blob: fa09eecead6dc9c06003dc69893716bea260f403 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "binder/app_launch_event.h"
#include "binder/dexopt_event.h"
#include "binder/job_scheduled_event.h"
#include "binder/request_id.h"
#include "binder/task_result.h"
#include <android/content/pm/PackageChangeEvent.h>
#include <memory>
namespace android {
class Printer;
} // namespace android
namespace iorap::perfetto {
struct RxProducerFactory;
} // namespace iorap::perfetto
namespace iorap::manager {
// These callbacks are invoked by the EventManager to provide asynchronous notification for the status
// of an event handler.
// Calling 'On_Event' in EventManager should be considered merely to start the task.
// Calling 'OnComplete' here is considered to terminate the request (either with a success or error).
// OnProgress is optional, but if it is called it must be called prior to 'OnComplete'.
// All callbacks for the same request-id are sequentially consistent.
class TaskResultCallbacks {
virtual void OnProgress(iorap::binder::RequestId request_id, iorap::binder::TaskResult task_result) {}
virtual void OnComplete(iorap::binder::RequestId request_id, iorap::binder::TaskResult task_result) {}
virtual ~TaskResultCallbacks() {}
class EventManager {
static std::shared_ptr<EventManager> Create();
static std::shared_ptr<EventManager> Create(
/*borrow*/perfetto::RxProducerFactory& perfetto_factory);
void SetTaskResultCallbacks(std::shared_ptr<TaskResultCallbacks> callbacks);
// Joins any background threads created by EventManager.
void Join();
// Handles an AppLaunchEvent:
// * Intent starts and app launch starts are treated critically
// and will be handled immediately. This means the caller
// (e.g. the binder pool thread) could be starved in the name
// of low latency.
// * Other types are handled in a separate thread.
bool OnAppLaunchEvent(binder::RequestId request_id,
const binder::AppLaunchEvent& event);
// Handles a DexOptEvent:
// Clean up the invalidate traces after package is updated by dexopt.
bool OnDexOptEvent(binder::RequestId request_id,
const binder::DexOptEvent& event);
// Handles a JobScheduledEvent:
// * Start/stop background jobs (typically for idle maintenance).
// * For example, this could kick off a background compiler.
bool OnJobScheduledEvent(binder::RequestId request_id,
const binder::JobScheduledEvent& event);
// Handles a PackageChangeEvent:
// * The package manager service send this event for package install
// update or delete.
bool OnPackageChanged(const android::content::pm::PackageChangeEvent& event);
// Print to adb shell dumpsys (for bugreport info).
void Dump(/*borrow*/::android::Printer& printer);
// A dumpsys --refresh-properties command signaling that we should
// refresh our system properties.
void RefreshSystemProperties(::android::Printer& printer);
// A dumpsys --purge-package <name> command signaling
// that all db rows and files associated with a package should be deleted.
bool PurgePackage(::android::Printer& printer, const std::string& package_name);
// A dumpsys --compile-package <name> command signaling
// that a package should be recompiled.
bool CompilePackage(::android::Printer& printer, const std::string& package_name);
class Impl;
std::unique_ptr<Impl> impl_;
EventManager(perfetto::RxProducerFactory& perfetto_factory);
} // namespace iorap::manager