nullopt;
const std::string& file_name = rest_of_line;
return InodeResult::makeSuccess(inode, file_name);
return std::nullopt;
struct OutOfProcessInodeResolver::Impl {
Impl() {
// Create the argv we will pass to the forked inode2filename, corresponds to #EmitAll.
std::vector<std::string> CreateArgvAll(const InodeResolverDependencies& deps) const {
std::vector<std::string> argv;
return CreateArgv(deps, std::move(argv));
// Create the argv we will pass to the forked inode2filename, corresponds to
// #FindFilenamesFromInodes.
std::vector<std::string> CreateArgvFind(const InodeResolverDependencies& deps,
const std::vector<Inode>& inodes) const {
std::vector<std::string> argv;
iorap::common::AppendArgsRepeatedly(argv, inodes);
return CreateArgv(deps, std::move(argv));
std::vector<std::string> CreateArgv(const InodeResolverDependencies& deps,
std::vector<std::string> append_argv) const {
InodeResolverDependencies deps_oop = deps;
deps_oop.process_mode = ProcessMode::kInProcessDirect;
std::vector<std::string> argv = ToArgs(deps_oop);
if (iorap::common::GetBoolEnvOrProperty("iorap.inode2filename.log.verbose", false)) {
iorap::common::AppendArgsRepeatedly(argv, std::move(append_argv));
return argv;
// fork+exec into inode2filename with 'inodes' as the search list.
// Each result is parsed into a dest#on_next(result).
// If a fatal error occurs, dest#on_error is called once and no other callbacks are called.
void EmitFromCommandFind(rxcpp::subscriber<InodeResult>& dest,
const InodeResolverDependencies& deps,
const std::vector<Inode>& inodes) {
// Trivial case: complete immediately.
// Executing inode2filename with empty search list will just print the --help menu.
if (inodes.empty()) {
std::vector<std::string> argv = CreateArgvFind(deps, inodes);
EmitFromCommandWithArgv(/*inout*/dest, std::move(argv), inodes.size());
// fork+exec into inode2filename with --all (listing *all* inodes).
// Each result is parsed into a dest#on_next(result).
// If a fatal error occurs, dest#on_error is called once and no other callbacks are called.
void EmitFromCommandAll(rxcpp::subscriber<InodeResult>& dest,
const InodeResolverDependencies& deps) {
std::vector<std::string> argv = CreateArgvAll(deps);
EmitFromCommandWithArgv(/*inout*/dest, std::move(argv), /*result_count*/std::nullopt);
void EmitFromCommandWithArgv(rxcpp::subscriber<InodeResult>& dest,
std::vector<std::string> argv_vec,
std::optional<size_t> result_count) {
unique_fd pipe_reader, pipe_writer;
if (!::android::base::Pipe(/*out*/&pipe_reader, /*out*/&pipe_writer)) {
IosBaseFailureWithErrno("Failed to create out-going pipe for inode2filename")));
pid_t child = fork();
if (child == -1) {
IosBaseFailureWithErrno("Failed to fork process for inode2filename")));
} else if (child > 0) { // we are the caller of this function
LOG(DEBUG) << "forked into a process for inode2filename , pid = " << child;
} else {
// we are the child that was forked
const char* kCommandFileName = GetCommandFileName();
std::stringstream argv; // for debugging.
for (std::string arg : argv_vec) {
argv << arg << ' ';
LOG(DEBUG) << "fork+exec: " << kCommandFileName << " " << argv.str();
// Redirect only stdout. stdin is unused, stderr is same as parent.
if (dup2(pipe_writer.get(), STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) {
// Trying to call #on_error does not make sense here because we are in a forked process,
// the only thing we can do is crash definitively.
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to dup2 for inode2filename";
std::unique_ptr<const char *[]> argv_ptr =
common::VecToArgv(kCommandFileName, argv_vec);
if (execve(kCommandFileName,
(char **)argv_ptr.get(),
/*envp*/nullptr) == -1) {
// Trying to call #on_error does not make sense here because we are in a forked process,
// the only thing we can do is crash definitively.
PLOG(FATAL) << "Failed to execve process for inode2filename";
// This should never return.
// Immediately close the writer end of the pipe because we never use it.
// Convert pipe(reader) file descriptor into FILE*.
std::unique_ptr<FILE, int(*)(FILE*)> file_reader{
::android::base::Fdopen(std::move(pipe_reader), /*mode*/"r"), fclose};
if (!file_reader) {
IosBaseFailureWithErrno("Failed to fdopen for inode2filename")));
size_t actual_result_count = 0;
bool file_eof = false;
while (!file_eof) {
std::string inode2filename_line = ReadOneLine(file_reader.get(), /*out*/&file_eof);
if (inode2filename_line.empty()) {
if (!file_eof) {
// Ignore empty lines.
LOG(WARNING) << "inode2filename: got empty line";
LOG(DEBUG) << "inode2filename output-line: " << inode2filename_line;
std::optional<InodeResult> res = ParseFromLine(inode2filename_line);
if (!res) {
std::string error_msg = "Invalid output: ";
error_msg += inode2filename_line;
LOG(DEBUG) << "inode2filename output-eof";
// Ensure that the # of inputs into the rx stream match the # of outputs.
// This is validating the post-condition of FindFilenamesFromInodes.
if (result_count && actual_result_count != *result_count) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Invalid number of results, expected: " << *result_count;
ss << ", actual: " << actual_result_count;
CHECK(child > 0); // we are in the parent process, parse the IPC output of inode2filename
OutOfProcessInodeResolver::FindFilenamesFromInodes(std::vector<Inode> inodes) const {
return rxcpp::observable<>::create<InodeResult>(
[self=std::static_pointer_cast<const OutOfProcessInodeResolver>(shared_from_this()),
rxcpp::subscriber<InodeResult> s) {
self->impl_->EmitFromCommandFind(s, self->GetDependencies(), inodes);
OutOfProcessInodeResolver::EmitAll() const {
auto self = std::static_pointer_cast<const OutOfProcessInodeResolver>(shared_from_this());
CHECK(self != nullptr);
CHECK(self->impl_ != nullptr);
return rxcpp::observable<>::create<InodeResult>(
[self](rxcpp::subscriber<InodeResult> s) {
CHECK(self != nullptr);
CHECK(self->impl_ != nullptr);
self->impl_->EmitFromCommandAll(s, self->GetDependencies());
OutOfProcessInodeResolver::OutOfProcessInodeResolver(InodeResolverDependencies dependencies)
: InodeResolver{std::move(dependencies)}, impl_{new Impl{}} {
OutOfProcessInodeResolver::~OutOfProcessInodeResolver() {
// std::unique_ptr requires complete types, but we hide the definition in the header.
delete impl_;
} // namespace iorap::inode2filename