blob: f391506e3791c6ffab4286fea49321a6a06c5d92 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <utils/FileMap.h>
#ifdef __ANDROID__
#include "incfs_inline.h"
#include "util/map_ptr.h"
namespace android::incfs {
IncFsFileMap::IncFsFileMap() noexcept = default;
IncFsFileMap::IncFsFileMap(IncFsFileMap&&) noexcept = default;
IncFsFileMap& IncFsFileMap::operator =(IncFsFileMap&&) noexcept = default;
IncFsFileMap::~IncFsFileMap() noexcept = default;
const void* IncFsFileMap::unsafe_data() const {
return map_->getDataPtr();
size_t IncFsFileMap::length() const {
return map_->getDataLength();
off64_t IncFsFileMap::offset() const {
return map_->getDataOffset();
const char* IncFsFileMap::file_name() const {
return map_->getFileName();
bool IncFsFileMap::Create(int fd, off64_t offset, size_t length, const char* file_name) {
return Create(fd, offset, length, file_name, true /* verify */);
#ifdef __ANDROID__
static bool IsVerificationEnabled(int fd) {
return isIncFsFd(fd) && isFullyLoaded(fd) != LoadingState::Full;
using data_block_index_t = uint32_t;
static data_block_index_t get_block_index(const uint8_t* ptr, const uint8_t* start_block_ptr) {
return (ptr - start_block_ptr) / INCFS_DATA_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE;
bool IncFsFileMap::Create(int fd, off64_t offset, size_t length, const char* file_name,
bool verify) {
return CreateForceVerification(fd, offset, length, file_name,
verify && IsVerificationEnabled(fd));
bool IncFsFileMap::CreateForceVerification(int fd, off64_t offset, size_t length,
const char* file_name, bool verify) {
map_ = std::make_unique<android::FileMap>();
if (!map_->create(file_name, fd, offset, length, true /* readOnly */)) {
return false;
fd_ = fd;
verification_enabled_ = verify;
if (verification_enabled_) {
// Initialize the block cache with enough buckets to hold all of the blocks within the
// memory-mapped region.
size_t offset_diff = offset % INCFS_DATA_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE;
size_t base_length_ = length + offset_diff;
start_block_offset_ = offset - offset_diff;
start_block_ptr_ = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(map_->getDataPtr()) - offset_diff;
const size_t bucket_count = (base_length_ / INCFS_DATA_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE) / kBucketBits;
loaded_blocks_ = std::vector<std::atomic<bucket_t> >(bucket_count + 1U);
return true;
bool IncFsFileMap::Verify(const uint8_t* const& data_start, const uint8_t* const& data_end,
const uint8_t** prev_verified_block) const {
const data_block_index_t start_index = get_block_index(data_start, start_block_ptr_);
const data_block_index_t end_index = get_block_index(data_end - 1U, start_block_ptr_);
bool success = true;
// Retrieve the set of the required blocks that must be present in order to read the data
// safely.
for (data_block_index_t curr_index = start_index; curr_index <= end_index; ++curr_index) {
const size_t i = curr_index / kBucketBits;
const bucket_t present_bit = 1U << (curr_index % kBucketBits);
std::atomic<bucket_t>& bucket = loaded_blocks_[i];
if (LIKELY(bucket.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) & present_bit)) {
// Touch all of the blocks with pread to ensure that the region of data is fully present.
uint8_t value;
const off64_t read_offset = (curr_index * INCFS_DATA_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE) + start_block_offset_;
if (UNLIKELY(TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(pread64(fd_, &value, 1U, read_offset)) <= 0)) {
success = false;
bucket.fetch_or(present_bit, std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (UNLIKELY(!success)) {
// Log the region of the file that could not be fully loaded.
size_t start_offset = (data_start - start_block_ptr_) + map_->getDataOffset();
size_t end_offset = (data_end - start_block_ptr_) + map_->getDataOffset();
std::string location = file_name() ? base::StringPrintf("path %s", file_name())
: base::StringPrintf("fd %d", fd_);
const std::string message =
base::StringPrintf("region 0x%016zx - 0x%016zx of %s not fully loaded",
start_offset, end_offset, location.c_str());
LOG(WARNING) << message;
return false;
// Update the previous verified block pointer to optimize repeated verifies on the same block.
*prev_verified_block = start_block_ptr_ + (end_index * INCFS_DATA_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE);
return true;
bool IncFsFileMap::Create(int fd, off64_t offset, size_t length, const char* file_name,
bool verify) {
return CreateForceVerification(fd, offset, length, file_name, verify);
bool IncFsFileMap::CreateForceVerification(int fd, off64_t offset, size_t length,
const char* file_name, bool /* verify */) {
map_ = std::make_unique<android::FileMap>();
return map_->create(file_name, fd, offset, length, true /* readOnly */);
bool IncFsFileMap::Verify(const uint8_t* const& /* data_start */,
const uint8_t* const& /* data_end */,
const uint8_t** /* prev_verified_block */) const {
return true;
} // namespace android::incfs