blob: 7aa422a139fb417bd379bcc32975d3b541e577ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.system.keystore2;
import android.system.keystore2.AuthenticatorSpec;
import android.system.keystore2.CreateOperationResponse;
import android.system.keystore2.EphemeralStorageKeyResponse;
import android.system.keystore2.IKeystoreOperation;
import android.system.keystore2.KeyDescriptor;
import android.system.keystore2.KeyMetadata;
* `IKeystoreSecurityLevel` is the per backend interface to Keystore. It provides
* access to all requests that require KeyMint interaction, such as key import
* and generation, as well as cryptographic operations.
* ## Error conditions
* Error conditions are reported as service specific error.
* Positive codes correspond to `android.system.keystore2.ResponseCode`
* and indicate error conditions diagnosed by the Keystore 2.0 service.
* Negative codes correspond to `` and
* indicate KeyMint back end errors. Refer to the KeyMint interface spec for
* detail.
* @hide
interface IKeystoreSecurityLevel {
* This flag disables cryptographic binding to the LSKF for auth bound keys.
* It has no effect non auth bound keys. Such keys are not bound to the LSKF by
* default.
* This function creates a new key operation. Operations are the mechanism by which the
* secret or private key material of a key can be used. There is a limited number
* of operation slots. Implementations may prune an existing operation to make room
* for a new one. The pruning strategy is implementation defined, but it must
* account for forced operations (see parameter `forced` below).
* Forced operations require the caller to possess the `REQ_FORCED_OP` permission.
* ## Pruning strategy recommendation
* It is recommended to choose a strategy that rewards "good" behavior.
* It is considered good behavior not to hog operations. Clients that use
* few parallel operations shall have a better chance of starting and finishing
* an operations than those that use many. Clients that use frequently update their
* operations shall have a better chance to complete them successfully that those
* that let their operations linger.
* ## Error conditions
* `ResponseCode::BACKEND_BUSY` if the implementation was unable to find a free
* or free up an operation slot for the new operation.
* @param key Describes the key that is to be used for the operation.
* @param operationParameters Additional operation parameters that describe the nature
* of the requested operation.
* @param forced A forced operation has a very high pruning power. The implementation may
* select an operation to be pruned that would not have been pruned otherwise to
* free up an operation slot for the caller. Also, the resulting operation shall
* have a very high pruning resistance and cannot be pruned even by other forced
* operations.
* @return The operation interface which also acts as a handle to the pending
* operation and an optional operation challenge wrapped into the
* `CreateOperationResponse` parcelable. If the latter is present, user
* authorization is required for this operation.
CreateOperationResponse createOperation(in KeyDescriptor key,
in KeyParameter[] operationParameters, in boolean forced);
* Generates a new key and associates it with the given descriptor.
* ## Error conditions
* `ResponseCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT` if `key.domain` is set to any other value than
* the ones described above.
* A KeyMint ErrorCode may be returned indicating a backend diagnosed error.
* @param key The domain field of the key descriptor governs how the key will be stored.
* * App: The key is stored by the given alias string in the implicit UID namespace
* of the caller.
* * SeLinux: The key is stored by the alias string in the namespace given by the
* `nspace` field provided the caller has the appropriate access rights.
* * Blob: The key is returned as an opaque KeyMint blob in the KeyMetadata.key.blob
* field of the return value.
* The `alias` field is ignored. The caller must have the `MANAGE_BLOB`
* permission for the targeted `keystore2_key` context given by
* `nspace`. `nspace` is translated into the corresponding target context
* `<target_context>` and `<target_context>:keystore2_key manage_blob` is
* checked against the caller's context.
* @param attestationKey Optional key to be used for signing the attestation certificate.
* @param params Describes the characteristics of the to be generated key. See KeyMint HAL
* for details.
* @param flags Additional flags that influence the key generation.
* See `KEY_FLAG_*` constants above for details.
* @param entropy This array of random bytes is mixed into the entropy source used for key
* generation.
* @return KeyMetadata includes:
* * A key descriptor that can be used for subsequent key operations.
* If `Domain::BLOB` was requested, then the descriptor contains the
* generated key, and the caller must assure that the key is persistently
* stored accordingly; there is no way to recover the key if the blob is
* lost.
* * The generated public certificate if applicable. If `Domain::BLOB` was
* requested, there is no other copy of this certificate. It is the caller's
* responsibility to store it persistently if required.
* * The generated certificate chain if applicable. If `Domain::BLOB` was
* requested, there is no other copy of this certificate chain. It is the
* caller's responsibility to store it persistently if required.
* * The `IKeystoreSecurityLevel` field is always null in this context.
KeyMetadata generateKey(in KeyDescriptor key, in @nullable KeyDescriptor attestationKey,
in KeyParameter[] params, in int flags, in byte[] entropy);
* Imports the given key. This API call works exactly like `generateKey`, only that the key is
* provided by the caller rather than being generated by KeyMint. We only describe
* the parameters where they deviate from the ones of `generateKey`.
* @param keyData The key to be imported. Expected encoding is PKCS#8 for asymmetric keys and
* raw key bits for symmetric keys.
* @return KeyMetadata see `generateKey`.
KeyMetadata importKey(in KeyDescriptor key, in @nullable KeyDescriptor attestationKey,
in KeyParameter[] params, in int flags, in byte[] keyData);
* Allows importing keys wrapped with an RSA encryption key that is stored in AndroidKeystore.
* ## Error conditions
* `ResponseCode::KEY_NOT_FOUND` if the specified wrapping key did not exist.
* @param key Governs how the imported key shall be stored. See `generateKey` for details.
* @param wrappingKey Indicates the key that shall be used for unwrapping the wrapped key
* in a manner similar to starting a new operation with create.
* @param maskingKey Reserved for future use. Must be null for now.
* @param params These parameters describe the cryptographic operation that shall be performed
* using the wrapping key in order to unwrap the wrapped key.
* @param authenticators When generating or importing a key that is bound to a specific
* authenticator, the authenticator ID is included in the key parameters.
* Imported wrapped keys can also be authentication bound, however, the
* key parameters were included in the wrapped key at a remote location
* where the device's authenticator ID is not known. Therefore, the
* caller has to provide all of the possible authenticator IDs so that
* KeyMint can pick the right one based on the included key parameters.
* @return KeyMetadata see `generateKey`.
KeyMetadata importWrappedKey(in KeyDescriptor key, in KeyDescriptor wrappingKey,
in @nullable byte[] maskingKey, in KeyParameter[] params,
in AuthenticatorSpec[] authenticators);
* Allows getting a per-boot wrapped ephemeral key from a wrapped storage key.
* ## Error conditions
* `ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED` if the caller does not have the
* `ConvertStorageKeyToEphemeral` or the `ManageBlob` keystore2_key permissions
* `ResponseCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT` if key.domain != Domain::BLOB or a key.blob isn't specified.
* A KeyMint ErrorCode may be returned indicating a backend diagnosed error.
* @param storageKey The KeyDescriptor with domain Domain::BLOB, and keyblob representing
* the input wrapped storage key to convert
* @return byte[] representing the wrapped per-boot ephemeral key and an optional upgraded
* key blob.
EphemeralStorageKeyResponse convertStorageKeyToEphemeral(in KeyDescriptor storageKey);
* Allows deleting a Domain::BLOB key from the backend underlying this IKeystoreSecurityLevel.
* While there's another function "deleteKey()" in IKeystoreService, that function doesn't
* handle Domain::BLOB keys because it doesn't have any information about which underlying
* device to actually delete the key blob from.
* ## Error conditions
* `ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED` if the caller does not have the permission `DELETE`
* for the designated key, or the "MANAGE_BLOB" permission to manage
* Domain::BLOB keys.
* `ResponseCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT` if key.domain != Domain::BLOB or key.blob isn't specified.
* A KeyMint ErrorCode may be returned indicating a backend diagnosed error.
* @param KeyDescriptor representing the key to delete.
void deleteKey(in KeyDescriptor key);